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tv   The Day - News in Review  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 6:03am-6:31am CEST

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could the cost the airline up to twenty million euros. as a protest against north korea's recent nuclear tests spain is expelling the country's ambassador madrid told the north korean diplomat he must leave by the end of the month the u.n. security council imposed new sanctions on pyongyang after its sixth and largest nuclear test this month the reclusive state claims it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. when he was a presidential candidate damo truong smore that the u.s. did not have a friend in the united nations now on the eve of his first address before the u.n. general assembly president trumps america needs friends more than ever and guess where they will all be seated tomorrow i'm bored golf in berlin this is the day.
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to seek a united nations that regains the trust of the people around the world to serve the people resupport and the people who supports us cut through the bureaucracy and flexible and efficient we must ensure that no one and no member state shoulders value for money while advancing shared values a disproportionate share of the burden. our mission leaving here today complete consensus on this reforming. our shared objectives of twenty first century un focus not on people we must challenge traditional mindsets and marsha and resistance to change protect whistleblowers we will do this together.
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show less than a week before the german election chancellor angela merkel's poll numbers give her a comfortable lead who could possibly stand or shout in her way. they're shouting get out and america must go. nuts. of course is a missed terrorism poses a huge challenge. madded i'm in town. but we can't find it with shouting doing that's not the first night he's done nothing for jim and just for an hour he's in physio these days. or we begin today in new york city and in a world that donald trump never expected to know or need this week the united nations is holding its annual general assembly
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a huge global get together with some standout newcomers such as u.n. secretary general and tony a good test and u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley but it is tamara speaker he was stealing the show us president donald trump now in his first address before the full assembly of the u.n. trump is expected to explain how his campaign winning america first can be compatible with an organization dedicated to peace and prosperity beyond national borders and it is safe to say never before had so many leaders been so unsure of what to make of a u.s. president is teleprompter drop the real deal or the or is the all thing to donald trump the man prone to twitter tirades who recently referred to north korea's dictator using an elton john hit rocket man or perhaps tomorrow's speech will offer some clarity north korea is crucial here john young's drive for ballistic nuclear
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weapons has forced president to look to the u.n. for help whether he likes it or not trump's awakening to the realities of geopolitics has included seeking support in the security council on resolutions and saying sions a peaceful resolution is still not guaranteed but for now the you win is the best deal trumps america can get. in his first appearance at the united nations u.s. president donald trump did not mince his words trump said the organization needed less red tape and more efficiency and you know in recent years the united nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement while the united nations on a regular budget has increased by one hundred forty percent and its staff has more than doubled since two thousand we are not seeing the results in line with us and
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vice. president trump is a longtime critic of the united nations on the campaign trail he dismissed the world body as a club for people to talk and have a good time. u.n. chief antonio terrorist has responded by agreeing with trance the latest message to the un s three men this potential all of us have the responsibility to make sure we live up to it. our shared objective is the twenty first century un focused more on people less on process and as you rightly said more on the leverage less on bureaucracy. on tuesday trump will address the general assembly amid concerns of global crises the u.s. president america first policy and his support for the u.n. . when he was under phenomenas covering the u.n. general assembly in new york for us this week and evening to you alexandra will
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president truong tomorrow find a link from make america great again to perhaps make the united nations great. you know friend that's actually what the president said a couple of days ago i asked about his visit here to the united nations he said let's make united nations great now it's again he added just great so he apparently is on a very ambitious mission here but talking about reforms we have to say that many experts here say that the united nations is. need for reforms nuts to convince donald trump as he and his administration to stay committed to the organization by us but in order to survive. do we know what trump expects from u.n. reform which is champ being where they lean are you when would it have more influence on north korea's dictator for example. well
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frankly speaking i don't think so because it's not a matter of having money or less or more money it's a matter of how the decisions are being made and how the un members are committed to the organization's goals and that's what's so interesting and astonishing about strom's approach because he is there a critical he has been very critical of the united nations at the same time as you said he turns to the u.n. security council seeking help seeking tougher sanctions against north korea seeking a way of solving this crisis so maybe eventually he will see that he needs the international community to defend united states and the united states and its interests there's a very interesting point there and we know every year we hear that the annual u.n. general assembly is criticized for being a lot of talk and nothing more do you think that all of the attention that is on
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president trump right now do you think that attention is robbing valuable attention from major crimes sees just north korea syria or the rogue and just for example. is when we talk about tomorrow i think you're right because everyone every media outlet here in new york and worldwide will be watching president speech will be analyzing this speech what does he has to say how does he say it and so no one probably would be paying attention or would be paying less attention to such crisis as the crisis in myanmar for example but then again the united states united nations has been criticized for not addressing such crisis is not doing enough to solve them so if the united nations has a chance to reform itself with trump's support there may change in the future. yeah
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we'll have to see if that happens maybe it will start with that speech tomorrow our correspondent alexander phenomena on the story for us tonight in new york alexander thank you very much. city meeting in new york this week aid groups are also working on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly the charity save the children has released a report saying that over six hundred thousand children could be in bangladesh by the end of this year humanitarian agencies are struggling to cope with a massive influx of virginia fleeing in neighboring me and more amid escalating violence against the muslim minority the u.n. says they were are victims of ethnic cleansing. well a voice that deserves attention from everyone especially at the u.n. is that of my next guest hello thorning schmidt is the c.e.o. of save the children international she oversees twenty five thousand staff members and one hundred twenty countries a budget of two billion u.s.
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dollars a year she's also a former prime minister from denmark and she joins me tonight from new york miss thorne schmidt welcome it's good to have you on the program before we talk about the situation in bangladesh with a bridge i want to ask you about what we heard today the u.s. president and the secretary general to tara's pushing for reform at the u.n. less red tape and maybe cutting costs when you hear talk like that do you get concerned how will that type of reform impact the work that you do. well first of all thank you for having me i think it's great when new leaders come into the u.n. they discuss how we can improve the u.n. system because one thing i know for sure both us former prime minister but also now heading up one of the biggest and independent child agencies in the world and i
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know that we need strong cooperation between nations therefore we are seeing now in yemen look what we are seeing in africa and particularly what we're seeing now with the with the region get people at the having to flee from me and ma what we need in this world is small and multilateral cooperation between nations strong gains to choose rather than the opposite so what i'm hoping of course is that trump will come here tomorrow and make a speech to all of us where he's advocating for strong international institutions because what we know is is if we don't have strong international institutions we are leaving the most vulnerable people on this planet to themselves and so that is what i'm hoping for speaking of the most vulnerable people on the planet in just the past week save the children has announced some of the terrible statistics from syria and from there were him to refugees in bangladesh we're talking about you know thousands and thousands of children missing school fleeing war not having
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a home do you think that the world realizes what is happening to an entire generation of children or are these headlines that are easily forgotten. i think these headlines are usually forgot and we tend to forget a little bit what's happening is in the world in general it's like when a crisis leave the news and we don't get it in when we when we watch the news we forget that it exists but i want to make the world aware that there's still immense suffering particular for children all across the world we have their children right now who have to flee their homes and make it across the border to a chip on that this. upon that there switches as as we know have their problems of their own the rain is pouring down and they have to cater for four hundred thousand people coming in where more than half of those are children we have people on the ground and we have access to two asking these children suffering what they have
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been met with why they are fleeing and the stories we hear from these children are stories that children should never be telling we're hearing stories from children that talk about children being shot at when they stand by the border. kid children who have to a child we spoke to had to leave her mother in her burning house because her mother was too ill to be taken out of that house she will never see her mother again so these are stories that we need to see and hear and act on because what we are seeing in bangladesh now people fleeing from myanmar shouldn't be happening and what we can do now is get the right health into these children say that show is on the ground ready to help but we need of course more help from the international community to do so and you will be joining the u.n. secretary general later this week i understand discuss the threat of famine in four countries tell us a little bit about that. well we are seeing
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a lot of children that go to bed hungry and the worst thing about this famine that we are seeing now is that we are actually having more people people being hungry than we had. first for several years and that is because families and children are experiencing drought or war and conflict and that means that we have twenty million people that we are fearing fearing with will be malnourished in the near future this is not right and it is not right what we are seeing in yemen right now we are seeing children who are struggling with the seasons that we apologist in europe one hundred years ago and the good news of course is that we can still act and help these children the devastating news is that we if we don't get access to these children simple humanitarian access to children in bangladesh in yemen we will not be able to help them but with
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a very simple means and access to children we could save many many thousands and perhaps millions of children from dying. well we certainly hope that is indeed what happens you're doing very important work there thorning schmidt the c.e.o. of save the children joining us tonight from new york mr smith thank you very much we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. thank you very much for having me. lou we are now in the final week the last days of campaigning before voters in germany go to the polls and elect a new parliament now that will mean a new government and it could lead to a new chancellor at the moment the incumbent i'm going to america and her conservative c.d.u. c.s.u. they enjoy a comfortable lead in the polls and don't forget you can stay on top of this very important election by following the campaign germany decides there's full coverage on g.w. dot com and you can get updates on our. facebook page or you can follow us on
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twitter and we will have live coverage as the results come in on sunday night right here on you join me and the entire news team for live coverage as germany decides starting at four pm in berlin that stand i am in new york. over almost the entire campaign chancellor angela merkel's chances of losing on election day have seemed faint at best but not everyone in germany wants another term with her as chancellor now that would be typical politics right if it weren't something else something sinister something ugly we have this report from the campaign where they shell out more than they listen. this is the town of britain fed in eastern germany. and it gammon the woman with the red ponytail considers macko an enemy she wants to throw are out of office. or the. he's done nothing with the germans just foreign else does and says he.
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does a stronghold of the wrecked wing populist a.f.d. party. many local residents don't like the chance there or her government and they make that clear when she arrives for her speech yeah. that's right those exists in many refugees came to germany in twenty fifteen her money there was a humanitarian emergency a listing it's once to come soon. but this may stem from the in the. in this just do you not find would like to thank all the local politicians it's a gun to the gun to the churches and n.g.o.s and associations for all they did to help people exhaustless you know under men's suits on. the crowd reaction is mixed some obviously disagree with the chancellor. many of the refugees are following the
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election campaign closely. but on and off shah and his friends arrived from afghanistan in two thousand and fifteen. and they don't understand why the a.f.p. supporters are so upset. some of them don't have jobs or money so they complain about mrs merkel but that's wrong. in germany everyone can work get training and find a good job and. i think. the chancellor makes a low profile departure she just as soon avoid this crowd. this is the city of new tricks often in southwestern germany some c.d.u. supporters are also opposed to merkel's refugee policy. it's just the ones i'm really concerned i want my country to be safe i want secure borders so we know he were letting in. a year ago americans poll numbers were down many blamed her for
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a series of terrorist attacks but she managed to regain much of her popularity still there are some here who are not pleased with the chancellor. there shouting get out and america must go. nuts. of course islamist terrorism poses a huge challenge. madded i'm in town. but we can't find it with shouting doing. five thousand and thirty that national. we can only face the challenge by working together. and by working with the european union europe is important for us security at home
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and. merkel is by no means a nationalist but she does understand the concepts of german homeland prosperity and security. we're back to the u.s. now where trump's compulsive twitter habit has once again landed on the president also jokingly referred to as the tweeter in chief in hot water this time after the president on sunday reach we did this animated gif and maybe you've seen it it shows him hitting a golf ball that hillary clinton knocking her to the ground as she boards a plane is the latest example of trump continuing to bully his democratic rival more than ten months after winning the presidential election now the tweets stoked outrage online generating more than thirty thousand replies democratic house representative brad sherman blasting trump writing re tweeting this kind of missile video might be below the standards of even this president richard painter former
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chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w. bush called it drugs to eat infant teil if obama had acted this way we would have hauled him off to the funny farm months ago. supporters have been firing back and get a sense of freaking humor everyone on the left defended stephen kathy griffin when she held a severed head and said it was comedy comedian kathy griffin outraged trump and his backers when she staged a mock beheading of the president earlier this year she also lost her job as a result of that. president trump was not at the emmy awards last night in los angeles he wasn't there but yes he was and if it wasn't trump and the middle of a joke or upon than it was someone who used to work for him take a look. i am
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god i am with you and nice period both in person and around the world. what was he thinking. i'm going to get some advice from my next guest he is a five time emmy nominee and self he has been called the best political satirist in the us his name is a will durst and he joins me from san francisco tonight i see you smiling big hair of welcome to the day i mean when you watch sean spicer roll onto the stage at the emmys is he is he doing satire of himself how did you read that yeah it was it was poking fun at a. group in that he does have a sense that you know and it's it's. it's late when hillary you know was loose and easy after the election or was it where was this candidate why didn't she run to say there was sean spicer where was his sense of humor even you know i expected him
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to show up at one of his last press briefings with this time around is it a night between his teeth like martin sheen in apocalypse now he was he was a little high strung there yemenis a lot of people were afraid it was going to post all right there in the press briefing room sometimes but digital with a little outrage though when you saw that i mean you know some people were tweeting i mean all jokes aside some people were tweeting with this is the payoff you get in america when you lied to the public twice. that was his job his job was to take what the president that was his job and that's what sarah huckabee sanders is doing. poor boy i mean michael flynn had to resign because he lied about the russia thing and sean spicer resigned because he couldn't lie anymore and now it's it's not normalizing what he did every press secretary lies that's their job they have to do what they guy in charge tells them
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to or they're just a mouthpiece on a big horn it's like a musical instrument. maybe it's a little out of bitch you know we you know the movie mr smith goes to washington right well imagine you've got mr trump goes to the u.n. how would you describe the plot to that what we're going to see this week what we don't know which we don't know which trump we're going to get there are many donald trump's we we might get a crazy guy he might use his indoor voice we have no idea which bellicose blustering bomb mastic. guy is going to show up so you know it'll be interesting and you know another landmark. every time you think you found a basement. pot rock bottom he's able to dig another sub basement so yeah some people say he defies the laws of physics all the time i mean i read
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a quote. where you said that you have a career every four years for a month but now trump is a little he's a different animal isn't it mean he's keeping you gainfully employed well into the winter. yeah because we have that quadrennial cycle you know every four years presidential election. that's that's when everybody wants to hear the political jokes the year after nobody wants to hear the political jokes because. too many of them got elected to quote mark twain. this year i mean it's it shot so far people need people who need what it is that i do it it's almost their seeking community it's like laughter allows hope you know to create back in at the end. we've got fifteen seconds so i'm going to ask you when you look at the german election you know we are having the election next sunday do you see anything there
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to laugh at i just love angle i'm a big guy and just because she distraught that she was so severe that look she gave it. we should have bottled that give it everything american. all right will there is that joining us tonight from san francisco the best satirist in the u.s. well thank you very much we appreciate you being on the day. thanks for having me on the. well the day the conversation continues you know where to find us and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see the never.
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mind song cheering on saturday. germany decides the day before the general election on d w but day dedicated to democracy from its dramatic beginnings in germany on to the present day how is the nation of culture in election year democracy day september twenty third one g.w. . welcome to tomorrow today this week we're looking at the power of music you'll see how it can make learning math easier.


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