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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2018 6:00am-6:03am CEST

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time for an upgrade. to the furniture that grows old white. house with no room. for design highlights you can make yourself. tips and tricks that will turn your home into something special. a brace yourself with d. w.'s interior design channel on you tube. in berlin commuters are facing massive disruptions today as emergency services diffuse a world war two bomb near the main railway station the british bomb was uncovered on a construction site all nearby buildings will be evacuated and trains will be stopped for several hours thousands of tons of unexploded bombs and ammunition are
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unearthed in germany every year. one of the suspects in an alleged anti semitic attack in berlin has turned himself into police all thor's he say he's a nineteen year old asylum seeker who arrived in germany from syria in two thousand and fifteen he was filmed attacking two young men in jewish style skullcaps the pair told d.w. they were wearing a kippah to show an israeli friend it was safe to do so in berlin. the former mayor of new york rudy giuliani is joining us president on all trumps personal legal team he's one of three new lawyers defending trump during a probe into possible russian interference in the two thousand and sixteen election giuliani was an early trump supporter in the presidential race. cuba has sworn in its new president miguel diaz conair for the first time since the cuban revolution more than sixty years ago the country's leader will not hail from the castro family diaz kunle has vowed to carry on the castro's legacy.
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for the first time in six decades a man with the name castro is in charge of the island nation of cuba tonight history in the making but just how much new history is about to be written does miguel de does he represent change in cuba or change in name only i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. soon the responsibility for which i have been elected. best for the country. to give continues each of the cuban revolution in a crucial historical moments with. canadian needs to make things better in the stores so we can support ourselves with the salary to make.
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it one from whichever job we hold in the trenches of the socialist nation.


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