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tv   Kick off - Special Jupp Heynckes and FC Bayern  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2018 1:30pm-2:00pm CEST

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construction site. for tourists. cologne cathedral join us as we explore the history of this imposing a house of worship. cologne cathedral starting march twenty ninth bondy w. i. i. somebody if i opine along to the game i certainly have actually buy into the thing for a good portion of my career that so far duncan hines
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a german football legend. a role model for solace plan coach. elwood and he has an inner calm of the not least on account of all his experience as well he's back on the barren bench for fourth stint a lot of his soul i don't think anybody expected quite the sustained level of excellence and dominance that we've enjoyed with the seeds for this had to be kind of. subtle what's the secret to his success he won two champions league trophies and even led byron to the travelling twenty thirteen locked out of retirement he has once again was stored the family feel about the club. that your kind of story on kick off.
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susan they need to be fashion it's about their work every day. they need to show that they love playing football and then wants. to converse he hasn't been a card not least on account of his experience and he just has a habit of getting everything right also in his dealings with the players compared to the current generation of football this is the most complicated i've encountered in my forty years in the game it was for them and they are very demanding and they basically want to be looked after in every way they want. to have a coach with a big plan a clear cut tactics and the perfect training routines of the whole package. the seventy two year old time kiss was enjoying retirement that all changed when pi and called on him to save their season but why him. he's a master of his trade and an exceptional. if. he gives everyone he works with
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very important. and he reaches the hearts and minds of the planners they have i think. psychologist and role model practice what you preach is a pivotal find his mantra and the reason he is so well respected by the players. i think that's essential to live by the example of what you're trying to get across to the players. you know if you strike the wrong note tell them something that doesn't ring quite true and they notice it straight away they can sense it as a coach you have to maintain your whole thing to city and. in october twenty seventeen you're paying to stick charges by in munich first fourth time. by and had finished the previous season winning a fifth successive bundesliga title. under carlo and they
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began a current campaign by winning the super cup but the storm clouds were already beginning to gather within weeks of the league kicking off they were trailing rivals dortmund by five points a painful three no champions league defeat in paris sanjay man marked a definitive crossroads and. had to go as well and that's something we'll deeply regret in their. own child is when he was in soley my idea that it had become clear to all of us that we have to do something and to do it quickly and with the season already underway and the situation bit of a mess and this is it wasn't a time for major experiments and i could have backfired and must badly. because for the mistake this for one thing was the list wasn't very long for another we didn't want someone who needed months to settle in smaller. most of them do and nobody knows better than your partners how things function here is what makes buying take
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them. through because you're paying his food. bowed out in twenty thirteen on a triumphant high seventy thousand fans bid him farewell after the triple when. we all knew how the he'll you pine kissin been with it seems foolish and we still a lot of players here knew him from his previous stint in charge. it's mind boggling to me that it only seemed logical to have a chat with him first. so the big wigs went to shantel west of mention glad to tempt one of germany's great coaches out of retirement. so it's fun for me i was enjoying life as a pensioner and i had plenty to do there was nothing i was missing and i certainly wasn't a dilute same when whining calling so. in fact i thought long and hard about whether
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i should do it. because four and a half years is a long time to be out of the business also this. but i'll type it die hard and so it came to pass that high kiss took charge of the team once more for old times' sake. but this isn't about me first and foremost it's about it's i've survived by them so he's back one of bias most successful ever coaches the man who led them to an unprecedented trouble in twenty thirty. and when you have a team who get on well together to. respect each other when they can overlook the quirks and forgiveness of their colleagues and simply try to stay focused on the positives not just for the event. i
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then you can produce something special for that's what we managed back then. just a single. league defeat all season against labor codes and an incredible record the spine we had this uniquely positive atmosphere feeling. i think about i think that was the key to us winning the travel that's with us corporate boards on . fire and we're on fire finally they had got their hands back on the continents biggest trophy as well as picking up the two domestic titles even his successor pep guardiola didn't manage that. i know i know it takes time to put together an absolutely. so capable of pulling off something like that. and that's one of the defining characteristics of this club and it's a mission. in two thousand and thirteen byron had it all thanks to you kind.
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perhaps they can repeat the trick baron began twenty eighteen with some warm weather training in qatar the players have rediscovered their form under hank as he seems like he was never gone. it wasn't difficult because i never stopped following football both internationally and in the bundesliga for almost. instant and i have to say. it wasn't hard always that to throw myself into the mix again get back into the business. he returned on one condition alongside hammond gallant huntress insisted on having paid to ham and back on board as his assistant byron had to prise him away from bundesliga two outfit for two letters sent off by the capital to him i wanted to ensure that i had the same coaching team i was
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working with trenches for the team to have a. just a few to come. then we got pizza ham and goodwill in what must have been a world record transfer for an assistant coach and all were down fine in the end. point i knew we'd have a harmonious working out the severe with the players as well. i still know a lot of the squad from my last time in charge of. the inside and i know that if i can bring my own style my character and my personality to them. then the whole thing's going to function well your family doctor story thought we'd seen still improvement in terms of results and performance i would but i doubt that anybody quite expected the sustained level of excellence and dominance that we've enjoyed this it's for all this happening to me i know if i can. sometimes things just click
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into place a few tactical tweaks and some careful man management of byron stars and suddenly the team we're back on fire. is going to dust i think it's up to the coach to clearly set the tone with regard to the extent and intensity of the training fun and in fact curacy precision passing. attacking mountains but there's any number of different aspects to be addressed and if you didn't. like his address them to immediate effect fourteen wins in fifteen competitive outings through to the end of the year high incomes have the magic touch. just watching how the team play i mean follow the coach you can see a big change from that of the
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a father who is his experience of the way he interacts with the players communicates with us since he puts his trust in in us. well that would obviously doesn't go unnoticed as you'll just be going there to. swim in the not a kid obviously he's got vast experience and i try to spend a lot of time with him and close attention and learning as much as i can he's a top coach really want to become. a. fire all star ensemble is packed with world class talent from back to front. line kids is a coach and knows just how to get the best out of the. image but it was. just was the perfect solution. obviously also with the added benefit of hindsight. just to earn the club time quickly with his coaching staff as well he
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knew the reaching us and still knew some of the players so it was a very short period of adaption where just your high class and that helped us get up and running very well. it seems with your finger. on place was a simple one he could get everyone behind him in no time at all and that was the precondition for the team switching up again so you can't just start training more in the middle of the season that does your body more harm than good you have to try and get the best possible performance out of the players in their current conditions so the in indian twenty two thousand indians who are. me through it and i know how to go about leading a team dealing with individual players and how you communicate with them is one
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thing on speed because of the actual content of the training is very important as well. since the c. . as you practice then yes now that you have to try and implement it on the pitch. he knows what he's talking about your pint this is one of only six men to win the league as both player and coach. beyond four titles on the pitch with munching glass and three so far on the touchline and by him. he let the line for the foals and their nine hundred seventy s. golden era. to this day he stood on the legs all time scoring list with two hundred and twenty goals. and also for he had a great career as a player going out of this he was one of the best german strikers of his generation so i don't know what's wrong mike your son mentioned that but the provincial club
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challenging munich's big city stars for top billing back then there was no love lost between your pine case and by and i. know nobody knows he played for munching glass back and we certainly weren't friends with glass back players in the national team back then it could be for these times there was a certain mutual wariness a quick glance back were really good at the time shift and they don't often beaches of the title we had a healthy rivalry without a doubt. he wanted to talk about can. the success continued after he hung up his boots. i guess is alone and having won more than five hundred games as a player and coach. gotten i'm sure is an imprint of he was able to learn from a great master in tennis vice versa and this was for the pain as he played under him then started out coaching is his assistant that was an important time for
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a full time so he's. got passion and later again in munich his coach the player who would go on. well football of the year yes thank. you but why do i like you. he was my first coach for five years when i started out last week i'm a lot to thank him for in those days when i had a bank game you always thought. he made me a much better player and recognize quality is no one else hand. he was a world class striker national team player multiple league title when we. obviously experience you come over here. who knows how it lions have to move up front and the kind of service they mean and use the complete coach. he's managed to attain legendary status to talk clubs by in. his heart beats for.
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the really nice added bonus. to great clubs of the one nine hundred seventy s. who turned out to be my close. minded. i always felt totally at home image as a player and enjoyed a lot of success there so now. i feel every bit as much at home. in may twenty thirteen he retired with a fairy tale ending facing black backers buying coach commish biggest say i'd like to so you can really frank sands and the crowd for such a wonderful send off because.
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the shows really well. look this is really come from. the stuff my motives. thank you. mentioned is what he calls home time to spend four and a half years living the quiet life here and once he's done with byron he'll be back . in flanders and you can feel comfortable and content in a lot of different cities and countries but there's no place like. mine for me it's an oasis of tranquility my personal retreat. a place where i'm totally at ease surrounded by ordinary people away from all the professional vanity
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aids. somewhere i can just move around freely and take it for granted that folk aren't going to make a big fuss about me. we took a look around where frank has likes to relax one of his regular stops is peano's for an ice cream. and he's a perfectly normal person not stuck up at all really down to earth comes in and chats with whoever is here. he has a friendly word with the older folks than the youngsters of course. the mayor is equally a few serve about chantelle celebrity citizen. the great thing is as a player and coach a lot of high achievers get carried away by their own success a meeting in here you see how grounded he has remained true to his room.
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once when he was here i said you know watching the football today he said pino i've seen so much football in my life sometimes i'd rather just sit in the garden think my ice cream if that does me five. years never forgotten where he's from that's right. for the moment he's back in the big time in munich dealing with the constant stresses of football management. seventy two he's the oldest coach in the league by some way the. mirrors on but he's definitely still going to use for spring in his step is it's not like he needs someone to help him down the stairs of a month from. this is more than
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a coach it by and to some he's also become a true friend over the years. and maybe you're someone you can rely on. this area many profound character and always challenging his own thinking and that of others as well need to need to be someone who doesn't panic isn't going to be blinded by his own success he's always full of his own path without succumbing to any kind of arrogance when he's successful in a nutshell he's a good guy. and he still of course but another trouble with bias even if you're a piece of twenty thirty isn't on the official agenda. damas i think i were in the back then and still in every competition. helps if you're after the trouble. we also have the salad bar i made
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a point of checking out. as long as it's possible go for it and some already happy to admit it. give me a good again thank you for you say buy a mansion are pretty good same store. why shouldn't we do it. will have to be capable of it whether the general public see it that way is another matter that's the standard. as we for better or maybe occasional worse i'm someone who always go into a game with the basic mindset that. only you can really win it given is. not a claim you're likely to hear from the coach the management also happy to keep things lowkey for now. i think we have a decent chance of defending the bundesliga title again. that's as far as the
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champions league goes we do well to just go about it a step at a time. with the appropriate humility. because good good isn't ornaments really kicking into gear now and with the knockout format you can't afford to have a single off day with the kind of call no more slip ups or lapses in concentration so i think that's how you approached it in twenty thirty years and we improve from around to around and ended up deservedly winning the tournament for me we're not setting in that target of taking us to another travel this year that would be presumptuous on our part in this it would be good over for most of. the question that remains is will find could still be in the hot seat next season. i've been asked if that's what i'd like so yeah and i said yes simple as man or
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whether it's a realistic option i don't know i just can't say yet as much as we have to let the whole situation settle down a bit first and he's got a bit of time to think about it nothing and so if we. we are still in the first still a long way off is through it right now we should be reflecting on a difficult period with the behind us and enjoying our current fine folks can he says the turnaround was abrupt when you kind of arrived last october it's remarkable the effect one man can have even on a club this size. of government home and i think we've reached a very good place at the moment besides our success on the pitch i have the sense of a club of peace with itself again in terms of the five of us we didn't really have that before it was all getting a bit much you know some myself and it's really hurt us in particular there was just too much on the rest. of the results are certainly helpful but without
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a shadow of a doubt your behind us has helped restore a measure of calm now we need to ensure it's not so calm we fall asleep and stay focused on the job to buy them off. the weeks ahead will be pivotal to the rest of byron season. with the steady hand of you crying because at the helm there are well set. but what is the key to his sustained success. like mine does maybe just that you shouldn't let yourself be led astray be it stick to your own path and your own principles. you do need to have certain rules and disciplines essentially studies self-discipline as well to clean. discipline talent and empathy the tried and tested time and again down the years. byron and you kind kids make for a winning combination. i have to
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say i've been lucky on this thing and as i said before i opine a lot and i certainly have f.c. vying to thank for a good portion of my career. so far duncan. and byron fans will wish him the best for the rest of the season and ongoing good health. that's come on you and me good health very important especially when you're still young and you're not mention just. for young at heart. like you kind kids who has made history as a player and also as a coach the seventy two year old retiree who is still at the forefront of the game . perhaps will soon retire again and enjoy the quiet life.
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thank you you can. the book.
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whatever the cows don't. know. then your name is a pioneer when it comes to making. any strong material of choice. much faster. cheaper and more environmentally friendly. and the supply chain is very short. are interesting thirty minutes. fighting for the case to take you seriously in the world. here's what's coming out . on. the
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field for you on a mission to fetch out to some of the smart women you espouse smart talks smart strange on the legislation by now movement i am going to. recently dangerous stuff . to make. you when i was young i mean develop changing the world. but i was a woman in egypt some things turned out differently forced marriage genital mutilation humiliation. so i know all else and all we rebelled use the written word to stand up for women's rights. now while the end saadawi the full force of egypt starting april eighth on t w.
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one hundred million tonnes of sound object was to refer. to the consequences of the boss. the boss or. the magnitude and frequency. once they start there's no stopping them. dust storm starting april seventh on t w.
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this is news coming to you live. as the scale of the tragedy. becomes clear hundreds of protesters take. to them some. say sixty four people died in the blaze most of them children president putin blames criminal negligence also.


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