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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2018 8:00am-8:03am CET

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like as a cyborg. at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it happen society does the human race removing upgrade i think it's only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first on t.w. . afghan special forces have ended a siege of couples intercontinental hotel the afghan interior ministry says all three gunmen are dead and so are five of the hotel's guests attackers stormed the intercontinental on saturday night no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. republican and democratic lawmakers in the u.s. are blaming each other for failing to pass a funding bill to avoid a government shutdown democrats are insisting any short term bill include
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protection for young undocumented immigrants but republicans say they won't negotiate until the government reopens. turkish president wretch up type other one says i'm grown has launched a military operation on the ground to oust kurdish militia from the syrian region of africa and the turkish government views the tens of thousands of kurdish fighters massed there as terrorists syria has warned against an incursion and has threatened to shoot down turkish jets. tens of thousands of romanians have rallied against legislation and i say will make it hard to prosecute crime and corruption protesters clashed with riot police as they gathered in central book arrest it comes a year after the country saw a similar anti corruption protest i. beat the germans. and surprisingly aspects of licensed culture in germany. us american
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t.v. news that takes a look at germany it is increasing their traditions for every day lives and language is on my. plate so i am yeah we've played. a trick i am a d w dot com the german. hans christiane is one of the founders of germany's green party he's here to talk about the extra parliamentary opposition democracy and the party itself welcome to the d. w. interview mr. thanks as the stocks up go up at the house while a member of parliament you turned down the privilege of an official car and cycled instead. was this a way of staying close to the kind of people who might not have a company car.


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