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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2018 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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this is the w.'s live from berlin as the u.k. ramps up its investigation into the poisoning of the former spy foreign secretary forced johnson in an exclusive g.w. interview points the finger finger at the kremlin somebody has to be responsible somebody has to be accountable and we in the u.k. think that the. evidence points the evidence or culpability points to the russians
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to johnson's comments come as diplomats expelled by the u.k. leave the russian embassy in london and had back to moscow also coming up china's president xi jinping delivers a fiery nationalist speech at the people's congress in beijing vowing to protect every inch of chinese territory is it a veiled threat to taiwan look at oxford announcing. and a sad day for conservationists the world's last male northern white rhinos dies in kenya only two females remain can anything be done to stop the species from going extinct. i'm serious about going to thank you for joining us diplomats expelled by the u.k. have left russia's london embassy headed back to moscow this as international
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weapons inspectors have begun analyzing the talks and used to poison a former russian spy and his daughter in the city of solsbury russia has hit back at british allegations that it is behind the attack demanding evidence or an apology. a bitter farewell for russia's expelled diplomats in london followed from the diplomatic standoff as russia demands proof or an apology the british military is carrying out forensic tests on the car used by sergei screwballs daughter upon her return from moscow to earlier this month. hours after yulia st paul returned to salisbury she was found unconscious on this bench alongside her father scientists at this bio chemical weapons facility say they were poisoned with a nerve agent know the chalk this finding is now central in britain's case against russia but a direct link to putin remains elusive d.w. correspondent john and sat down with british foreign minister boris johnson and any
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solid evidence that poor directly ordered it because what he said is the most direct accusation of russia's leader that ever if somebody has to be responsible somebody has to be accountable and we in the u.k. think that the. evidence points the evidence or culpability points to the russian state and as it did in the case of alexander litvinenko when you remember the trail of polonium led back very clearly to the russian state and in the end. mr putin is in charge and that is you know that i'm afraid he cannot escape responsibility and cope ability both putin himself and those around him have stanched lee deny these allegations. sooner or later these unsubstantiated allegations will have to be answered they will either need to be backed up with something with some evidence or
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they'll need to apologize. for two three. chemical weapons experts in the u.k. are testing samples of the toxic substance used on the street pass the results will not be known for at least two weeks. and you can watch t.v.'s exclusive interview with british foreign secretary boris johnson in its entirety at g.w. dot com now to some other stories making news around the world two turkish journalists are welcoming a favorable ruling by the european court of human rights the court condemned turkey for detaining the journalists in the wake of the two thousand and sixteen coup attempt one of them is still under house arrest however the other remains imprisoned former french president nicolas sarkozy is reportedly in police custody for questioning into the financing of his two thousand and seven campaign it is alleged that the regime of the late libyan dictator moammar gadhafi provided millions of euros to start in illegal contributions harvey weinstein's former
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company has filed for bankruptcy months after the oscar winning producer was accused of multiple sexual assaults when scene was fired as chairman last october when the allegations were first reported he has denied having non consensual sex with anyone. chinese president xi jinping has called for his country to take its due place in the world and vowed to fight a bloody battle against its enemies speaking at the people's congress in beijing as he unveiled sweeping reforms saved it strengthening the military and the economy this comes after the communist party removed presidential term limits allowed to remain in power indefinitely while the president also issued what analysts see as a warning to pro-democracy and separatist movements in china let's listen to what he had to say. it is our shared aspiration
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to safeguard china's sovereignty. territorial integrity and to wholly reunify our nation any attempts or tricks to split china are doomed to fail and will be met with condemnation and the punishment of history. joining us in our studio is david bender skee a fellow at the robert bash bosh academy here in berlin david thank you for joining us oh we heard that statement there how do you read this from president xi well the issue of what they call territorial integrity the problem as they see it of separatism has always been a real red line issue if we look at censorship this is an issue that always is a very strong red line and it's a point that they make very in phatic lee i think so i think it is a warning to regions like hong kong where since the occupy movement two thousand and fourteen we've seen a lot of discussion of these types of issues in hong kong sovereignty also regions
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like taiwan and of course she john and i think this is also about the political legitimacy of the party because this is an issue they can see as something they can build legitimacy around especially in a time when the economic performance in china is in question where there are a lot of challenges facing china where you mention taiwan there our correspondent in taipei had the opportunity to speak to some people in the streets let's listen to what they have to say. i think taiwan is not part of china. probably has to say that from his point of view. but for common people like us it's not an important issue. as long as i can only let me the usual it's all right. so it's not the first time she said something like this so you was and he will continue to do so but i don't know what that means for the future of the m b s's.
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so david not much support for china out there does beijing really care does beijing care about the issue of separatism and territorial integrity absolutely of course or do they care about that their support from time to lack of support there i think you know they're just this is a point that she has to be very strong on i mean it's been if you look at him over the past five years on issues like the south china sea it's a point they've made again and again very emphatically so clearly they're concerned about this issue whichever region we're talking about so certainly we should take these statements from xi jinping very seriously what stood out to you from the last two weeks of the national people's congress there been a lot of stand out issues of course the one everyone's talking about which is really the core is the issue of term limits because of course one of the important things she didn't he did is remove the limitation that's been in place since one thousand nine hundred two and we've talked about it during the reform period about
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maybe the rise of the appearance of a more deliberative type of system and in china where power is less centralized and all of this is been really undone under shinji and this is really the kind of pinnacle of that so i think that's very important and i think if there's one word that sums it up it's applause i mean you should be where the country that has the can only applaud and this is what we've seen at this congress it's all very pro she premier league has been very upstaged and usually this is the premier's chance to sort of shine with the government work report but it's all pain all the time now in china so we have to ask the question is there sufficient criticism and information is there sufficient deliberation going on within the leadership is there i don't think so we've seen she g.p. referred to as the people's leader we've seen the elevation of his own political philosophy called xi jinping thought this is something we haven't really seen since
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before the beginning of the reform p. area and this were maybe don't call it yet a cult of personality we're getting very very close to that sort of situation in china all right david bender ski a fellow at the robert bosch academy here in berlin thank you so much for sharing your analysis with us today you're welcome now the world's last mail northern white rhino named to sudan has died in the kenyan conservatory caretakers made the decision to euthanize him after his health deteriorated sudan's genetic material has been collected in the hope that future technology could potentially revive the species only two females remain. the life of a northern white rhino can be a lonely one sedan the last remaining male of the species has died aged forty five intensive poaching has significantly reduced numbers scientists even turned to dating apps for sudan in an attempt to raise awareness and enough money to pay for a nine million dollar fertility treatment. for the kenyan conservationists looking
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after sudan led the tributes only a couple of weeks ago they spoke of their hope as he tried to recover from an infected leg seven days ago we thought that we knew would make that decision. because then one morning he could not be completely he was unable to christ. that was seven days ago but then after some medication that we give pain and time to about it he was able to stand up but give us hope and just maybe we would like to give him a chance at life while there are thousands of southern white rhinos still roaming the plains of sub-saharan africa no need to northern white rhinos remain sudan's daughter and her daughter. with experts warning that the threat of extinction is day more of a case of when instead of
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a conservationists hope it's not light sight for these gentle giants. and we can speak to charles lucania latina he's the director of field programs at the nature conservancy in nairobi charles thank you so much for joining us in our program is this the end of this. thank you so scaring me so the death of sudan is really an alarming bell to my unsustainable use and management of how we done this and our wildlife in africa and the globe so the risk is there that these cool almost be the end of a species and in one generation we have witnessed an extinction however there is hope that we desire it's that is being pioneered by wildlife ecology says that we can be able to salvage through in vitro fertilization and having it sort of get female you know carried in the embryo
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to bring forth a viable offspring so while today's death of sudan is such a somber moment for us here in africa we ping that the best use of cellular technology that is being developed by specialists is going to be probably our only last hope so it's not as simple a bullet but we want to really bank on it charles tell us more about what that process is like that you mentioned in vitro fertilization how far developed is the science so the science as you too are has been experimenting on other living species in laboratories they've used on my face and the idea is to be able to use the harvested spam which fortunately has been collected from sudan and his late brother passed away
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a couple of years ago and try to get a sort of get north and white mother too. in-vitro fossilize it's a incubated over the duration of the pregnancy and the idea is to carefully monitor and see that there is actually genetic compatibility with the d.n.a. and therefore being able to carry the species into the future so this is very cutting edge science it's literally transforming one living species into it lottery where space memes are injected to meet with the hope that life can again rise out of out of reach so if a new seed can imagine two of these we would have hope otherwise there is no other hope right now because all manner of exit to fertility station that was attempted
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in the consequence but too successful that i was right at charles the you know the director of field programs at the nature conservancy in nairobi thank you so much for joining us on our program here watching d.w. news coming up harley davidson gears up for higher prices in germany a trade dispute is looming when it comes at a bad time we'll tell you what. kind of humphrey we'll have that coming right up and business. start with some instructions from a book. peter fourteen william coming. from boeing
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wanted to build a wind turbine to provide his village with electricity.


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