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tv   Secretary of State Delivers Remarks in Ukraine  CSPAN  May 18, 2024 7:07pm-7:38pm EDT

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>> the house will be in order. >> c-span celebrates 45 of covering congress like no other. primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced unfiltered coverage of gorn taking you to where the polic de support of america's companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cab>> during a trip , blinken met with volodymyr zelenskyy. afr that meeting, he spoke about continued u.s. support for ukraine. >> good evening everyone. thank you for the introduction and thank you especially for your decades long contribution.
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i am so grateful to be here with today marks 811 days since putin marched. ye helsinki about how his aggression against ukraine has been a repeated failure and what it would take to ensure --. today i'm here to speak about ukraine strategic missteps and have the ukrainian people can and will ace vision for a free, prosperous democracy, fully integrated with
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international community, fully in control of its own destiny. with our support, the ukrainian pe can and will achieve the vision for the future. a free, prosperous secure democracy fully integrated in the community and fully in control of its own destiny. we are meeting at a critical moment. putin is ramping up yet another offensive against ukraine. sending wave after wave of russialdn drones, north korean artillery, s anfighter ina. from machines and parts
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the coming weeks and months will demand a great deal of ukrainians who have already sacrificed so much. but i'm coming to ukraine with a message. you are valuable. the unitta your side since day one. we are with you today and we stay by your side until your sovereignty is guaranteed. and we are far from your only friend. dozens of countries around the wod are not just rooting for ukraine's sss helping achieve it. now after a delay that left you more vulnerable to russia's attacks, some ukrainians may be wondering when you can count on america to sustain its commitment. the $60 billion aid package approved by our congress with overwhelming support crossed
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both political parties and houses of congress i think demonstrates that you can. a significant majority of americans believe we should continue to provide assistance to ukraine. support for ukraine has been consistent over the course of the war. nev wavered. americans understand that support for ukraine strengthens the security of the united states and our allies understand that if putin achieves his goals in ukraine, he will keep going. for one has -- been satisfied wiar out just part? when has that satisfied vladimir putin? same time, the american people want to know that we have a plan for getting to the day ukraine can stand strong on its own feet militarily,
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economically, democratically so that american support can transition to more sustainable levels. the ukrainian people want the they do not want to have to rely on others toee their security and prosperity and we do have a plan. what i want to speak to you about this evening is what that plan looks likend how we are going to fully achieve it. first we are helping to ensure that ukraine has the military it needs to succeed on the lefid, secure a lasting peace and deter future aggression. anyone whor ability to attain this goal should just look at what you've already accomplished. for two years, two months and 25 days you have denied putin's goal of raising ukraine from tho
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greater russia. you have taken back more than half of the territory russia seized in the first weeks of its full-scale invasion. he pushed russia' naval fleet out of the black sea without a fleet of your own. any territorial gns have come a tremendous cost to the kremlin. you have fought with courage and eveling new weapons and tactics. ever region, community and institution have stepped forward to serve including at this university. students, alumni, teachers and other employees have answered the cl to defend, setting asidetudi, careers and
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dreams and leaving loved ones behind. 88 of those men and women gave th lives for ukraine's freedom. they includeancer researcher, a marathon runner, a musician. a veteran who lbo legs fighting against putin's previous invasion in the donbas. these citizens never ask others to fight for them. although ukrainians have asked is that you give what you nd yor your recent■ mobilization was a
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difficult decision but a necessary one. the defenders who have held the line for more than two years need help. . this will provide additional oovadi fortunes -- forces. will also allow you to build more units to take the fight to russian aggressors. now to secure ukraine's advantage so you cannot only deliver on the battlefield today butend against future attacks. president biden said, we want ukraine to win and we are in the immediate term, the eddoze of other countries will get ukraine the assistance you need quickly. we are going to help you hold off russia's cke it harder for them to strike you
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and keep the plexi -- black sea. ■[that's why just one minute -- much more willdays. ■ues facilitate the transfer of nearly all of the aid flowing into ukraine g fty contributions of its own. pewide effort to purchase half a million artillery shells. y announced multiyear military aid package. australia committed new support. a truly mobile coalition is behind you.
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countries determined to defend the principles, territorial integrity, independence. countries that -- would embolden would be aggressors everywhere. nister said addressing u.s. congress, ia of tomorrow.ay be through the defense contract we set up shortly after the invasion, more than 50 countries are working to identify and fill urgent needs. we have developed capability coalitions, groups of allies addressinghe needs in defense -- norway, u.k.
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on maritime security. these coalitions are pumping more support into ukraine right now. we are also working together to help ukraine build its future. it dispels any doubts about ability to impose -- on those that would try to take its territory. as president zelenskyy said, we e creating security architecture that ukraine has never had but has always needed. bring ukraine closer to and then will ensure thkr bridge to nato is strong well met. allies agreed that ukraine won't to complete the membership action plan before being invited to join. we launched the nato ukraine
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cooperation from dualr decision-mg most intense level nato has to offer. ukraine is much more than the recipient of advice and assistance. you are warriors facing the greatest threat to transatlantic security since the end of the cold war. you have a lot to teachwe will o increase ukraine's role in force supporting its ongoing reforms, better integrating ukraine into the alliance. ll be bolstered by a series of m bilateral security agreements. we now have 32 countries negotiating thesagreements with ukraine, nine of which have
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alad these send a clear message that rat on its partners for sustainable long-term support. t a commitment by anyone country. it'sraroadnd powerful network of nations for the next decade. the united states will support ukraine's investment ansecurityf capabilities. from its air force to its air defense. we will work with ukraine mediely at the highest levels toinathow to help beat back the threat. our agreement will celebrate our joint efforts to build up ukraine's so that you can produce artillery, ammunition, air defenses here in
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ukraukraine'snnovation and resourcefulness has been central to its success on the battlefield. nufacturing new kinds that can effectively provide protection. that same spirit has driven the growth of ukraine's emerging defense industry whichs more than 500 compounds. the key now is to rampp production without losing that spiritntatn and adaptation that has fostered so many amazing breakthroughs. that will also help ukraine's businesses attract more private investment to scale up and incr potential to become a defense exporter and weapons. h provided concrete support to build that industry.
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weoplerom the united states and europe. we created a team of representatives from defense and commerce to help navigate the regulatory hurdles and invest in ukraine's industry. american companies have already reachedments to produce munitions in and for ukraine. uksed integration with its support -- a growing network of security agreements, a booming defense industrial base. all of these will ensure that conditions are met and allies reed ukraine's invitation to the alliance will be if russia is a serious about
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adjusting negotiating a truly lasting peace with ukraine, your path to europe and nato is secure. we will ensure thatne's economy not only survives but thrives. putin has been trying ay to its. what he can't have he wants to destroy. and yet just as ukrainians have courageously held their ground, ukrainian workers, entrepreneurs, businessers have kept the economy running. fr the farmers retrofitting tractors with artificial intelligence to sweep fields for landmines to the workers repairing the power stations to keep tig on. ukraine's great is fueling the economy and they are the root of ukraine's extraordinary potential future. in 2023 despite living wit
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nearly a fifth of the country occupied by russian forcesr rel- private investment increased by 17%. state revenue rose by 25%. in 2023, 37,000 new businesses regist imore than in the year lp to the russian invasion. over the last six months, stefat put. ukraine exported more than 13 million tons of goods by road, by rail, by yet as ukrainians know so well, this economic dynamis ability t. patriots and other sophisticated air defenses do more than
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protect soldiers and save lives. they create umbrellas of safy under which ukrainian workers novate, go and attract more foreign investment. that's why we are working relentlessly to s defense and do it fast. just security enables prosperity, prosperity enhances security. a more robust economy means ukraine will have more revenue. it -- returning displaced people. the vast majority want to go home. bringing wh resources. together ukraine's partners have contributed 85 million dollars in economic develot.has forced e
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in self-defense. that atast responders can charge into presidenti- buildings to pull people from the rubble of russian strikes. it means doctors and nurses can care for civilians because the teachers that educaten's rising generation, the future countrymen. for every dollar the united states is putting into ukraine, other donors have invested three more. generators to's energy grid. helping address massive humanitarian and environmental costs of russia's destruction of the jam -- dam. other essential services. i could go on. we talk a lot about burden sharing. this is exactly
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like. at the same time, we are laying the foundation for ukraine's long-term success through its the west.mic integration into cotries, international financial institutions, the private sector in pushing the number, the scale, the speed of trcts rails, energy among other areas. ends, but right now. these projects will foster growth and ince revenue to allow ukraine to shoulder more of its costs. the goods anrv it will provide and innovations you will produce. and yet for all the resources we will invest in ukraine's infrastructure, innovation and
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people ukraine's innovation will ultimately be led by the private sector. we are tryto attract more private investment especially in techno,agrilture,. russia, ukraine istop doing uniquely positioned to seize the opportunities that putin has squandered. are all familiar with the cost of business in ukraine thanksthof risk insurance. more grain is being exported through the black sea today than before the war. now we are expanding the insurance to other industries likeailroad. we are putting the u.s. governments backing on thesignae consent that companies can do business safely and profitably in ukraine.
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they don't need to take our word for it. nine of 10 american businesses in ukraine are running at the same or higher capacity than they were before. the most powerful lever to draw more investment to ukraine lies in your hands. ask any company in the united states, europe and aa what they're looking for considering doingyou will hear pretty much e same thing. a strong and predictable lament open and fair competition. transparency. rule of law. effective anticorruption measurements. the list includes many of the same reforms ukraine will ne makeget to the
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european union. 90% of want fas refms so their country can more smoothly move into the european union. to strengthen anonndering tools. nato membership would be good for uk eu enabling more goods, catal services, workers and people, mutual benefits. millns of key exports like green, steel, electric and clean energy and grr access to rebuild and further innova.the european unit
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from one of the regis most dynamic, scaled and resilient economies and europe will have a strongertingike a vast i.t. and ai where ukraine is already a leader. there is one more important step that we can take, baking -- making russia pay for ukraine's recovery. russiahouland must pay to rebuild. it is what international law demands. is what the ukrainian people deserve. as given us the power to seize russian assets in the united states. we intend to u we are working with g7 partners to see that russia's sovereign asd to remedy the damage that it has caused. it sends a powerful message to putin thatime is not on his side.
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wilhelp the people fully realize their democratic aspirations. for more than three decades the ukrainian people have been defending their right to choose the path to democracy. that is the path that ukrainians voted in 1991. it is what ukrainiansende in 2004 and again ind it is why you fought back so tenaciously against putin's full-scale invasion. your determination to write the future of your nation is why so many people around the world have been ined fight including so many americans who now hang a yellow and blue flag next to the stars and stripes. that's why it is so important that ukraine takg the difficult steps to strengthen and consolidate your democracy. because the choices that you
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make and the kind of democcy that you build will determine the strength and the staying power of the coalition. that means not just passing reforms but making sure they are implemented and having a tangible impact on people's means movingion once and for all. winning on the battlefield will keep ukraine from becoming hard right. winning the war against corruption will keep ukraine from becoming like russia. ukraine/q's security is eroded. the resources and military are cycled out by individuals. ukraine's economic retention is under i andn a level playing field. ukraine's democracy has weaken. the system is stopped believing they can hold their government accountable and fix the faults
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in their systems from within. no wonder there is weaponized corruption in ukraine. putinnowsow powerful russia can beg dision in this trust, undermining stitions. he has been fine-tuning these tactics for nearly 25 years. ukrainians have the results to show for it. ukraine is one of the few countries whose ratings have been consistently rising in recentears due in no small part thanks to this incredibly tenacious and skilled anticorruption ngos, and independent media. but more work remains to be ukrainians still believe there yone else.p for the elites and doing their best to stymie every reform.
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ukraine'sens have to be just as strong as its military defenses. se denses are. free press, inclusive civil society, free and fair elections , independent■ç6l■ investigatiof investigators. they have been helping build these democratic pillars from and ey will keep encouraging reforms. ths orki with the government to shore up ukraine's election industryat'sl ukrainians including those displaby aggression can exercise their right to vote. world can have confidence thathe the voting process i fair and secure.
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now, we sometimes hear thais o'a has a bigger population. putin's willingness to throw more russians into a meatgrinder and use more resources means that russia cant lose. russia is losing the battle to ■kcontrol ukraine's density for0 years. putin has it wrong. ti on ukraine's side. because with each g month the work we are doing to get there moves ukraine closer to the membership in the european with each passing month ukraine passes more bilateral security events -- agreements. turns out more advanced weapons, strengthens its economy, consolidates its democracy. as the war goes on russia is
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going backwards and ukraine is ng forward. here is why ukraine will continue along that trajectory and ultimately succeed. because of all of you. of the people of ukraine. one thing that putin has always underestimated and that ukrainians understand to tcore s of which the people will defend the right to shape their own destiny. the powerful dedication of neighbors, community, a nation, the democracy stirs in citizens is one of hope, not fear and perpetual possibility. we see it in the countless people across this nation who have opened their homes and
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their hearts. we see it in the artists who painted boarded-up windows in ukraine with the verses of ukrainian poets. in the basins and warehouses across this country, donation displaced.oldiers and for for the ukrainian teachers who have set up makeshift schools and start every day by tngstude. 1847 a great ukrainian poet was arrested in kyiv for daring tohershe idea of society. he was sentenced to exile in russia. as he signed added to his punishment in his own hand
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writing on restricted survllance with the profession to write and paint -- the prohibition to write and paint. he pined constantly for ukraine but he managed to keep writing, even writing tiny scraps of poetry in his shoes. he later wrote this in his diary ,everkind of degradation has passed by as though it has not touched me. not a single part of changed. for decades putin has caused eag7e people of ukraine. he has inflicted every kind of degradatiod harshness and yet ukrainians,
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that has not changed. the spirit of ukrainians cannot be destroyed by a bomb or buried in a mass grave. it cannot be bought with bribe or repressed with ahrit is puret is why ukraine succeed. [applause] >> on wednesday secretary of state antony blinken will ukraine, the ongoing fighting between israel and hamas and the presidents 2025 budget request. coverage of this hearing begins


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