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tv   Shift - Living in the Digital Age  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2018 9:45pm-10:01pm CEST

9:45 pm
you cannot put it on. side by. people who put big dreams on the big story. movie magazines on the damage. shift living in the digital age coming up photogenic city. virtual dissection. and the super mario crash goals but first controversial database the polish government recently launched an online register for sex offenders is it an appropriate precautionary measure or an invasion of privacy in poland the move has widespread public support. the polish
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government calls the new online register a breakthrough in efforts to protect children against paedophiles. the personal data of about eight hundred convicted sex offenders can be viewed on the justice ministry website. it provides information on paedophiles and rapists including their id photographs their crimes and sentencing and their current address. surveys show seventy percent of poll support the move. away because we're setting up a. ritual i think if everyone visited the page they would certainly reduce the number of such crimes in the future you have a phone or your good to me if you'd accessible to the public these people committed a crime so why not let it go when your party everyone should know what these people look like so they can be on their guard. out of the wrong crowd of you and i think it's wrong. so very many paedophile priests were not added to this registry you're
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so strong in my opinion your stories are just trying to drive everyone crazy. like yourself after you were to. say the aim is to protect children but there is debate as to whether the measure is an effective instrument in preventing crime opponents also criticize that the registry includes individuals who have already served their sentences and undergone therapy human rights organizations call it a severe breach of privacy. i think such public for. all of those people who have been convicted but who have finished their sentence. and who want to live as normal people and start a new life some public sector employees are required to use the database school principals must check that recruits do not have a criminal record if they don't employees face
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a fine or even prison sentence. parents move follows an example set by the united states which is publish the information of. sex offender since two thousand and five. the public can use an app to check whether a convicted sex offender lives in their neighborhood or for an offenders address the freedom of information act guarantees access to court records. experts like clodius order call it an invasion of privacy that merely serves to sow public concern. if the state says we're releasing names will warn you about sex offenders it's indirectly calling on the public to take matters into its own. on the one hand it's a statement of the all forty's powerlessness and on the other a call on the public to act as if i don't see it reducing the price we feel it's normal in the sense of security. in germany
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also has a registry for sex offenders but it's not public access to so-called certificates of good conduct is strictly regulated school and kindergarten teachers need one. they are private german web provide is that of free information by analyzing public police records however the offenders remain anonymous. and that's not the case in the us websites an absolute bad information on sex offenders and other criminals sometimes foresee the list includes names and pictures but what impact do such digital databases have on society is for them even if instead of integration it leads to marginalize ation and that in turn creates a negative aggressive identification among the rest of society to go in the sense of if we stand together against the rest of society. this kind of polarize ation i'm division is of no use to anyone. in. it.
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but. i think. it's a matter of time. the polish ministry of justice would not comment relations between the e.u. and poland are already strained the databank is another point of contention. shifts as everyone has the right to private. and now it's time for rush if ranking the most popular instagram cities in twenty seventy in fifth place is stan bull the turkish megacities bustling with life on and off line the hash tag boasts fifty point two million posts but instead of classic city snapshots they mostly show every day life from a visit to the silo to the newest pajamas. in
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full of places dubai with fifty nine point six million posts in the largest city of the united arab emirates even the moon seems to shine brighter shores are especially popular. in third place paris beautiful people fantastic food and plenty of flair seventy five million photos and videos can attest to that even the flurries of snow are enchanting in the city of love. at number two new york city with eighty eight point five million posts next to sky lines the most popular images are of wacky new yorkers and their pants no wonder the big apple is so ensuring lead popular. truck to only buy this weeks when our london eighty eight point eight million posts proves there's plenty of sites to see here and a peek at the royal family is the icing on the cake. the fifth ranking and now.
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virtual reality in medicine three d. images of the human body rendered from computer tomography data the swiss technology is also useful for educational purposes. if they tool dissection at the university of basel here aspiring doctors can learn all about human anatomy with the headsets. they're going to students. and follow the visual exploration on a screen. this way students can look at organs blood vessels and bones from all different angles. to help students have a controller to enter and freely explore the body. to anatomy professor. this new technology is
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a valuable asset. see how many young so while you sit us the minute they put on their headset they realize they're dealing with something three dimensional was a theme inside not just. this three d. technology is also helpful in the preparation of complicated procedures. doc take legally your is getting ready for a difficult spinal surgery. and sit out all the you can see a fracture in little vertebral artery on the left side of the seventh fish and how everything is slipped forward now i'll have another look from the front of the former. here the surgeon can conduct an exploration from every conceivable angle to get a detailed picture of the patient's condition valuable inside a head of the operation. in their cars. c.t. images only provide cross sections and i need to picture the three dimensional anatomy marcelle. here i can see everything. where the dangerous structures are
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but i shouldn't challenge all of what is hidden behind the. back at the university the professor and his students are amazed by the new technology. however virtual the sections can never fully replace the real thing. that can help but i intend on push there are other structures in the body such as fatten connective tissue things that are really displayed in these three d. renderings. and there's also a psychological emotional aspect to consider. because no simulation can prepare students for the first encounter with a real. shift says an innovative v.i.i. placation. the now short and sweet the shift snapshot.
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russia turkey mexico all around the world journalists activists an artist face persecution and oppression with its new online platform d.w. freedom germany's international broadcaster aims to encourage independent media and freedom of speech d.w. freedom provides international networking opportunities users can draw attention to civil rights violations on the website and social media pages we want you to engage in an open dialogue on the meaning of free speech and the import of a free press. support freedom of expression and access to free and independent media as a basic human rights. these rights must be guaranteed worldwide that was snapshot that i'll want to find out more about the digital world then check out our facebook page g w digital here you'll find all the latest news and trends as well
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as interesting apps exciting new gadgets and useful chucho orioles' and don't miss our shift reports lycos post your comments and let us hear what you think here at the new teacher told. and as always we leave shift through the exit internet find of the week this time real pain real life super mario out that really hurts the acrobatic llama is shaking up new york but unlike in the video games not every stop here ends well. you tube a crowed catch has transported the figure into the city of grand theft auto just like in the games accidents up back down to happen.
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next time on shift many hieroglyphs have yet to be deciphered in our research is how to decode the complex pictograms with the help of artificial intelligence the idea was born during the development of a computer game tutorial off to ancient egypt next week on shift. live to surf. danger lurks in the mall heard we were there. surfing waste and move and polluted water. basically if this is his goal as long as the backup of the initial goal of the official.
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is we do see it saturday or somewhere every day more and more probably shoeshine it seems to me everything claims the wind has to give something back i feel obliged to those. point waves surfers fighting against unseen pollution in the sea starts july fourteenth on the w. . l. . far from. and before cutting i think the bathtub was there for. the last half i had an outdoor first but as i walk up and go up close.
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thank you i'm. a parent who has family i'm a loner. and in the cold war. i will follow the army but the market. or in the air my i was. well aware making. almost the gallow of them what am i. what i meant. there's no our. saying.
10:00 pm
this is g.w. news why the from berlin tonight found and a lot after nine days trapped. underground. burger. tiny baby seals have released this footage of the moment that they reach twelve voice and their football coach trapped in a flooded king tonight we've learned that all of reportedly say the focus now is on how to get them out also coming up christ.


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