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tv   Shift - Living in the Digital Age  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 7:45am-8:01am CEST

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with the makers and users. shifts next on d w. seventeen beethoven c'est von. tobel first. shift living in the digital age. coming up foodborne and instagram.
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mended reality for all handle a whirlwind tour of new york but first digital daily routine yelpers chat bots are computer programs that can conduct conversations with people experts predict will soon become part of our everyday lives many companies are investing in the interactive interface. meets ponchos the weather catch poncho is one of the most popular votes on facebook messenger providing personalized weather reports it's basically a small conversational program that can recognize key words such as weather and. about scams with these keywords and provides an answer within seconds. not all boxers kynges poncho but a growing number of businesses are introducing the technology mainly in the. realm
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of customer support on facebook messenger alone there are already thousands of such messaging services available. mullen based online journalist andreas vet predicts that these digital assistants will revolutionize the way we use the internet. it seems highly likely that we'll see a shift in the years to come. instead of apps will be using messaging services. this will be a game changing development for the internet. max cut your leg agrees in twenty fifteen he and two friends founded spectrum the bulletin startup uses bots to deliver news content via messaging platforms on behalf of publishing partner. clients such as business insider pay a monthly rate for the new xbox service readers can communicate with a bot of any time via facebook messenger it delivers the content they want when they want it. then use
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a number of users get push notifications about content whenever they want for example if there's news about their favorite football team or a player switches clubs. it means they're getting news before everyone else before their colleagues are talking about it over lunch facebook wasted no time officially partnering with spectrum investors have plowed millions into the young startup jackpots delivering personalized content over messaging platforms are just the beginning much cut your next vision is what he calls conversational journalism. if you are interested in politics and sport but are not into business you only get news that interests you but if there is a business story that's important the chat bot will give you a personalized explanation not the same as for someone who consumes business news every day. that's why we're moving away from newspapers which essentially assume the same level. knowledge in all readers we offer
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a more individualized service with chat bots. this revote a lawyer is accessed not via a messaging platform but file website it was programmed by nineteen year old british student joshua browder do not pay helps users challenge parking tickets it talks a series of questions to determine the validity of the penalty and then guides users through the appeals process brothers bought has helped overturn more than one hundred sixty thousand parking tickets. i think my lawyer is not going to be arguing in a high cost cream core any time soon but the law is all about information and rules and i think last perfect for technology. for now most chat bots can only do what they've been programmed to do but before too long they might be autonomous lee processing information and responding more flexibly. against the flow of artificial intelligence has been
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a big issue for forty years now and has never been more relevant to computers or wide so they computers are able to process vast amounts of data and actually communicate with humans specifically in the form of chat bots. from digital sales assistants to news and weather services but to becoming increasingly sophisticated and might soon become our constant companions. the. shift says the. time now for shift ranking the social media platforms with the most negative effect on mental health number five you do. health organizations ask some fifteen hundred people to rate the impact of vibe social media platforms and there will be more than ninety percent of sixteen to twenty four year old news on line networks you tube was the only platform in the study that was shown to have more positive than negative effects reese. searchers said
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the video sharing channel aided self-expression and awareness amongst other things number four twitter and microblogging service ranked favorably in terms of self-expression unfortunately cyberbullying was found to be a considerable problem all in all it was ranked as having a negative negative effect number three facebook the platform rank highly for emotional support and community building but poorly for its impact on sleep the problem the fear of missing out. as it's now called. number two snap chat this messaging app can be addictive its users were particularly worried about not reacting in time and that can lead to anxiety and depression. number one instagram the photo sharing social network was found to contribute to a sense of for body image and inspired feelings of envy and please note airbrushing is widespread. that was this week's ranking and now.
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she is becoming increasingly important thanks to the internet many restaurants are now reacting to this trend and seizing a marketing opportunity by serving up deliberately photogenic. instagram is one of the digital platforms that stoking this growing as a time for perfectly arranged food fight is the favorite subject is both. for the business any kind of the ingredients as possible this new unique cafe is one place to see these balls in real life three years ago modern vice fulfilled his dream of making food that looks and tastes good. on customers have high expectations for these balls they have to look nice on be worthy of instagram. so it's very important for the balls to look appealing some customers pick out lots of toppings just to make them that way i've noticed that feed has been turned into a visual media experience. smoothies and bottles are especially popular among
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digitally seventy city dwellers in addition to taste and quality ingredients how much is a range but it's also important. because much of the callus we try to lay everything out symmetrically. we spaced the banana slices evenly and from them out nicely for me rice is also a good idea symmetry plays a big part. of things because of color. instagram is the place. shots and if. there are more than one hundred million photos. from berlin is one of the styles of nearly two hundred fifty thousand followers. of the vanished. essence i'm talking about and i prepare a dish for a photo shoot before i always imagine the pictures i'm going for and i found. so i think about the angle i want to shoot from that i'm not into and influences the
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styling even how i shape certain food system to be infinitely before me. the twenty two year old has already published her first cookbook. she know and so living from the photos and social media activity she's a food blogger by profession. some people in her line of work have been known to reach for the paint. is this rainbow colored sandwich for example. there you but you know infineon is really elaborate dishes are not for us. we want the future to preserve their origins to remain a strawberry i mean just look nice and be fun to eat so i'm putting that also possible some as. wild food blogging is a legitimate profession or hobby it's important to remember that what we eat is about more than just aesthetics food shouldn't just. even the digital age.
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shift says don't play with your food. and no short and sweet the shift upshot. we've all been there and online order arrives and it's nothing like you expect you can avoid such disappointment with the arising augment it reality can enhance a third dimension to online shopping giving customers a better idea of what they're buying. but it can also bring other things to life the weather forecast for example or even boring card games. just start the up but your smartphone in the cardboard casing and point at a starting price of thirty euros per kid arisan aims to make augment it reality widely affordable the app is also a valuable learning aid helping trade the surgeons for example to practice
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procedures. that was the upshot do you want more stories from the digital age than visit our facebook page to tell you digital here you can find the latest digital news and trends as well as recommended apps tech gadgets and helpful to doritos and episodes of shift of course. follow us comment and tell us what you think this is deja vu digital on facebook. as always we leave shift for the exit our internet find of the week today a whirlwind tour of new york everyone knows that new york is a high energy place but this is the big apple as you've never seen it before the three austrian cameramen spent ten days shooting in teaming u.s. city from all possible perspectives even from a helicopter they ended up with a total of sixty five thousand photos two thousand. one of the famous yellow taxis
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this virtual tour really what's your appetite for a real trip to new york. then next time i'm shift. self driving cars are powering ahead these software controlled vehicles are already being tested in many countries how latona mistry being change our cities and the way we live the future of mobility next time on shift. d.w. true diversity. where the world of science is at home in many languages.
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are going to grow and they will be. there with us our innovations magazine for asia the us from every week and always looking to the future fund d w dot com science and research for asia. yeah i'll do my story and i think one day this war will be considered cruel and unjust war but it also should and certainly all citizens are a grain every man woman and child should not well defend their homeland if the enemy invades. no one wants russia here in the midst and which is the. rebel against the mighty global news that matters. d.w. made for mines. hash tag germany decides the day of decision is near equal coastie one germany. would want to bring a strong team to the campaign but if the we in the f.d.p.
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have a new conservation anyway sions is a virtue and my friends this will be a difficult election by we are ready to take responsibility and check out shady in this country. we have more than enough parties participating in incompetent government but not the left party germany can do better. polls in germany open on september twenty fourth. what do germans want for their country. what do the different parties stand for. and which party will come out on top. d w your expert on germany's bundestag election two thousand and seventeen. germany decides german bundestag election two thousand and seventeen on d w.
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this is d.w. news coming to you live from berlin be on mars on songs to achieve breaks her silence on the range of refugee crisis she expresses her sorrow to all groups displaced by violence and says she wants to speak to muslims to find out why
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they're leaving does this mean the nobel laureate will now move to end with the u.n. .


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