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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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huge damage but neighboring domany came off much worse. its prime minister roosevelt's carrot wrote on facebook that they have lost all what money can buy and replace earlier he posted that his roof had been blown off. many of the islands on high alert from area are still reeling from hurricane alley or this month and she is one of them here people are bracing for another potential disaster a similar scene in puerto rico shelves in supermarkets emptied as residents stockpile supplies the u.s. territory could receive a direct hit from maria. right now we're not prepared for the next hurry come because we're still recovering from the last two weeks ago. puerto rico is not prepared for this. we're going to have a bad time of it when we ask almighty god to get us through this without serious
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damage. after briefly weakening maria has again intensified into a category five hurricane and could cause further damage as it moves towards puerto rico and the virgin islands. and we want to bring you an update on this breaking news a powerful earthquake has hit southern mexico the tremor could be felt in mexico city where shaking buildings have sent thousands of people into the streets of this quake follows another major tremor earlier this month which killed at least ninety eight people in mexico airport has suspended all flights there been there were media reports of injuries from this latest quake but there are reports of major damage to buildings in the mexican capital keep you updated as soon as we get more information again about another major earthquake in mexico. and here's
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a reminder of one of our top stories that we're following for you u.s. president donald trump has issued his sharpest warning yet to north korea during an address to the united nations general assembly the president said that if kim jong un does not abandon his pursuit of nuclear weapons the u.s. is quote ready willing and able to totally destroy north korea. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day you can see that.
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the whole d w one hour. for in focus global insights the news out for local heroes. d.w. made for mines.
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man line rick is that that was to be the always beautiful line in the raillery it's a lichen like a scenic beauty you cannot get this type of beauty anywhere in the word. be it the pearl of the indian ocean or the tear drop in the sea both are true on sri lanka. the entire island nation including its capital colombo is caught up in
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an atmosphere of change. the civil war that lasted more than a quarter of a century ended in two thousand and nine at the beginning of two thousand and fifteen the people of sri lanka voted for more democracy in the form of a new president. the island formerly known as ceylon is an idyllic holiday destination for tourists it's best explored by train. a train journey here is always also a journey into the country's colonial past that much becomes clear before we start our journey at the central station in colombo fort in the heart of the city. we buy our tickets at a counter that has a nostalgic air they can then be checked by a friendly conductor. the station building was modeled on victoria station in
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manchester the traces of the british colonial rulers are everywhere. the british ruled between seventeen ninety six and nine hundred forty eight things were different back then. the many problems we have now and drivers and problems there in time they are not into that for their jobs. and there is no workshop people saw not working. not there doing the problem. we are in luck our train bound for by dula is waiting already. we set off a tough past eight. we're about to go on
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a train journey that's been described as one of the most picturesque in asia. they will take us from colombo to ella in the highlands via candy a journey of around two hundred and seventy kilometers. a special trip on special tracks it was the island's first railway routes and it's still known as main line. in. the first fifty four kilometer stretch to amber is celebrating its hundred fiftieth birthday this year maybe that's where this train journey gets its charm and atmosphere it's
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a train journey that's always been significant to the people of sri lanka originally it was transport of goods. there had been many months passed and yet carried years as a village very few by then just very old but of course of it their feeling of there in less very many in our country and yes they all lived later guided by a dream because they go and see the sea see beach where sometime in life for them to go and see the sea beach their town by pain group. we crossed the colony. one of sri lanka's largest rivers and leave colombo behind. the entire trip costs between one euro fifty and third class and eight euros in first class. sri lankans
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a very proud of the railway. so. i shouldn't say it was you know not that i tell you it's funny. and i'm certain you know no one expects a long. i've taken the train ever since i was little it feels good you can breathe fresh air and see many things out the window such as mountains rivers and lakes i like that. the train is better than the best he feels. three years. and the bus cost around twice as much there's even a television in first class. those who don't like that can travel in third class for less money and with a little bit of luck experience some live music.
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venues. the musician the shanta is actually a teacher but it's often the case in sri lanka that young well educated people don't find a suitable job. please help me please. make us our country fourth but as a country where. you. extend the night you stand. i mean. i think that to do. that at the meeting of the song. sir lanka is classed as a developing country. many people live
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by agriculture often fifty euros a month must suffice for an entire family that's not a lot here either twenty percent of the children on malnourished. the gaps between town and country rich and poor are huge third class is correspondingly crowded some passengers aren't happy about the status quo i told. him i think that we want. you know what it's like in first class with the television. we want to have the same services and thirdly. we want improved comfort and greater security. dockside. the people are dissatisfied with their economic situation that caused president rajapaksa to be voted out at the last election. we're stopping in rumble connor is
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just a few minutes by took took to sri lanka's biggest tourist attraction. in. the pinto while an elephant orphanage. the daily bath in the maya or yellow river is a sensation. baby elephants and injured adults are nursed back to health care in pin a well and. this is the need. for found the member he's now about sixty years old with.
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no luck in one thousand nine hundred seventy five so in nineteen seventy five. it started off with five baby elephants and he was brought here as a baby now he's a very big one and he has fathered about five babies for us. right now about seventy seven. there are four baby elephants. making the tourists happy here at the moment they are bottle fed six times a day getting up to seven liters of milk the animals are clearly happy. some of them have been brought from the jungle some of them have been born near the sea . separated there have become sick because of accidents like next indians
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and sometimes fight with in the jungle so we keep them here treat them and give them a good life. we start ascending the plateau an ox cart takes twelve days for this laborious journey by train it's around nine hours. building the railway line took place under severe conditions many of the three thousand workers died of malaria and color. man line go through very rough country might go through the remains and georges and cuts cutting cutting than filling them in marrying one then. tunnelling that are ordered old are known from a number of other look. at other career tedious work in the back to name a constructor and the labor was not to cover it and we had no mckenna station home water iraq no i'm not an owner of modern
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a moderate equipment for drilling. or name the director or by human labor. utah devika. however the soil that proved so tiresome during the construction of the railway line harbors treasures to. there are lots of different gemstones in the ground. they adorn the crowns of monex and the jewelry of adored women as a result sri lanka has a long and lucrative tradition of goldsmith three these days it's mostly for tourists that brings him good money a goldsmith earns around two hundred euros a month then skim into the limelight of human life because each and every game carries. a power to heal certain diseases this
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was making his medical medication at the beginning even though now it does we've done a fashionable thing already in this one i. saw fires in many different colors the design is also made in sri lanka. we're about to reach candy we traveled a hundred and thirty kilometers in three and a half hours. the climate is significantly more pleasant at five hundred meters. candy was once the capital of the single ladies kings and the epitome of single e.'s culture. the kings were able to defend their independence from the colonial
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powers for centuries here. the station was opened as far back as eight hundred sixty seven. the blue water lily sri lanka's national flower is sold here it's often used as a sacrificial gifted buddhist temples. one of the most significant in the whole of sri lanka is sri dollar dhamaal igawa the temple of the sacred tooth. the most important buddhist relic in sri lanka is kept here the buddha's upper left coast bid a significant symbol of national pride. people come from all around the world to attend the daily services they donate and
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they pray. the ninety minute puja starts at half past nine the word means something like worship and is an important ritual in every day buddhist life. thing. according to legend the sacred tooth is said to store the buddha's spiritual strength this belief also turned this religious relic into a political instrument of power for the single these pills. by danny how that sri lanka was ruled by king. with the and there were seven royal
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drooling periods thing going to go landed on you in the thing in eighteen fifteen the british conquered candy and with it the temple of the sacred tooth was he as an important symbol of power and straight lanka for the on. budget you dip in the city . patiently waiting outside the chamber where the relic is housed. visitors only get to see a container the tooth isn't on display it's said to be housed in an ivory capsule which is in turn encased in six further containers. it's thanks to the temple that candy is on unesco's list of world heritage sites there's a further.


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