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tv   The Bundesliga - Your Team your League your Show.  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2017 5:03am-5:16am CEST

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the rule of law throughout the state but well suchi supporters rallied in the biggest city young gone rights groups were unimpressed amnesties david griffiths told t w she failed to condemn the army for its actions what we heard from. this morning was a whitewash frankly the speech had no sense of. what it is and calling situation an ethnic cleansing of the right into the population across iraq time state and you know there was no sense of scale no sense of urgency that came across from what. is tuesday and we're back germany's top flight is working double time this week a so-called english week which means the bundesliga on d.w. is back in action as well here is what this in store. can tell to stay cool and in
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control as they prepare to face their sternest challenge yet in the young season a visit from buying music with manuel neuer missing out wouldn't be the world blues playing an upset. and out sport hopes to continue their red hot start as life's a came to town with the red bulls run wild in bavaria or meet their match. a matter of a welcome to the program what kicked things off with the big one shelter off to a roaring start under new coach go he has led them to three wins from four but tuesday saw them host by in munich however men will neuer was out he won't play until january in fact due to a broken foot would know it was absence be the difference. all eyes were on smith on tuesday after modern though it was a year ending injury he was one of six new players as carlo enchiladas. made
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wholesale changes after the weekend win over mines the new look by made the strongest stock with sebastian hooty testing it i famine early on. the visitors kept up the pressure and it paid off in the twenty fifth minute thomas rodriguez bust into the box and hit now though from close range. the video referee correctly deemed it to be a handful and gave a penalty the robot eleven dusky stepped up to open the story was the back four minutes later shot to where their own undoing they lost possession in the own home office setting by in a second goal on a platter the. commons with his first goal for pine in his first win this latest avs. above shocker didn't let their heads drop and marched up the pitch bull's eyes had a bit of
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a wobble team is saved his goalkeepers blushes. both sides had decent chances in the second half but it was by who found the back of the nets again hamas was involved this time setting up to review down for the third and final goal above. so i kept a clean sheet as by when that second game in a row well shot the show united front as they suffer them home defeat of this season. all right for a bit more on tuesday's big top clash of the week we have all the canucks set for land newspaper here with us in the studio it's very good to have you back. let's talk about alice rodriguez this was the biggest name that byron picked up this summer. how big
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a thing for them is it for him to get off the mark so strongly all finally he had a chance to perform and he did well it was a great game for him. to assist and one goal that's that's why he wanted to have this player a lot of people were quite skeptical about him well he really wasn't the first player in madrid but he showed today that he can perform let's see how he do he how he doesn't champions league right speaking of the champions league this might be a problem going forward in the champions league as well as in the bundesliga or byron it didn't hurt them tonight but member noirs absence is going to hurt a little bit going down the road is it not i don't think so because sudan is a good keeper i was surprised when he signed in munich as a backup for money and because he's in his prime time he's still young he can be easily the number one almost any club in the bundesliga so now it's time for him to perform and he will do well i'm not worried. since he will be back and generate and
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it's when it comes to crunch time in the champions league he will be there but what it would have been gets heard you do want to trust you know seventeen year old christian right to stand for still. seventeen years old and that's actually the problem if something happens now to spend as i never know then it's still illegal and i really don't want to see that so this might be the chance again for tom stockett to come back all right let's talk a little bit about shall i mean anybody can lose to buyer but is this any kind of a measuring stick for dominica to desk those young ten year no definitely not i would be happy as a supporter to lose three nil against you and it's better than six or seven so it was quite a bold move from christian hydel to get dominic. in as the new manager because he only had five great months in our in the second league but i don't doubt the. and
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he will do well in the season and just look at last year how long did it take for shall get to win their first game they lost the first five so it indeed all right stay right there all right we're going to come back in just a moment we're going to move on to some other results what a difference a year makes last season alex were barely beat the drop and this season they're off to their best start ever entered tuesday's match level on points with their opponent's leipsic the red bulls looked a little worn out in their last outing versus gladbach and they were missing key defense key midfielder due to a red card suspension the champion's league side have enough in the tank to get a result or what a certain red hot out striker be too hot to handle. four goals in four games for fin borgerson has be headed out to book strong stuff so this season . and the icelandic striker was front and center for the open are setting up mikhail could go rich in just the four minutes. world seventh
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goal of the season giving them a one nil laid. and who too so i controlled much of the ball in the first half but i couldn't find a way past marvin hits. then or in cote frustrated as a book took advantage heading into the bright. lights big post in the second half but hits again stood firm this time from muscle house and begs fizzing shots. should have wrapped up the game lights on but one nil was enough to put them temporarily in third place. on tuesday early match for us humans england back up their first win since opening day they topped got two nil poles got off the mark just before the hour mark when nico teed up rafael for his first full season back and there goes the brazilian
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would actually add another wants dennis go have held torgan as are in the area running a penalty. rafael finished off that one for the penalty spot of course you know matter the ground that results lift into the top. now we can go back to our cast of a cannot from said only god they look to of really kind of come into form had a very good outing in leipzig on the weekend they could have won that when they got a nice to know one tonight what's going right for things are coming together especially for tea to hacking he came in last season during the. season and it was it was a bit difficult for him in that situation now he has his squad together he was. in the situation to prepare for the whole season and his team is relatively fresh because he doesn't have to play in the europa league. and he's a hardworking manager and it seems to be paying off right now yeah he does take
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some stick from some corners of the world is like what you have a lot more faith and some. let's talk a little bit about voles borg and braman tonight's result pretty indifferent for both the one one draw doesn't help either side all that much but there's been a lot going on behind the scenes we both borg got rid of andres younker brought in martin schmidt alexander durie the coach at braman if he doesn't start picking up wins he might be in trouble where these two clubs heading right now in nowhere. especially with us. now but if you if you look at the past those folks changed their manager in the past eight years ten times better braman only five still they are more or less in the same area and the bonus they get meaning it doesn't really help to always change a manager so they should have a bit more face in the manager and i think it's that for for the sporting director for all of have it it might be his last shot when he got in the new manager and what do you think of it do you see the right man for this he is the right man they
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don't need a savior they don't need to the big name that can lead them into the champions league they need a solid season this year and he knows the bundesliga well he did a great job in mind i never really understood why why they got rid of him first he was allowed to save them from rather geisha and then they got rid of him so i think he knows the business he's been in the bundesliga forceful some years he's definitely good fit for how bright is alexander doris' future then he has more back up then at the end then most managers have another club so i don't doubt if you look of course everybody runs into trouble when you lose four five six games in a row but i don't see that happening and lehmann so he will be around for a while all right let's turn our attention now to la. sic they took the league by storm in their first season in the bundesliga finishing second making to the champions league this season is not starting off quite so strongly they drew in the champions league they drew in the bundesliga now they've lost in the bundesliga the last three competitive matches is this just growing pains or something more yes
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it's just a new situation they do have a great squad but maybe they don't have enough depth in that squad and obviously. the manager is trying to find the right mix and he just hasn't found that yet but it's a question of time i i don't see them running into trouble in the bundesliga but it is for them it's the first time that they have to perform on three levels and especially in the champions league they want to do well it is a tricky tricky ask for anybody over cannot thank you very much for it we have to move on and talk about the results in the bundesliga let's take a look at all of them in full you'll see that shall he did fall to the reigning champs out sporks good run continued against the after mentioned lives thank god bach got passed it got both put the points five matches still to come on wednesday you can see i'm a toddler years. so let's head now to the play of the
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day we asked viewers to choose on twitter and the clear winner was are to every dollar the goal was made by the dazzling homicide robbery guess sent through beautiful chipped pass for the doll to chip away or mail away rack really and buy and made it a three mil man and gals and kitchen are totally down with your play of the day on the top. that is all for today i'll be back tomorrow with ali to pick over the rest of match day five action here on the bundesliga on d.w. thanks for watching. rationalists are on the rise with required to make your country great again that is their slogan their focus put your nation first i am taking you the luxury to highlights different shades of nationalism and to find out what the nation mean to you.


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