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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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t w your expert on germany's bundestag election two thousand and seventeen. take germany decides german bundestag election two thousand and seventeen on d. w. . this is the w. news live from baghdad u.s. president donald trump delivers his sharpest warning yet to north korea. they has great strength and patience but if it is forced to defend itself or it's our lives
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we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea speaking at the united nations mr trump described came jong un's nuclear program as a suicide mission we'll bring you full coverage also on the program. are the canary of its across the caribbean causing widespread devastation in dominica the catch of a five storm is now bearing down on the virgin islands and puerto rico. in my state i'm talking searching breaks her silence on the hinge a refugee crisis on condemns the violence as human rights groups accuse her of burying her head in the sack. welcome to the program. u.s. president donald trump has used his first address to the united nations general assembly to issue a stern warning to north korea in his first appearance at the annual gathering of
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the world it is mr trump urged u.n. member states to work together to isolate the north korean regime until it sees what he called its hostile behavior but he also made clear that the u.s. would not shrink from radical military action if it deemed necessary here human dignity to a hue or that new generations of children are raised free from violence hatred and fear security and prosperity the marshall plan was built let's get more on this than from the cold rand verse of the german council on foreign relations a here in the studio d.w. sad example phenomena of joins us from new york a welcome to you both let's start with you alexander phenomena we've already heard lots of angry rhetoric between washington and pyongyang was mr trump's warning today more of the same or
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a serious threat. well i think it was quite serious because president trump was talking here at the general assembly and some people after his speech were asking themselves were it is the right place to threaten north korea to threaten any other nation so he was quite clear about what is going to have to happen if north korea is not going to end its nuclear and missile program it's not going to stop its provocations he said that the united states is willing and ready to totally destroy north korea when it has to defend itself or its allies a very strong language and i talk about good with the nato secretary general stoltenberg who is here and me and i will join us with triage to you know to ask him wherever he also things that it might be not the right place to use such strong
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language but he always said that you know that's what we are used to hear from the u.s. president and that he himself is happy that the you and security council is quite standing on ones or it's quite united to address those threats from north korea after approving the toughest ever sanctions against the regime well let's hear those words directly from the man himself here is a president trump speaking just two hof an hour or so ago the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself words our lives we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea's rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready
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willing and able but hopefully this will not be necessary that's what the united nations is all about so it isn't a phenomena as well as north korea mr trump also had the iran in his sights we'll hear from him and then we'll come back to you there in new york has donald trump the reigning in government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy it has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence bloodshed and chaos. the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into. xandra phenomena watching this
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earlier today what went through my mind was this seems like a speech delivered to his domestic audience rather than necessarily the international audience. well i think it's he was certainly addressing his political base and the conservatives here in the united states stressing that he is the president they elected that he who is the interest of his own people ahead of any of our matters and then the he was also addressing of course the leaders coverage here at the u. and general assembly and the question is wherever we can analyze this passage about iran speculate about his commitment to this iranian iran nuclear deal because his administration has been criticizing the steel for months
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now has been criticizing iran for its destabilizing influence and for its support for terrorist groups so many experts here awaiting for next months to come because there is a deadline when the president. has to tell congress whatever iran is complying to this bill deal or whatever the congress should re impose sanctions against iran nicole brown vote from the german council on foreign relations we see that donald trump drawing those two red lines on north korea and iran european capitals lightly serves you well you know building up a sweat scenario is not a bad thing in the first place but if you do that then you are also have to consider if you really willing to cross the red line especially when it comes to north korea and the military. trump now announced she was willing to
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take so i said i think what's important is the iran deal to go to a lot of effort and european governments to you know prepare the ground for this kind of deal and there has to be a distinction between the two situations which trump didn't he basically the two cases in one bin which might challenge a lot of european leaders now to really rethink you know what would be the next step he also didn't police punches when it came to the united nations we'll have a listen to what he said and then we'll get you your comments. we also thank the secretary general for recognizing that the united nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty security and prosperity too often the focus of this organization has not
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been on results but on bureaucracy and process in some cases states that seek to subvert this institution's noble aims have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them. the cold read of it was donald trump on safe ground there he seems to have the u.n. secretary general with him on this one but he remained incredibly bake you know how do you really want to reach the goal of making the united nations more efficient and more transparent and more effective if you only want to cut maybe the budget so he has to be more concrete here and he wasn't so yes he was on safer ground because you very much state baker on how you want to reach this goal nicola relevant from the german council on foreign relations thank you alexander phenomena in washington thank you. let's catch up to the rest of the day's news now on hurricane maria has
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begun to batter the care of beer the prime minister of dominica has described maria as devastating and mind boggling the hurricane has now intensified again and become a category five storm maria is moving roughly along the same string of islands as erma the hurrican that devastated the region earlier this month it's expected to move toward proto rico and the virgin islands tonight and tomorrow maria made landfall on monday with winds of up to two hundred sixty kilometers an hour. maria ravaging the french island of guadalupe heavy rain and fierce winds have left many areas here without power authorities say they've already received reports of flooding. but i can we have limited contact at the moment it's really very patchy we're in touch with our forces and the police who are giving us some information but we have very little details at this stage
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because. another french territory martinique has escaped the storm without huge damage but neighboring domany car came off much worse. its prime minister roosevelt's carrot wrote on facebook that they have lost all what money can buy and replace earlier he posted that his roof had been blown off. many of the islands on high alert from area are still reeling from hurricane alley or this month and she is one of them here people are bracing for another potential disaster a similar scene in puerto rico shelves in supermarkets emptied as residents stockpile supplies the u.s. territory could receive a direct hit from maria. right now we're not prepared for the next hurry come because we're still recovering from the last two weeks ago. puerto rico is not prepared for this. we're going to have
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a bad time of it. we ask almighty god to get us through this without serious damage . after briefly weakening maria has again intensified into a category five hurricane and could cause further damage as it moves towards puerto rico and the virgin islands. jefferson is a host on island ninety two radio in st marks and he joins us on the line from the leeward islands directly in areas welcome to day w. how are islanders preparing for this. well you know i think everyone is rushing all of their preparations to completion for those islands that have been impacted by you know by erma just in the past couple weeks one of the big challenges is there's debris that's loose everywhere so just yesterday here on tim martin our local
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ministry of infrastructure was out gathering debris so that it wouldn't become projectile and and cause further damage so far as we kind of weather our way through maria here in st martin the storm is approximately you know due south of us right about eleven a.m. this morning and we've been quite lucky is pulled further south than i think originally anticipated and the conditions are are much kaymer thankfully than we had all expected but you know one of the things that you're we watched everyone in the neighborhoods do was simply trying to patch up grooves that were lost when those that were lost to whether whatever maria brings in. and i'm actually looking right now i've just raised one of our storm shutters we're in a little bit of a lot and i'm looking out almost south almost almost due south at
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the surface and the surface self is big but we don't have a particularly big tidal surge because the winds are blowing off offshore and it is you know it's almost see some sun trying to poke through the cloud cleavage or not we've got light showers in the area the winds are probably. you know probably thirty forty mile an hour right now which is. quite frankly a real positive thing for those of us on st martin we do worry about our brethren around the caribbean as maria moves towards puerto rico we went through a category five just about two weeks ago. so we know what their informal you know what what it's like and we encourage everybody who is in earshot of this to if you have the opportunity to trace your preparation and make sure that you've identified a safe place. in wherever you want to be writing the storm up it's very important to do that to make sure that you have all the proper supplies in place ok geoffrey
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saw her in there and said mass and so much translates say thank you this day dubliners live from berlin still to come man miles i was sang suchi breaks the silence on the range a refugee crisis but more confirmation from her critics here from amnesty international find out why the human rights groups accusing her of burying your head in the sand. going to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world spight has become the latest country to scale back with north korea in protest over recent nuclear tests. to north korea's ambassador to leave the country by the end of the month. suicide bombings in nigeria have killed at least fifteen people injured more than forty at least two blasts a settlement in the northeastern state of borno witnesses say the bombs detonated their devices as a bomb is gathering the region is the at the center of the islamist of boko haram
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insurgency. state prosecutors in south africa say here harsher punishment for oscar pistorius the olympic and paralympic style sentenced to six missing june last year but not if you're still friends even steenkamp prosecutors will present their arguments to the court of appeal on the third of november. i'm in most defacto late i was having stitches broken his silence on the right hinge refugee crisis an army led crackdown has driven more than four hundred thousand of the muslim minority into bangladesh triggering a major humanitarian emergency so it has been facing intense criticism for remaining silent about what the u.n. says is man must ethnic cleansing of the ranger has been much concern around the world with regard to the situation in the kind it is not the intention of the government to apportion blame or to ethnic gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration
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of peace stability and rule of law throughout the state since a fifth of september there have been no armed clashes and that afternoon clearance operation nevertheless we are concerned to hear that numbers of muslims are fleeing across the border two hundred days. we want to find out why this exodus is happening we would. as if david gryphus from amnesty international in london welcome to you so your organization has accused down some suchi on her government of having their heads in the sand over this crisis what do you mean by that. well i mean what we heard from anson city this morning was a whitewash frankly the speech had no sense of urgency about what is an appalling
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situation of ethnic cleansing of the range of the population across runtime state and you know there was no no script no sense of scale no sense of urgency that came across from where let's give a little bit of a sense of proportion of what we're talking about here for the past three weeks that me and mum military has carried out a scorched earth campaign targeting the revenger population across the state. soldiers in armed groups are surrounding villages firing indiscriminately as civilians flee for their lives and four hundred thousand row injured have crossed the border into bangladesh that's more in the past two weeks than the entire number of people who tried to cross the mediterranean in two thousand and sixteen it's the world's fastest growing refugee crisis and city invited us this morning to look at the health of the nation as a whole rather than focus thing on one particular problem when there is ethnic
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cleansing going on in the nation that very early affects the health of the nation as a whole and do you believe i'm sad and searching to be complicit in this so called ethnic cleansing. well let's be clear that the military is that the the the power in myanmar and it is the military who are carrying out these appalling abuses in rakhine state and only the military can bring them to an end but uncensored she has a choice so as to speak out clearly and condemn this and call for an end to the. corporate entity the appalling injustices being meted out in the horrors experienced by their own injured population or she can wipe out war and exonerate the military for their role in it and frankly what we have heard from her is uncomfortably close to the latter and we need to see and sense if she's speaking out much more strongly against these appalling abuses well let's pick up on that
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point we heard from the u.n. secretary general antonio proterozoic addressing this crisis in may and i will play a little of what he has to say your forty three. must end the military operation. and he invited humanitarian access and to recognize the right of refugees to return in safety and dignity and they must also address the grievances of the growing starters there's been left and resolved for far too long so david griffiths at amnesty international in london and who can rein in the military doesn't sound so she have the authority. well first of all let me say that it's actually a general rule of the un it's absolutely correct not only to the abuses have to end but the situation experienced by the range of people that discrimination and
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several occasions the denial of citizenship for decades has to be brought to it and and indeed it to me in my government which is responsible for doing that both the military and sense actually and she needs to bear responsibility to use political and moral of our brain and to the violence now and indeed to address the horrific discrimination. we write in the population has experienced for such a long time so yes there is plenty within her power that she can do and she must do and we have to start doing that as soon as possible david griffiths from amnesty international in london thank you so much thank you this is us with ben facility and now talking about peeved travelers yes this is peeved of which you speak very angry in new zealand they would say rapid which implies that you have
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rabies i would be happy about either but this is what got them even more furious a new zealand warned the government about the national security risk a soul pipeline post five years ago well it broke over the weekend causing an international embarrassment thousands of travelers stranded is a shortage of jet fuel and the pipe won't get fixed till next week did i mention there's an election around the corner. the fear of empty petrol stations is increasing ten stations in new zealand's largest city no longer have any super gasoline it's just days before the election and the government is trying everything to minimise the damage tanker trucks are being filled to the brim with fuel and sent to auckland. where making sure the tankers can go out turn probably an extra fifteen percent on white and what they can now we've taken a lot of these ideas from under stream of seats that anything you need. and we will
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do our best to supply the airport remains affected by the shortage over forty international and domestic flights had to be cancelled aircraft are diverting to other airports just a few up even ships are standing ready to help but they are having problems. has not been satanic i have national fuel through car storm mains which is why we're trying to say whether or not it can happen very quickly. crews are working on the damaged pipeline twenty four hours a day supposedly the pipe was damaged when it was hit by a construction site digger the repairs will take at least another week. fisherman the lay has to get snagged by briggs that it's a lemon is that european fishermen want to access to english waters where they make about pairing up a british counter would prefer to limit the competition at both sides could get
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caught out. at the center of the debate is the english channel a rich fishing ground for british and european boats alike french crews like this one say loss of access would be devastated by the regular thing also you saw the consequences over one year these waters represent sixty to seventy percent of our fishing sites so the boat and the crew would see a loss of income going on you want to but the only point is. they wouldn't be alone limited access would affect belgian spanish and dutch cruise. fishermen in the u.k. are more open to the idea many feel that the u.s. never given them a proper quota under its common fisheries policy brags that they hope might change that. we all think that efficient it's all about access so we hope for better access to water so that means restricting access of you vessels into the u.k. or in having some access ourselves to the waters there's a snag though british fisherman so much of their catch to europe u.k.
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fishing exports to france totaled five hundred seven million euros in two thousand and fifteen french exports to the u.k. came to less than a quarter of that amount that means leverage for even a go she enters hoping to keep access open european fisherman are hopeful negotiations are expected to begin soon and those negotiations as far as briggs it goes as a whole are dragging on let's get an update from daniel corp our financial correspondent in frankfurt daniel i know things to slow but are we already getting some clear winners and losers out of bragg's it. well i guess just like the fisherman that which is surgeon you know report you know breck's of the still a topic with so many question marks also here for investors on the trading floor but what really seems to be the case that the countries who are going to remain in the european union are going to benefit we got very interesting numbers through
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today from the center of european economic research they are always doing a survey and kind of an indication of how the next six months off businesses are going to perform and on a scale with twenty points the european businesses are actually all ranked right now with seventeen points that even made investors you surprised they were expecting a number roughly between ten and twelve points and the big winners right now are mostly banks and financial institutions who are really getting stronger with this. with this negotiation talks ok so that's sort of a refers to the next six months what about when briggs it actually occurs are you getting the feeling that investors are bracing for the worst well the big question of course is there really going to your brakes are really going to be of directed
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at the end i had a very interesting conversation a little bit earlier with an investor exactly about this topic and he was telling me that you know with this situation right now that it really seems to be the case that the rest of europe is benefiting he wouldn't be surprised if at the very end you know the united kingdom would do kind of an exit from brics that after really noticing how much they could suffer at the end we've heard of quite a few times these exit from briggs let's say you were x. as all that you could be very fit thank you. i'll have full fifteen minutes of visit next out called waste ben thank you for his robot about top stories this hour here on d w u.s. president donald trump position shellfish want to get to north korea addressing the u.n. general assembly mr trump said that if kim jong un did not abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the us was ready willing and able to totally destroy north
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korea. tarik america has devastated the small caribbean island of dominica it's not sweeping towards parts of eco on the virgin islands already ravaged by her cunt. up today. to go. to sleep highlights. buying new made up for losing their last match buy to ration mines four nil just in time for the opening of october
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fest. after many goals and much debate dormant defeated come on and on once again top of the team. slashing the bad. piece by the green lungs of the strong. brazil's amazon rain forest dysfunction which. dramatic consequences for the last time. and. what is to be done. in sixty minutes on d w.
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thank you thank. you you. i.


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