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tv   Eco-at- Africa - The Environment Magazine  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2018 7:30am-8:00am CET

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i think people are really looking for any journalist they can trust for them to make sense of. items back home i work a double. layer . hello and welcome to the latest edition of echo at africa then viral mental magazine brought to you by d.w. channels t.v. and k.c. and my name is sharon the money coming from nairobi kenya and joining me is my colleague nic in the idea hello and. thanks sharon i'm now it's i mean
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lagos nigeria welcome as always we're happy to have you with us for our environmental journey through africa and europe so here's what we have coming up today. saving ram months our brains in the zombie. making useful bag out of textile waste in zimbabwe. i'm sharing solar energy in june. but we start off in south africa which is very non for its nature reserves including the wild famous kruger national park but often the people who leave in the communities near this wildlife preserves have never set foot in them one all going to ization is hoping to change that by introducing the local youth to wildlife and conservation through photography.
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an idyllic sunrise over south africa's land the province this isn't part of the country is home to dozens of nature results and national parks that draw in thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. but for the local communities that live right on the borders of these paths access is often too expensive. two years ago my conflicts found out over local outreach program while shots started introducing children from local government schools to the practical skills of wildlife photography the aim is to engage them in conservation drives and show them the value and beauty of these wild places through photography but really the photography is just a vehicle for getting the kids interested in animals getting them interesting wildlife and wall places and giving them an experience of of what a tourist sees or maybe in some cases what their father or what their mum series when they're working in a large. mike has been running the program by himself since it started most of the
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funding in canada has come from donations the n.-g. o. ses it's crucial to expose local communities and young people to conservation activities to encourage them to actively participate. this could help spread awareness about living in harmony with nature about sharing the land and even help create a community initiatives. so if you're a young person growing up in these communities you've got a couple of choices here you could look at the poaching route and that brings short term high high i monitor going or if you've been on my program you might be able to see a longer term solution in that if the animals are there for a sustainable number of years into the future then we've got tourism we've got jobs we've got em ploy meant going on for our children and for the grandchildren going forward. down the road in a small village with bismarck ninety five in their daily lives a typical teenage girl's life she helps out with jewels around the house in between
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her school work. but this morning is a little different for her as a graduate of the program she's doing her classmates on how fast again bright where they'll be putting their new skills to the test you know anything about so now i know if. they're part of kind. i didn't know that it's. in now i know that. because of. the lessons she's learned may have shipped her future when she leaves school and the funding billy wants to become as well used and teach people about the new most and how important they are for the country. more than five thousand rhinos have been forged in the kugan national park every single year for the past five years. in the. local gun range or
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attended the same secondary school as these children today he supports the while shots project together with other colleagues. i think. when you listen to what talk about some of the people there don't want to talk i'm in the bush when it was which showed them the picture. for the enemy they will learn more about that and. it's going to have been a very very big you which impact for the communities to gain more knowledge about the bush they have to pour their way just talk i mean and important to empower us in this new can have a mere biden now as to when they in north we mustn't go hunting they were going explain to other people even their patents you mustn't go and kill the animals because it's our nature. and while schultz has cleaned nearly three hundred school children so far. through. the end
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or so organized an exhibition last year to showcase some of the students' work and now while schultz has been asked to take the initiative to kenya and the countries across the continent. every year zimbabwe generates all but two million tonnes off in the last year old adam a stick waste ninety percent off the garbage sites only ten percent of it is recycled already used textile waste is a big problem takes up space in landfills blocks drains and c. was really using substances that can harm people's health now one young woman in harare has come up with us a mission to reuse the textile that waste in an eco friendly mama. good old ranks of new bikes. born ascribes
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textiles or beautiful thing. that dumped on the streets of an ugly new since. one consume ballpoints capital harare. where waste collection is often inefficient. bobo's twenty two year old found. she collects the leftover fabric that tailor shops. and uses it to create beautiful clothes and objects. like notebooks and diaries. or even picture frames and gift box. her recycled products sold for two to twenty five dollars. they make life prettier and the
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environment a little cleaner. like that. if you also want to tell us about it. visit our website or send us a tweet. as to doing your best. for story. let's head over to mozambique now the islands of the buzz of. the place to view giant monterey's a spectacular and a what a sight but like many other species that body parts are highly sought after for traditional chinese medicine putting pressure on their population is that any chance of saving them and. yes there is a chance of saving the marine megafauna foundation has been monitoring monza rays and other wildlife for years but alone won't turn the tide so we searchers have joined up with the national park way just to protect the marine animals let's take
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a look. at the free one must be absolutely silent. and real marshall and her team are looking for a large sea creature to do call. and try. to do is extremely shy and can easily out swim the humans. from this park is showing critically important for making fun of species especially threaten ones like mansour isn't due dongs on this really is the last habitat left in africa for two camps the last viable population to bombs that we have along this coastline the marine biologist and her team have been doing research in the past a route to archipelago for thirteen years. even though it's
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a protected area fish stocks have been dwindling. too much money i say was born on the main island he supervises twenty three rangers for the national park they go in for trolls collect data and provide information that's going to be for the communities outside the national park have no spaces where the fish can reproduce. but it's what the last fish stocks the kind of pressure grows that leads to ever greater conflicts with the fisherman from the mainland which has got the name even encroached on the totally protected areas to go fishing or. about but what alternatives do the fishermen half for their livelihoods really really important area for the beauty for their heritage and maybe tourism andreea marshall and her team have invited ten park rangers and their new superior to take part in training such an exciting day for me i've been we've been anticipating doing an event like
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this for government for a national park for a very long time for me being a researcher out here in mozambique i've been stuck for many years i've been trying to find out how to work better with government how to help try and build capacity and more is most important on a map they mark exactly where they've seen what animal species and compare the sightings with the researchers data. see if there was this course is very important if we manage to work together well in the first fails we'll be able to negotiate a second time a third that we'll learn how to go diving ourselves to show the tourists the fish and other things and one of the most damage that damn. many of them have to learn how to swim the park director goes first stuff it these i'm so glad i'm finally learning to swim i've wanted to do this all my life. i'm just hoping it all goes well. the intensive course lasts five
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days those who already know. how to swim learn snorkeling and diving. by the end of the course almost everyone here will be able to swim in the open ocean andrea marshall depends on their help after every dive she evaluates her shots each manta ray has its distinguishing marks. she also works with genetic samples for what may be the world's most comprehensive manta ray databank. it's mozambique is is making sort of somewhere in the vicinity of seven to eight million dollars a year off mantra tourism on mansouri diving tourism and i feel that you know that definitely can be an incentive you know for government to say listen this animal is worth a lot more alive than it is dead. even so mozambique has yet to place the
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amount to right on its list of protected species. nigeria's population is estimated at about a hundred and eighteen million and still counting and obviously all of this people will need a roof over their heads nigeria for now has a housing deficit of over eighteen many many houses that have been built i mean did expensive and usually not environmentally friendly one man believes that houses can be built in a cost effective way and still be environmentally friendly. nigerian oil law and his wife are proud of their new home it is one of the first houses in nigeria made almost entirely from shipping containers. this building site in lagos one of the largest cities in the country looks quite ordinary but these nearly
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finished houses are anything but ordinary for all of the me. it was a good opportunity to acquire a sunny deconstructed and comfortable home in nigeria there's a lot of application actually contain nuts but it's mostly for offices or for shops or temporary living cortez by construction companies or in the oil sector so my question is we don't have a shortage of shops in nigeria or shut age of. the shut it that we have is housing practically housing for your income the containers provide the basic structure of the house each container can be outfitted with custom features depending on the owner's project be interior paneling is made from discarded packaging material and that makes these homes both environmentally friendly and very affordable a four bedroom duplex like this one costs about seventeen million which is about
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forty thousand euros a low is particularly proud of the solar power system it's supplies energy at no extra cost making him independent of the public grid but they are environmentalists friendly features to just listen to us now with that feel good house well it is indoors eyelash. when it comes to their usage of the side out so that we there isn't. so let's try this riddance. house tougher. there's a serious housing shortage in nigeria over one hundred thousand homes are constructed every year but that's two fails to meet the demand experts say that the country needs to build about seven hundred thousand homes a year to alleviate the housing shortage within the next decade. upcycling contain
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his office one sustainable solution and with the help of architects the exterior and interior can be designed according to the client's needs. and the clients required sometimes the boats butin the house that's reduces the cost of maintenance like cost of electricity. no need to put in so much air conditioning the lights and during the day so you actually have to say is that in the design making use of windows a much larger dose of a light just with a brings in more lights during the day don't have to switch on your. side and brings in. a very good experience. recycling containers by reducing them to molten metal is an expensive process upcycling them as a building material saves money we do see is the house in deficit and it's more environmentally friendly and for many it is a quick and affordable way into
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a new home. germans increasingly want to use it. and i install solar panels on. what happens when the sun isn't shining a german company called solon things it has the answer it already has ten thousand subscribers in germany and wants to expand to austria switzerland and even australia a company invented a system for sharing this solar body electricity that's how about. starting the panels now adorn the briefing golf tennis is house in southern. they produce enough electricity to power his home and share with others not only with large power companies but also other private householders. it is called power sharing in the cellar at battery stores and the excess production. panels can see on his computer just how much electricity his panels have generated
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and how much he's used. sometimes he has to draw on other people's power usually he has enough to share. but in the future when i generate a lot of electricity because the sun just happens to be shining here but perhaps not in bavaria or other parts of europe then my excess energy can be channeled the police and it's a great concept that's from the police. that forty percent renewable electricity is already an important component of germany's power mix but until recently it was hard to distribute privately generated power the zalman company is trying to change that it makes batteries which store the solar power ten thousand households are already hooked up to this on a network. the map shows where they're located. the company also wants to move into austria switzerland. sharing electricity is
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relatively easy. i'm five it's pretty easy in germany we've got a system where everyone can use the electricity grid the same as everyone who's got internet or can use a variety of telecommunications connections. that means we pay network operators to use the grid that means at any point in germany we can generate electricity as well as supply it to. the system turns house owners with solar modules mounted on their briefs into power providers and golf tennis is now both a regular consumer and power utility on top of that he saves money cutting his electricity bill almost in half. not least because he's now independent of the large energy concerns. because we are the most satisfying aspect of course is that we're making a small contribution to climate protection and limiting carbon dioxide emissions.
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so we're good and that's the most important thing that we do and yes making a financial saving on the side at least once the plant has been running for years and paid for itself that's a welcome side effect i'm happy to take a longer. name if it didn't come to me. his household is only one example of sharing climate friendly electricity plenty of others could soon be joining the system. so now we visit the bar called the congo basin these pygmy people who live in the central african republic i like many indigenous people they see the our culture on the right right outside influences that is why the by arco all the young have come together to preserve the one knowledge of their ancestors how are they doing that show for thousands of years the bayaka have lived with and from the rain forest they have always treated the forest with care because they see themselves as part of it preserving it as part of their cultural heritage then to my colleague
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group is trying to curry that's tradition on into the twenty first century means forest in bayaka kali is the word for in fungal our widespread indigenous language in the region. here in the sangar river in the southwest of the central african republic this boat is on a coming to the rescue mission. the rescuers call themselves team a colleague and they want to save the culture of the bayaka untangled people. the group makes regular trips to the rainforest to keep the ancient wisdom of the people alive. the main purpose is to learn about the forest and its parrot. which they have to ask for permission to enter. the writing or word for. her.
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to learn through observation guided by john bullock or one of the few people who still has the ancient knowledge. and then i have children look at the spark. if you boil it in water the water turns red. drink it it's good for a stomach ache or sore throat. for thousands of years these communities have lived sustainably taking only what they need for food and medicine from the woods of the river the members of the mccully are trying to preserve this archaic way of life in modern times and to protect the forest they're supported by nature conservation organization w w f the rain forest in the congo basin is under threat. timber companies are logging poachers killing wildlife mines destroying the landscape and modern life is making inroads into even the most remote villages
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replacing the age old traditions of central africa. marshall better lay ahead of the group he's well aware of the dangers that poses. back to technology has impacted culture most young people just want to listen to the music they hear on the radio they go to the village to hear music instead of sitting together around the fire like their ancestors did playing drums singing and dancing dancing this rain forest camp is the main gathering place for di mccully they've produced a book about the forests medicinal plants the group visit schools in the region to remind more children and young people about the close ties their ancestors had to the forest. when the body was a forest makes our children stronger. by our co goes abroad and returns he has to go into the forest to connect with his culture again. well the forest is everything
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to us it grows on medicine and food. the forest is our city. tree climbing skills are also part of the bio because heritage in the forest canopy they find honey and caterpillars which they can harvest time and again without chopping down the trees. but for these teenagers it's not just about protecting the environment. you can't climb a tree with the rope you won't get a woman. if you can climb up to the top. you can get all the young women from the village. both of them arms out on the more serious this is the man is saying he wants something if he can climb a tree. i couldn't love a man who couldn't do it. but it's also fun and make steam mccully more attractive to young people. were like oh.
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forest ends with traditional dances. symbolically transformed into the spirit of the woods they don't suppose. which was traditionally performs the evening before a hunt. for the p.c. and people aren't going hunting. they're heading back to their homes and once they've left the spirit of the forest returns to the quiet green space beneath the trees. so there's plenty of people doing that beautiful environment all over africa and in europe but that's all we have time for today many thanks for watching until next time it's goodbye from nairobi and goodbye from lagos nigeria if you want to know more about us follow us on our social media pages we'll be back next week same time until then thanks for joining us why are part of becoming european environmental show a bot. the
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fully accepted upon motherhood. a very personal film about the suffering of childless women in niger. fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on t w. are you up to speed on the latest technology. know when it may be time for an upgrade. become part of the future. become a cyborg i'm a cyborg so i've created a new sense and a new organ and have to sign my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my encounters on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope to this would make us more ethical persons what would life be like as
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