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tv   Doc Film - By Train across Sri Lanka  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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that's all for business a speck to fill now with a big day for germany coming this week thank you havea yes it's the election on sunday general election and i look at there we're going to take a look at the key political movements here in germany known as the left its roots go back to the east german communist party and today the former east is where the party still drools much of it supports and the left is strongest in the country's capital but lynn hof of n.z. east and districts have left party men as it stronghold is in the district of lichtenberg so why is the left so popular that it's been to find out. east berlin it was once the capital of communist east germany during the one nine hundred seventy s. the government built these high rises in the lichtenberg district they're largely occupied many like them because the rent isn't too high a lot of pensioners workers and social welfare recipients live in lichtenberg home turf for the left party. because you know lurch is running as
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a candidate for the left party she finds herself as an advocate for the underdog today she's organized to get together with constituents. lerche has been in the german parliament since two thousand and two she believes she's a popular local member because she works to solve local problems. i think it makes a big difference that we say yes we understand the problems you are facing and when we can solve things we will but we can't promise everything because the next party might be strong in this district but we are living in a capitalist country. many people in lichtenberg are still critical of capitalism decades after reunification at a local shopping mall left voters aren't hard to find would you vote for the left party yes they care about ordinary people social welfare recipients odan the right people because it is the only party that has real goals and the only one that will do what needs to be done. taxing the rich to get more money for kindergartens and
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house saying and so forth. martin petzold is a candidate for angle america's christian democrats in this neighborhood he's critical of the communist system in east germany but is quick to add that doesn't mean he's critical of east germans. this is folly we have to view people as individuals with their own histories and achievements there was a lot of injustice in the east but that doesn't mean that each and every person was guilty. and yet thousands of former communist east german officials and stasi still live in this neighborhood some even live right next door to what was once a stasi jail. now they're runs the memorial here at the former prison he's one of the strongest critics of the left party those problems above all the problem with the left party is that they have never really confronted a past that will once the ruling party of east germany and. instead they try to
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pander to the district's residents it. is from the left he's visiting a workshop for disabled people today trying to be an east german border guard he defends his past. members of all the parties here in lichtenberg were active in east germany some are more critical of the communist system others less but i think if you look at all the parties here you'll see they aren't basically much different. crunched is a popular mayor his past hasn't stopped him from being elected decades have passed since east and west germany reunited but the two still vote very differently and the left party is set to perform strongly and eastern berlin once again. you get you can join in the election discussion by following the w.'s campaign germany decides to find full coverage on the w dot com let's get updates from the news
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facebook page or you can follow us on twitter using the hash tag germany decides so for me to say it's waiting to hear from. the new museum opened here in berlin the weekend dedicated to street it's called the nation museum of the mental faculty desk is here to tell us well yeah this is said to be the first permanent museum for a contemporary of an art in the world and what better place for it to be i know this is a very well you do this plenty of street art you can call it graffiti oregon are all straight talk plenty around here many different styles some good some. graffiti seems to be putting down roots which may be sound like a contradiction in terms really because it's
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a fleeting thing graffiti but in some cases it doesn't need to be preserved that's what this museum is striving to do let's have a look at this ready quite unique new museum. straight out is a femoral. meta high art works that grace entire facades and made for an eternity the buildings can get torn down or repainted so legal or not straight out is transitory by nature. now the urban nation museum in berlin is out to bring street art indoors it's one of the world's first permanent museums for contemporary urban art but can not born on the street really work in a museum that just street art is not in a museum in a museum it's urban contemporary art and that's the next step from straight out. through street art belongs on the street and should stay there. here at the urban
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nation museum we asked one hundred thirty artists who normally decorate building walls to come up with an artwork measuring one metre by one meta fifteen for the museum but at the same time we will continue to work with these artists on large outdoor projects. of the odds and. creative director yash a young spent two years working with nine other curators around the globe to select the artists for the project. the a statics and styles of various street artists have now been captured this also helps visitors identify the artists works out on the street. to pinpoint it if i'm pleasantly surprised to see a street out in a museum but they were high but now it's amazing like the the collection is. the an all girl exhibition runs until next summer then
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the exhibits will make way for new works of art but no fear rather than being destroyed the outgoing pieces will be stored for posterity. so straight out starts off all radical and rebellious upon the walls that ends up in just another conventional looking museum well yeah it does i mean it really is a convention museum as we saw there for unconventional artists if you like as yahshua young the museum director said they've got street artists to do paintings for the museum specifically once it comes indoors if you can call it urban to say by definition if you like i mean what's nice about the museum is they've got this rather rather nice walkway. up stairs through parts of it which has the effect of if you like walking down the street you can view things from a distance or you can look at them close up if you want to also they have walls
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twenty meters high and they will be inviting artists on a regular basis to come in and create new works of art now they won't actually be asking them to paint on the walls they will paint on canvas or on something so that if they like the art they can preserve it for posterity ok so they they that people who would normally write on walls bring it indoors and then they they create the impression that you are outside inside in order for that to be this sounds i'm not sure what it is how it sounds how have street artists themselves reacted so well it's a bit big question because you'd think that they would say oh this is you know with joy this is joining the establishment which is exactly what we don't want all the reaction i've seen so far has been very positive because at last this street art has a heart has a place to be has a place to exist and certain pieces of it will be kept in an archive for this relatively new art form and this is definitely
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a step in the right direction for goods for his heart to be more widely accepted i mean graffiti is illegal in most countries it certainly is here in berlin but actually we're seeing pictures now of the street. near the museum and they've actually done streets all along the street and legally i hasten to add and it's certainly brightened up that particular street and there's some wonderful pieces of ah i mean it's quite an artistic achievement i think of that street i'd like to walk along you have to pay to go into this museum yes of course you try to go into this is where you could just see this stuff for free on the world's i don't know i don't know i don't know that presume that's more on the website or is for all the website there's lots of there's actually a picture gallery on the website it d.w. dot com slash culture you can see more in the exhibition goes on for nine months than anybody comments about lynn could get it if they want to but you could just walk around on the streets and see the free. robin merrill thank you let's take a look at some sport and i will start with blunders league news there are four
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midweek matches on tuesday and the early kick off so i'm glad bath take on the strip got rafael opened the scoring for the hosts in the fifty seventh minute the brazilian doubled their lead from the spot a little over a quarter of an hour later to seal the way to use a story other matches are currently underway for manchester united and england defender rio ferdinand retired from football in twenty fifty and is now i decided to compete in a new sport in he's thirty eight years old is going to try his hand boxing he took up the sport to stay face after retiring from football to channel his grief after the death of his wife he follows in the footsteps of coaches would have swans or took up boxing and won the british light welterweight title after ending his football career. and germany's women's world cup qualifying campaign continued on tuesday with a clash against a group five rivals that the czech republic checkmate fielder at eva barton over
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scored an own goal in the second half and that was enough to secure a one nil victory for germany win means the germans now tom thanks rick. interim honor the top stories at this hour here on d.w.p. u.s. president donald trump has issued to show off his warning yet to north korea during an address to the united nations general assembly president said that if kim jong un does not abandon his pursuit of nuclear weapons and the u.s. is ready willing and able to totally destroy north korea. on topic america has ravaged the caribbean islands from guadalupe and dominica killing at least one person because of the fire storms now sweeping into to puerto rico on the virgin islands which were already devastated by hard. i mean mostly the i was i'm sure she has broken the silence on the plight all right joe muslims eyes they are free to neighboring bangladeshi invited outside observers to
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visit areas hit by violence but human is human rights investigators say myanmar's government has denied them permission to go. up to date sub more on the web site that stain w dot com and dado more a doubling of the top. yourself of the day.
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the main line was the first train line and sri lanka. the british colonisers built it to transport. now it links some of the country's most. making it one of the most picturesque rail lines in asia.
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by train across sri lanka. to. welcome. you ready for this. talk with. you. this. tells us starring stories. it makes us laugh. and cry. and smile. emotion going up. every on d w. she's long been
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a symbol of hope in syria. i try to help people. for the false facade of her husband's ruthless terror. she believes in what the syrian regime is doing and believes and those who say. projection that that they are saving syria a small sign of the futile face of the dictatorship starting october first on d w. hash tag gemini besides me the candidates. d.w. xena's pool and jeff are up to karim have interviewed almost all the front runners in germany's upcoming parliamentary elections. and now we're looking forward to interview hans and the amount. cast at germany's side. the
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candidates september twenty first on. this is d w news live from berlin tonight u.s. president donald trump delivers his sharpest warning yet to north korea the united states has great strength and patience but if it is forced to defend itself or it's our lives we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea
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in his first address before the u.n. general assembly trying to describe kim jong un's nuclear program as a suicide mission we'll bring you full coverage from new york also coming up another monster storm in the caribbean. hurricane maria has devastated much of that when you got a category five storm is now bearing down on the virgin islands and puerto rico and what she did not say we in mars' leader aung sang suu kyi breaks her silence on the redemption refugee crisis in her country but human rights groups accuse her of burying her head in the same. i'm brit goff it's good to have you with us so we begin with breaking news reports of a powerful earthquake in southern mexico the tremor could be felt we're told in mexico city where shaking buildings have sent thousands of people into the streets now
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this follows another major quake earlier this month which killed at least ninety eight people there been no immediate reports of injuries from this quake there are reports of major damage to buildings in the capital and we have just received the report that the stock exchange in mexico city has suspended trading we will keep you up to date and soon as we get more information and again an earthquake in southern mexico. the plight of me and mars hinges is high on the list of issues needing urgent attention at the united nations you may know the united nations is holding its general assembly this week an army led crackdown has driven more than four hundred thousand of the minority muslim group into bangladesh triggering a major humanitarian emergency earlier un secretary general antonio would test address the crisis at the general assembly let's have a listen to what he had to say we're going to have to listen to what he had to say
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in just a moment but let's first go to me and mark where de facto leader on songs eugene has broken her silence on the refugee crisis see cheez national address was highly anticipated she's faced intense criticism for remaining silent on what the u.n. calls ethnic cleansing there has been much concern around the world with a god to the situation in the kind it is not the intention of the men law government to apportion blame or to ethnic gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration of peace stability and rule of law throughout the state. since the fifth of september there have been no armed clashes and that afternoon clearance operations nevertheless we are concerned to hear that numbers of muslims are fleeing across the border two hundred days. we want to find out why this
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exodus is happening. and there was a leader of me in mar on songs g. there speaking earlier today there has already been reaction from the united nations secretary general and tonio terrace had something to say about the situation a little earlier in new york. you're funny man mahdi must end the military operations and he invited you many thirty in excess and recognize the right of refugees to return in safety and dignity and they must also address the grievances of the growing who stopped those as being left and resolved for far too long and that was the secretary general there at the united nations where there were some important speeches today at the u.n. it was the most important foreign policy speech delivered by u.s. president donald trump and the biggest take away is the threat that he issued for
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north korea in his first ever address before the u.n. general assembly trying to urge the u.n. member states to work together to isolate north korean regime until it seems is what he called its hostile behavior he also made it clear that the u.s. would not shrink from radical military action found inspiration in its respect for human nature human dignity. as we call it i think we're having some technical problems that if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea rocket men is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime the united states is ready willing and able but hopefully this will not be necessary that's what the united nations is all about are going to pull in our correspondent alexander phenomena she
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joins us now from new york an evening to you alexandra we've already heard lots of a green rhetoric between washington and pyongyang was mr trump's warning today just more of the same. well that's the question everyone here is asking themselves u.n. officials and experts and ask secretary general of nato stoltenberg the exact question and he said that it's true that the president used a very strong language but that we've seen him using strong language before talking about north korea but i talked to the board and he told me that while president trump was very tough on north korea it seemed that he's remarks were designed for the u.s. television and for social media were his supporters are able to see them and
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that president trump between lions left room for diplomacy thinking to russia and north korea for. approving tough sanctions against north korea and he did not criticize russia explicitly for its role in ukraine he did not criticize china for its trade issues with the united states and that is seen as a clear signal that he is trying to not only an age of russia and china. the u.s. president also had harsh words for iran today but again we have to ask was that message aimed at the u.n. or was it aimed for his u.s. base his domestic audience. i think it was a man to reach his domestic audience his political base that
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has been quite critical of president in recent weeks but he of course also was addressing the leaders here and he was one expert put it more passion aids and focus on iran that he actually was on north korea and that is seen by many here as an indication that he might be thinking about ripping up the nuclear deal with iran i talked to a state department official about that and he didn't want to answer this question just saying that the nuclear deal is one thing and the other thing is iran's behavior it's destabilizing influence in the region its support for terrorist groups and that that has to stop. and what do you think alexandra how will this speech influence mr trump's work with the you when and with news international or.
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well we have seen many different reactions here with the use wally prime minister. switching immediately after the speech that it was very courageous to ball the speech he has ever seen then we saw the french president mccall who was a sort of critical in his own speech at the u.n. general assembly pointing out how important the current paris climate court is and that their nuclear deal with iran is essential for peace so we heard a critical turns here critical words here but we have to say that when we talk about the u.n. reform. mr president it was quite oprah's and she i'm i'm sorry was quite outspoken about this saying that he supports the secretary general the terrorists in.
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in his efforts to reform the u.n. or the horse bonded in new york this evening or john or phenomena at the u.n. general assembly or example thank you very much. here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world suicide bombings in nigeria have killed at least fifteen people and injured more than forty at least two blasts hit a settlement in the northeastern state of were no witnesses say the bombers detonated their devices at a gathering of farmers in the region is at the center of the islamist boko haram insurgency. supporters of the kenyan president who can yatta have protested outside the supreme court in nairobi they're demanding the removal of judges who threw out the results of his election victory last month the court know of five the results after the opposition leader rylan claimed computers were hacked to hand the president a victory. state prosecutors in south africa are seeking
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a harsher punishment for oscar pistorius the olympic and paralympic star was sentenced to six years in jail last year for the murder of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp prosecutors will present their arguments to the court of appeal on the third of november a stricken ward where one submarine has been found off the coast of belgium local authorities say that the well preserved german u. boat still contains the bodies of its twenty three crewmen it's the eleventh such vessel to be found in belgian waters u. boats were a key part of german military strategy in the first world war. hurricane maria she has begun to batter the caribbean the prime minister of germany as described maria as devastating and mind boggling it's now intensified again and has become a category five storm maria is moving roughly along the same string of islands as hurricane irma the hurricane that devastated the region earlier this month or is
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expected to move towards puerto rico and the virgin islands tonight and tomorrow urrea made landfall on monday with winds of up to two hundred sixty kilometers. per hour. maria ravaging the french island of guadalupe heavy rain and fierce winds have left many areas here without power authorities say they've already received reports of flooding. there's a lot that i can we have limited contact at the moment it's really very patchy we are in touch with our forces and the police who are giving us some information but we have very little details at this stage. another french territory martinique has escaped the storm without huge damage but neighboring domany car came off much worse. it's prime minister roosevelt's carrot route on facebook that they have lost all what money
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can buy and replace earlier he posted that his roof had been blown off. many of the islands on high alert from area are still reeling from hurricane alley or this month and she is one of them here people are bracing for another potential disaster a similar scene in puerto rico shelves in supermarkets emptied as residents stop.


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