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tv   Doc Film - The Ice- Surfers of Kamchatka  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2018 11:15am-12:00pm CEST

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you for watching t w sarah kelly will be with you at the top of the hour with an update on your latest headlines until then head for our website w dot com. we make up over a week watch as of a fix the under budget we are on this summer some of the same. name want to shape the continent's future to be part of it and join our youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges to seventy seven percent plus want for shark.
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surfing income kept i'm tom reckons there's nothing better than even when to doesn't stop him going out on the way known to water temperatures of mine is four degrees celsius on. it's arduous and many think it's more than a little insane. i'm told his dream is to see an entire industry on the russian peninsula devoted to self think. of going but how is that possible in a place where it's winter if the nine months of the year. and john believes it just takes. and hard work.
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kamchatka the land of a thousand volcanoes. it's winter now i'm john and his friend constantine from moscow need a snowmobile to reach their favorite beach the gravel paths covered in snow. in. their weather app predicted good conditions but the closer they get to the beach the storm marriage becomes nature is one of them don't rule ian contact to go and
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the weather is unpredictable out here they're at its mercy. something look there's a from common. but. not unusual at this time of the year the two don't want to give up straight away but too much wind can be dangerous. but really there are more often the weather is good but changes before we get to the beach or was a lot of focus or i saw the gray front that knew there'd be a strong wind coming out of it not so good for surfing but. i'm told none constantine are among the few surfers who go out when the weather is below freezing anyone can sell things ali they say but here conditions are harsh and the climate must say less. a surfer here needs to be good.
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at the to have sat out many a storm in this little hut at anton surf camp anton grew up in camp for years he flew around the world to go surfing and worked in various self camps now he's trying to set one up income trap go off. constantine comes over from moscow as often as he can he enjoys the simple life out here and the straightforward nature of the people he says people in the far east of russia are much more laid back than at home. if you will who go through. meanwhile a powerful snowstorm is building outside for three days the can chalk up an insular in russia's far east remains in its grip. this stretch of coastline is in the same time zone as tokyo and closer to alaska
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the moscow which is about six thousand eight hundred kilometers away. in the past nearly everyone here live from fishing or fish processing that's what the city of paid throw pavlos was built for during the soviet era most people live in prefabricated buildings which are look pretty much alike. the housing went up fast it's now showing its age falling into disrepair. how could this be a paradise for surfers. anton and constantine looked like visitors from another planet the older generation viewed the surface with their brightly colored boards with suspicion how can anyone may. money with
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that is a question even anton's father os x. even used to work on a troll or and like most people here never own very much and john has inherited his love of the ocean and his relaxed approach to life on earth. it's fine it's long as it doesn't lift dogs out of the air the wind has dropped a little it was really wild during the night but we're no strangers to that we live with it there's no chance of any surfing or grass natural whistles in the bore was awful but the port authority. but the stone doesn't stop them from climbing on to their surfboards and using them as snowboards. the boards can take this kind of treatment they say they were made in kamchatka by friends.
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just three hundred forty thousand people live on this iberian peninsula about the size of germany most of the main period through pavlos. the ice free ports was built understanding for the pacific fleet petero pov last became a center of the fishing industry people stream to come lured by good working conditions offered as compensation for the harsh climate anyone who worked here could retire early and settle with their savings in warmer climes. but those days are long gone life has become expensive income tax and harder lots of things need to be imported but not fish there are five so salmon at the market.
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they're all cheaper than most prices have risen. they sell a marine air explains which to do with the eyes of many fish has got more expensive in the last four years most has exported fish is one of our natural resources and not much of it stays income chakka that's why prices are rising because there's less of it here mala. rebut is if exports were cut and more fish stayed here it would naturally get cheaper. since the economic crisis prices for everything have been rising across russia and is no exception. if you sit in most of them we now live more frugally we used to be better off and didn't give a thought for the future because people income chapter were well looked after. you now we worry about the future like you in europe we have learned to tighten our
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belts. those come home mom. people blame the big offshore fishing fleet they take everything they say that's why prices have risen even fellow confection. in. rita came here thirty years ago from kazakstan to earn a better wage but times have changed contracts guy is no longer a magnet for young people. the more amused. many young people are leaving come chat we need new sources of income and i usually believe that if we could build up tourism there'd be more jobs again and more people. as a bikini provided. she wants to see tourism promoted. shore so does anton he's convinced that kamchatka needs to develop new economic.
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except his and he intends to do all he can to help his dream is an entire industry here devoted to sell things. on. these boards were made by friends. and so on and constantine planned this exhibition in pittsburgh has lost to draw attention to surface potential for the moment the surface with their instagram pro follows a still considered oddities with this photo exhibition i'm told once to give people an idea of what self culture is about and if it was capable of going to drop. these were the first surf boards made income chuckles from the work of local guys. they're making real progress and we're very proud of their handiwork. if. this rusty old drum he's known among sofas as a bomb which is russian for
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a down and out it's used as a brazier which surface gather round to get a woman tell stories this one has heard quite a few. i think only. a few should champion needs to start early his wife marina is also a cell for both of them want to pass on their passion to the two year old. oh well that's more strong than you thought. he's growing up with equipment this is a balance board for example. that has my picture on it and my son recognizes me and says that's papa. none of it is new for him for me it was a revelation for him surfing and everything that goes with it are already part of
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his life as natural for him as throwing stones was for. ok overcome it's not cheap either and this is not. new i mean suits cats and shoes are needed all year round and they had to be bought so that we have them in stock. but our surf camp now has an international reputation. people coming to us because they want to experience nature the still. needs a spear our. next morning the storm has finally died down the sea is calmer and the volcano is visible. and chairman constantine want to try their luck again even though a neoprene suit keeps out a lot of the cold it's hard to suit up minus fifteen degrees celsius.
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thank you. but since i'm tom has had the surf camp he comes here frequently this is his getaway a place where he feels one with nature. the boards are treated with a special wax. my wax the board so that my feet don't slip and i don't fall in. it wouldn't be much fun otherwise this wax is vital. and turns record is minus twenty two degrees celsius temperature and minus four degrees in the water the waves crackled it was the greatest kick of his life only
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the very toughest dead to surf in these icy temperatures. in the rough bering sea the north pacific current ensures that the bering sea almost never freezes over what does sometimes freeze is the foam on the waves which makes a crackling sound. even when the walls are further out seems calm the waves are powerful. it's a battle to stay on the boat. finally he succeeds. in
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ideas of the going to surprise you have nobody but yourself to rely on out there the sea is are incredibly powerful here fighting the current drains your energy. because i could still feel the effects of the storm today when i was trying to catch a way with the ball more but. it took years for constantine to pluck up the courage sometimes they see whales seals or even all cars out there you just look what it was hard because the current is still strong waves are tough but once you're out there it's great i saw seals it was really cool you have a cigar so it's got the stimulus was just mostly sure but i was a business just a guy trying to leave everything that has nothing to do with surfing on the beach on a blank sheet of paper when i leave the shore going to when you will want to do and
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that's how my contact with the waves and ocean begin was going through that's just a distorted view sort of i close my eyes take a deep breath come back and start to surf. loving. this bombs has been with anton from the outset. he brought the old drum here for the launch of his self camp and his lip many fires in it since. the surfing is followed by a dip in the hot springs they're found around the volcanoes all over the peninsula the beauty of the natural surroundings is also part of the experience. yep i'm a loser just. in good model of what i come here
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a lot worse and i have done well for twenty years now perhaps even longer it has become. i used to come with my parents on picnics and that's part of our culture and the like which aboard. a min. little. britain was back to. the south poti in the evening draws guests from far and white even in california they started small i'm tone says. and he reckons this laid back lifestyle does russia good. over the last quarter some of those there are lots of people in blood of all stock who serve and find this new surf culture cool let me
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circle and if you are sure to follow its them the ocean soon shows you your limits and checks your ego was the cause of surfing is also spreading at present to cycling to the could rely littles to the entire far east people from regions that have no ocean come to us we could say that what we're currently seeing is a minor surfing revolution so softly on those i see i wouldn't have dreamt that something like they screwed up in russia as i was growing up snowboarding became popular it was unknown in russia it wasn't possible to buy a bowl games but there weren't any we only sold them on television but then they became more and more popular and the same is happening with surfing it's developing into a real sport for marina and i'm john c. that at the set of school they hope that something in russia will one day be as popular as in america after all they're closer to seattle than to moscow and the people generally have a more cosmopolitan outlook on usenet that at that five years ago we were asked if
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there were waves and kamchatka we used to have to repeat over and over again that we actually had good waves in a down the he said it's just that that's all changed people now come here in droves lots of people have now developed a taste for it and come to our service. it's growing slowly and steadily all the best ideally in atlanta but i did hear it didn't hit me yet that haad. brisky anton grew up in this rundown fishing town the people here used to work for a large fishery combine the whole town was specially built for it people came from all over the soviet union to work you. mean. one town's father also worked for the combine as
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a fisherman and he was proud of his employer supplied the entire soviet union. but i was come dumble can use the source was people came from many cities in russia to earn a living in. residential buildings sprang up everywhere about with me and year more about it but it was a small town everyone knew everyone else and the place team with life it was a real communicable w. bush. long since be able to bull market but to me. this is where anton developed his love for the ocean he would sit here for hours with his father and learned all about currents and winds now it's a desolate scene. the only reminders of the town's proud past are the skeletons of ships. alexei came to a keogh risky as a soldier
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a merry tale. he only intended to stay for a year but then he worked his way up to become technical manager of the fish factory moved toward him a few minutes we used to employ one thousand two hundred people at the factory and seven hundred a call costs. the collective farm unfortunately this but through a court that in. fact rebuilt the homes on this side of the town called cause i was on the other with a total of four thousand people used to living there was because the board after happily go horse messin in there today there are only sixteen hundred and this is for full so killing young people today want to live in the city he says in the past the boats used to glide through dense schools of pink salmon but not anymore fish numbers have declined your do most of the polio and your split with. the japanese are partly to blame the biggest critic of britain will our all for
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a cheese of band drift nets of fish stocks are still dwindled we'll hear more here from. the big operations gone. only a few small ones are still in business fewer and fewer people here live from fishing. a handful of young fisherman work here in the summer but nearly all of them have jobs in the city as well fishing is now just to supplement their income. the weather is bad right so there aren't many fish if it improves their maybe. they used to be more fish here they blame the big show fleets for the decline.
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for these fishermen at any rate the catch is pretty poor. to move from. we have you have to know what you're doing you got what you need to have a feel for fishing to be good at all poachers simply put out in nets. you would put up with any fool can fish with a net. because you were blocked by. diana runs a small fishing business back in soviet days she worked for the big combine which employed four brigades of workers back then fish was abundant the work force were allowed to take it home free now she says her business struggles to survive who are . the losers. i yes unfortunately there are lots of
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poachers here they fish in the spawning grounds that sell their catch and pay whoever they have to privately. that will not buy. everyone knows what goes on we're now dealing with poaching on an industrial scale the still occasional. look this is our wife i password she says for the past days everyone here has been looking forward to internet access. we'll just let yourself get the bunia and mighty this will save us time and paperwork we won't need to make all the trips to government offices we can now do everything on line including banking. imagine twenty five kilometers there and twenty five back you've seen the roads it takes ages let's make you're going to have a speaker with regret now if you want the fishermen are delighted to have why fine
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they've been totally cut off from the rest of the world. pressured to get it because this means i can keep in touch with my friends and i can check with my friends on social media to anything to my. chance of getting. them. the ship but. rather than giving them to. not far away fishing inspectors are on duty and day is one of them cracking down on well organized gangs of poachers who sell their elicit catch a brood. over doing your fertility to fleece is not the biggest problem but the best fish is sold abroad very little fish makes it to domestic markets and very little of that is good quality what we get. so high quality fish is sold abroad because it fetches a better price there than in russia. the
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rest of it one time when you look down from the bridge of the river was black it teamed with fish oil. andre grew up here his father was also a fishing inspector he knows how sharply fish stocks and decline. ok you know what you know there are lots of cultures on this river because the fish here are easy to catch coaches and crazy money if they get just one ton of county are they see it as a bad year and every time and so the more than a million rubles. that's a minimum of fifteen thousand euros even though fish stocks have declined coaching is still a lucrative. song
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to me that i will go being a fishing inspector can be a dangerous job. we even run a risk sitting in this boat. you know we're going to find you and you go i don't like human life means nothing to a poacher joyce goes in shows parties new. new new thing is also they shoot at us and stayed. amish down with their boats to keep their catch commuters borrowing a boat so obviously some of the trainees were war. and barry has no thoughts of quitting despite the risks they say rear is close to his heart he'll do everything in his power to protect it. because this hour you'll see we're just like i'm just i was born and raised in come chaka and when i see the symbol of come chuckin being destroyed i feel it's my duty to help. move the ball more sports but i want to make sure that future generations know fish from the river and not just from pictures because of your over there with
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you forever. but the poachers ignore bands and probations they fish day and night. unlike the fisherman the surf camp is doing good business it's midsummer now and the water is around eight to twelve degrees. i'm told he's busy making preparations for the and you also festival he started it up three years ago and it's already a huge draw. and the glitz miller is one of the few women in the local surfing scene and tom told her to sell. surface from every part of the country have arrived overnight the camp is full. here they can buy products from the area. the shop was set up three
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years ago by saha a local businessman and surfing enthusiastic. small work. everything here is making it income tax. from truckin most important words come check it needs new ideas new directions. generates a new energy creates a new movement and development for the far east. it's a well known fact that a special energy emanates from volcanoes in the ocean you walk around like what's right we may be a long way from moscow nearly nine thousand ten thousand kilometers but people still come here even from abroad.
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these young sofas come from moscow where they are members of a band they have been surfing or little world don't have long wanted to sell. me there are probably not very many places in the world where you can speed down a mountain and then at the bottom get into a neoprene suit and run straight into the so young boy. first year which nobody thought of things becoming increasingly popular in russia and lots of people would prefer not to go abroad. so you know what i see i think
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a growing number will try out kamchatka as well if it's a perfect destination of which it was you want you know that. is thinking about entering for the competition the problem is. she's the only woman i would have to compete against an all male field i'm told on the surface here for a final briefing on the weather currents and wait. for. the final touches of being added to a restored soviet railway come it's going to be used as a caravan the two anticipating it the picture of next. but you're going to have your.
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kid who grew up in come to his father also worked at sea. life was a sea man and he's a captain more and that's why he told me all those stories connected with the theatre fishing can never thing and how is all the works and how it feels to be in the center of the storm so it was the stories he started to tell only when he finished his war so i do not know maybe because it's like habitual force the man not to tell every scene qual they are walking and so tyranny is like. something what a region in the came from comes out. not from ancient greeks of. the
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surf camp has now been set up time to chill before the competition oh oh oh oh oh what's wrong when you do you make sure no one was just the coolest some of the old. we're getting with growing numbers of people here getting those woods to our shores of being a it's made season and the festival will draw lots of people from the far east also from sakhalin of the unlucky bostock of the most vocal. group living like what you. and john and the others encourage look she's anton's best student. good job of all of you know that the first time i stood on a board wasn't twenty eleven. i'm really close to it communication you can only go surfing for three months a year. and then the monster himself checks out
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the water and the way. this beach used to be deserted since it was discovered by the surface it is stunted to attract city for more and more of them each year. they like the surface easy going at each it and they like the spectacle. of. a growing number of people join the surf school. and everyone gets a free trial before they enroll. and john gives some last minute tips and instructions he surf these waters for us at
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all times of the year his advice to novice is forget your problems enjoy the moment . in the past no one would have thought it possible to self here but now it's an inside. tip and still growing. yeah don't rise to the sweet sheets one day i think surfing could be as popular here as in california maybe in twenty or thirty years i don't know if we'll still be surfing when it peaks but i can imagine twenty five thirty percent of people engaging in it your finger got caught in the course to get the put out like that at present there are twenty of us fifty at most what. the odds say it's no more but if you start shipping the odds of surfing is also attracting more women many of those here were taught by anton at all but it almost seems boring others are this is mega-fun brilliant on days like
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this the side of the volcano just leaves me speechless the sea the volcano the fresh air it all makes for a wonderful atmosphere a wonderful cosmos atmosphere. was most. it's mostly young people discovering come chaps because pristine landscapes many of the people here are from pain through pavlos. more here than you see other groups to put it wasn't always like this five years ago there was no one here but then suddenly the right beach culture developed with it which is sort of people saw films and photos showing the beauty of the place she was that she was feeling when she was four to start as most of. nowadays people from pedro pavlos come nearly every weekend whenever the sun shines
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. so how one's anton to teach him. thing. but what about that going back about the magic you know that when anton and his friends first turned up here about two years ago people thought they were crazy because they went into the water in the winter and most. people joked that they would freeze to death and john and his friends are now admired here thanks to them more and more people are becoming interested in surfing and nature and they're coming here i've been watching the guy with the guts of of the film and told me to get a move on a group of students awaiting at the stuff camp. and. the first thing they learn is how to keep their balance. national
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small just then and tony explains the rules for competitions miller has made up her mind she'll participate so the only woman against twenty men will feel they come from the bloody vostok simply moscow. shamanic rituals are performed to give the contestants strength in the post they will perform to fish him. and told knows the seagull duns from his childhood he doesn't see this is a tourist gimmick or. not as i do the dishes don't all of them stated that i'd hoped there would be other women in the competition but they're only men and they're all pretty good i'm going to have to give one hundred fifty percent and he said that's the stuff i see i'm up against real athletes so it's going to be tough
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physically and also psychologically. spurs me on and. on me to give it all i've got was. mark's and. if you've got the most of all the. looks and drawn for the groups. so the fall of all the symbols of the fall of the village will give. the men tend to do weightlifting to prepare for competitions miller trains by going rock climbing and some sit down sing the weather has turned again dense fog has formed the miller watches the first heat even the most experienced contestants are having problems with the suddenly rough sea. and then it's hard tough. at first she also struggles.
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but in the end blue miller achieves the impossible she wins against all the men. i just that i was really lucky had some good opportunities surfing takes strength but to catch the right waves you also have to be able to assess situations correctly and that. you need a number of skills and she has a massive efficiency that. antonio is hugely proud of his students will nor you could actually use you have the most she has character physical strength and has done sports since childhood she's a rock climber but above all she has incredible willpower has. sole source to people. with and she's the only woman who ventures out onto the water in winter she gave a fantastic performance and everyone agrees. the group from moscow pay her
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a musical tribute. and then it's time to celebrate the victory the wonderful day the beautiful sunset nature life. i think. that. they come here for the sense of freedom something they don't find in the city as a result come transco really does seem to be developing into a paradise for self is even if when to hear loss for nine months they have. you know. that when using
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the ocean is like a living thing it has a soul and it's always different it can do anything it can have pity on you protect you it can fill you with unforgettable positive emotions but there needs to be active things but on another occasion it may teach you a lesson punishing you will show you the extent of its strength and power which she . has access to you guys. can check its unwind a revolution and tone is at least. it
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was. up. to. but. a lamp. table home furnishings can be a lot more than just functional. playing with planes coming pining materials. reason venting interiors. bulimics dillard's. personalized moving strays assume to centuries design your robotics in thirty minutes on the wu. tang the waves are by narratives like this hydra headed they do. we are scared
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we are very scared we have to stick to the real good fight for the good fight against it or. bangladesh what is the true face of the country look like freedom independence a separation of state and church that used to be important but for decades political infighting here has hindered progress and islam must extremists are getting more influence than joe marcus and the rule of law are on shaky ground if this could get worse down by the truth. it is. not. bangladesh the dawn of islam as of an exclusive d.w. report starting april twenty first. good good. good good good
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good good good good good good. good. this is g w news live from berlin and israel marks its seventieth anniversary after memorial day for israel's fall in down economy seventy hours of festivities lasting until saturday night in jerusalem prime minister benjamin netanyahu welcomes close to real scenes of peace from some of israel's arab neighbors also coming up a twist in an apparent n.c.c. medic attack captured on video that has stoked outrage in germany do you have an evidence for the please.


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