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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 5:00am-5:04am CEST

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we'll answer your questions. hash tag gemini besides me the candidates. d w xena's. karim has interviewed almost all the front runners in germany upcoming parliamentary elections. and now we're looking forward to interview johnson the american. past and germany decides. the candidates september twenty first on. another powerful storm front is bearing down on caribbean islands still trying to recover from hurricane irma which devastated the region earlier this month hurricane maria has been upgraded to a potentially catastrophic category five storm packing top wind speeds of over two
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hundred fifty kilometers per hour with maria on track to hit the u.s. territory approach to rico by wednesday supplies are flying off the shelves as residents again prepare for the worst. at a meeting of foreign ministers in new york city diplomats called on me on mars leader aung sang suu kyi to do more to end military violence against the country's row hinge of muslims the situation the un has labeled ethnic cleansing aid groups are struggling to provide relief to more than four hundred thousand iranians or refugees forced to flee to bangladesh and india suchi who has faced intense international criticism is due to make a national address on tuesday. u.s. president donald trump has criticized the united nations as bloated and mismanaged he made the comments on his first visit to un how. courters the day before he was
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to address the general assembly for the first time trump said bureaucracy and mismanagement were preventing the un from reaching its full potential he backed efforts by secretary general antonio qataris to institute reforms. the. irish carrier ryanair has apologized for a mass cancellation that's to strip to the travel plans of hundreds of thousands of people chief executive michael o'leary said he took responsibility for the situation and regretted any worry or concern it's caused customers on friday ryanair announced it would scrap some two thousand flights over six weeks it said the move was necessary to increase punctuality the cancellations are expected to cost the airline up to twenty million euros. as a protest against north korea's recent nuclear tests spain is expelling the
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country's ambassador madrid told the north korean diplomat he must leave by the end of the month the u.n. security council imposed new sanctions on pyongyang after its sixth and largest nuclear test this month the reclusive state claims it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. at the. ryanair suddenly council's thousands of flights leaving the passengers wondering not only whether they'll fly or not but also why this is happening. this is how cars are supposed to look like in the future most won't really.


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