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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm CET

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on into the program we go and. have you there so now with our innovations magazine for. us from the every week and looking to the future fund d w dot com science and research for. readings from frosty berlin and a warm welcome to our latest edition and we are all warmed up and ready to go with the following topics. pretty woman find out what it takes to become a visitor many. academy awards this year's nominees for the best original score oscar. and city sites out and
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about in born on young italy. always start off with beauty and normally here in germany beauty pageants are still dominated by the classic northern european good looks farah face and with a tumbling mane of long hair which is why this year's judges were in for a bit of a surprise miss lower saxony also known as. showed up with a crew cut a first for a missed germany pageant opinions over the seventeen year olds daring look were divided to say the least and there was some serious buzz on social media but it begs the question whether this could be a first step towards more diverse ideals of p.g. . twenty two contestants vying for the crown at this year's miss germany pageant. backstage hairstylists have their work cut out juggling curlers styling ones head
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tries on multiple heads of long. contestant though can relax because her hairstyle is always picture perfect you want to is the reigning miss lower saxony and her hairstyle isn't just making waves backstage a candidate with a crew cut is a first here but she's not getting any special treatment in the run up to the pageant she got on fine with her fellow competitors. this is. just hair my hair is just a short it's no big deal so our personalities just clicked in and that's what counts that's what gets. three weeks you want to use packing her bags for the missed germany adventure she hasn't been sporting a close cropped along. recently she looked like this but then you look gave her self-esteem a boost she entered the beauty pageant in her home city of her but didn't really take it that seriously and then she won chapman they are kind of wasn't hoping and
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praying to the winner and i think i just took part to try out something new to gain new experiences and just have some fun. at the competition awakened her ambition even though until then she'd been more interested in dance and modeling her mentor is all rounder and his studio is her home away from home after clinching the miss lower saxony title you wanna faced a barrage of criticism even abuse on social media just because of her hair style she was called ugly boyish sickly but the experience made her stronger. than it's ok i think it's ok if people have their own opinion do you think for sharing but so what it's not my problem so what is. good i was good sixteen is heavy going for sixteen to seventeen year old. this is not easy as you grin and bear it but we're here with the dances the parents are your best friends you can do more for the idea
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. but like all of our fellow contestants in the run up to the pageant she was on her own on the canary island of puerto ventura for fitness and media training. and also professional photo sessions the candidates calling everything they could want and the seventeen year old schoolgirl from however was transformed. to selection for the finalists was just a few minutes away janice competitors with luscious logs like turned but did they think she stood a chance. against the always and short hair she something really special she stands out of mediately to look at all the girls and then bam there she wanna i think she'll definitely end up in the final. all. the way she tells her story that she was bullied and then people said such awful things about her mentality not there's really special personality there because in a state it's a had a lot of short hair long hairs doesn't matter. whether the judges would see it that
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way remains to be seen here however the ideal of beauty seem to be narrowly defined basic proportions are important what's called the golden mean the eyes have to be the right distance apart from the angle of the nose and chin has about one hundred ten degrees. size be maximum c with no sense of light. to still go from have to look stunning and even down even with a short half. that was determined to stay relaxed no matter what. but it was time for the swimsuit competition she already had to accept disappointment on the first evening when she felt to be selected for the group of finalists. someone else was destined to end up wearing the crown a student from stuttgart twenty three year old and by would be chosen as miss germany twenty eighty.
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five and i think it's going to probably open lots of doors for me and i've already met so many people in just the last three weeks whom i would never have met otherwise i've had so many experiences that otherwise simply wouldn't have been possible it has to be them. backstage she wanted was overcome with emotion to the tears were flowing because many congratulated her for her poise and courage. else like it's want of course on monday i'll be back in school back to every day life but right now i can do what i like what i enjoy and i'll just see where life takes me. became serious. is germany twenty eighteen already has a shuttle for the coming year and besides wearing the crown was short task would have been quite a feat after all but the stylists have to pin it to. a courageous move nevertheless there is a lot of pinning up that goes on at a typical fashion show of course but when his collection hits the runway italian
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designer jo jo out of money make sure everything is perfect he's up next with more in today's express. fashion week is underway again in milan on sunday giorgio armani presented his new ladies' collection for his employee oh armani line the italian fashion czar has mixed and matched cowboy boots mini skirts and flouncy jackets for his twenty eighteen autumn winter designs a day earlier he'd already unveiled the main collection which is dominated by flowing fabrics and subdued colors with punchy red and my lack accents fashion week comes to milan four times every year twice for men's and twice for women's. fashion . minus ten celsius it's perfect weather for basing at least for the seventy three hearty souls from the russian exclave of callinan cracked this weekend they took a dip in an icy pool the youngest remote was eleven the oldest seventy swimming in
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bone chilling water is popular in russia there are even sports clubs that are dedicated to taking the icy plunge. an exhibition on his fouls opened in munich this weekend it shows the impact coaches tragedy had on the arts painting and sculpture but also fashion and photography. if we want to introduce god has found as a great current significance and rather than as a classic from way back where is fairness lead this drama brings together two great themes of global literature love and death towards osama good. first is seen by many as the most significant work of literature in the german language the first part of the tragedy dates back to eighteen zero eight.
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lynn's own international film festival the belly not know was barely done and dusted at the weekend when talk turned to the next big film event the ninetieth edition of the oscars happening this coming sunday in los angeles and so all of this week in our series we're featuring oscar nominees from europe and we start off with the category best original score of the musical compositions that accompany a movie are as important as things like camera and location with the music creating an atmosphere and hence in the storytelling this year five big names in the film music business are nominated for best original score and three of them are european . oscar winner is something of a name brand with hollywood productions. currently food music or wagner i became a film composer because the first i love stories like this one and second rung up
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because i always get stage fright when a friend of my friends told me not to hide behind the fear so he did them first the . same as been nominated in the category of best emotional school for the film dunkirk by christopher nolan. the story is about the successful rescue operation of allied troops trapped on the beaches a fun fact during world war two the school is considered the most powerful of the collaboration between it and some a. they've worked together on several major goals including interest and the dark knight franchise. player. plays there's a whole generation of young film composers who grew up on the word speired by him
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so i think it's justified that we hear about him a lot and that he's constantly he's constantly out there he's causing with a new big film with another oscar nomination and so on and so on some people like me getting tired of him but he says impact on the on the film composing is undeniable. breakthrough in some miscreant came in nine hundred eighty eight for the film is it to the top bus to rain man. on a chain ninety ninety five he won an oscar for his film school to disney's the lion king. he also composed the music for the pirates of the caribbean film series. league. so his closest rival in the category is french composer alex on to display . he's already taken home the best for the music to the fantasy drama the shape of . the i've never liked.
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the movie centers around eliza immediate who works in a high security government authority where she discovers and falls in love with a mysterious creature. just the shape of water is just beautiful and haunting and he does a weird thing with the with the a when section which is all flutes which is sort of his sound of water what he imagines water sounds like. let's compare. this op against the american john williams for his epic stunt was the last hit i film school. american composer concert by well who composed and compiled the soundtrack to three billboards outside adding missouri starring frances mcdormand. and english rock n roll late johnny greenwood for phantom thread greenwood again stepped out of his normal element to create a classical movie. greenwood who's
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better known as a member of radiohead of the pop band radiohead he is well known for his sort of a lot use of electronic but in this this soundtrack in phantom thread he does something very interesting he mixes the soundtrack has his music original music and then uses a lot of classical music as well beethoven. and he's able to move in between those go in and out with his soundtrack using classical themes mixing them with his sort of electronic middle of muslim i think it's very impressive. who will be also. i think probably. just because the academy loves him he's multiple oscar nominees one once and his score to dunkirk is like a perfect oscar score it's it's right in your face the film itself is almost no dialogue for the music it's so i'm pretty important and so impressive i think it
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probably will be his year this year. duncan has also been nominated in seven other categories this year might just be the year for both the film and its composer. a great suspense leading up to oscar night of course and now i'm wondering if you have ever won a prize at some point in your life or perhaps you came out on top at sporting tournaments or even a music contest and if so feel free to send us a picture of yourself with your trophy or if you're so took. and as a thanks for your feedback one lucky viewer will receive a euro max wrist watch so best of luck to you. all right now and my children are certainly adamant that we are never too old to play with lego two young men from dresden in eastern germany would no doubt agree and as the plastic bricks from denmark are an endless source of enjoyment and inspiration but they go one step further and use lego figurines to stage some pretty dramatic photographs turning
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child's play into decidedly group fun. donald trump is surfing toward the statue of liberty on a wrecking ball. just as authorities in saxony are blind to illegal neo nazi activities and a bad banana peel stocks the person who slipped on it the world of lego is alive at least four zero zero zero and we show you find they've created a whimsical world of adventure and misadventure where lego figures are always the stars of the show their works are strange humorous and thought provoking. has he been spider-man right or man. he's afraid because there's a real spider chasing you. and so he hides in a corner and invincible superhero no longer ones and needn't of history here's a hamster wheel the figures are all held on by magnets but ultimately that's to show that life is just chasing money and wealth more and more of it here. this is
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the pop rocket and it's a smoke cloud which was made by painstakingly sticking bits of corn together this is the form and. they begin by putting their idea on paper then they refine it until image and message are one their latest concept features a hidden object. as we stand another village might be out in form and i think we use natural materials soil. a bit of moss to create a contrast between the plastic people and these beautiful materials. the kids can look on but that's about it. from your son now and then. sometimes. if the artist can't find what they need to they head for the play room where there's always something at hand. they look for the right character place it and then adjust the position again and again it can take hours until everything is
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in just the right place and they can start taking pictures the name of this trendy genre is. find works the marketing and knows how to use a camera the image with a hidden object is almost done just a few finishing touches are needed to make it perfect. enjoy getting it looking behind the scenes they love it when we reveal our secrets and say that really spoiled it for us. their creations can be found in exhibitions and on social media channels they're turning down commissions now because they don't want people dictating to them or the pressure that's not their thing for them the game is having fun with lego figures and that's how they wanted to stay. great stuff for this makes your max extra tour were granting
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a travel request from jose i have but i did it who comes from mendoza in argentina and he wrote in and wanted to know more about a certain city in northern italy and that is like so many italians that is bologna is a cultural treasure trove and over the centuries that has also acquired a number of nicknames such as the educated the fat and lateral the red and we'll tell you why that isn't the character of the place in the finer smaller details. can talk a line the main square in belonging the pizza majority in all thirty eight kilometers of arcades extend across the city protecting pedestrians from the rain and the sun . the first settlements were established here over two thousand years ago in the middle ages wealthy families here each built their own tower the two most famous ones of the ninety seven me to hi tony as in any i did shorter neighbor tony can i
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send the battles as around me has worked here for many years. usually with all that authority but i have the caper of the as an alitalia which along with a sister char is the symbol of both on your. you also are also work here and i'm a first citizen of the long you're to have been born in the tower and not just in its shadow. but then thought a bit it will be answered santo stefano is also fascinating this square is actually triangular the basilica of st stephen is a complex of seven roman asked buildings the oldest part state from the fifth century. the is often called the red city. bit below new is known as the red city that i thought that goes through that's because most of its buildings are made of terra cotta a lot that i don't know but knowing it he could be out of there is lots of clay in
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the region that we've been in it's a very pure kind of clay that makes the best and toughest terra cotta that. it was used for the facade of the fifteenth century oratorial down to spit into the side. only it is also called the fats one. because of all its fabulous food for today is one local speciality. and i'm out of the water does matter shoulder of pork and pork fat is very finely cooked and stuff to do or not. casing. of course polonaise source is known the world over carrots onions celery fresh rosemary pole ballet red wine tomato puree ground beef. water does it gets done after three three and a half hours or four hours to printing out how much that you're not like. that but
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isn't that out that the guy with. the source is never served with spaghetti but only with tanya telling. the famous restaurant donatello serves this tradition. to original recipe is kept at the chamber of commerce. and the prototype in gold of the perfect time to ten. below nya is not only the red city but also the learned one the dog its university was founded in ten eighty eight it's the oldest in the western world and you can maintain it feel any imus bought it back at first classes were held in various parts of the city in churches and in the homes of the professors that mean it would change then in the mid sixteenth century pope pius the fourth came to govern in a below nya and he built this building of the arche geneseo as the first permanent home of the university not only people from below new or from italy studied here
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but lots of foreigners who are germans who spaniards french film and the ceilings are painted with the coats of arms of those students to be used on the. city's churches a full of amazing works of art some are now camped in vilonia as you know protect our own national gallery looting this all to be spiky auto that takes from the thirteenth touchups. evil frescoes tell stories from the bible. just as the ecstasy of sense of syria by raphael. polian stole it and sent it to paris now it is back in the city where it was commissioned to. belong here has dozens of uses but the city itself is one shoots living museum it's all planned see evoking centuries past. well maybe only decades past this time but another era is currently being evoked in
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poland and more precisely in the capital city warsaw already back in the communist days it was popular to use neon script for shop signage to add a little bit of light and color to the humdrum grey all this kind of retro aesthetic is back in vogue and we looked into the background of an artistic trend with staying power. perfecting the retro look a neon sign is supposed to give this new bakery a bit of nostalgia claire neons making a comeback in the polish capital warsaw the. third of its making me on is really quite expensive. but it's got its own charm and character that gives places a certain appeal of their own. if you don't the now people see our signs and get almost sent about the. winter nights begin early in the polish capital and neon helps brighten things up back in the days of the iron curtain they had the same idea of using light to drive out the gloom of the predominately grey communist
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buildings the poles might not be nostalgic about communism but they are abound beyond. belgium oh yeah i remember the sixties really well back then they were far more lifelike these photos let's call it i like the colors structures and shapes they really are nature out. they bring back the past for those of us was to go over. the past is saved and spruced up at worst neon museum home to original science from the fifty's to the seventy's it depicts a chapter of polish history the warsaw mermaid is a symbol of the city government even subsidizes neon art in no other part of eastern europe was there as much neon and simple mind. they know that they were intended to give an illusion or be a substitute for the western world and we didn't have a free market everything was centrally planned and if the city decided to give some
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flash to a development or a street it did it with all the shops called the neon sign a well it's a. after the fall of communism a lot ended up on the scrap heap. but now neon is back and it brightens up the night in warsaw. bringing unnecessary damer of warmth to the chill winter nights well that's all for this edition of yarmuk so until next time all the best from us here in berlin and off he does. next time only your imax food designed a much he asked me to my creates an edible watch survivor. be instructed teachers bakers how to put felix and glam up on a cake packed. and he uses liquid nitrogen for special effects. sweet perfection next time on your attacks.
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on the box. the be. able. to. go.
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to our. because. it's playing. champions league trying to disseminate including his make that claim no sentimentality as a realization basso braman be trembling with the surge when in a fight against the drug. players him and explain. climate change. waist length pollution. isn't it time
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for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing a line of fire meant for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's inspire others. become an environment magazine. b.w. . play. about the moments before. it's all about the stories inside the fire it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us in speired by distinctive instagram or zz at g.w. story topics each week on instagram. unimpeded access to education and knowledge and the same opportunities for everyone . a central goal of the global community but what's the reality on the ground
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education for all w.'s multimedia special rates personal stories and highlights extraordinary projects the world over to find out more on the internet d.w. dot com education for all. it's all happening. during link from africa in the world. your link to it section in stories of discussions pale and will come to do such a clean program tonight from born in germany from many years of easy to out with say d w it costs much africa to join us on facebook t w africa.
12:00 pm
this is due to other news coming to you live from berlin reports of mortar and rocket fire rattling a truce in syria's eastern huta monitor group's report new as strikes on the rebel has on klav russia's military says rebels are shelling a designated humanitarian corridor could both the syrian military and rebels did not launch attacks also coming up millions of people are driscoll found then as yemen civil war rages on we take a red look behind the rebel lines following one doctor's.


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