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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2018 2:02am-2:15am CET

2:02 am
harvesting and selling personal data is big business these days now the belgian court has ruled that facebook's tracking of internet users in illegal because that threatens its business model also coming up cost a very modest ten years of independence we take a look at how europe's newest country is trying to stabilize its economy. and germany's organic farmers are getting into mass production so chemist stay true to their principles. base is your business update on how to humphrey in berlin thanks for joining me a belgian court has threatened facebook with a fine of up to one hundred million euros if it continues to break belgium's privacy laws by tracking people on third party websites now facebook says it will appeal the ruling the quarters also ruled that the american company must delete all data gathered illegally on belgian citizens including people who are not facebook uses the court said quote facebook informs us insufficiently about gathering
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information about us the kind of data it collects what it does with that data and how long it stores it. so let's bring in our financial correspondent for us so fisherman skee who is standing by for us in new york's tell us more about this facebook case sophie facebook wants to appeal the ruling but clearly belgium has hit the company where it hurts doesn't it. yes and definitely back would seriously hurt facebook and its business model because this is their main revenue stream facebook is making money with tracking frequent serving behavior and placing ads of companies on websites consumers are visiting and the social media from uses different methods to do so and to track the online behavior of people by placing cookies and pixels on third party websites that is at least how the court put it in this case so if this is being prohibited in the future it can turn into
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a big problem for the social network let's take a look maybe at wall street is reaction the stock is down for the day so it looks like a new investors are at least wary of what this might turn into but i don't think this is the end of facebook or anything like that but it is indeed another significant bump in the road and facebook is going to have to move in that out somehow right now so if you i hardly have to tell you that of course there has been a lot of market turbulence of late there was even at one point talk of a crash half we safely moved past that point now. yeah well this week has been crazy and therefore has left a lot of investors andrew porters as well speechless so let me try to find words after stocks being and correction territory for quite a while wall street this week saw the best week in years in a six day winning streak the s.m.p. five hundred has now recovered more than half the losses that sent it into
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correction territory last week and now everyone is trying to make sense out of this or that news and ride the waves of a chain reaction of algorithms and electronic trading but the markets have proven one more time how resilient they are at the moment even to a problematic data and we saw it this week when we had our hearts in place a number coming in the stocks did deprive they recovered really quickly or you know what a well earned weekend awaits you so fishermans can you thank you very much. saudi arabia central bank has signed a deal with us based cryptocurrency recall which was designed especially for banks and global money transfers now the program will allow banks in saudi arabia to use recall software to settle payments sent into and out of the country it is its first cooperation with the central bank other banks including u.b.s. and some ten day already cooperating with the silicon valley it stops.
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now the african union says it's stepping up the fight against corruption which it says is an urgent problem across the continent a new un study shows that billions of dollars a plundered every year lining the pockets of the powerful widening the gap between the rich and the poor as well as damaging growth. nepotism money laundering and endemic corruption is a scourge for development in africa this is especially true in countries rich in rule materials the revenues often end up lining the pockets of corrupt civil servants and various believes such crime intensifies inequality hurting the poor especially. according to experts at the united nations africa loses one hundred fifty billion us dollars to corruption annually what's especially problematic that stolen revenue doesn't flow back into local economies. rather it's spent or parked outside the continent. that translates into
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a twenty five percent drop in africa's economic growth all the while exacerbating poverty migration and terror. on saturday cost of earmarks ten years since it declared independence from serbia now the economy is per promising with g.d.p. expanding by just under four said twenty seventeen but europe's youngest country is also one of its poorest and is struggling with weak infrastructure and no way is this more of yes when you take a look at its power supply but at least that offers an opportunity to move to the latest technology and one companies hoping to lead the way. yeah how solar is possible is first photovoltaics factory high quality solar panels are made here they're designed for regions within ten sunlight like north africa and the middle east and while that might sound ideal for solar the desert heat is bad news for conventional panels their output is actually lower and they don't last long but not
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the panels made here we have the thirty years of life from our products but for now kosovo is still coal powered it has vast deposits that could last for centuries. but coal burning comes at a price for one it's bad for health. and about a quarter of the electricity that passes through kosovo's antiquated grid is lost there are frequent power outages especially in winter that's bad for economic growth so authorities are looking to green energy to solve these problems. production here began in june twenty sixth seen now the factory has one hundred employees the company hopes to head off a low cost competition from china with an emphasis on high quality. the chinese they have mass productions and we don't want to get involved in that we are a small country we have maybe a good potential on those standards and so we are we decided to become
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a quality factory yahoo is focusing on sales in neighboring countries where demand is high but it was even able to land a significant order on the turkish market the company is growing rapidly but competition is fierce. these are very good to start it and they have the government say we will survive and those we will put funds we were with us for the renewable energy one of the group you read in your so they have a lot of potential. but for now the balkans are currently its most important market and initiative called ten thousand solar roofs is meant to give renewable energies a big push in kosovo solar is one of the sponsors. demand for food has been growing for years and especially popular here in germany were even cut price supermarkets are getting in on the act but if consumers of products always come from small it did it farms well perhaps they should think it
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get high demand has led to mass production still organic farmers say there is a difference and they're staying true to their principles. when temperatures drop below freezing farmer rathod and spreads out a carpet of hay first chickens. we put on the straw to coax out the chickens that way the birds feel more protected but you know they think. they prefer to stay close to the coop actually farm or out and once to lure them across the ice to the greener pasture the farther they roam the better it's a real problem if the more than one thousand chickens only congregate in one place . the area around the chicken coop is contaminated with feces and parasites which can make them sick we're not allowed to use preventative medicines like antibiotics when raising organic culturing so you have to think of ways to reduce the risk of
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disease that's why the mobile coop comes in handy. every two weeks the farmer uses his tractor to move the coop that way the fields can recover and the chickens aren't left scratching and pecking around in soggy soil. everything looks good here if they're running around and a lot of moisture or it's really wet outside and there's no green grass that can irritate their feet which increases the risk of inflammation and fissures but that's not a problem here looks good. small mobile chicken coops have been around for a long time but for about two years the company farm o.b.o. has been building large scale mobile coops that house up to thirteen hundred organic chickens the birds lay their eggs in shelf nest boxes then they're collected on computer controlled conveyor belts like in larger barns but c.e.o.
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funds vets work doesn't want to build the mobile coops anymore. you can build anything but then it's not really fully mode. well anymore we've gotten away from the real purpose of having mobility is more beast i was like wow but it's still pays automatic feeding and thermostat control make his organic operation economically viable. by manual labor costs must be kept in check otherwise it isn't feasible that unfortunately is a problem in the organic sector we have to maintain a certain level of efficiency just to keep the business going on my head all right to call me that's why i didn't organic eggs cost about ten to fifteen cents more than those from large scale organic operations fiske so that's what you are say with the latest from the wild of business from all find us on facebook follow us on twitter at d w on disco business on that and i might have
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a great weekend thanks for watching them right now here's a check on the markets at this hour. we're. going to. cut. cut cut cut cut. cut. cut cut. cut cut.
2:14 am
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