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tv   Full Court Press  Current  September 10, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> bill: hey hello, everybody, what do you say. it is monday september 10th. good to see you today, welcome to the "full court press" here on current tv. good to have you with us today. with both conventions over we can look back and say what a difference between the two of them. tampa looked backward. charlotte looked forward.
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tampa full of despair. charlotte full of hope. no wonder the democrats came out of their convention with a big bump and the republicans remained flat. first let's start out by saying good morning to lisa ferguson. hi, lisa good morning. >> hi, bill good morning, everyone. in mitt romney's latest flap flop he managed to reverse his stance on healthcare reform in a matter of just a few hours. he said he likes and would keep two big aspects of obamacare. one keeping people with preexisting conditions, and letting people under 26 stay on
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their parent's health care plan. hours after his interview sunday morning, he quietly changed his mind again. romney now does not agree with those parts of healthcare reform, and there would be no change in his stance on keeping the health care market competitive and letting the best plan win. today he is campaigning in illinois and ohio where he faces some rough news in the polls. that's because president obama is seeing an up tick in ohio he now leads romney 50 to 45%. that survey is by the public policy polling which if you are familiar with them, their numbers lean to the left. but if that is true it is bad
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news for romney because no candidate has ever taken the house without taking ohio. more bill press after the break. stay with us. this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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with twizzlers the twist you can't resist. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." ♪ >> bill: all right. 57 days to go and obama gets a bump out of the convention. what do you say, hello everybody. here we go, monday september 10th. good to see you today. and thank you for tuning in to the "full court press." welcome to the "full court press" here on current tv. we are back from charlotte, back from the democratic convention.
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had a great time, hope you did too if you weren't there, hope you had a great time watching it. it was a glorious time to be a democrat, a glorious time to be an obama supporter, and an american down in tampa. with bill press, and michelle obama and joe biden, and barack obama, and all the gang. and the democrats got a bump out of the convention. and oh, my god, tornados hitting new york city, for the first time that people could ever remember. texas raising the speed limit to 85 miles an hour. a big teacher's strike in chicago. and mitt romney flip flops on health care. what a way to start the week. anyway we'll talk about it all and take your calls at
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866-55-press. good to see you today. i'm back with peter ogburn. dan henning. >> good to see you again. and our videographer gives the big wave. i left half of my voice in charlotte, i apologize. >> you did a lot of cheering and yelling. >> bill: but i didn't loose my voice at the nats game yesterday. i want you to know. i want to support my local team go see how good these guys really are. they looked like a high school team yesterday. come on. you can try to win. that's it. 8-0. >> i call it the strasburg
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curve. now that they set him down it sucks all of the life out of the team. >> bill: maybe. it was too bad. >> it was too nice of a day to play baseball. at least you didn't go on a super hot day. >> bill: why didn't we do a triathlon. peter represented our team. >> let me tell you there is nothing more scary than swimming in the potomac river and accidentally chugging a big gulp of water. >> bill: yeah, i told carol you were doing the triathlon, and right away she said i wouldn't want to swim in the potomac. >> that's true.
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but what a way to relax of a convention. >> bill: yeah, great timing, peter. my former boss is in the news. a week or so ago, chris christie -- better be careful with the personal insults against other people. was balking about governor jerry brown. i think most of you know i worked for jerry brown the first time he was governor, director of the office of planning and research. chris christie said jerry brown was nothing but an old retread. well jerry struck back yesterday on cnn. >> i wouldn't say it is a feud. he basically was throwing some red meat to the republicans from california, so he said i was a respread. and he was 14 when i was running against jimmy carter back in
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1976. and ergo i shouldn't be here. i'm old, yeah i'll be 74 and a half next month. but here i am and there is some experience and wisdom, so i got kind of warmed up in one of my speeches and i said okay christy, i challenge you to a three-mile race -- >> saying his is overweight. >> no saying this old retread can beat you any day of the week. >> bill: and he can. last time he was in town he was staying at a mutual friends house, and he and i were going out to an event. i went to pick him up he was in the kitchen and typical he wasn't ready. he said to me bill you should lose -- you got to lose some
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weight. >> thanks, mom. >> bill: since then i have lost 20 pounds. and he runs every day, and on the spot he said i'll show you, and he got down -- he got right down and did 35 pushups. >> just right then and there. >> bill: he said look at me. and i kept saying jerry your heart, okay -- >> you don't have to prove anything to me. >> bill: yeah, but he wouldn't stop. i would like to see chris christie do one. >> yeah, really. i would pay good money to see a footrace between those two. >> bill: so i would i. we have a great lineup for you today. our labor secretary will be here dave ziron will be along to talk about the first week of professional football, and eric
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burns is here. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press" >> overhead lines making news president obama continued his bus tour in florida yesterday, stopping at a pizza shop where he was picked up literally. he commented on the owner's size, and he proceeded to put his arms around the president and limit him off of the ground. you can see the picture on our facebook page. ho is a registered republican. he voted for obama in 2008 and said he is voting for him again this time. >> bill: all i got to say i can't wait to talk to my friend the secret service agent and ask him what they did -- >> yeah. >> in sports serena williams
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came back swinging hard. she was just two points from defeat, when she kicked into gear, and won the next four games straight to win the championship for her fourth time. it's her 15th grand slam title over all. the final matches were delayed a day because of weather. and today the men face off. >> bill: serena williams is just an incredible athlete. both of them are. they don't get enough credit i don't think. maybe because tennis is such a popular sport -- i mean it is, a lot of people play it but she is incredible. >> a bible owned by the late elvis presley the winning bid $94,000 -- >> bill: now that's a bible worth having
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>> there you go. he made several hand-written motivations in it -- >> bill: you mean he actually opened it? >> yep. and made $94,000 from the auction. >> bill: all right. thank you. right. it was incredible difference between these two conventions, and being in charlotte, having watched the republican convention in tampa and talking about it so much here on the "full court press," and then going to charlotte and seeing the difference because tampa was all about -- well the theme in tampa was we hate obama and here are the many many different ways that we hate barack obama. nothing about here is why we love mitt romney. where in charlotte it is all about here is why we love barack obama. here is why we're here why we support his policies all of the
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good things he has done. and all of the good things he is going to do with little mention -- relatively little mention of mitt romney. one convention was all about hate and looking back and the other convention was all about hope and love and change and barack obama. and you could tell that the republicans couldn't warm up to mitt romney. they didn't warm up to him in the primaries. they finally accepted him, but they haven't really warmed up to him, and i think we know more and more every day that goes by why. look what happened this weekend. okay. you know -- i don't have to tell you, mitt romney's number one pledge -- he is wrong about it -- but his number one pledge during the primary and during the campaign right up to tampa was on day one -- you have heard him say it, over and over and
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over again, on day one, i'm going to repeal obamacare. it's wrong. we shouldn't force it on every state. what i did in massachusetts was just a local thing, but even though president obama used that as a model for obamacare romney keeps saying no no, no obamacare is wrong, and i'm going to repeal it on day one. that's what his whole campaign one based on. he goes on meet the press yesterday, and he totally flip flopped. here he is, david gregory says are you really going to repeal all of obamacare? mitt mitt romney >> you said you would resend the president's health care plan on day one. does that mean you are prepared to say to young adults and those with preexisting conditions that
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they would not longer be afforded health care. >> romney: of course not. i said we're going to replace it -- >> bill: let's pick up on that again. now exactly what he is saying, mitt, for now what are you going to keep and what are you getting rid of -- >> romney: i'm not getting rid of all healthcare reform. there are a number of things i'm going to put in place, one is that those with preexisting conditions will have health care, and two that young people can stay on his parent's insurance. >> bill: you see. he is going to keep preexisting conditions and the part what he is going to keep kids on their parents health care. and what else?
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is he going to keep the part that insurance companies can't drop you if you get sick and start taking more money out of the pool than they thought you were going to take? is he going to get rid of the tax breaks that provide healthcare to their employers? again, we don't know. so suddenly romney who is totally against obamacare, now he is sort of for it. this is sort of like romney -- i got to tell you if i were a republican, i wouldn't trust this guy. i don't trust him as a democrat but as a republican i wouldn't trust him because you don't know what he really believes. he really is this total vast cipher unknown, i don't think he believes in anything. let's say that you are
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anti-abortion, and you think romney is with you, and he says he is, and he says he supports the human life amendment, and then he returns around and says no no, no, but i would allow abortion in races of rape or incest or the health or life of the mother. but that's not where he says he is. he doesn't have any backbone any principle, doesn't believe in anything. is this a man you can trust? 866-55-press 866-55-7737. i think we have learned a lot about mitt romney with that one statement. he has already broken, and he is not even elected. we are 57 days out. your guy -- put yourself in the shoes of your republican friends. your guy is out there and he has
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already broken his number one promise to you. how can you support the guy? how can you believe this guy? 866-55-press 866-55-7737. mitt romney may have just shot himself in the foot or some other part of the anatomy. >> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. paying, american jobs! in romney's world, cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft! (vo) want more granholm? get her every night.
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?ñ?ñ it's go time. what time is it rob? oh, then it's go. go. go. go time. anybody? anybody? go time! ♪ >> announcer: heard around the country, and seen on current tv
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this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour. i will repeal obamacare on day one. that's what mitt romney has said up to now. now his new line is i will repeal parts of obamacare, maybe. how do you like that for a tough stand? 866-55-press. let's go out to aurora illinois. hey, delores how are you? >> caller: i'm good. i think that mitt romney -- if you go back to the primaries everything this man has said and done he has flipped and flopped on everything. i watched the convention and taped it i was so excited i had goose bumps the whole time. i also watched and taped the
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rnc, boring. plus a lot of lies and hate. the dnc was excellent. i cried. i cried. but romney i don't even see how anyone could even think for voting for him. aren't we supposed to be about morals and ethics and being truthful in this country? and all of those good things. this man has never been for good things. i'm 64 years old. i came here from germany when i was five. i watch people and go -- do people use common sense here or -- what are they thinking with? >> bill: right. romney flipping on this would be like president obama saying suddenly, you know what no i think we'll put our troops back in afghanistan and continue the
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war for another ten years, so the troops i brought home already, i'm spending them back to afghanistan. to me that's the equivalent of romney saying, no i won't repeal all of obamacare. bill what do you say? >> caller: i was trying to pay attention when willard was on meet the press -- >> bill: yeah. >> caller: and there was one comment he made there -- i don't know if it was off the cuff -- or maybe everything is off the cuff but any way he said, we would just -- we will just keep them on their parent's insurance for as long as they would like. that was his term i believe. >> bill: i know. he did say as long as they would like. in other words you are 50 you are 55 your parents are still
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alive you can stay on your parent's health care plan. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today...
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♪ >> announcer: on your radio, on tv, the "bill press show," new on current tv. >> bill: okay. here we go 33 minutes after the hour. happy monday september 10th. dave ziron sports editor for the nation magazine will be along on the next segment of the "full court press." but we are talking about mitt romney saying no i will not repeal obamacare after all.
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i was just kidding before. it is the "full court press" on monday coming to you live from our nation's capitol. brought to you by the united stated steelworkers, north america's largest industrial union represents over a million active and retired members. their website check them out, coming back in this country due in large part to the leader after the united states steelworkers. here is one of many times when mitt romney has said he would repeal obamacare. it was his number 1 promise in talking to bob sheafer just before the supreme court decision, which upheld, right-wing, supreme court john roberts in the lead -- upheld
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obamacare. mitt romney said what he would do with it. >> if i'm president, we're going to stop obamacare in its tracks. >> bill: well, that was yesterday. today he is saying we will keep parts of throw parts away. we're not sure which parts will stay and which will go. arnold in texas. hi, arnold. >> caller: hey bill how are you doing? >> bill: oh, it's our rovering ambassador. what do you say arnold. >> caller: first of all this was the greatest convention i have ever seen. >> bill: it was great fun. >> caller: my grandfather told me one time when i was a teenager he said son in order to be alive, you have got to are
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great memory. i'm old and senile and i know that's a lie. mitt romney is telling people lies faster than anybody. it's just unbelievable how this guy goes from lie to the lie to the lie to the lie. i hope people start throwing that. >> bill: yeah, you are a republican and you think your guy is with you, right? you know? romney he is 100% with me on this issue, and suddenly you turn around and he has changed his mind. right? yeah. how can you possibly support this guy? i don't get it. >> caller: he is just a big liar. let me see some taxes mitt romney. >> bill: hey, listen arnold we didn't talk about that. larry flint will give you a million dollars if you come up with some information on romney's tax returns.
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mike is in middleton -- is that idaho. my god i think it is the first call we have ever had from the red state of idaho. how are you doing? >> caller: i'm doing good bill. i called you about three weeks ago. >> bill: okay. yeah. >> caller: seems like everything that mitt romney has done has been a stepping-stone to the next level. is he building his resume to actually be god? because he wants to be the leader of the free world. what is after that. he pretty much peaked out. and he obviously doesn't give a damn about this country or what is going on. he just wants to be president. and he is going about it in such a comical way. i heard this yesterday about the flip flopping on obamacare, and i laughed my head off.
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>> bill: yeah. i guess the issue is right, is what does he believe in? he believes in anything at the moment that he thinks will advance his career. >> caller: exactly. >> bill: which means he believes in nothing. mike, hey, appreciate it very much. here is mark from durham north carolina. hello, mike. >> caller: how is it going bill. >> bill: all right. it was fun to be in your state last week. we had a good time. >> caller: yeah, it was a phenomenal phenomenal convention. >> bill: it was a big uplift. what about you think about this issue? >> caller: flip flopping on health care, it is insane on how he -- whatever is current -- whatever the current trend is is exactly what his conversation would be.
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i started to not watch meet the press, but i decided to watch it, and i'm listening to him and he asks him did he speak with somebody last night -- oh he said he spoke to someone last night about their financial situation. he didn't speak specific about who he talked to, but i just thought he was lying his tail off about who he talked to and about talking to anybody -- >> bill: you know mark it's worth considering, let's look behind there. the reason i think that he felt he had to change his mind and reverse himself on obamacare is because they suddenly started realizing -- that must have that people like obamacare now, the more and more people sign up for it, the more they like it. so it's not as unpopular as they thought, so by imposing it entirely, he was losing both so
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now he decides i have got to shift my position. but i think it hurts him more if you take out a position as your number one pledge to the american people that you are going to appeal obamacare, you can't just abandon it in the middle part of the race. >> caller: and that's the only part of his record that makes sense. >> bill: that's the only thing he stands for. he won't tell us anything else. all he says repeal obamacare, day one. and now it's, well, maybe not. frank in philadelphia, hey, frank what do you say? >> caller: hey, bill. i wonder if we all remember after the supreme court every podium he stood on had appeal obamacare for the whole month. >> bill: yep, i know. we have heard him so many times
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say it. and that was their theme. >> caller: i think this company for gets in 1949 under harry truman he proposed national health care, which the republicans killed and they put on a whole stage get rid of national health care and defeated truman. about 20 years later -- >> bill: they called it socialized medicine back then. >> caller: right and over 20 years later, we had the number one medicare card. >> bill: right. >> caller: what romney really wants to do is repeal medicare. >> caller: oh, yeah i think he wants to repeal social security. >> caller: and that was another thing that wasn't going to work in this country either. >> bill: right. >> caller: and this guy is
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dangerous and his running mate is more dangerous than him. >> bill: absolutely. all right you got it frank. david is in virginia. >> caller: hey, bill. how are you doing? >> bill: good, thanks. >> caller: i have two things here, one is that romney says he wants to replace it with his plan. god knows i would like to know what his plan is. [ laughter ] >> caller: and number two -- >> bill: you will never know what his plan is. he certainly won't tell ya. >> caller: and also he made the statement about staying on your parents plan as long as you would like. >> bill: yeah, not until you are 26, as long as you would like. >> caller: yeah, and making the statement that you can borrow from your parents, when did you get away from your parents.
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>> bill: yeah, it's easy for mitt romney to say, if you need some dough just ask your parents for 25, 50, 100 grand, because he was always able to do that. not every american family has those resources. i know i couldn't have borrowed 100 grand from my father -- shoot i couldn't have borrowed a thousand dollars from my father. mitt romney stepping in big time over the weekend saying repeal obamacare? well, i changed my mind. yeah, right. ♪ >> announcer: on your radio and on current tv tv, this is the "bill press show."
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joy behar. on my next show, rocker dee snider of twisted sister will get to say anything about twisted sister paul ryan. >>only on current tv.
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an energizing fruit or relaxing mint flavor. new 5 rpm gum. stimulate your senses.
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa. ♪
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>> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: here we go 13 minutes before the top of the hour. the "full court press." time for our monday morning sports page here on the "full court press," and who better to take about it than the sports editor for "the nation" magazine and the sports editor for the "full court press," we have adopted him or stolen him or whatever, dave zirin how are you? >> i am still reeling from the
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intense sports weekend. >> bill: that's right. my god for people like you, right this is it right? >> it was a little much. people say the nfl was a dangerous sport with a lot of injuries, the pain i had in think thumb from switching my remote control around, i think i'm the true hero. [ laughter ] >> bill: let's start with serena williams. she is awesome beyond words, huh? >> yeah, it is interesting, you are absolutely right that her sister venus is an all-time great, but i think serena now is in rare air, where you have to start saying, it serena williams
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or martina navratilova. >> bill: the greatest of all time? >> that's the discussion right now. it was so stunning to me, and the contrast was really interesting, because everybody was going to crazy about the nfl and opening weekend and the grit of the national football league and some of the big comebacks, and then you have got here on the other channel there is serena williams just making history. >> bill: right on the nfl you have written today "nfl season opens under the darkest of shadows," but dave the redskins won, so how can there be a dark shadow? >> well, i guess part of it was my expectation that and the bergendy and gold would be little more than a stain on the
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ground. they were going into the superdome to play the saints. the saints were on an express lane to the super bowl last year, and their reputation has been marred and the players including their defensive captain was cleared, literally the friday before the game for bounty gate. so i thought they would be riding the emotion and incredible feeling just amazing destruction of a washington team, and yet the rookie quarterback and rookie running back were unbeliefable in this game silencing the crowd early and giving washington football fans, really for the first time in -- in two decades. >> bill: why do you say darkest
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of shadows? >> it has to do with what dominated the news in the off season, and that has everything to do with players' health, head injuries and the growing realization that the nfl is like cigarettes. they are tinker with the formula but they are never going to make it safe. the first was the suicides of former players, and oj murdoch, and the question about the linkage between suicide and brain injury when you play in the nfl is very real. the second thing is this growing class action lawsuit over 2000 former players including hall of famers, suing the nfl saying that they put them in harm's way with regards to head injuries.
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everybody knows you in harm's way when you step on the field, but that they were not told medical information the nfl had about head injuries and the people who -- the nfl themselves have called the, quote unquote, first responders when it comes to player's health and that's the nfl ref reese are locked out going to this year. so the presence of scab referees who blew many a call in many a game. >> bill: related, of course there is this little brouhaha within the nfl about a ravens player who has come out openly supporting same-sex marriage in the ballot in maryland and one
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of the legislatures have tacked him and his agent for making the statement. >> yes, he has been a long-time supporter of lbgt equality and a state delegate by the name of emmett burns wrote a letter expressing the fact he disagrees, but of course is his right, but calling upon the owner of the ravens to actually shut him up. he said it's outrageous that you have an employee who says these things. you need to shut him up because as burns said i know of no other nfl player who has these views.
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for first of all who cares if he is the only player who supports lgbt equal rights and secondly that is just not true. there are a growing number of players who have stepped forward and said i stand for the concept. >> bill: dave i have to interrupt you because of time and it's chris cluely of the vikings -- >> yes, that's tearing up the internet. >> bill: check it out at "the nation," dave has been writing all about it. sorry, we are just running up against the clock dave. thanks for being with us as always. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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[ train whistle blows ] [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit! ♪ current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. ♪
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>> announcer: taking your emails on any topic at anytime. this is the "bill press show" live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: all right stan calendar joining us next hour. i have an email, she applied for five years of tax returns for applying for a job, and if she had to provide five years of tax
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returns and mitt romney will only produce one or two. that's it for him.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: hey hello, everybody. what do you say? welcome to the "full court press" is this monday september 10th, good to see you today. thank you so much for joining us. and joining our conversation about the big issues of the day. we will tell you what is going on around the country around the globe, here is washington, d.c., and take your calls. one thing we know about mitt romney. we know one issue on which he stands, his number 1 promise, of course is that he will repeal
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obamacare on one day. well, now mitt romney said yesterday on meet the press, he won't repeal all of obamacare, just some parts of it. in other words the guy doesn't stand for anything. we can't trust him on anything. we'll talk about that and a whole lot more here this monday morning. but first the current news update from lisa ferguson out in los angeles. >> hi bill good morning, everyone. for the first time in months president obama outraising mitt romney. romney will likely have an even bigger haul in september, so the obama camp tweeted, it is not time to celebrate yet, but this is big news considering how far
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behind the democrats are recently in fund-raising numbers. they will need all they help they can get over the next two months. as of policy romney is working to combat the reports that he will raise taxes for the middle class. romney says he would close took loopholes, but yesterday he still could not name which ones or offer up any policies or specific numbers. as the tax policy center knows even if he did close loopholes, it would still not pay for his tax cuts on the rich. and if you pucks up sunday's "washington post," publisher larry flint is offering up $1 million to anyone with information on romney's tax
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returns. but he does have a history of targeting republicans. more bill coming up. 9,000 jobs. in the great state of michigan, 211,000 good paying, american jobs! in romney's world, cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft! (vo) want more granholm? get her every night.
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4:03 am of sununu, you're wrong. mitt romney, you're wrong. we need more teachers, not fewer teachers and more cops and more firefighters that support our
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: 57 days to go. did we win yet? i tell you one thing. romney is not winning. hey, what do you say, hello everybody. great to see you again. happy monday. it is monday september 10, 2012. this is the "full court press." your new progressive morning show on current tv and on your local progressive talk radio station as always.
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inviting you to join us online or by email. join the chat room expand your experience every morning by talking about the issues of the day. go to our website, the "full court press" come tolling you live from our nation's capitol here. the house and the senate come back today. not a lot of news from washington, d.c., but there is around the country. they raised the speed limit to 85 miles an hour in texas. they have two tornados striking new york city, and a teacher's strike for the first time in some 30 years in chicago, so a lot of news to catch up on today, and mitt romney changing his position on health care. >> that's not news.
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>> bill: no. [ laughter ] >> here with us to talk jobs and the community our good friend from corbus communications. good to have you here. >> i had to hit that line. >> bill: that's all right. everything is fair game for you once you are in here. also peter ogburn and dan henning. this friday, we're going to be up in buffalo, new york and i apologize to all of my friends in the buffalo area i have been calling north of new york but it is not. it is western new york. north from here and it's west. and they call it the frontier be it's buffalo. so i'm going to be at the talking leaves bookstore 7:00
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friday september 17th inviting everybody in western new york to come on out and say hello. i'm going to be signing the paperback addition of my new book "the obama hate machine." come on out and say hello. by the one big announcement on current tv a change in our prime time lineup. joy behar's program started last week at 6:00 eastern, and 3:00 pacific. it is going to be repeated at 9:00 eastern, and 6:00 pacific, so "the war room" with jennifer grandholm will now be at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. so please make that note so you can watch the line upthen.
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joy, cenk joy again, eliot spitzer and then jennifer grandholm. president obama on the road yesterday said he was down in -- saturday and sunday a two-day bus trip through florida, and along the way he met a young man who was born in hawaii. the president thought that was great news but it did raise a question. >> obama: you were born in hawaii? do you have a birth certificate? [ laughter ] >> bill: and then an answer to everybody as far as the republicans are concerned. >> obama: tax cuts when times are good tax cuts when times are bad. tax cuts to help you lose a few
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extra pounds. tax cuts to help your love life. somebody said it doesn't help. try those tax cuts. [ laughter ] >> bill: he said in his speech tax cuts -- take two tax cuts and call me in the morning. >> it's funny, but he is sounds lose and confident out there. and that is what is going to come through to people. >> bill: yes, he is very comfortable in his own skin. he is a great campaigner. i know we'll talk more about the economy, but strength as a candidate matters too, the campaign ability really does matter, and obama has got it. and mitt romney does not. not the only difference. we'll talk jobs with stan but first --
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>> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> rock band rem is not happy with fox news they played "losing my religion" during the convention last week, and they put out a statement saying they have no respect for their brand of [ inaudible ]. fox said they used the song legally. >> bill: who is the only talk show host that is in the lyrics of an rem song? bill press right here. yes, indeed. >> that's pretty impressive. >> that's pretty good. >> the state department is using food to help bring stations together. the "huffington post" reports that hillary clinton has signed up some of america's top chefs to help use cuisine to forge relationships with other
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countries. the corps of about 80 chefs will do everything from traveling overseas to run educational programs in u.s. embassies. >> bill: that's a great idea. sort of like the ping-pong philosophy. >> yeah. >> a sad weekend at buckingham palace, coregy has passed away. she still has two other dogs willow and holly, and they are old but doing okay. >> bill: and she has already been offered a new corgie puppy by the guy who helped her train them. >> right. >> bill: secretary of labor will be joining us by phone at the half hour. the jobs report coming out
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friday, 96,000 new jobs -- that's 96,000 new public sector jobs coming out -- >> actually it is net new jobs. >> bill: a bit of a damper? >> it was a disappointment. and the day before we had this great report by a private company that said that the private sector had added 201,000. >> bill: i saw that. >> what you have to keep in mind the private sector is doing well, but you have this austerity kick in state and local governments, what this plan shows is the romney and ryan plan we're going to cut back spending. and that is exactly what we don't need because right now the only part of the gdp
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equation is the federal government. pull that back to when state and local governments aren't spending, and you have got nothing. >> bill: so the austerity plan means more americans out of a job. >> absolutely. >> bill: what do we need in the jobs area to really kind of keep growing and keep -- >> look about 150,000 jobs a month, you would probably be keeping up this the growth in the population. last time a bunch of people dropped out of the workforce there are two reasons for that someone legitimate and one is unfortunate, you have the baby boom generation retiring and that is going to decrease the numbers.
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but you would like to start getting the unemployment number down. >> bill: the unemployment dropped from 8.3 to 8.1%. >> that's a denominator change not a numerator change -- >> bill: right. so that number is kind of phony? >> no, no. let's give the president credit when it goes in the right direction. but ideally in terms of economic performance, you would like more people working as opposed to people that are eligible to work. i have no doubt that part of the numbers is just raising expectations, so they can say he
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cannot live up to the expectations -- >> bill: i have heard democrats say too, if it's below 8% then obama will be okay. >> first of all, it is not the absolute number. what you want is the trend. so if it goes 8.1 to 8.0, to 7.9, and people feel like it is going in the right direction, that would be a good thing. the economy is different now. >> bill: so 96,000 not disappointing to use your word, but it is 29 months in a row of positive job growth. >> right. right. >> bill: so it's not -- >> well, yeah. >> bill: it's not a disaster.
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>> yeah, and when you add some of the other measures of the economy. let's look at the stock market for example. let's also remember the way it felt back at the end of the george bush administration when the market was falling 650,000 jobs a day. and unemployment continued to go up even after this president got sworn in. things are obviously much much better, and that's why -- my guess is the republicans are going to drop that are you better off than you were four years ago, because if people can remember four years ago, it was stress city. >> bill: my column today is right on that point. you can say that on bill
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the only question that counts in 2012 is the headline you can follow you on twitter at the budget guy. let's go to the market. last thursday the dow shot up 245 points closed at the highest level since 2007. friday it went up another 14 points, so closed at 13,306. the market is not the only indicator of economic health but that is good news. >> absolutely. this is not like it was 30, 40 years ago when it was a very small group of investors. you have a lot of individuals who are relying on that. one of the things my wife says is we're not where we thought it
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would be at this point but that's not obama's fault. it hit the lowest point at 65,000. see the body and the mind attends to forget. >> bill: yeah, so it has more than doubled -- >> yeah, more than doubled and it's always a question of expectations, where did you think you were going to be when we had these artificial numbers at the end of the bushed a many administration. but we have actually had remarkably good economic performance given how little cooperation the president got from republicans, and given the fact that republicans have tried to hamstring the federal reserve. interest rates are low. and they are looking at housing
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sales -- the housing mark is rebounding substantially -- >> bill: yeah. we have to take a quick break but on the market it does indicate that a lot of americans have more confidence in the american economy and american businesses opportunities here more confidence than mitt romney seems to have. 866-55-press is our toll-free number, your i'ms on the economy or questions at 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." on my next show, rocker dee snider of twisted sister will get to say anything about twisted sister paul ryan. >>only on current tv.
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we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ ♪ theme ♪ ] ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: 25 minutes after the hour secretary of labor hilda salice in the next hour of the program. and we're talking with stan calendar. jeff from chicago has a quick comment. hey, jeff welcome to the program. >> caller: thank you. i just wanted to answer your question with a definitive hell yes we're better off now than we were four years ago, and i would like to thank the president for saving my job twice, and for allowing me to buy my first home. >> bill: all right. jeff i appreciate the call. >> the more i listen to romney talking about that i think what he is saying is are you as well
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off as you thought you were going to be or you thought you could be. statistically there is no doubt better are better off than they were four years ago, and given the fact that republicans have tried to thwart their president every step of the way on the economy, you have got to give him some credit. >> bill: the real question is what is romney's plan for the economy? >> it would be nice to know but his economic message changes on an hourly basis. basically he is saying trust me. i run a business. i have a tremendous respect for business people, but it was private-sector businesses that got us into the financial crisis. so not all business people can be trusted to know what to do or how to do it, or to run a country, which is very
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different. >> bill: when it all started out he was only going to talk about the economy, now he's not so much talking about the economy it's about medicare and social security and everything else -- >> and obamacare. >> bill: and on obamacare, but he is still not clear what he would do differently. >> yeah and he is going to reduce the definite but refusing to say exactly how they are going to do it. they are going to cut people's taxes and pay for it which means he refuses to specify. this sounds like reaganomics and the bush administration. >> bill: okay.
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thank you stan. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ >>who the heck does mitt romney think he is? (vo) this is joy on current tv. >>if mitt romney treats his magic underwear the same way as his tax returns, then he's been going commando for the past 10 years. >>since when do you get to say stuff like that on tv? >> listen, if you'd read your email once in a while, you'd know i have a new show. (vo) always outspoken. >> sometimes i feel like i don't even know you. >> just stay on your side of the screen, ok?
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: here we go on monday september 10th. it is the "full court press" coming to you from our nation's capitol. for more information visit the website at afsc -- i'm sorry --
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we are back from charlotte, north carolina. it was friday the morning after the convention that the latest job numbers came out. 96,000 new jobs created in the month of august. a disappointment to many. what does it all mean? we are honored to be joined after monday after the friday jobs report by our labor secretary hilda solis. good morning, madam secretary. >> good morning, bill how are ya? >> bill: i'm doing good. so you must have been disappointed with the 96,000 number. >> well, you can view it as we're still healing. we still have a need to target more investments and one of which you know the american jobs
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act the president keeps talking about passing the proposal to create infrastructure projects and putting firefighters and teachers back to work and also cutting taxes for the middle class. >> bill: there were jobs gained in one sector and lost in another sector right? >> yes, and we continue to see growth, for example, in the professions and business category. and for a 12-month period we already added 576,000. 34,000,000 added in leadership and hospitality. and health care and leisure and hospitality they added about 22,000 jobs together. we are on the right track, but
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we need to have cooperation. but this year alone we have added over 1.2 million jobs and on an average each month we have added about 300,000 jobs. >> bill: absolutely the private sector continues to add jobs particularly leisure and travel and the healthcare -- >> and the business sector. and those are high-paying jobs. >> bill: but where we're seeing the jobs lost is in the public sector public employees, teachers cops and firefighters, and those that work in various government agencies particularly at the local level.
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>> exactly. and that's why the president is saying we need to do everything we can do to pass the american jobs act. and my god how can we compete globally if we don't have well-trained students. >> bill: and secretary of labor hilda solis. you can learn more at the website and this is how many months of job growth? >> 30 months. and yes, we do need to do more is part of our effort is to get the public to notify their members of congress to vote on these projects that have been supported by republicans in the past. >> bill: yeah, you can't -- i always got -- i always -- i am
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intrigued by this, is too many people don't have jobs but every time their jobs bill comes up, but vote it down. >> right. and they didn't help out as you know in the automobile recovery. look what would have hand we would have lost another million jobs, and now we have actually added more jobs 250,000 in the industry. but when you look at parts and all of that that's about a million jobs and even today i'm out here in michigan and we're going to be visiting a ford plant where they will bring back jobs from mexico and creating about 12,000 jobs that will be created and made by american
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workers, uaw workers. >> bill: right. well, you are on the job as always madam secretary. i appreciate you taking some time with us this morning. and carry the message to michigan. >> that's right. >> bill: let them know who was willing to let them fall. >> yeah wither on the vine. >> bill: thank you. >> thank you. bye-bye. >> bill: is the department of labor's website. perry is calling from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. how are you doing? >> caller: fine, how are you doing? >> good. what is up? >> caller: >> caller: mitt romney didn't know how to create jobs in massachusetts, how will he create jobs in the united states.
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>> bill: that's a good point. he did a good job at bain capital for the people that invested money this bain capital. they made a lot of money. they made that money by pucking up businesses, shutting them down, and killing the pensions and healthcare benefits that these people got. so they made money by killing jobs, not creating jobs. >> bill: but bill in any [ inaudible ] picture that you ever watch -- >> bill: yes? >> caller: any mob picture you ever watch on the bar, they just set it on fire and then let it burn out. >> bill: yes i get your point. ian net emails in bill i hope the american public will see
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that adding 96,000 jobs is a lot better than losing 96,000 jobs. do they not remember all of the jobs we lost under w but we are adding jobs now. i know they were expecting more jobs this month, but we cannot let mitt romney become president. believe me, i am from massachusetts. all right. jim from sparks nevada. hello, jim. >> hello. >> bill: what is going on? >> caller: not a heck of a lot. what is going on with you? >> bill: well, you tell me. nevada has been hard hit, right? >> caller: yeah, with construction. but if we are supposed to find out if we're better off than
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four years ago, why aren't romney and ryan releasing their tax returns for the last 12 years. >> bill: well, that's the question that remains, jim. mitt romney wants that issue to go away, but i read earlier an email from one of our listeners who said that his daughter is going to vote for obama this time, and what the deciding issue for him was his daughter just graduated. she has applied for a job with a federal agency but in our job application, she has a position with a federal agency and she had to provide five years of tax returns. she is a recent college graduate. she is a young person, and has to provide five years just for an entry-level federal job.
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mitt romney wants the top federal job in the united states, and he refuses to release more than so far -- pardon me -- one year not a full year actually there are some things he left out. okay, one year of tax returns. maybe by the election he'll release two years. president obama has released 12 and so has joe biden. i think sooner or later he is going to have to release the tax returns or the american people are going to say hey, you won't show us your secrets. we don't want you. >> announcer: heard around the count think, and see on current tv. this is the "bill press show." ♪ corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot.
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health matters to all of us. that's why lysol has started a mission for health. with new mom programs, lysol healthy habits initiatives in schools and disaster relief efforts. when you use lysol at home, you'll know you're a part of something bigger. for healthy tips and more, visit
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i'm jennifer granholm, let me tell you a story. in colorado the auto rescue saved more than 9,000 jobs. in the great state of michigan, 211,000 good paying, american jobs! in romney's world, cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft! (vo) want more granholm? get her every night. ♪
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>> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." >> bill: 13 minutes now before the top of the hour. before we get back to the news of the day, just a quick question. how much money do you need to earn each month, extra money, that's an important question, and whatever the answer is the folks at will be able to help you. you have heard me talk about them before. this is something you can do no matter your age education or experience. you can literallien money from your own kitchen table on your own laptop 24/7.
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you just need a little extra spire time and the training that they will give you. if you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck and you are looking to earn extra money from home, they are giving away a thousand dollars to somebody just for checking them out. visit one of the big stories that we haven't had a chance to touch on this morning, last night "60 minutes," showed the famous interview with mark basenet who was part of navy seal team 6, and has now written a book about
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it. and coming back from the convention at the charlotte airport, walking to my gate i passed a bookstore and there the book was already for sale no easy day. and i don't think this seal should have been allowed to write the book or should have written the book. the fact that he did write the book without getting the permission of the pentagon first, i think the pentagon should go after him with all legal resources possible. you may want to comment on this in the little time we have got to talk about this, but this should not be an issue that divides democrats or republicans, or liberals or conservatives. we all have the freedom of speech and the right to write a book, but there are some people that take an oath of secrecy in
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their jobs because their jobs are so sensitive, and if they knowingly violate that oath, they have to be punished for it. members of the navy sales make a promise that they will not reveal the top secret missions that if they plan to do so or want to write a book they have to get permission and that book has to be vetted by the pentagon. he did not get permission and this book was no vetted before it was published. i would not want for example the secret service -- by the way secret service make a promise that they will not write about their work. i talked to a friend of mine yesterday about this over the weekend -- it was saturday. so they make a pledge they would not write a book. i would not want the secret service agents for example,
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those closest to george w. bush or laura bush who was closest to them at the time, to write a tell-all book of what they saw involving the family. i would not want a book written about the water boarding. and this guy should not have been able to divulge his secrets are. that information belongs to the government. it belongs to us. we were paying them. we rewarded them by placing them in a top secret position with top secret clearance, and to write that book i think is a violation of his oath of office. john is calling from rowen oak virginia. >> caller: the stuff you are
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talking about now i think you were dead right on. because he had no business doing that. i was in the navy, and i have never heard about anything -- [ inaudible ] -- >> bill: right. >> caller: and another thing, bill he is no longer a navy seal is a navy squeal. [ laughter ] >> bill: you got it. republicans were trying to make a big deal of this saying that what it proves is what obama told the country was wrong. no, no. what president obama said was they were going up the stairs they went into the bedroom, is there is osama bin laden with gun, and they shot and killed him. this guy says they were going up the stairs and bin laden
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sticking his head out the door to see who was coming. he could have had a gun. and they just shot him in the head right then and there. either way they got him. i don't care. the real question is, did this guy violate his oath of office? did he violate the requirement that this book be reviewed by the pentagon first? and if the answer is yes, i'll have lated the oath of office, or no, i didn't. review it then throw that guy in jail and anybody who buys that book ought to be a shamed a of themselves. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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v you've heard bill's views, now let's hear yours. politically direct means no b.s. just telling you what's going on in politics today. >>at the only on-line forum with a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> announcer: onyour radio, on tv, the "bill press show," new on current tv. >> bill: all right. in the next hour eric burns from bullfight strategies will be joining us as a friend of bill, and he and i will be visiting with the white house editor for "politico," rachel smallkin, lots of things to talk about including mitt romney has decided that he'll only repeal part of obamacare. yeah. big switch-a-roo there, mitt.
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in the meantime president obama back in the white house today. he goes back on the campaign trail wednesday. today and tomorrow he'll be at the white house. catching up on stuff. he has no public events scheduled at all today. he will get his daily briefing, of course with the vice president of the united states, and jay carney will be giving his regular press briefing at the white house at 12:30 this afternoon. of course of you can't make it, so i'll be there representing all of you. we have lots more to talk about, mitt romney on health care. i still want to hear about that 85 miles per hour speed zone now -- speed limit in texas, because you can go 85 -- you know most people will be going 95. be right back.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: good morning, everybody, what do you say. it is monday september 10th. good to see you today, and welcome to the "full court press" here on current tv. lots to talk about today. we will back from charlotte. both conventions behind us. and what a contrast between the two of them. tampa was all negative and look
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backward. in charlotte it positive and looking forward. i'm telling you no wonder democrats got a bounce out of charlotte, and republicans remained flat out of tampa. great to see you today. we'll talk about that and a whole lot more here but first let's get the latest from lisa ferguson. >> hi, bill good morning everyone. chicago teachers are strike this morning for the first time in 25 years. the city's 25,000 public school teachers plan on picketing today after talks broke down between the school board and the chicago teacher's union. they have been negotiating pay and other issues for months. the district is offering teachers a 16% raise over the next four years. the mayor is calling the strike unnecessary and unfair to chicago school children. he says the issues can be
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quickly resolved if the union is willing to resume talks. the boarder patrol is putting a stop to an expensive program for illegal immigrants. for years they have put illegal immigrants on a one-way flight back to mexico. it has cost taxpayers almost $100 million. lately the patrol has not caught enough immigrants to fill up the planes. and president obama says his thoughts and prayers with are the family of a motorcyclist killed during his trip to florida. he was serving as a member of the president's motorcade on sunday. they were traveling to west palm beach when a pickup truck unfortunately hit the officer
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and he died later at the hospital. we'll be right back after the break. ♪ how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today...
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> announcer: broadcasting aacross the nation this is the "bill press show." >> bill: let's get it over with just declare obama the winner. why drug it out. hi, everybody, happy monday monday september 10th, great to see you today. this is the "full court press," we're coming to you live right here from your nation's capitol. it is a sad day in washington.
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it has been great having the senate and house out of town. and now we have to put up with them again. but the good news is they won't be here very long. we'll take you calls as we do every day, giving you a chance to join the conversation at 866-55-press. good to see you and good to welcome back to the studio eric burns as co-founder co-head of bullfight strategies. >> hi, bill. >> bill: are you doing? >> i'm doing great to be here. >> bill: we are back from charlotte. >> and you survived it? >> bill: i had a great time but i did a lot of screaming that's all -- >> downtown there is a lot of
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burden and you mix the burden with the screaming and the abuse of me, the violate verbal beatings, and this is what you get. [ laughter ] >> bill: our team is all back together again. >> here we are. >> bill: how about it? this friday september 14th very excited going back up to buffalo. peter the last time you and i went up to visit our friends at wwkb and went to the original buffalo wings -- >> the anchor bar. >> i worked for congressman for a time who represents part of buffalo, and they would bring me back the original anchor sauce. >> bill: they would bring them out on a platter -- mountain of them.
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>> yeah, you need a bib. >> sometimes when you go to these places they claim they created the first such and such. it is a little bit of a letdown. that is not the case. these are fantastic wings. >> bill: yeah and the sauce can go from mild to -- >> nuclear. >> bill: right. this friday at the talking leaves bookstore, all of the information and everything you need is on our website at, and we invite all of our friends from western new york to come over. i made the mistake of calling it northern new york. but i went to school in the area. come on by say hello, talk leaves look store. and i'll tell you more stories
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about jerry brown, who is back in the news. last week, chris christie was asked a question about jerry brown. and chris christie said jerry brown he is just an old retread. >> oh, god. >> bill: yesterday he had a chance to get back at him. >> he -- he basically was throwing some red meat to the republicans from california so he said i was a retread. and he was 14 when i was running against jimmy carter in 1976. and -- >> saying you are old. >> right. well, i'm 74 and will be 74 and a half next month. but here i am. there is was some experience and
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hopefully wisdom. and so i said all right. i challenge you to a race -- >> because he is overweight. >> no, because he said i was an old retread. >> bill: he is in great shape. last time i saw him i went to pick him up at this friend's house, and he was still in his sweats when i got there, and he started talking about what great shape he is in and he pops down on the floor and started doing push-ups. he did 35 push-ups. we counted them 35 push-ups. >> oh, my god --
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>> bill: i would like to see chris christie do -- no i wouldn't. >> i don't think he could. he would be there as a weebl wobble. >> but while he was trying he would be picking a fight with someone. >> bill: let's have the squaroff. >> i would love to say that. >> bill: so would i. we'll be joined by the white house editor for political just a little bit later. but first -- >> on this monday overhead lines making news, the nfl season opened up in full with several surprise wins including robert griffin the third leading the redskins to victory over the new orleans -- >> bill: they are going to the super bowl! >> peyton manning threw his
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400th touchdown pass to help the broncos beat the steelers. >> bill: and the sad news is that the nationals here in washington have the best record in majority leader baseball. and i went to the game and you would think the fans would come out to support the local team. it was a little over half full and it's because everybody was watching the redskins on television. >> uh-huh. >> president obama stopped into a florida gator's bar in orlando, and ordered a beer -- >> bill: bud light? >> he lead the crowd in a
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redecision of happy birthday. and then he met a 7 year old boy who was born in hawaii and he asked him if he had a birth certificate. and some might call it the holiest of holy books, the bible of elvis presley sold at auction over the weekend. the winning bid? $94,000. he owned it for 20 years until his death, and made several notations throughout. >> $94,000 is a lot of money for a book -- >> bill: but he owned it. we know what a christian elvis was, for example when he talks about if people offend you, turn your other cheek. here ask what he learned. >> it is dangerous, damaging to
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myself my little daughter, any father, any friends, doctor, i will pull your damn tongue out by the roots! >> bill: that's his version of turning the other cheek. >> sounds like the christian rights group. i don't think they would consider him a christian. i don't think he would be allowed in the club. >> bill: pull your tongue out by the roots! eric you watched both tampa and charlotte. >> i slept through a lot of tampa. it was horrible. >> bill: i wish i could have. to me it's stunning the contrast between the two conventions. i ran into senator barbara boxer last night and she was saying the same thing. she spoke at charlotte, but the
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republicans, when you looked at them, all they could do in tampa was say how bad barack obama was not how good mitt romney is. >> there's nothing to say. this is a party without an agenda and a party that wants to see america fail. >> bill: and charlotte it was all positive and the things that president obama has done and still wants to do. >> i think the electricity of the convention was incredible. >> bill: no wonder the democrats came out of their convention with a bounce. >> absolutely. >> bill: the tracking poll to the extent they show anything obama is up 49-44 right after -- after this convention. after tampa, romney actually
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wentdown. >> i heard at one point some of the internals -- ing the tampa convention down close to like nine points. >> bill: woe. and i have also seen the surveys of the swing states, and in most of the swing states now, if not all of them, romney -- romney -- well is losing, but obama has a swim leader a pretty widening lead like ohio -- >> yeah, the auto bailout, really, i think just dome straighted exactly where this administration as been pursuing the exact right course of this country. and is he is even ahead in virginia. >> bill: yes and he has been working virginia. i think things actually got worse for romney yesterday in a couple of ways. one he appeared on meet the press -- now his number one -- the thing that we
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know -- and there's a lot we don't know his tax returns, the cayman's, the swiss bank accounts, how many dressage horses he owns -- but he said his number one promise is on day 1 he will repeal obamacare. here he is with david gregory. >> you say you would rescind the president's health care plan on day one. does that mean you are prepared to say to young adults and those with preexisting conditions that they would not longer be allowed health care? >> romney: of course not. i'm going to replace it. and i'm replacing it with my own plan. >> bill: so let's pick up there. david picks up now, is going to
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be in it and what is going to be out? >> romney: i'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform of course. preexisting condition folks can get coverage. two the allow the marketplace to have individuals covered under their parents plan for however long they would like. >> bill: all right. he will allow kids to stay on theirer parents plan for as long as they would like. >> oh, my. doesn't that make him a socialist? >> bill: but it's not unusual for children to -- maybe they are 50, 55, 60 with parents who
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are still alive. >> oh, yeah i would love to be on my mom's plan. >> bill: hell, if your mom is still alive with she is 95 you have health insurance through your mother. >> i think that cuts to the point. who are these guys? what is he for? >> bill: what does he believe in if anything? >> yeah, him and it is symbolic of where this gop is. they can't even articulate what they want to do. i think he wants to rename obamacare to romney care. >> bill: yeah, he should just acknowledge that it is a good plan, it's so good that president obama borrowed it for health care. >> yes. >> bill: come back to -- i know
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it's impossible -- but try to put yourselves in the shoes of a republican. here is any guy, and i like my guy because he vows that on day one he will repeal obamacare, and now all the way up to the convention. he said it a week after the convention, and now he changes his mind. what am i supposed to think of my candidate. >> i think that's why we saw such a flat response to the convention. >> bill: even republicans can't trust their candidate. we're just getting started on mitt romney this morning. eric burns from bullfight strategies. 866-55-press. remember it is
5:18 am we'll be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ male announcer ] the inventors of twix had a falling out, so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side.
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♪ ll press show." >> bill: on this monday, september 10th, my parting shot for today, now both conventions are behind us and what a world of difference between the two of them. when they were over even
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reporters agree the two parties could not have staged two more disstintly different conventions. at the republican convention the theme was here is what is wrong with barack obama and america. at the democratic convention the theme was, we're a great country, a resilient people we're on our way back and here is how we're going to make it even better. it was to borrow a phrase a tail of two conventions. one looked backward one looked forward. one was negative the other positive. one full of despair, the other brimming with hope. no wonder that the republican party remained plat after the convention, and though democrats
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got a big bump. have a great day everyone.
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