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tv   The Day - News in Review  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2017 6:03am-6:31am CEST

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stability and rule of law throughout the state but while suchi supporters rallied in the biggest city in gone rights groups were unimpressed amnesties david griffiths told t w she failed to condemn the army for its actions what we heard from. this morning was a whitewash frankly the speech had no sense of. what is and calling situation an ethnic cleansing of the right into the population across rakhine state and you know there was no sense of scale no sense of urgency that came across from what. today the world sat down and listened to u.s. president donald trump explain his world and the roles expected of them in it tonight america first at the u.n. and the axis of evil two point zero i broke off in berlin this is the day.
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rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. to put it simply we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril the united states will forever be a great friend to the world but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one sided deal where the united states gets nothing in return. as president of the united states i will always put america first just like you as the leaders of your countries will always and should always put your
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countries first. strong sovereign nations let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny that's what the united nations is all about that's what the united nations is for let's see how they do. also on the show remember that euro crisis just before the last election in germany efforts to rescue the euro were the stuff of winning campaigns and greek tragedies and this time around. we are really living to the limit we kind of a more than we can. my opinion is that there are many rules of your room. in the medical leave. i think like these my professor at the
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brain to me you know. we begin the day with a speech a sermon and the voice of steve bannon today u.s. president donald trump spoke before the u.n. assembly the entire world a captive audience and his a painting any and everything from one of the most unpredictable and controversial u.s. leaders ever the more trump spoke the more we heard the voice of his former adviser this man steve bannon known for wanting to bring down the world order as we know it now it is hard to imagine another u.s. president ever speaking the language that trump today sources close to him say insisted on using north korea's rocket man leader was told that we are prepared to destroy your entire country the iran deal a truly multilevel lateral achievement was declared an embarrassment to the u.s. and venezuela joined the axis of evil two point zero trump threatening further
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action if the chaos of caracas is not resolved well despite his unambiguous tone trump did not draw any lines in the sand instead he left the u.n. and the world still wondering that's what he said but what will he do tonight we're going to try for a second read on america first at the united nations are not. doing donald trump he's nine he's not a threat to obliterate north korea many of his off. the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea trump then slammed iran saying it's a rogue state whose chief exports were violence bloodshed and chaos he called the deal with iran which so many international sanctions dropped in exchange for cuts
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in the country's nuclear program one of the worst the u.s. in the maint trump also stressed that national governments needed to realign themselves rather than turn to the international community for help in other words america first. in america the people govern the people rule and the people are sovereign i was elected not to take power but to give power to the american people where it belongs in foreign affairs we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. in the past trump and denounce the united nations as a bloated money wasting bureaucracy and theme he continued in cheese day speech. we also thank the secretary general for recognizing that the united nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty
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security and prosperity too often the focus of this organization has not been on results but on bureaucracy and process. did us president also called for the world's nations to tank and a bigger role in promoting security and prosperity in their growing regions. and for more now i'm joined by laura daniels rising global powers in the changing world order is her focus is a german chancellor of public here in berlin she used to be with the brookings institution in washington or it's good to have you on the show. which did the world here today or was it the voice of a certain steve bannan now think about that as you watch a segment of mr trump's speech today take a look to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation this is the beautiful vision of this
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institution and this is the foundation for cooperation and success strong sovereign nations let diverse countries with different values different cultures and different dreams not just co-exist but work side by side on the basis of mutual respect strong sovereign nations let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny and strong sovereign nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by god. hard strong sovereign nations unilateral decision making not multilateral not you the united nations you know we know that steve bannon of course you used to be the chief strategist for the us president he's quoted as saying he wanted to take the world order throw it against the wall
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and see what sticks was this. practicing his throwing today right and that's the interesting part is that here you have this rhetoric inside the united nations which is a pillar of the world order and both of these elements in trump's speech you see him referring to more traditional u.s. policy referring to this world order and the key pillars but then he talks about sovereignty and the importance of the american people and a lot of things that we heard throughout his campaign a lot of things we heard dan and saying say a lot of things that really jive with the america first rhetoric what about the voice of a former president george w. bush i was reminded of his axis of evil speech today trump it seemed to continue that tradition but he replaced iraq with that it's what you think about that yeah interestingly i mean i think you do see a trump during this a lot of what you talked about with george w.
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bush in terms of really emphasizing military strength and really seeing the world in terms of who's on the good side and who's on the bad side and so that's very much in line with what you're talking about to see it with venezuela is actually i think sort of threw a lot of people for a surprise because we've heard him talk of course about north korea a lot we've heard him talk about iran a lot that is way less has gotten less attention from him but was definitely featured in his speech yet much of the money very doctrine right now going all the way back to the beginning of the eight hundred you know you were in our backyard so we can intervene john said that he's willing to intervene but it's well it democracy is not restored so was that a promise of military intervention we don't know what that is in. we're not really sure what trump promises in general right you know he might say something he'll say like what he did with north korea say we're coming after you but then it'll be quiet and then he'll ramp it up again so we'll have to see i'm going to take a listen to what the foreign minister from venezuela said when he was you know
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asked for reaction to tribes comments we do not accept threats from president trump or whomever in this world we are people of peace a peace a peaceful people and what we want is relations of mutual respect not only with the united states but with all the countries all over the world so this racist and supremacist theory which he is exporting this return to the cold world i for a moment we didn't know if we were listening to president reagan in one thousand nine hundred two or to president trump in twenty seventeen. major there you've got ronald reagan's name coming up young and old war but white supremacist as well right yeah and i think that he's just trying to throw as much in there as possible because now they find themselves on the defensive you know quite
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a bit. but you do see in trump's speech more things that you might find in a more traditional u.s. foreign policy especially in this venezuela part in that he was talking about democracy and protecting democracy which is very much not what he had been saying throughout his campaign it doesn't jive or you know it's not in sync with america first and we're not going to intervene anymore and there's a nation building for example what about iran did did trumping himself into a corner today does does he have to reject the iran nuclear deal after this speech today well i think trump has made pretty clear that he doesn't have to do any of the things that he has said he'll do in the past and he can always change his mind and that's very much his style but i think here he stayed in line with what the party the republican party has been saying and stayed in line with what he has been saying throughout the time he's always been talking about coming down hard on it but he did say that the deal was an embarrassment to the u.s.
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when he said that i thought well what about the allies of the u.s. to help with this deal together to the p five plus one group so did he spit in the face of what germany france britain well he's always taken a very different stance from europe of course but in addition he's also very much seen these kind of deals these multilateral deals as the u.s. getting the short stick this is how he views them you know he always talks about and he talked about it here too with the u.n. that the u.s. is overpaid that the u.s. hasn't gotten enough for what it's put in and so we saw that again here and and we had reaction not long after dispy to from the french president manuel and take a listen to what he had to say. i would like to speak in favor of the nuclear agreement with iran we put together a solid bust and verifiable agreement with iran that will ensure that iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon. we're now on scene it would be
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a grave error. it would be irresponsible for us to fail to uphold the agreement because this is a good agreement an agreement that is essential to peace at a time when a downward spiral cannot be discounted. sit on the. up be. excluded. so we've got the french president you know juxtaposing himself against the u.s. president so we've got this clash do you think so when you look at nikki haley for example the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. secretary of state television do you think this president wants the u.n. mission to be a failure do you think that the members of the u.n. do they believe him when he says that he wants the mission to be a success there ran till you're going to be in general for the u.n. the entire u.n. i mean is he
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a friend of multilateral trans national peace keeping so he certainly didn't paint himself as one throughout the campaign and he talked much more about bilateral agreements again america first and is very distrustful of this sort of globalized system global trade global solutions climate solutions and so you do see that throughout and i think that's remained consistent in that he has continued to criticize the u.n. throughout his speech he talks about how it needs to reform but i think here he has also noted some important things that the u.n. has contributed to and maybe that was something that we wouldn't have expected had we just thought about this moment back when he was campaigning is that maybe there is some evolution there in what people are saying is it's a simple it's of a trump doctrine we have to wait and see or daniels is good to have you on the show we appreciate you taking the time to give us some analysis thank you thank you.
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it was not only donald trump that the world was waiting to hear from today the leader of me and mark strong suit she finally broke her silence over the were hinge a refugee crisis in her country but she did not mention not once the word hendra or the term ethnic cleansing the u.n. accuses me of mars military of ethnic cleansing and causing four hundred twenty thousand muslim ro hinges to flee to neighboring bangladesh aung san suu kyi today said that many muslims have remained in the country and she urged foreign diplomats to study how those muslims have managed to keep the peace. there has been much concern around the world with the guard to the situation in a kind it is not the intention of government to apportion blame or to ethnic gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration of peace stability and rule of law throughout the
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state. since the fifth of september there have been no armed clashes and that afternoon clearance operations nevertheless we are concerned to hear that numbers of muslims are fleeing across the border two hundred days. we want to find out why this exodus is happening we are reaction to that statement came swiftly from the united nations here is part of what un secretary general and tony harris said today your thought it. must end the military operations and he invited you many theory in excess and recognize the right of refugees to return in safety and dignity and they must also address the grievances of the growing. not been left and resolved for far too long amnesty international has accused on song suchi and her government of having their
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heads in the sand over they were injured crisis here's david griffiths from amnesty international in london. well i mean what we heard from us and this morning was a whitewash frankly the speech had no sense of urgency about what is an appalling situation of ethnic cleansing of the range of population across rakhine state and you know there was no that no script no sense of scale no sense of urgency that came across from words let's give a little bit of a sense of proportion of what we're talking about here for the past three weeks to me in the military has carried out a scorched earth campaign targeting the real population across the state. soldiers in armed groups are surrounding villages firing indiscriminately as civilians flee for their lives and four hundred thousand right injured have crossed the border
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into bangladesh that's more in the past two weeks than the entire number of people who tried to cross the mediterranean in two thousand and sixteen it's the world's fastest growing refugee crisis and city invited us this morning to look at the health of the nation as a whole rather than for this thing on one particular problem when there is ethnic cleansing going on in the nation that very clearly affects the health of the nation as a whole as world leaders issue storm warnings to be had marred the humanitarian crisis in golfing the range of minority is only getting worse. heart with more tonight on the desperation of residents who are now refugees. they keep on coming. more than four hundred ten thousand refugees from me and mark have already crossed the border into bangladesh and no one knows how many will still arrive. in the camps the situation is already
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at a breaking point. food water shelter everything is scarce here. many of the aid deliveries are organized by private bangladeshi citizens. if we do not help the government of bangladesh this problem will be difficult to solve is how do we don knotts not see the refugees are getting increasingly desperate and distributing the aid to those who really need it can't be done from the back of a truck. the problem with the way this aid is being delivered is that it doesn't reach everyone and that it's a matter of luck and sometimes even a physical strength if you get some or not but there are hundreds of thousands of people here who are all desperately in need of food of water and of medicine and what they really need is a large scale coordinated relief effort some forty kilometers north lies the
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hospital of cox's bazar the district capitals. here doctors are treating around thirty rohingya refugees with severe injuries. they have sustained burns broken limbs and gunshot wounds. the hospital only has two hundred fifty beds and was already overstretched before the refugees arrived. and this influx due to the. has been a great burden to us because these patients are huge in number diversity injuries and difficult to manage injuries from infected cases or cases of coming so with the existing resources existing medicine existing meant to be difficult for us to deal with this influx outside the hospital locals voiced their resentment towards the rohingya refugees. that only because of the road our
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country is suffering great lady. many of them breaks in no they steal they drop us and the women work as prostitutes. had manners how they are going to. google hospital. five percent of ninety percent. we don't get. other don't. we don't get them we're not good people don't get this obvious in our country back in the camps bangladeshi authorities are trying to count on. the government has designated an area to house four hundred thousand refugees aid can be properly distributed but with hunger and illness spreading it's a race against time. of the german election is only five days away and the world will be watching the best place to do that is right here on d w join me and the entire g.w.
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news team for wife coverage as the voting ends and the results begin coming in our special germany decides begins at four p.m. here in berlin that. in new york and in a special edition of the day we're going to be asking after the election the what does the world want from germany now the day election special that begins sunday at ten thirty p.m. here in berlin that's four thirty p.m. in new york. which night we continue our look at the global perception of germany's election in our series view of germany we head to the greek islands where a hotel manager talks economics the germans and money. when i worked in the hotels in their money i learned about how to be more effective more responsible. and to give high standards to everything i do
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i learned how to work really work. and now i get on my own on egg. and. get that they like to talk about the everyday life about thinks that like us so we talked a lot about the crises and how we can go on. this is a conflict between the north and south and your old maid wore yellow. that that my fine until i mean it's. very famous indeed because he's pushing us. and is not a good sign for greece. our government. being everything
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we are living through they live. more than we can. i. mean their money could be passed. this way because they follow the rule in gaze the greeks they have no more trust to the polling place now so they don't pay the. taxes and don't support. my opinion is that their money rules your room. i give them medical leave. i like sees my professor at the brain to me you know new. but this is a dead one if we all had the professor. giving us it either way it's a good the way. that. we
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just need a professor to the day is nearly done the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at g.w. news or t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag of the day and now back to the height of the cold war we heard about that earlier in the show back to september twenty sixth one thousand nine hundred three the u.s. of the soviet union have huge nuclear arsenals pointed at each other moscow was told that u.s. missiles are on the way it was russian colonel study soft petrol who kept calm and kept the world from nuclear annihilation when news of mr petrols death was announced today we leave you now with images from the man who saved the world and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day was a year that i. was.
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told. good. god. it's a huge waste of resources. intact diesel vehicles land in the junkyard millions of tons of food land in the garden. that's everyday life in
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a throwaway society. sustainability is more important than ever but how can the massive squandering of resources really be avoided. made in germany next. hashtags germany decides the day before the general election on d w a day dedicated to democracy from its dramatically gettings in germany on to the present day how is the nation of culture electioneering democracy day september twenty third one g.w. . bush.


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