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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2017 2:00am-2:04am CEST

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better. polls in germany open on september twenty fourth. what do germans want for their country. what do the different parties stand for. and which party will come out on top. d.w. you're an expert on germany's bundestag election two thousand and seventeen. nash tag germany decides german bundestag election two thousand and seventeen on d w. a powerful earthquake has hit central mexico killing more than one hundred people dozens of buildings have collapsed in mexico city and by states checking people beneath the rubble the seven point one magnitude quake follows another major
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earthquake this month that left at least ninety eight people that. in his first address to the u.n. general assembly u.s. president donald trump has issued a stark warning to north korea he said its leader was on a suicide mission if the country did not give up its nuclear weapons program like the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea trump also slammed iran calling it an economically depleted rogue state he warned its people might one day overthrow their regimes and he had harsh words for the u.n. deal to end its nuclear program the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into.
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hurricane maria has regained strength returning to a category five storm it pummeled the caribbean islands of dominica martinique and guadeloupe with top sustained winds of more than two hundred fifty kilometers per hour maria is taking a path along the chain of islands still reeling from hurricane irma earlier this month with maria on track to pound the u.s. territory of puerto rico by what the state residents there are stockpiling emergency supplies. me on mars defacto leader has broken her silence on the range a refugee crisis an army led crackdown has driven more than four hundred thousand of the muslim minority into neighboring bangladesh aung san suu kyi has faced intense criticism for remaining silent about what the un says his ethnic cleansing we condemn our human rights and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration of peace stability and rule of law throughout the state but while
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suchi supporters rallied in the biggest city young gone rights groups were unimpressed amnesties david griffiths told t w she'd fail to condemn the army for its actions what we heard. this morning was a whitewash frankly the had no sense. about what is and situation and ethnic cleansing of the road. across from time state and you know there was no sense of scale no sense of urgency that came across from what. today the world sat down and listened to us president donald trump explain his world and the roles expected of them in it tonight america first at the u.n. and the axis of evil two point zero i brought golf in berlin this is the day.


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