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tv   Close up - South Korea - Success at Any Price  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2018 4:15pm-4:45pm CET

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very much. within the squad we have good competition for places everyone wants to play so i'm going to rotate a bit. moving the goalposts. all right on behalf of all of us here thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us the news continues at the top of the hour. the whole d w. four in focus global insights the news out for local heroes. d.w. made for mines.
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lympics stadium in seoul south korea that's a big event on the way here it involves the country's national pastime some of these people look like they stepped out of a fantasy film. it's the events of a big yes and tens of thousands they get to see it live the national video game championships. i the south koreans are masters of these games known as east sports there are hundreds of professional players and millions of fans around the country oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh my oh. i'm dressed like
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a sauna that's a character in an online game she's strong and beautiful and has a weapon that looks like a star. and that's about that and she has large breasts unlike me. this young lady called smash is a rising star in the world of e-sports he's a famous in south korea's top football. players are in other countries when. smith is just twenty years old he's the captain of the rocks tigers team they've qualified for the national finals. will be done. to meet you when son. smith quit school to devote more time to his sports is parents are ok with that this is what something that my son is really famous he's a star in online game me i'm you know i didn't recognize him on the street and that makes me very proud. to. have that was to know when he told me that he wanted to
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quit school and become a professional gamer but i didn't like it but i saw that he was really motivated so i gave in he's successful now so he made the right decision. but i don't think you know that the winning team will get one hundred thousand dollars in prize money the best teams also get generous financial support from sponsors. if celebs team win the competition they can count on sponsorship contracts worth several hundred thousand dollars. that kind of money focuses that attention those sponsors include some major brands. and how we're we always try to stay at the top of our game i'm really looking forward to the finals it'll be great and well when i can already see myself holding the trophy.
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i championship is broadcast live on t.v. and millions of south koreans tune in to watch. i think you. can. get. the game that's how four hours of the. hard work ahead of them there are five players on each team the teams play three rounds against each other. each class is armed with a keyboard and a mouse they sit in class foods to protect them from the is splitting noise in the stadium. the fans follow the action on giant screen t.v.'s. each team controls an army of superheroes the goal is to wipe out your opponent and take over his territory. lookouts
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explosives. his maps parents keep a close eye on the scoreboard. i i things are pretty tense smathers team is in a tight spot after three hours the score is still tied the other team led by a stop called s.k. now looks set to win. thirty seconds left to the rocks tigers are behind this could be the fifth time that s.k. team have won a championship that's it s k y n. i. i i i i i. i. i love you chad i'm
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really sad my son played well but the other team was better i hope he'll win as next match and i'm still proud of him title to take insulin. this is the third year in a row his team have lost in the finals they won sixty thousand dollars puts mabus still disappointed. i think i'm really bummed out but i. give the next game all i've got. the next national championships will be held a year from now in the meantime there are dozens of each game tournament every month and so on the boys troll big crowds. so has a metro population of more than twenty five million the city is a world leader in the development of innovative technology. there are an estimated thirty million mobile phones in south korea which has
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a population of fifteen million. samsung l.g. and shields i enjoy knowledge market share as. south korean firms have also made huge progress in the development of robots acknowledging. not just five decades ago the country was one of the world's poorest what's behind south korea's remarkably swift economic development. how did it become one of the four asian economic tigers we've come here to find out. mr kwan runs a well known clinic that specializes in cosmetic surgery he's wealthy but he doesn't show it except when it comes to his car collection sauna worth several hundred thousand dollars each. but one is even more proud of his two rather stubborn dogs.
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both chandu one and chandu two clothings. the cloning of pets is illegal in europe but not in south korea in fact it's quite common. ones original poodle chandu died a year ago. one went to a veterinarian to see whether his pet could be cloned. it was so sick sad i was so sad. but i wanted to know if you could just pick lolo to go to keep you should maybe. go before. this country. i'm moved to detroit. kwame is on his way to the clinic that made the two copies of the original sham do . this one of
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a kind facility has been cloning animals for more than ten years. the cloning suchness is expensive it costs eighty thousand dollars to copy a dog. the stuff provide excellent customer service. the chief veterinarian examines both dogs for possible health problems. one of them is having trouble opening his right eye and kwan is worried about that. is this connected to the cloning process i mean or is it a birth defect of the closely there are. sometimes there are such problems with the eyes of cloned animals i think that the i will continue to deteriorate so that in a few years we'll have to operate it could become a real problem it has to do with. over the past ten years
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a total of seven hundred animals have been cloned at this clinic customers come from all over the country. all you have to do is mail the clinic a skin sample from your pet. technicians extract some d.n.a. and inject it into an egg cell the success rate for cloning here is about forty percent. which is relieved the vet found no other health problems with either of his dogs. but he's sorry that neither of the clones inherited the personality of the original shen two he still misses that dog. if it's his pets grave every day.
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hi really loud clone of you because it should be same but the bring and the hottest different. thing inside is different now i know door fact i really. have to time my memory with chung do not. suffer. koreans have few reservations about the use of the latest technology to clone animals. over the last five decades this country has risen to become the world's eleventh largest economy based on g.d.p. . that's mostly due to the country's approach to work which is founded on absolute discipline. many south koreans spend an average fifty two hours a week at work but it's probably closer to sixty hours or more. the lights in offices in seoul are off and on until well past midnight. we managed to convince
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one major corporation they also make a huge to let us film at their headquarters. it's four in the morning and workers are already on the job. that includes chang sung who works in the corporate communications department. right now i'm putting together the press review i call it newspaper articles and put them on our website. and i thought i've got to get up early but i do it to help the company function properly this is important corporate information. and i don't think. sean is not the only one who's already at his desk. some of his colleagues have stayed of the office all night. they either sleep on couches or in special chazz it's standard operating procedure.
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and i don't know why they were sitting here. they came to this they did arrest and. chong has finished the press review before most of his colleagues even arrived for work. he heads for a room where employees can sit around and relax the company has even provide. i did a specially equipped massage chair. do this anyway and then he took it when i've been working all night i like to come here and relax. into this chair is really comfortable. really glad that the company put it here for us. and. chong will put in fourteen hours at the office today and more than sixty hours this week he gets ten of occasions days per year but it's considered bad form for employees
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to use all that occasion time. these grueling work sheffield dates back to the one nine hundred sixty s. when south korea was rebuilding after the war with north korea. but these days the government is determined to increase worker productivity south koreans work less efficiently than their counterparts in many industrial states. over the past three years has tried to focus the efforts of its workforce right now chong sung is meeting with the head of his department. this cube shaped timer is used to make sure that the meeting doesn't go on too long . as you. start out and you set it up so that it shows how long the meeting should go five minutes serve fifteen or an hour and today will do half an hour that's enough and i was like that with some food. but old habits die hard
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even when the staff use the timer meetings often last longer than that supposed to . and many workers makes their business lives with their private lives a lot of them spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their families . this is the city young about two hundred fifty kilometers south of seoul. it's home to pasco the world's fourth largest steel manufacturer. the company's state of the art production facility covers an area of five square kilometers pasco employs six thousand five hundred people and they practice rigorous military style discipline on the job it's eight in the morning. the work day starts with calisthenics for everyone and words of praise for the company.
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school cook was. also although created if you know. mr tyson has been performing his corporate ritual for twenty years now. and then it's important to repeat the slogans every day it helps to keep our morale but always. tyson is responsible for equipment maintenance he works an average of twelve hours a day plus uncompensated overtime employees at this level are expected to conform to the corporate culture this includes treating coworkers and business partners with extreme courtesy here tyson meets with a spare parts supplier
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a machine has broken down and it needs to be repaired. that's how much. we can really do with you. know what are you going to change the remote control and it'll be fine. that didn't take long as the supply of prepares to leave tyson bows to show his respect it's the polite thing to do. when you meet someone for the first time. and offer them your hand. you do the same with older people. with relatives or subordinate work colleagues you can just wave. but if you meet your boss you have to bow it's an important custom in south korea. tyson and his
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coworkers are finished for the day and they didn't have to put in any overtime. but even when they leave the complex they can't leave the company because pasco owns pretty much the whole city. that includes the sports arena the school's residential buildings and shopping centers and the public transport system. this situation is ideal for families. we have everything we need right here. the company wants us to be happy. so that's good because it motivates us to do the best work we can. a painting. i saw his wife and their two children live just five minutes from his workplace in a four room apartment that they bought from the company it cost the equivalent of forty five thousand euros.
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we've lived here since we got married we like our apartment we've never lived anywhere else. tysons wife looks after the home while he's at the factory but the couple don't see much of each other tyson spends more time on the job than he does at home. he often goes out for a beer with his coworkers. down but this evening tyson has invited some colleagues to his home tyson's children have just finished their exams so it's time to celebrate but isn't this sort of like being at the office. i don't. know. if we weren't here we'd be in a bar someplace. our neighbors or people we work with who live around here we
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feel a bond with each other so it's no problem for me. the normal car you often don't know. tyson and his colleagues are close whether they're at the factory or at home . they can't imagine it any other way if you. have their company it's like one big family. and often dash to the. south korea seems determined to show the world that it can do things better and faster than anyone. pressure to succeed begins at an early age. international studies on educational achievement consistently show south korea at the top of the table most young people have just one goal to be successful. but they often pay a price for that. seven in the morning at an apartment in souls
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posh gangnam district. mrs park is getting breakfast ready a husband is already at the office their sixteen year old son young guy is trying to sleep in. which. time to get out. no come on man just give me ten more minutes. i got just five hours of sleep last night that's tough for someone his age. he spends so much time studying but he just doesn't get enough sleep. john wants to get into a good university and that's going to take a lot of work. are you up yet. you know he's so tired he can't keep his eyes open. you're awake now but he's running late there's no time for breakfast so he grabs
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a banana. so it's back to the treadmill. i spend seventeen hours a day studying from eight in the morning till one am. right now he attends one of the city's best high schools. the students wear uniforms boys and girls are taught in separate classrooms discipline is the order of the day. we have to hand in our mobile phones. this is a class on economics. some of the students are already nodding off they just didn't get enough sleep last night.
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judge tries hard to stay awake he moves to his big desk in the back of the room. it's harder to fall asleep when you're standing up. whenever i said down i fall asleep right away the teachers have warned me about it after three warnings they start adopting points i don't want that to happen. to which. each student starts the school year with a total of fifty four point. it's unacceptable behavior will result in point deduction sleeping in class will cost you two points those who use up all the points are expelled from school.
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teachers keep track of the point total and they don't fool around. the clock is up to go get them in our system shows the data for each student and the total number of points. in english to all here's you. yesterday he fell asleep in class again so he lost two points puts on his army to flee you can question your time and still send his mother a note about that so she can talk to him about it when he gets home wins or to go so i think this is a good way to maintain classroom discipline it is a project it's. the point system was introduced five years ago after the government banned corporal punishment in schools. but you'll still find some teachers who fallen back into their old habits. classes end at four in the afternoon now young guy will spend another five hours at
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a private school that's a total of twelve hours. to fill out i'd like to take a break but i can't know what. unifies mother will drive him to the private school. ninety percent of all students in so attend extra classes. and south korea is a small country we don't have many natural resources. our main asset is smart people so we invest in educating our children there are a most valuable resource. tuition at the afternoon school costs the equivalent of eight hundred euros a month wealthy parents don't cut corners when it comes to educating their children . these young people are studying mathematics
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classes supplement the lessons that they've learned at their main school there are more than thirty thousand facilities like this in so a parallel educational system that's ended turning out super students. at ten pm is finally able to head home. this card keeps track of the time so his parents know that he's been in class all day. long right. now i can go. home and take shower ok called back. during the school wait between ten and eleven pm the streets are full of students who are returning home after a long day of classes. but
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one isn't finished yet now he has to do his homework he goes to a special room in his apartment building where students can study in peace and quiet. really. try. to. hard. to. but he kept. that. way after midnight one giant finally arrives home his father is still at the office . and. his mother has prepared him some food in there into how did things go today. there have something to eat. and so morrow will follow the
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exact same share deal. to him and then see that of course i'm worried about him he works too much and he doesn't have any time off . but he's got to stick with it as long as he can our society is geared towards performances. we want the best for our children they have to work hard now so they'll be successful later ok for help. i won't get to bed tonight before one am. they have been proposals to limit the hours that these private schools can stay open but the parents oppose it they want their children to have the extra advantage that the schools offer. but many south koreans are raising questions about this whole system they favor a european approach where people enjoy a proper mix of work and free time. the
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fast pace of life in the digital shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information on the wittiest finds and interviews with makers and users. shifts next on g.w. . climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for good news eco
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africa people and projects that are changing our environment for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's explain each other. he could be environment magazine. d.w. . shift living in the digital age coming up creeping stories. trees. and shapes in love. but first many stars.


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