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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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but uncensored she has a choice. is to speak out clearly and condemn this and call for an end to the. corporate entity the appalling injustices being meted out in the horrors experienced by their own injured population or she can wipe the floor and exonerate the military for their role in it and frankly what we have heard from her is i'm comfortably close to the latter and we need to see and sense he's speaking out much more strongly against these appalling abuses but let's pick up on that point we heard from the un secretary general antonio proterozoic addressing this crisis in may and i will play a little of what he has to say your party. must end the military operation. and he invited humanitarian access and to recognize the right of refugees to return in safety and dignity and they must also address the grievances of the growing
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starters there's been left and resolved for far too long. so david griffiths at amnesty international there in london and who can rein in the military doesn't sound so she have the authority. well first of all let me say that the secretary general well of the un is absolutely correct not only to the abuses have to end but the situation experienced by the range of people that discrimination and segregate occasion their denial of citizenship for decades has to be brought to it and indeed it is me and my government which is responsible for doing that both the military and sense that she and she needs to bear responsibility to use political and moral of our to bring an end to the violence now and indeed to address that horrific discrimination. which right in the population has experienced for such
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a long time so yes there is plenty within her power that she can do and she must do and we have to start doing that as soon as possible. david griffiths from amnesty international in london thank you so much for the more than four hundred thousand to head to refugees in bangladesh facing an increasingly desperate humanitarian situation the doublings bastin heartache has been to a ranger refugee camp and sent us this report. they keep on coming. more than four hundred ten thousand refugees from me and mark have already crossed the border into bangladesh and no one knows how many will still arrive. in the camps the situation is already at a breaking point. food water shelter everything is scarce here. many of the aid deliveries are organized by private bangladeshi citizens.
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but. if we do not help the government of bangladesh this problem will be difficult to solve and how do we don knotts not see the refugees are getting increasingly desperate and distributing the aid to those who really need it can't be done from the back of a truck. the problem with the way this aid is being delivered is that it doesn't reach everyone and that it's a matter of luck and sometimes even of physical strength if you get some or not but there are hundreds of thousands of people here who are all desperately in need of food of water and of medicine and what they really need is a large scale coordinated relief effort some forty kilometers north lies the hospital of cox's bazar the district capitals. here doctors are treating around thirty rohingya refugees with severe injuries. they have sustained burns broken limbs and gunshot wounds.
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the hospital only has two hundred fifty beds and was already overstretched before the refugees arrived. and this influx due to the. has been a great burden to us because these patients are huge in number diversity injuries and difficult to manage injuries from infected cases or cases are coming with the existing resources existing medicine existing meant to be difficult for us to deal with this influx outside the hospital locals voiced their resentment towards the rohingya refugees. that only because of the road our country is suffering greatly many of them break the law they steal they drop us and the women work as prostitutes.
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here is eighty five percent of ninety percent. we don't. other the other we don't get them. people don't get the service in our country back in the camps bangladesh authorities are trying to manage the chaos. the government has designated an area to house four hundred thousand refugees where aid can be properly distributed. but with hunger and illness spreading it's a race against time. and bangladesh at business news rates have yeah get us now and good news if plastic is not your bag right phil many people don't really like plastic bags and more than forty countries including china france and rwanda have already put limits on the use of plastic bags kenya has even introduced a jail sentence of up to four years if you produce sell or even used them but not everyone's excited small scale vendors are worried about the new anti-plastic loss
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and how those could impact their livelihood plastic is a problem in kenya in a strict ban has been in place for just under a month but the new regulations present fresh difficulties for some opportunities for extortion have opened up reports of security forces stopping cars to conduct unsanctioned searches for plastic bags that spread from there and small scale traders and bag manufacturers are worried about their income. for this is the business i provide for my children and pay our rent so this new law will affect my business. but something had to be done plastic bags exacerbate nairobi's already significant crash problem and are a health hazard officials hope that pushing for alternatives to plastic bags will solve those problems while providing opportunities for those affected by the. i can
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confirm to you that the number of jobs but to be created by producing alternatives is far much more and more widespread than what already exists in the. existing plastic. bucket implant tell the capital these women had already been weaving ecofriendly bags fifteen years ahead of. him as a measure to lift these plastic bags have been banned i expect that we'll have more sales and this will enable us to educate our children and also help each other at idea. it took kenya three attempts over a decade to finally institute the ban that getting it to work is going to be a long term project as well. and speaking of difficult projects most of the bricks and jitters we hear of these days involve british businesses somehow losing access
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to the european market but fishermen of e.u. countries could suffer the other way around they need access to british waters where they make about half of their income and are fearing a hard stance from their british counterparts. at the center of the debate is the english channel a rich fishing ground for british and european boats alike french crews like this one say loss of access would be devastating because they don't see. the consequences over one year these waters represent sixty to seventy percent of our fishing sites so the boat and the crew would see a loss of income going on you want to but. they wouldn't be alone limited access would affect belgian spanish and dutch cruise. fishermen in the u.k. are more open to the idea many feel that the u.s. never given them a proper quota under its common fisheries policy brags that they hope might change that. we all think that if if you stray it's all about access so we hope for better
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access to water so that means restricting access of e.u. vessels into the u.k. war and having some access ourselves to the waters there's a snag though british fishermen so much of their catch to europe u.k. fishing exports to france totaled five hundred seven million euros in two thousand and fifteen french exports to the u.k. came to less than a quarter of that amount. that means leverage for a unit go shaders hoping to keep access open european fisherman are hopeful negotiations are expected to begin soon that's all for business suspect phil now with the big day for germany coming this week thank you have yes it's the election on sunday general election and a look at there we're going to take a look at the key political movements here in germany known as the left its roots go back to the german communist party and today the former east is where the party still drools much of it supports and the left is strongest in the country's capital
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but lynn hof of the tens eastern districts have left party men as it stronghold is in the district of lichtenberg so why is the left so popular that it's been to find out.


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