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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2018 12:00am-12:03am CET

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live a much more fulfilling life because. you see this shortcoming on the full faith and the contract that the people but they all appeared in the life. u.s. vice president mike pence has told the israeli parliament that washington will move its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem by the end of twenty nineteen currently on a mideast trip pence's the first top u.s. official to visit the region since president trump recognized jerusalem as israel's capital. former international soccer star george where has been sworn in as the president of liberia. tens of thousands attended the ceremony at
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a football stadium in the capital monrovia his inauguration marks the country's first democratic transition of power since one nine hundred forty four. the u.s. senate has voted to temporarily lift a three day government shutdown due to the lack of funding hundreds of thousands of federal workers had begun closing down operations on monday the first week days since the shutdown under the deal democrats agreed to fund the government in return for a commitment from senate republicans on immigration reform. democratic. fighting on the turkey syria border intensified today as turkish troops and their allies advance on the kurdish enclave of offering inside syria the offensive is aimed at neutralizing a u.s. backed kurdish militia turkey considers a terror organization. as
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the world's business finance and politics elites meets in davos it's time to find answers at the top of the agenda how to distribute the benefits of growth more fairly around the globe. and off found claims the gap between the super wealthy and the rest of the world has widened again the report was released just in time for the davos meeting. it's time for business on the w m how you know to get us welcome to the program and i'll start with some name dropping british prime minister of the reason i'm a french president call and brazilian president michel those are just some of the world leaders that we are expecting to attend the world economic forum in davos but the meeting is known for a very broad array of participants and topics here's a first look at what's. you know these are the stars of opening night in davos elton john actress cate blanchett and bollywood.


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