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tv   Atty. Gen. Garland Speaks to Reporters Ahead of Contempt of Congress Votes  CSPAN  May 18, 2024 8:57pm-9:00pm EDT

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we're all facing the gatest challenge. that's why spark light is working around the clock to keep you connected. we're doing our part. it is easier to do yours.■? >> this happened after the review to keep the issues private. before theote,e stroke to reporters. welcome. to reporters. >> in your professional
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capacity, you spoke to invoke privilege. it protects personally. and is that conflict of interest? >>t is a fundamental institution of our mo people depend on us to ensure that our investigations an our prosecutions are conducted according to the facts and the law and without political influence. we have gone to an extraordinary length to ensure that the committees get responses. this is not t contrary. this is one that would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations. they were in a series of unprecedented and frankly unfoundedac on the justice
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department. this this effort to use contempt as a method of obtains law enforcement files is just the most recent. the effort to threaten to defund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents a our prosecutors at risk, these are wrong. look, the only tng i can do is continue to do the right thing. iilthis building and its pe. >> they have other attacks on biden administration officials. they havth broader effort to discredit you and the justice department. also how do you manage that? how are you resisting that? what cant that as attorney general? >> we have to go about oorowinge
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of prosecution. follow the facts and law. that's what we are doing here. we're protecting the ability to continue to do high profile and sensitive investigations. we will continue to do that. >> it now seems - small that the two jack smith federa cases are going to begin -- let alone finish trail this year. what does that say about the justice department? ag garland: the special counsel about the kisses last year, he requested a speedy trial. is now in the hands of the judiciary. [reporters asking questions]


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