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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2017 5:00am-5:03am CET

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a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d. w. dot com art of freedom. and. you think of me speak your language so you've got room. for content in dari pashto and . prospects for returning our web special to the refugee journeys of life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. join the discussion on g.w. dot com and on facebook. prospects for returning. d.-w. maybe for my. donald trump's former national security advisor michael flynn has pleaded guilty to making false statements to the f.b.i.
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about his contacts with a russian diplomat the charges are part of an investigation into russian meddling in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election in his plea deal flynn's that a senior member of the trump transition team directed him to make contact with russian officials. german police have destroyed a suspicious package found near a christmas markets and the city of pottstown near berlin the parcel contained cables and nails and investigators are now trying to determine whether it was a real explosive device or a. security has been stepped up in germany since terrorist attack on a christmas market. pope francis is finally used the word will hinge on his tour of asia he has said the word during a meeting with a hinge of refugees who fled from myanmar to bangladesh the pope has faced criticism for not saying the politically sensitive word during his visit to myanmar earlier this week. the group lineups for the twenty eight thousand world cup in
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russia have been drawn and world cup defenders germany will start the tournament with the first game against mexico twenty ten world cup winners spain will meet up with european champions portugal in their group. donald trump's former national security advisor michael flynn pleads guilty to charges of lying to the f.b.i. how closely is he cooperating with the investigation into collusion between the trim campaign and russia my name's christopher spring eight this is the day. we do not meet a reckless president who believes she is above the. market
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