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tv   Made in Germany - The future of work  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2018 6:30am-7:00am CEST

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alongside many other photos of people who were abused raped women and. to one wanted children out of the nomination of. the winning documentary starts june fourteenth mon d w. when i first came to germany the dictionary was my best friend i used to write down every knew what i learnt it was tedious but i knew i wouldn't get by my job without learning the language i had to change changing course that's what we're talking about on today show it started for me by learning the word for squirrel ice in it
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sounds ugly doesn't it and such a cute creature i also had to learn the culture dog that took even longer but that was when i integrated and finally understood the germans as well as their language from a very different perspective if saudi arabia wants to understand the rest of the world and profit from interconnected global community it's going to have to make some big change it's not just cosmetic ones like opening cinemas and allowing women to drive allowing women into the workforce is a huge step that will prove a massive economic stimulus they all depended saudis have been trying to wean themselves off crude production for a while now with oil prices still relatively low introducing reforms bit by bit moving away from their very cushy welfare state but they're in for a bumpy ride reports. how do you put on a headscarf it's my first time in saudi arabia in riyadh wearing a headscarf is mandatory. fits the thirty five degree sell side is if you've got
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just that right yeah yeah this is really you know it's really hard. this is glow work a recruitment company for saudi women. there is no gender in success it says right here at a little work but the strict segregation of gender is one of the biggest challenges to overcome even here at a global it females can not mix with the opposite sex you see here and in one room and women are separated in another room. the founder of go work tells me separate places are set up for women to respect their privacy but he sounds greater interaction would actually improve the output the only thing that king is the social barrier of the communication gap between men and women once that's over then we'll start seeing more integration of women into the labor market the agency is deferred stopped for international visitors wanting to be women here probably name
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some foreign politicians this is frank. came to our office two years back we have john mccain senator the agency connects saudi women of a the retail consulting or manufacturing companies and it wants to re brand the image of saudi women. living abroad and says that she's suppressed and if she cares about her country should come back and do something about it because today is the time for change. ma hollis mana wants to be part of that change she's one of the few willing to show her face on camera something that's traditionally considered indecent she's twenty four and in turn studying marketing i think it's difficult for everyone whether they're female or males so i mean it's just because very new to this and we're trying to find jobs it's a kid i mean it's it's the same i think i don't think there is much difference but there is one third of working age saudi women are employed that's nearly six times
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higher than the unemployment rate among men the country can't afford that saudi arabia's sudden focus on women is part of patient twenty thirty a government plan to create jobs in the private sector and diversify the economy it can no longer rely on oil revenues alone prices and demand are more top saudi arabia needs to tap into new sectors like the service industry tourism and technology now in jeddah a city on the coast less conservative than riyadh it's more open to change here i can take off my headscarf progress in saudi arabia tends to happen here first take this taxi company for example it wants to hire female drivers though the ban on the women driving hasn't even been lifted yet i feel the change has been happening to us. no one is actually believing it you know what used to be like a turbo on no no in the past is now just. legal just life
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so far every driver here is male as of july women will finally be allowed to drive themselves. at the beginning are you still a get a lot of. concerns from aadmi captains they're like are we going to shut down you know. you know seventy percent of our customer base i'd woman i don't think that this woman driving. really impact the healing industry in saudi it's floor shing everywhere but segregation is miserable even in this elevator for women only it's a question of decency unmarried women are not supposed to mix with men on the way to my next stop of course i'm not allowed to drive in saudi arabia a woman's independence depends largely on her male guardians willingness to relinquish control and my driver doesn't mind that women will soon be allowed to
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drive. why. it's a good thing it's their decision and they want to drive. maybe they need money now would like to work as a driver. while travelling through the kingdom i sense a lot of euphoria among women pursuing independence and greater self determination . this is seventeen year old north she wants to become a pilot one day for now she's working in a food truck her father encourages her to make her own money and be independent. so. how do you think about the future for women in saudi arabia. it's to increase the future will be good it will be more equal between men and women going to and women will be able to develop more than men. oh i says they've started to do some really good things for women within me in this up.
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who listen to some music you like. or a strange feel like you don't know yet listening to music in public that's also new in saudi arabia it's only when the camera is off that these women dared to tell me that their level of freedom still depends on their male chaperons. another nation undergoing economic reforms is morocco a country. waged between two continents africa and europe it's not pleasing both but as a key crossing point morocco is crucial in controlling the stream of migrants from other parts of africa trying to reach europe to start a better life some escaping political unrest war economic downturns for moroccans finding a job at home can also be a struggle even with skills which is where occupational training can play a pot. in general it's really hard to
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find a job in the whole of the so you need like to be peaceful. like because al for telling the truth people young people and helpful it is not a lifetime job or something it will give them more experience to the really work. because a moroccan term for bicycle and also the name of this project which has been going on for two years now bikes are giving young people here opportunities for reading. is twenty two she studies english just like some procedure they've been working part time a few color for around twelve months to do so you have to know bikes everyone here speaks english he saw bikes combining the skills i want to improve my actions and my languages and also like to. learn about mechanical stuff the project is based in the heart of historic america she. can tell you from the
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netherlands set up the social project she views bikes as a great way to get where you're going in every sense. sixty five percent of the population is on the d.h. of thirty one years old and there's a big number of youth that is unemployed and there's also like an education so what we're really trying to do is get them involved they're physically very strong they're active the bus school is very sensible for this group of people and we want to create jobs and education opportunities related. to the bike and that is really corresponds with the age and the spirit of young people. taking part in the project for another reason as well. you know how to deal with people with it or especially because well this is late to a sick city you know how to deal with them to talk to them so you. help not only.
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america cashes a popular tourist destination but many visitors to the city tend to explore it by horse and carriage on the list of must see sights the famous jim square in the medina. the condo wants to get those tourists out and about with an attraction that mara cash has rarely offered before bike tours. sometimes seal and the other guides here show their groups all the best known landmarks but also a side of the city they'd otherwise never see and that's drawing more and more fans . take their charges into the hustle and bustle of america to places where carriages and taxis never com. relate stories of daily life that don't appear in guidebooks and bring them to some unusual locations. like this typical bakery which bakes the bread for the entire neighborhood it's a great place to just sit and gossip for a while. until now become
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a has received aid from the foundation but in the future the project organizers hope it will become self-supporting. that bike tours are growing increasingly popular. in two thousand and seventeen when we just do we tours it was very just like like we have to. for the whole week but nowadays we start like i think that's very well. thanks for everyone who like. to be in disposition. and the bike enthusiastic sworn to pass on the idea other cities have already asked to set up programs they are as well. the success shows it's worth pursuing new ideas. or hearing. from bicycle tours of america and female taxi drivers in saudi arabia to cruising
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the oceans of our planet but without leaving such a smelly carbon footprint behind if you've been before those cruise line is belt out a heap of smoke it's something the head of business the claridge confronted the boss of the tour operator to with they met up in the german capital. the brandenburg gate in berlin an ideal back drop selfies and great shots a fifth of the visitors here are international tourists. in the e.u. and this is the million visitors descend on berlin every year so many fly here from the u.s. and from asia and they make their way here to perry's a plan to see the brandenburg gate this is also home to. europe's largest tourism agency.
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isn't tourism on such a mass scale harmful to the environment. back to its of course a tourism company so when did you last take a vacation. holiday was last year when i took a cruise. it was wonderful i'm a big fan of christmas. you're also environmental officer were you constantly thinking about that on your cruise checking if everything met the green standards you'd expect them to eat. sustainability plays a major role in the holiday experience and of course in planning. looking at our cruise ships today we have the most modern fleet in the industry. ranking by the
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german conservation. ships are the most environmentally friendly in the industry they fill some more toxic substances during combustion competitors have fired lloyd and aida even so he receives one point five out of four points on their environmental ranking. do you think that customers are concerned whether a company is green or at least attempting to be environmentally friendly. price play a greater role. i think sustainability is important to people from most western countries that's a philosophy we take with us to our destination. and indeed according to a global study more than a third of respondents said they had stayed in an eco friendly hotel and more than two thirds would opt for green accommodation if it was clearly identified as such. but honestly wouldn't it be better if people didn't go on holiday if they stayed
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home and hung out on the balcony wouldn't that be best for the environment. no i don't think that at all. tourism is one of the most important sources of income for many countries in the world. it's vital of course that we work closely with destination countries. create is a great example of. farmers they are now being helped to grow produce sustainably which has given rise to the development of cooperatives. so the result is that they produce enough wine and all of oil to supply the hotels. this is a great example of marrying environmental sustainability and social responsibility to support the local economy. that's greenwashing that an industry of this scale with mass to resume huge hotels high water consumption garbage can't be environmentally friendly what would you say. these are
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just words greenwashing as a buzz word i think mass tourism is to in today's world there are. maybe less mass tourism now but that hasn't affected the overall numbers since one thousand nine hundred. doubled the tourism industry is responsible for close to one tenth of global c o two emissions. do people really need to travel all over the place. sinful in a world with so much chaos and political discord and i think it's a good thing that people are traveling and taking an interest in other cultures other countries want to get a firsthand impression. and look for shuffle. talking about traveling easily is a place i could go to every summer the climate food the people the languages music to my is actually
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a lot of germans do go there every year my extended family here does the german chancellor is a big fan and is a flourishing startup scene around seven thousand eight hundred of them have sprung up over the past few years mostly in milan although entrepreneurs complain about bureaucracy and getting their hands on capital thanks to the wildly italian banks they're also worried about developments in rome where a new government is set on increasing welfare spending despite high state did it time for some shopping there. so now i'm entering the store. material esposito develops virtual reality software for retailers his company is based in milan italy a country he says isn't up to speed in all respects you know immediately when you're talking about food facial and design know all is ok when you're talking about technology. is different esposito says the internet is too slow
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and the red tape too cumbersome and there are other problems as well in the world bank's ease of doing business and backs italy ranks forty sixth behind romania it can also be a challenge to raise capital in italy maybe we don't have these and tertiary colleges are now and so if you want to do technology maybe you need the great investments and here the taxation is high and it's difficult to to raise funding since so maybe counties that are more profitable more of them more easy then the that the financial crisis took a heavy toll on italy's economy which is still struggling last year it posted one and a half percent growth far below the e.u. average the gap between rich and poor has grown. steadily know has a new euro skeptic government many are frustrated and feel the e.u.
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has forgotten them but there is one bright spot start ups especially in milan it's italy's financial and industrial capital and home to some four thousand eight hundred startups milan is also the birthplace of one of europe's leading online wealth management firms money farm it was set up in two thousand and eleven co-founder paolo gave money raise twenty five million euros of venture capital though not all of it in italy. we should always be in to become a european player so. when we started we started immediately but then of course the move to long was in some way needed for a series of elements or lack of capital for instance. looking for capital to scale the combine it was. or was basically the only way of making it it was was tools for u.k. but gov honey says doing business in italy is no better than it used to be the previous
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government changed the country's labor laws to make it easier to set up innovative companies and he says milan is at the forefront. is becoming more a kind of an examples that the rest of you the least trying to just like call pm move in that direction so. i perceive me. as a more as a leader rather than called back by the overall situation. italy's economic future will also depend on which reforms the new government introduces its pledge to lower taxes raise welfare benefits and reduce the retirement age but there's little concrete help for young entrepreneurs and yet that's urgently needed around a third of young people in italy are unemployed. businessmen mattio esposito believes in technology with a made in italy label. the system developed by esposito and his team of fifteen
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has made it to market even though conditions for start ups may not be optimal. the united states i can't. in twenty four hours i can have a yes or no or two days and here maybe i take weeks or months to see this gap. but i don't feel stuck in the here i'm proud to be here milan startups could send a signal to the rest of the country that it's still possible to achieve success in italy all you need is the right ideas to create new opportunities. and talking about new opportunities the video game industry is finally asking where all the women are the gap is shrinking game developers realizing close to half their customers are females plus it's a multi billion dollar business time to cash in on the craze is kristina.
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must know that more than one hundred billion dollars a year that's how much the video game industry is worth well why. in the world of video games is a world made by men. i guess one thought of a musclebound of characters at the summit is this because i love it but i guess it is in the role as an all male that one but the industry isn't stupid after all women and girls play to. put up with it as a rule of women feature either as victims and supporting roles or as villains but that's my niece and that's always you down to your dress and the ways desirable that this is. is this thought in the games industry only one in five developers is a woman although that number is increasing every year so should women seek to change the stereotypes or create
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a parallel gaming world for women that are so. i'm talking to turkish games producers see my dream the founder of women in gangs choky . how could we get more women into this industry new role models just say hey just i did it and you can make it you can take your discipline and make great games in terms of world and you can use your local culture and you can make a global impact why did you decide to work in the games industry i was started gaming like when i was five with the pershing i was really really good gamer and after that the game boy to your knowledge mark mario are still under of beings and
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of course my mom told me that i have to quit and because i'm not that's a good role model to my brother so i after many years i graduated from business and this for a sharon in his family in our city and i traveled almost charted countries when i came back to turkey my brother was a fumes are active and his. hard to produce. cinema restart to produce movies but to me weren't happy at all because our passion was in the gaming industry and the stuff that ok let's do the more beilby and let's do the let's take the cinema into the mob you told us only twenty two percent of women are working in development what is it was seventy five per cent of women were inside the art really think of the story wars boy is gone dog me mad about me just really rating those days with the wii are not dating like before the seventy five percent rating for to be killed in this industry because as you'll see that when you look at the
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games there used to be like hardcore games like the war. fighting but random woman was entering in this game day i want to focus on the educational problems they want to use their games in the high school universities they want to like use their local costume for the global impact i believe they are impact is like a tremendous fall that it will be at two in one swoop in the future economy six years many gamers a sexist mile and a racist a big industry clearly has a problem women part of the solution i certainly think they can help us what do you think sometimes we do again is just games that's what i like saturation the problem . prince of persia i wasn't five any more next time.
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the book. the germans came together with him on. the bridge and presumably to morrow finish up the feature the enemy always shall never see one i'm above the rebellion against austria and turn crushed up into a insuperably. the germans. d.w. . more. to
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. be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers everyone of . summoning is just down the children who have already been there. and those that will follow are part of a new. they could be the future of. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made from minds. climate change. pollution. isn't it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing nowhere meant for the better to us to make a difference let's inspire each other. the environment magazine. on t.w.
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. christ's against humanity. civilians become a witness of. god. their recorded images travel around the globe just social media. the damned the fictional what is fact. digital investigators combing through the flood of images they combine sources trying to reconstruct what happened and substantiate claims of crimes first thanks to this video recording of a soldier who shot the young man is on trial now. forensics between bits and bytes. i think again. the evidence. is of the chance a because justice is about the truth. truth
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detectives starts june thirtieth on t.w. . u.s. president donald trump's announcement at the end of his summit with north korean dictator kim jong un that he would halt military exercises with south korea reportedly surprised not only seoul but his own military commanders in washington the move is considered a major concession and trump has been calling it a significant cost saving measure. the nationalist cleric solder an iranian backed militias chief of hadi along.


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