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tv   Focus on Europe - Spotlight on People  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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and steered by courageous decisions he must treat. the germans starting may thirteenth on d w. a a. a low and a very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me peter craven now he is accused of stirring up anti immigrant sentiment he's a fierce opponent of much of what the e.u. stands for he is viktor orban the old and new prime minister of hungary but protesters have been taking to the streets accusing obama and his far right
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feet as party of thora tarion ism nepotism and widespread corruption and also calling for a return to full democracy and freedom of expression. but obama isn't likely to be impressed by such protests and the intimidation of the opposition has meanwhile reached a new level with the publication of what's being described as a blacklist of two hundred activists academics journalists and others a reporter franco fan has met with one of them. this cafe doubles as much as office he meets up with fellow civil rights activists here they spent months organizing panel discussions with opposition party candidates during the hunger in election campaign. they didn't have the chance to promote their ideas for developers but sold out because the state media the public media is occupied by the figure by the government by recent years have seen victor all bands right wing
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regime ordering a crackdown on under his free press in april his free desperately was reelected by a landslide the shocking of it lead off once i realized that this is this is something serious that's because martin who uses name suddenly appeared on a list of people branded as enemies of the governing party it was published by a few desk friendly weekly figure to be bought at any newspaper kiosk the list includes many young guardians who fought for democracy and free speech like mark don't go yes. they all stand accused of accepting funds from george soros is open society foundation the billionaire and human rights advocate became fidesz his main target during the election campaign and was vilified on posters across the country many observers see anti semitic undertones behind the campaign against soros who was born into a jewish young carrion family in budapest since the fall of the iron curtain his foundations of supported the development of democracies in former communist
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countries in eastern europe. hungary is right wing populist prime minister philanthropist george soros is public enemy number one. the you. know you the biggest danger is that millions of immigrants saw threatening us from the south. under leaders of europe joined up with the billionaire speculator not to defend the borders but and let in the immigrants. after their big victory in hungary's parliamentary elections for disses talking about taking revenge on its opponents such as montana. we pay a visit to feed the orbán friendly weekly that published a list of names so don't caselli has a political analyst there or do you have a copy of the issue with the soros list. it's pretty much sold out. yes it's well and truly sold out that issue. boosting circulation through stigmatization there's
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just a single copy left here who said he doesn't see any problem with publishing the controversial list. all we did was tally up the organizations that are supported by the open society thought ation and collect the publicly available data about their top ranking employees in a list as a trigger for discussions with you. and if you get over the world is divided into good indeed of all us against them organizations that help refugees are targeted it's funny. we have this one here we had a cover made like the islamic state flag to show that they support these policies. and the next step equating the remount human rights activist from the un garion helsinki committee with yes terrorists it's clearly a profitable strategy to get all his expanding unlike conservative paper majority limit through his former staff for holding a meeting in a restaurant publication ceased in april when its boss louis the misca fell out
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with viktor orban back in two thousand and fifteen the former deputy editor in chief and his team were once fredette supporters now or banners even targeting conservative outlets and going with us the current regime isn't conservative if you understand the term conservative as people who are serious about upholding traditional values we believe this is an extremely corrupt and anti democratic system you know that people wish i had written in a slump because many firms are only supporting profi desk media but some board isn't ruling to give up and together with a small team is founding a new paper. yosh the men on the blacklist also hopes to make a new start. we should be opening you a story which is not be of just an anti organism not just the refusal of the government policies but fulfilling your story beats will be. attractive enough to be a then you might generate heat iran story. he hopes to do that sometime in the future
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but go yasha has to be careful what he says and does in public now he's been put on a blacklist as one of the mercenaries supposedly out to topple the government. italy is once again facing a political shambles with no new government in sight after the election in march little hope therefore of reforms and an economic upswing hardest hit are italy's young people in the south of the country the myths are gian or the unemployment rate among young women and men is around fifty percent and one of the few ways to come even close to getting a job is to undertake an all night bus journey to the more prosperous north of the country they call it a journey of hope but the chances of success are minimal. long distance bus journeys are often associated with holiday destinations this one does not. it's four in the afternoon and salerno south of naples in the med so draw no.
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twenty seven passengers are waiting to board like tens of thousands before them they are embarking on a so-called journey of hope across italy to turin where a hospital has advertised five open jobs for nurses around five thousand candidates are expected to compete for the vacancies this group will travel thirty long hours to sit the assessment exams. our troops are in high demand it's not exactly travelling and comfort but customers get to the assessment centers directly without having to change buses. and since we drive back immediately after the exam they don't have to pay for a hotel. the journey begins at sunset a large part of the eight hundred kilometer round trip will take place at night and it's hard to get comfortable enough to sleep but once the passengers reach their destination and the exam room will have to be in top form a return journey cost seventy year as the risk of that money will have been spent
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in vain as hi everyone here knows their chances are worse than one in a thousand. since i'll be really tired when we arrive last time was more relaxed because i took the train and spent the night but i can't spend two hundred euros each time i sit in the exam. and route the bus stops to collect more applicants like here in toto greco where twenty four year old just simply i don't know if he climbs support he too dreams of landing a job in northern italy. he qualified as a nurse back in two thousand and six currently he's freelancing as an ambulance driver a situation he isn't happy with journeys of hope like these show just how difficult it is to get a proper job in southern italy. at it i'm going to having a permanent contract would give me all the things i don't have now like paid
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vacation times or sick pay all the rights a working person should be entitled to do you. need to go over there to go to a. long distance job seeking has become common in today's deadly everyone here has the same wish to have a steady job. the next morning inter and five thousand hopefuls have gathered outside a rented gymnasium where they'll have to sit two exams in a few short hours. with almost every second young italian unemployed in the mets. many felt this was their only option. applicants for the five vacancies won't know the results of the second exam for a few days. so even those who were not eliminated after the first test will have an anxious journey home. for this time was harder than
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before there were two exams i didn't pass the first one and couldn't finish the second so it was it. it's four pm in the passengers still have perhaps eight hundred kilometers ahead of them their struggle to get a permanent job has taken almost thirty hours this time and for most their efforts will have been fruitless some say the only way out of the predicament is to leave the country. of my colleagues are going abroad to find jobs they're fed up with things him you spend so much money and time and not permanently stressed. that all you want is a job. to tell without a little bit. in the past year alone two hundred thousand italians emigrated and whenever you're vino wants to stay in the country but she's asking herself the same questions as her fellow exhausted travelers whether to give up or keep at it and
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will things eventually get better in her native southern italy. but i didn't know my father had left to say this will be my last journey like this but i'm probably not going to have any choice but to carry on calm a lot of love and that through hoops. journeys of hope that are more like journeys of despair the overnight bus phenomenon may help outsiders understand the outcome of italy's general election in march and the mass protests by italians who want change no matter the cost. well those young people's patience is certainly being put to the test the question is when will it really gives them the government they deserve now what do you make of this man call marxists the two hundred some diverse array of his birth this year and opinion is as divided as ever for some he's a great thinker who gave the world the tools to challenge the injustices of the class struggle for others marxist ideas led to decades of communist oppression and
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terror well marks his hometown the western german city of three year has been marking his birthday with the unveiling of a controversial bronze statue. oh marx and all his revolutionary splendor the father of communism cast in bronze it's a birthday gift from the people's republic of china to the people of tia. and for this is a symbol of a bodes well for the future of the friendship between germany and china. not everybody's feeling so friendly the right wing populist alternative for germany protested the silently this time the same party that is used then a phobic slogans to attract voters now invoke human rights giving karl marx the blame for all the victims of communism or zero zero zero zero. just three blocks over their arch rivals the socialists communists and marxist
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waving the red flag and warning the revolution is coming again oh. i know he said as i really sort of course i think marxist system of beliefs is more relevant today than ever. and the monument was soon decked out with the flags of communist movements leaving no doubt that the relationship between marx and his hometown was still tense. because that i was going to be a place of pilgrimage for communists it's already started here today for i don't want any fascism from the right or the left and your i have to be is pretty close to it is not. the chinese seemed thoroughly unconcerned by these clashes the city authorities received the delegation with all the honors accorded to guests the state and were accused of kowtowing to the visitors some would have preferred a cooler welcome in response to china's human rights abuses.
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than. if we apply our german standards that only communicate with the states that live up to them in terms of freedom of the press etc. and then we'll end up fairly isolated in the world of. a portrait of marx made up of his quotes germany's return gift might be something of a challenge for its recipients of hope and you want to appreciate this we need people who understand call mox. trias mayor is interviewed by chinese state television partly because of his pride in his city's famous son is t. heir the new karl marx start as the east german city of kenneth's was called during the communist era is not the new car moksha trade is two thousand years old it's germany's oldest city but karl marx is a part of tear. tear has long had a karl marx street even if it is hidden away in a rather seedy area in the outskirts of town t.-a businesses are milking the marx
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bicentennial for all it's worth seven year shops are now selling all kinds of knick knacks with his image. onto a spice bin is a brilliant example is our zero euro bill if as mark said he just assume do away with money because he himself was not very good at handling it so now there's zero euro bill has an ironic take on marx and his theory of money marx of marx go to. it's doubtful that marx ever made much capital out of discovery tod unlike the souvenir version and all the memorabilia the chinese guest seemed a little distracted by all the commercialism. and our development objective is a fundamental modernization of competition i mean communism by twenty thirty five. with marx of mine did this one made in china presumably wouldn't.
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now what's it like to no longer feel welcome in the country you grew up in that's the situation of many jews in fronts where anti-semitism is so very low and that there are many places where jews can no longer even wear a traditional kipper or yarmulke as a result thousands of jews are leaving france and moving to israel seventeen year old the iowa plans to join them after finishing high school she believes that the future in israel is the only safe option but she has. yeah i agree up here in this suburb of paris bus as soon as she graduates from high school she's moving to israel where she would have to do military service. as a practicing jew she no longer sees any future for herself in france. i was a thief of course there used to see myself as a french woman of jewish faith back but now i just feel like
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a jewish woman that would denounce anti-semitism is getting worse now my mother won't even let me wear a star of david my mom the only solution is to move to israel and its presence and well that's it think if she proudly shows us photos of her big sister who's already done her military service in israel. yeah hopes to follow her example and leave the victim role behind that she feels forced into in france yes mother said she had to take a daughter out of the public school and send it to a private one the anti semitic are still itty from classmates eventually became too much. oh that doesn't mean all. the attackers are generally young muslims unfortunately that's how it is they think you do is an israeli and israelis are criminals the muslims have imported the middle east conflict to france. and were french jews were not responsible for the problems in israel the comment
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incidents like the arson attack on the scotia shop in january twenty eighth and the anti semitic murders of two women in paris and twenty seventeen on the increase the perpetrators tend to be young muslims but it's an issue not many people from the muslim community want to talk about some try to justify their hatred of jews with far fetched conspiracy theories. the israelis are paying the islamic state to carry out attacks in israel to. the israelis have a root of all evil you know what i'm saying. jewish parents are often the ones left behind many of them in the tranquil suburban neighborhoods their children have immigrated to israel it's only william god not a has a daughter son and grandson in israel his son did his military service with an elite unit god not all supports his children and their plans but it still hurts that they've left. the jewish community in france is very old there is no reason to
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leave france by this is my country and my language. be i'm just as close to the french as i am to the israelis. but i never advised my children to go to israel like it but i wanted them to stay here longer. be kids at school were calling them dirty jews the only nice that's why they left with. verbal and physical abuse even assaults yell does not think the french authorities avoid her and other jews adequate protection. all vets well i bet i was in poland and visited auschwitz the tour guy there told us a people without a land or an army can be destroyed at any time and i told myself if i want to do something for my people i'm going to have to learn how to fight and to do that i'll have to go to israel about this. an estimated fifty thousand jews have left
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france to date among them are many young people now serving with israel's armed forces but others and france's jewish community are still skeptical this is really peace no movement and its french affiliates are dedicated to resolving the israeli palestinian conflict it says it's a mistake for families to let their children serve in israel's army the. know if these kids are posted at a checkpoint in israel where they could be forced to shoot him in. the mirror not going to come away without psychological scars. quite out even if they had no choice at that moment i believe they were doing the right thing for. seventeen year old ya it brushes off such warnings it can hardly be any worse in israel than in france she says. my dream is for my parents to come to israel themselves eventually and for us all to live there together. she at
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least once to live her training even if it's not in the country she grew up in. a change of tone i'd like to introduce you to the woman who is said to be the oldest blogger in the world she's dead nicolson who lives in the swedish capital stockholm and she spent the first century of her life without a computer but she certainly made up for lost time. down to her natural curiosity for new experiences but in some ways she's very much a creature of habit. reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee that's dagny carlson's morning ritual. she's a woman of principle. and has been for one hundred six years. she still enjoys life to the fullest and has retained her sense of curiosity.
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say over time i live in the here and now. like you i don't think about tomorrow or that i could die tomorrow i'll be gone soon enough anyway ten thousand times no . but dagny carlson's life isn't over yet and she doesn't want to miss a single thing that's happening in the world outside her little apartment in stockholm so she spends a lot of time on the internet. her computer is like a friend to help her keep in contact with the outside world relatives gave for the p.c. and she gradually familiarized herself with the strange contraption after doing without one for a century. now you all have had the computer since i was ninety nine or one hundred. when you over ninety buying
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a computer doesn't seem too sensible. but now dug me carlson couldn't do without her p.c. it's given her life a whole new meaning. of all that and i've gotten very used to it i can keep in touch with my friends without even having to pay postage i can read the news. it's really good they articulate and they have to go but yes reading what others have written isn't exciting enough for this sprightly senior so she's also a passionate blogger her blog is entitled blog and meek sweet is for blog with me. the first time when i was young i always wanted to be a writer. but there were so many good books around that it made no sense to produce a poorly written one. but when i blog i don't have to write about a specific topic i do what i want. but if i weren't this old no one would pay much
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attention but it's. but since she is one hundred six she's amassed a huge following and. nine year olds write comments and say you are really cool that makes me really proud. and then this story. and these fans who are still young at heart have come to london university to honor her efforts here a five hour journey south from stockholm dubnyk carlson is receiving an award from the swedish gerontological society it loud at the blogger as a model for how older swedes can keep active and this centenarian is happy to share her passion with others. if a day goes by and i don't post anything on my blog thanks think that i've done it. is going to put the gerontology award comes with two thousand euros in prize money
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and danny carlson plans to use it to throw herself a nice birthday party. but she's happiest while spending time on her computer at home she says that the comments she receives about her blog are always very polite and nice though she knows not everyone on the net believe seniors have something to say and the most to want to feel not many people think that smart old folks exist but it does happen she believes using computers helps the older generation stay young and actually carlson still feels young herself even at the age of one hundred six. wonderful one hundred six years old and still going strong happy birthday to acne and i was focused on europe for today if you'd like to see any of our other reports again just go to our home page at the w dot com will visit our facebook page new stories but until next time it's bye bye
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troops the adjutant you. thank you thank you thank you as as. well. the be.
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the be eccentric here a vision song contest gloria maximus lego alibi xander her jagger fez is the man behind these corky seems. to require plenty of plastic figures the remarkable amount of planning. there's even a lego audience the be.
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global inequalities. this inequality is. well. known to the media. and house. fighting for the case to take you seriously in the world. here's what's coming up. on g.w. co-write is the spirit superhero on a mission to change attitudes on smart women smart talks smart strange and legend fierce and by no means missed out on a more increasingly dangerous time w. made for mine. every journey begins with the first step and every language of the first word i looked into the cohesive germany to bunch.
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this is first of all why not move chris. in simple online on your own mile and frame. the stuff for some t.w. zealand in course because week german may be easy. but on what it is you know i mean in your minutes i'm going yes. most. of them are there specific amiya. us all up with out about our. vision of getting. it on what it. this you know i mean you're monotonous in growing your. concern among women are. more importance on a material but i'm with what are organizer and of what is a term. vision i mean in your mind are a single and you are getting what a guy i don't want to. be number and unanimous.
12:00 am
is a serious or to. russia. cannot i've only said what i thought of going on with her to a vantage. point zero point zero conceive. a senior iranian cleric has threatened israeli cities with annihilation as tensions escalate between the two countries israel's foreign minister has called on syria to expel iranian forces that the comments come after israel attacked iran's positions in syria in response to alleged iranian attacks on israeli positions on the golan heights it was the most serious military confrontation to date. u.s. secretary of state mike pump has said the u.s. could help.


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