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tv   Focus on Europe - Spotlight on People  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2018 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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what. we would like to present that we are a big global world and this is also globalization which we would like to shape. this is what unites france and germany. we are in a building that is named after. those therefore going forward for home and it goes to show that we cooperate so closely in the field of culture and science and this not only at the present time but also in the past a very informal void as xander for normal. of course something which is closely connected to paris as well of course this was mutually reinforcing and very touching and the words of the home port for which will be ready and getting started at the end of next year will be influenced by this next year we will also celebrate the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of alexander from their boat and with the way
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many things that seem to us as completely new that there is a world we have in common that it is interconnected and alexander from the vote and therefore no vote already found out about this in great stick research which will and from what pursued but also in the major exposition was that were conducted by alexander on the board of course we are here today so that we can make a contribution to this especially our countries but also europe should fly under developed and therefore we will not showing the have this meeting here at the home port for whom we will stand and walk afterwards. determined that i made it here until the council in june we would like to take important decisions that have to do with a revival of europe a response to the citizens of europe response to the major challenges of our time after world war two europe was a project. of peace and the many decades of peace for our citizens in europe
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something which are very important in history and there are often this is taken for granted that people are not so much aware of this russian view of all of the wars that are surrounding us just let me mention the horrible war in syria while these wars are taking place. and bring about risks that are not far away from europe therefore the really shaping and really founding of europe is much more than a project of peace each should also show that we can only pursue our values globally together as well as defend the interests that is if we cooperate and have a european level i would have a city should be enriching us and not irritating us and this is why we have important topics to discuss today. after the end of june we would like to have made major progress when it comes to the common european asylum system this is one of
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the major challenges that we have to be confronted so that free movement within the european area can be present we also need a common european foreign policy germany and france will discuss today what we can do in order to make our contribution to the ongoing situation in syria but also with regard to ukraine and we also need to further develop our economic and monetary union the banking union is a topic to discuss as well as the future stability and the competitiveness of europe all these issues will be discussed of course there are different points of departure different opinions when it comes to germany and france we need an open debate and we need to have the ability to compromise this is the world we would like to live and work in and only in this we will become an important factor in a big world where many countries play a central role. as well so thank you. thank you. the
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president that we can meet here in berlin today we will work hard and on the nineteenth of june there won't be a franco german ministerial council with important ministries holes political covering. foreign affairs defense asylum but also the science and research as well as innovation because this is where prosperity of tomorrow will be determined this is something that we will prepare and one step towards this is today's meeting one welcome thank you very much good american chance to merkel every three there angela thank you for inviting me i am delighted to have the opportunity today to start our exchanges here at the passionate visit to the home but for whom of course the explanations were very interesting as well as the beginnings and the views on this fantastic project this working day will start an
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act this highly symbolic location and this german project is truly universal project and this also tells a lot about our work joined the here is we would like to build something in europe that is uniting us this is the vision of universalism this is also the objectives that we can visibly see at this location universalism can also be translated into culture and just like you i am very much attached to this i believe that this is something that we are sharing to get that here at home birth for mom and maybe we could also work together on the modernists of different topics in the field of the transfer of wax about as well as the reconstruction of works of art and i believe that here we should also take a european approach and we should also open up access to non european civilizations to our european so. it is and is this is something which you are endeavoring here
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at this site which i very much welcome the european culture is something that we will continue to respect and defend this is very important for our citizens and i believe that here copyright is something we have currently working on this to look at our. artists and our creators are expecting this from us in today's modernized world let me tell the europeans and the german chancellor that we are living in a moment that is unique to our common sovereignty is a challenge that is by the world always a challenge by its range of challenges as well as technological and climatic changes and it is also challenged in signs of by the rise of extremism doubts that are also being supported and this is therefore something where we need to come together a moment which is decisive for was for the future of our hero to see in the past
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because this is you we have priests this is the adult has the strength to resist to tendencies and to even count to them and this is also something that is expected from us and i have a very indifferent vehicles. chancellor merkel already mentioned the important meeting in june and the morning i will cool is that to present a shared vision on the big issues that we will talk about and we will work on this in the forthcoming weeks certainly when it comes to the function of union to make an monetary union as well as our common security and our common defense and security policy as well as good digital innovation here we need to find joint.
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sponsors of course these are challenges that we need to face to dave out there also challenges that we will have to face in the future both is indispensable for being prepared for the future this is what we are prepared to do in order to prepare for the european council in june where there will be a lot of work on the table but certainly political what this means that we will share a vision a vision of europe and also of our bilateral relations if you don't want a discussion. on the hands way we have our meeting today but then we also have a ministerial council which will be organized on the nineteenth of june and we also prepare in parallel everything that we are doing on either side in order to. bring together these new gun natural projects that can also so as a foundation of been given so that we can develop this joint european it would be vision and ambition so you've certainly understood that there is
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a lot of work ahead of us we are certainly willing to take up that challenge and i believe that the best hommage that we can pay to home for that is that even if these challenges seem to be don't want to admit they need one it while and this is why we can certainly succeed at the end of the day so thank you very much chancellor merkel for having me here today. minority physician used to musical and i come from the french newspaper in the cohen ok so you will travel to washington in a couple of days do you have common messages to donald trump what all your intentions when you travel to the united states for instance for example when it comes to iran to syria for families together with the united states and the u.k. has launched an intervention and do you think that germany should also contribute more to this macro and how questions and i'm going to makkah the president has
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already come here one year ago you quoted how man has said on that occasion you say that we have to see why the can in this is only the results and i would like to know whether that you will still use that same quote that you used back then of him has. when i quote it has been has. been one year ago i did not know that forming a government would take so long and this is why the challenge that i quoted back then had to be conserved for bits and we pushed it into the royals but now it is coming back again and this is why i invited him to the french president today and i believe that this is brought back a little gates of this. to the historic task. having ahead of us and i believe that we are really very broadly positioned that is very important in europe can also represent itself for if we made progress and areas that our
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citizens are interested in him and i am back home of the french president just initiated his european dialogue and this is something that we will do in germany on the seventh of may these what we dialogues that will be held together we might also organize an event together with french and german participants and then draw conclusions this is not a project of elites no. it is a project that is good for all citizens and there are two trips next week that are taking place the french president and myself we are traveling to the united states of america when i am talking about myself this is in order to make clear that the transatlantic alliance is important to us even though there are diverging opinions this is one of the first travels as the reelected german chancellor and i believe this is something that matters a lot to me of course there are times where there are differences and these are
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differences that we will certainly discuss with one another and we will also talk about. the european perspective at our meeting today and what we can contribute but from my perspective let me say that the transatlantic alliance in view of many normal democratic developments in this world is a treasure a treasure that i highly appreciate and i want to preserve. even the necessity of any and if you know but don't know what is for chancellor merkel has already highlighted how important transatlantic relations during our meeting today we will certainly. enter into the specifics on how we will continue with speed you get the immediate is certainly we have to respect the mounted lateral framework for instance of the w.t. zero and this is why we would like to plead for a return to normality and this is a philosophy that was already developed by the european commission and this on
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behalf of the entire european union we have joint concerns and this is illustrated by the community of destiny of fate that represents the transatlantic alliance and this is certainly at the moment has to she was. also a name that was seeing how we can solve the problem of a c.e.o. and. developments with regard. to china i believe precisely this multilateral framework within w.-t. of can help those two rich acted towards the chinese developments and i believe that there is a convergence when it comes to the views on the european union and the united states as your we also have a joint position where you mean especially with the u.k. and the european union when we talk again. to the city but he will expose you know he as you know the old and here we need to act
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when it comes to his reign expansionism was all of those almost three years have passed and we have already implemented a number of elements this nuclear deal is of course not enough to determine all relations with iran but it is providing a friend and i believe that we certainly have to work towards it so that we can stick to this regulatory framework syria and you just mentioned the legitimacy of the international legitimacy of this syrian intervention before the. military intervention missions and there were a number of exchanges that we had we had that the german chancellor but because of the operational necessity is that in the three cases where this was decided in the u.k. and in the united states and france we were quiet
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a constitutional framework where we could act and confidentiality and this is why we could not wait a couple of weeks before we had a decision and this is something that was just i did and which is not given by the german constitution we could not take that choice over here as the chancellor illustrated and this is why we decided to walk together at the diplomat . level certainly in order to apply on the syrian issue which is essential but when it comes to the specificities of that situation we couldn't do it any differently and couldn't do more than we did. the president. was with with us president my whole underlayers the lingo from the white says i would like to mention a point which was a major point of conflict between germany and france which is the reform of the euro zone of the chancellor has mentioned new foreman's all but meeting which
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could be composed of ministers of finance and economic affairs what do you think of those new formats do you believe that they are good compared to your new proposals for the reform of the euro zone do you think that the chancellor and germany are slowing down the entire process of the reform this is what is currently discussed in germany and the chancellor your idea to provide financial aid for municipalities for those minister and it is rather that taking in refugees that was supported by president marcos so maybe you could tell us where you would like to make concessions and when it comes to the european monetary fund how is this going to be organized into governmentally or within the e.u. treaties. can you give me i can start. first of all my years on. the. iran question i would like to
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answer in the following way i am very. happy that we are cooperating so closely i believe that the nuclear deal is a very important one but of course not everything can be reduced to this the ballistic missile program of iran is certainly a reason for concern and this is why we will certainly adopt a common position and great britain has also. expressed that it feels equally committed to this joint. position we need to find solutions which are appropriate and i believe everybody can make a contribution for the common european asylum system we have quite a number of common points this is not only about supporting municipalities of course it's always important to provide incentives to those that are doing something helping people instead of punishing others who don't and i think this is very important when it comes to the european press opposed and the geography also puts certain city front positions italy greece spain for example have completely
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different challenges to. confront and this is why germany for many years we pretended that nothing can happen to us because we're right at the heart of europe but this is something where we're slowly realizing that we need to solve our responsibility as well and this is how i see the french proposal when it comes to the reform they were zone we both believe that the euro zone is not sufficiently resilient to crises here we have german proposals and french proposals what kind of choice of the for example suggested that we should not be so dependent on the international monetary fund as in the past and the e.s.m. for example should be used to move frequently this does not mean that we would act against the i.m.f. we will still need the economic expertise of that institution and there is another subject matter for you that we want to swiftly deal with capital markets union has no problem banking union is something we want to complete with and this is the
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german position we are willing to in a distant future have joined deposit securing system but we want to have liability and risks to be thought to get there and this is why we both agree that what we need the solidarity in the road and at the same time we need to competitiveness so the programs of our own and. space of portugal why why were they successful if they were makes all saw those areas he got to also own national efforts and these national efforts of course most important because this is also where the responsibility is now i i believe that we contributing other aspects but in some form at the end of the day we can bring together good results when we use both africa as always on the two top picks that if you were asking about security they are of course at the heart of them to give all of the political brain met that
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we have to reach by june but don't do as you. didn't do enough of course we are not speaking about it only acting on specific instruments but at the end of the day we need to show the same political objectives. committee system can of course then based on this we can create different committees and different institutions different technical proposals were made by different ministers this is good but what is most important is that we need to know what the end of this is what we want to achieve solidarity the german chancellor mentioned this and we have a crisis here we need to shoot really call upon everyone to assume their responsibilities in the member states to implement reforms and this also in the field of competitiveness this is something that we can say for the european level and also for the euro zone we need to reinforce investment in the field of innovation and russia technologies for the next technological from tears but there
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is also this element of solidarity which is indispensable she says senior bodies anymore there will not be a persistence of monetary union if there is no convergence and this is why we need to really work on more incentives so that there is a good of solidarity within the monetary union a convergence within the european member states and we need to accompany a member states when they try to achieve this convergence of course but this we need the right techniques we need the right instruments but this is really at the heart of what we want to achieve in this economic and financial saw frenzy goes through different cohesion elements going and through the elements of responsibility and solidarity and this is what will create convergence which we don't have yet the banking union of course is part and parcel of this solidarity and this is why that we will define the modalities for this so that we can do this
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with a complete the banking union and then we articulate the same elements of solidarity and responsibility so that he will not work if the responsibility elements are not taken into. account by the stakeholders and then in the case in ponder abilities or almost moral risks as the economists call this we need to search and they have this basis of sort of their a c. and this is the same philosophy that will guide our debates on immigration. or if it's again as in the preview in recent years we had that major migration phenomenon and we will see this certainly coming up in the future as well there is pressure coming from the middle east in particular and here what we need to find is agreement so that in that case we can see very good news in washington if you know if you reply or remind every member state that they need to assume the
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responsibility is this is part of the schengen agreements and we also have to have internal and external sort of the heresy i made a proposal of coming through the not the other things but let's suppose we first of all just talk about what we would like to achieve that we needed to create in so no sort of heresy at the moment we're blocked by discussions about quota and about other factors but we need to discuss other things we need to share pressure amongst member states even if refugees only arrive at certain borders and this is also something which is only now affecting specific communities in cities and it's in the future it might be affecting other communities we need to protect our borders we need to invest into protecting our external borders we need to harmonize the taking in of refugees and we need to have a concept of how we need to share the burden of these might break migratory
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flows mr thinka let me also add something additional remark i believe that when even a small proposal is made this over the leads to a lot of excitement went to minister of councils made said in the field of migration there was for instance a meeting of the foreign affairs minister and the ministers of the in syria or the ministers of defense for example this is just the situation where people meet with taking anything away there are two groups for instance misses of the. nomics and finance meet as well sometimes all of this in order to make our policies more coherent we want to achieve convergence as a manner not concepts and this is why should we have to achieve and we can only do this if the ministries are having exchanges we do this every day at the national level at the governmental level and this is also something which has to become natural at the european level. thank you.
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president emmanuel mccall and german chancellor angela merkel as we heard they were discussing a reform road map where they will be discussing a reform road map over the next few hours as they are meeting in berlin they discussed a number of key points and we'd like to bring in our political correspondent reviewed overall to break some of those down for us because you know the one that a manual mccrone really seems keen to focus on was the banking union here in europe so perhaps we can begin with that yes absolutely interesting here but if we strip the whole press conference down from all the it's a pulitzer for tory european issues. it came through became very clear that the minimal macaw sees at the center of his proposals the e.u. reform the reform of especially the eurozone. that he will want to bring forward the banking union but he wants to bring forward some sort of the european budget
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within the euro zone or even your european finance minister and if you look at an american on the other side she stressed more or less that these points are not so important for that she wants to bring forward some of the points and this makes this the thing very complicated because both sides very well that they have to find some sort of an agreement within the next six weeks those two points that she also brought him there she brought in a common european asylum system and she also brought in a common european foreign policy do you think that we will see any progress on those. is or is not really just focused here on the e.u. economic and monetary union i think that both sides are very aware that they that each and every one needs something that they can present to their domestic audience so i guess that we're going to see some sort of a compromise some sort of a formula which they can sell it home. and then we also have to see that they want to bring. they they want to show something in the middle of june when the next e.u.
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council is going to be held when they want to propose something together so we're going to see something and what it really is going to be we don't know yet but what he's being very open here is that so many sticking points left right now and this is probably going to be a very hard very problematic discussion for both of them let's hear a little bit more about that in their own words in fact we have a quick sound bite that we would like to play for our viewers. the really shaping and really founding of europe is much more than a project of peace each should also show that we can only pursue our values globally to get there as well as defend the interests that is if we have a european level that would have a city should be enriching us no seriously it's yes and this is why we have important topics to discuss today. values interests i mean you really have the sense that she was really sort of throwing everything and in fact when she was
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speaking today in terms of unity do you think that they seem to present a united front here. struggling to do so both know that they both know that they have major problems with the home of the uncle americal husband who own conservative party is very critical against anything that manuel mccall has been proposing in the recent past and the man on the come himself he has some problems to bring forward it's only forms within his own country so both are struggling and both need to success on the european level right now. thank you you know welcome. and let's get some more reaction now we have very on max hoffman who is standing by with reaction in paris emmanuel mccollum's home turf there of course so max we'd like to ask you what were your impressions from this press conference. i think
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one of the most important sentences came from the german chancellor where she said we might not agree on everything but we need to be ready to compromise that was as much a message to him on her and my call that it was to the reporters there in the room but it seemed that the french president was trying to build up a little more pressure than i'm going to back saying that we need to find solutions until the summit the european union summit in june but at the same time as we just heard from our berlin correspondent. they do still try to have a united front here to show some unity although it's getting harder to do so to sum it up you know it seems like the honeymoon phase of the two was over and now they need to show that they really can find common ground. max ultimately micron's goal is to sort of bring some fresh life into the e.u. now to promote further integration does it seem as if he's on the right track here . he if you look at the different well visions and also on
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the different experts that have been discussing this topic now ever since the financial crisis broke out because that's basically what we're talking about we're talking about a system within the european union within the eurozone that can weather storms like we had with the financial crisis in the past in a much better way to make this much more stable and most people would agree for example that the german imposed austerity was bad for the southern states it hurt the e.u. it created a rift between the north and the south that's one point but what is right for the e.u. and maybe even i'm going to mecca would agree on that is not necessarily something that is supported politically by the different populations for example in germany it's very hard to push through the ideas like mccraw is mentioning them right now because germans easily get the impression that they're just paying for the rest of the european union to bail them out without having control over where this money
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goes but it seems fairly well i can sensual on an expert level of people we talk to that you need to share the burden.


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