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tv   Treasures of the World - Copan - A Center of Mayan Culture Honduras  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 11:15pm-11:30pm CEST

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i'd buildings in the capital report say at least five people are dead in mexico city people are said to be trapped inside that damaged building the country's airport and stock market have shut down will cross to the capital mexico city for the latest also coming up. day has a great spring and play but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea in his first speech to the un's general assembly u.s. president donald trump delivers his sharpest warning yet to north korea we'll bring you full coverage from new york and get analysis. and what she did not say mean mars' leader. breaks her silence on the right hinge a refugee crisis in her country human rights groups still accusing her of burying her head in the same. also on the show another monster storm in the caribbean hurricane maria has devastated much of domenico
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a category five storm is now bearing down on the virgin islands and puerto rico. i'm burnt off it's good to have you with us we begin in mexico where a powerful seven point one magnitude earthquake has hit the south of the country media reports saying at least five people have died the u.s. geological survey says the epicenter of the quake was about one hundred twenty kilometers southeast of the capital mexico city the quake sent thousands of people running into the streets a number of buildings in mexico city as you see right there on fire while others have collapsed it follows another major quake earlier this month in the country that quake claimed ninety eight blocks. dramatic pictures there
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let's go now live to mexico city cynthia barrera who is with bloomberg news joins me on the phone cynthia can you hear me. i can hello. tell us where were you when the earthquake struck what did you see what did you experience well you know i was working at my building which is located in mexico say to its financial district our office is located two thousand and eleven store we were just carrying business to us as your show when we started feeling a very powerful shaking what the building holds a lamp started swaying and we mediately ran for cover under the work. it was. from my point of view a pretty lengthy movement and right away we could teach some of smoke seemed coming from some buildings nearby where our building is located
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so it was held so ironic because just a few hours before we had had a quake rattled to mark the thirty second and of course are you up to nineteen eighty five quake that tended to avoid a lot of buildings in our city and thousands of people in sydney if you could tell us what are you able to see right now and so are you still in your all of this building i mean is it still safe to be where you are and what can you say of the city. as well were evacuated most of her told buildings seem to get where they need to quit evacuated some of them are pretty pretty tall twenty plus stories high so it takes a while to wait but most of the people where on the on the tax. with the king slaughtered on the sacrificial stone the dynasty lost presti the people of kapan believe that the gods are deserted that. is success it was
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a week ruler who did not even venture to put up steel as on the main squares as those before him undone but with the fifteenth ruler smoke shell corporations fortunes began to revive. he had steps built that lead to no temple or palace they simply laid down from no app to the square these steps are remarkable made of granite glyphs carved into the front facing symes woke up and your walking on myth made stone. steps constitute the longest known my own inscription two thousand two hundred glyphs recording the glorious history of the compound in a city. that it was intended to help the people forget the ignominious end of eighteen rabbits and restore the odor of the unit be that as it may the city state has lost its position as a trade center for good. an
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actor rely on local materials and the work of its own craft speak to this day my own women will leave the traditional path the souvenir tourists take home with them crafted in working conditions as rudimentary in the end should pay to have the money. in the coffers of compound was still full its rulers invariably sought to emotionalize that ran names with buildings most splendid then that is it that pretty soon. their ancestors were going to mend under the building the spirit realm
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was very tense and at times the kings may have felt it was too close for comfort building higher was one way of escaping what lay below. this means that the different eras in the city states history are on top of the. archaeologists have to tunnel through mountains of stone if that against the most distant past and read the most ancient in school. every archaeologist dream of discovering treasure trove might come true here. and
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stank cammy the night is weak but it's worth the effort when you see them obviously preserved murell really with their intense dan encounters these images of breathtaking beauty. images of a scene in this moist air plaster work and paint would crumble away within weeks if the entrance were not sealed again the decay can anybody slow down even those who discovered the release with destructive michael the sense of transience is over. perhaps it would be better if unique artwork such as these were never discovered
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but they do provide scholars with indispensable historical cruise this is the tomb of the second ruler of pope john whose name was not know until his burial chamber was discovered.
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this incense held i was sculpted to look like a king in the round of the weather guy. my own society was rigidly hierarchical only the more affluent could build to last as a result. name most about the mayan aristocracy and foremost among them the ruling house the houses of the rich were not large but they were steady and comfortable at least combat with the thatch will cottages of the put.
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to it was a privilege to drink one's chocolate from a ceramic bowl decorated with painted symbols the firing of mayan pottery was fueled by forest timber would was the chief source of energy and principle building material. the ecological decline of the region began more than a thousand years again the maize monoculture continued for centuries exhaustive beside the fire station led to a ranch and. the resulting promise of the land where you can. to the eclipse of mayan civilization in the region where they traditionally lived the maya vanished sometime in the. the stone that was to have commemorated the transfer of power from yaks pac was never completed his
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successor talk never came to the threat. was the king the vast to abandon the sinking ship what was it that wrecked could. only know is that the glorious dynasty that ruled the city state was lost in the mists of time. it's a huge waste of resources. intact diesel vehicles land in the junkyard millions of tons of food land in the garden. that's everyday life in a throwaway society. sustainability is more important than ever
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but how can the massive squandering of resources really be avoided. in germany next. top model struck their stuff at the october fest. these splendid horses posing in front of the augustine or brewery tent or the jewels of the festival is. after their daily style of its path to photo shoots. with fans from all over the world. your romance in sixty minutes don't. take it personally. with all the wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true fans dot com i.
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got more than football on line. the american.


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