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tv   Sec. of State Blinken Meets With Ukrainian Foreign Minister  CSPAN  May 16, 2024 6:25am-6:56am EDT

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[speaking foreign language]
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>> spending these days in kyiv and ukrainian officials have detailed meetings with the pr pme minister. we starteds anthey will continue today. the issues that matter. tell me having stood with ukraine since the vy beginning we the ukrainian border. border and since then the state secretary has provided
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every possible support to ukraine. ■we discussed almost all issues on the agenda. e challenging and captivated areas. the visit today is important to defenders, the usa is standing by and will make our rilience standing up tohe stronger. determination and agility of coalition headed by united states. today key concerned the military efforts including
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equipment and ammunitions. but also theed of delivery is a key factor. for the armaments, the equipment and munition sho come to prevent aggressive plans against crane and the rest of europe. i am extremely thankful to the defense secretary for his effort to speed delivery of demilitarization. a separate topic was devopment of military and we also are focused on investment in industrial military base that will make ukraine stronger and
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independent when it comes to defense. i would like to thank the usa for allocating additional or congressional decisions, adoptingckage and another topic that takes attention and time is the delivery of additional patriot systems. we looked at the entire inventory that c be brought and the stateecretary is working with each country, putting in a lot of effort in doingthing that we need, batteries, two batteries are necessary. they were necessary yesterday in the entire region. this as the purpose of our
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attention an efforts, we have to make citizens -- protect our positions. from the russian troops and we understand these systems, we are thero make the delivery. i'm glad that we are approaching the achievement of this goal, but we shouldpeed up the effort. we discussed the topic of practical use of assets. seeing eye to eye onhi, the recovery should be funded, russia should pay for the destruction and ruination it has caused and it is also taking a
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lead in the g7 and i asks them toso that alrs cld go as far as the u.s. in their concerns.t. now there can be no -- between the foreign ministers of the usa andhat will not focus on ukraine's membership in nato could to benefits, i appreciate very much. this is a very powerful message to friends and enemies, over to >> thank you very much. i remember very well standing with you the polishr ani think
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back to that, i think about the road thad. we've been here five times since the russian inv i had a chance to speak about the work we are doing, steps to ensure ukraine success. we are working to ensure ukraine can deliver on the btlefield as itcouny but defend against future attacks and secure ukraine the right to decide their future. we have of course the suppmend the assistance is on its way, some has been delivered. i want to advise announcing we will provide $2 million in
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together iand w fund. to provide weapons today to assist ukraine, part two is to focus on investing in ukraine. lpg to strengthen capacity, produce l f others. whole ukraine purchase equipment. all of this builds on spirit of seek and i had a chance toe witness.
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i thought it at the facility. it is doing work with entrepreneurial vision. i saw it with the company statics. and the way ukraine adapt and to continue to a leading exporter of food. course everyon ation in the east and the northeast in kharkiv in particular. so the newest support that i just announced, particularly, the $60 billion supplemental is coming at a critical time. ukraine is facing this renewed russian and we see sensel strikes of civilians and residential buildings.
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i emphasized to the president in my conversation with the foreign minister the substancehe work we are doing to get the aid it to ukraine. we are rushing ammunition, missiles, air defenses, rushing them to get to the front lines to protect soldiers, to protect civilians and this is the first priority. we focus on our own conversations in detail on the work we are doing to find more air defenses and to get them to ukraine. i could say for us it's a measure -- matt o priority. another major issue that we the bilateral securiethe united states. there are now 32 countries that have negotiated or will complete negotiations on these bilateral ents. agreements that will sustain assistance ukraine for the next
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decade. and enable it to build this future forest that can deter aggression and defend against us. we have done a good productive work with our teams. we will finalize the text very shortly. but the heavy lifting has been nde are there and i imagine we could sign that agreement in the matter of weeks. many other countries are doing the same thing. i think this demonstrates to ukraine, but also to putin that many countries will be ukraine for a long time to make sure that it deter aggression and is necessary to defend against it. as important as the economic progress that ukraine is maki i saw firsthand some of the initiatives that have been enabled to continue to succeed economically, even under the most incredibly difficult circumstances.
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as a result of pushing the russian navy out of exports through the black sea were equal to what twebefore th. besides the fact that ukraine has fo ways from many of us to find many export routes. whether it's across land all of these things are helping ukraine to maximize. mention the extraordinary integration we have seen in so many other enterprises. finally, let me say that maybe the be describe the ukraine under ukrainians is resilience. it has been truly extraordinary. resilience are here in every corner of society. it's also a commitment on the part of ukrainians to write
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ei if ey are dealing with the right of the president. and we see that from the soldiers and we see that from so many citizens. we see it fr a dynamic civil society. and here pushing for the reforms ss for ukraine's eventual entry into the european union, foanyone who is tempted to bet against ukraine, don't. it wouldmiste. we have heard the same thing sometimeab the united states. never a good bet to bet against us. never a good bet to bet against ukraine. we have been through challenging times together. i venc that together, we will get thrgh these difficult moments and to free, prosperous, secure, that writes its own future.
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>> thank you very much to both of you. secretary blinken, the biden ministration has made clear it doesn't want ukraine using u.s. equipment to strike on to russian tri the situation in kharkiv right rit now and it seems like your resurgence are making it hard for the russians to attack. does that ban makes sense right relaxing it?you t zelenskyy asked you yesterday for two patriot batteries for kharkiv, what are your plans? is there a chance of ukrtiing ae before the end of this year? do you think that something that will be desirable much of
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what you are seeing in the front line is caused by theel in usa to ukraine. secretary blinken, yesterday, t a lot of times talking about corruption in ukraine and pushing you to do more about it. do you agree with him that corruption remains a major problem in this and how much should americans be worried about corruption when they send ukraine 80? -- ukraine aid? secretary blinken: let me be clear about one thing, which shouldn't require clarity, which is the united states is committed to helping ensure ukraine winning this war. i think be extraordinary support we've provided and we continue to provide. we have not encourage or enable strikes outside of ukraine, but
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ultimately ukraine has to ke decisions for itself about how award were conducting in defense of its freedom of its sovereignty. and we will continue to back th the equipment that it needs to succeed, that it needs to win. , as i mentioned, we areocused on other forms of air defense making sure that we can find them, bring them to ukraine, kharkiv of course is one priority, all i could tell you is something we discussed in detail and that we are actively and urgently working on. in terms of negotiations, these are decisions for ukraine to make, notnid states are not any other country. so, if i imagined that putin showed any interest in seriously
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engaging in negotiations, i'm sure ukrainians would respond to that. what putin is demonstrating every single day is exactly the opposite. but fundamentally these are questions for ukraine to answer. wee clear, we support ukraine, we support ukraine ints decision, and it will never be anything about rae. >>)q every supply results are setbacks on the front line. this is the general role. yes, we appreciate theestion compensate deliveries,he united delays and deliveries with new announcements and deliveries. th is why so much emphasize the issue of timing in both our
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lks and in my opening remarks. but it doesn't apply only to the united states. we encourage every country to make new announcements and to deliver on them. in the end, we have seen it hundreds of times. when a ukrainian infantrymen or utility man has everything that he or she needs, we are winning. every time there are two ration supplies are insufficient supplies, we are not winning. the law of the world is cruel but very clear. llowus to know what and how it needs to be done. on ysen the is perception on the level of corruption and the fact of the level of corruption. and when i read reports and
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assessments produced by the most prudent watchdogs on corruption like the europeanni international monetary fund, we secommd ukraine for taking anticorruption measures and taking anticorruption reforms. there is a very simple criteria. if we were as corrupt as the perception says, they simply would be giving us any money. they wouldn't be opening talks with ukraine to exceed the european union and the united e trust in ukraine. there are issues for which we are addressing together, but i think it would be true to say that since the first day in
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office, president zelenskyy, and since the first of the european government and parliament, we have been consistently tackling issues of corruption and achieved serious results. thanks you so that it would not bend or encourage for hate and aggression to a degree. recently the u.k. would not object. the u.k. are meant to hit the russian federation. when wyowl to follow suit, thank you?
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quakes we are determined that ukraine willin this war and secede for its future and for its people. we haven clr about our own policy, but these are decisionse will make for itself and we are itg su ukraine has the commitment it needs to succee ttlefld. >> thank you very much, tom mr. secretary, president putin has announced he is goingwe wero in beijing where you warned of the consequences if china didn't opto russia in parts that make weapons used here in ukraine. have you been able to tell your ukrainianrt that you
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have the chinese listen to your morning?if i could ask you abou, israel is taking control of the palestinian side of the rafah crossin st week. that means that the territorial connection to the outside wld for ordinary palestinians in gaza is now occupied by israeli h hathe potential to create a practice -- a crisis with egypt. how long can israel stay in of that crossing, where is the line it aware a limited reputation turns into something you oppose and we have seen nearly half a million people from this place. ifwe heard from the secretary of state yesterday, e long term on this.h u but i just want to ask the question t there is a u.s. presidential election later this year. it may be a promise for the sectary it -- secretary of state
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to make but not necessarily one concerned about what that may mean forong-term support for ukraine? >> with regard to china, and you've heard me talk about this at some length when i was in beijing, the concern that we this, it's not about china providing weapons to russia for use in ukraine. north korea is doinghat, iran is doing that. china has held back f but, what we are deeply concerned about is the support china is providing to russia to rebuild its defensdu base in ways that are contributing to and making a difference in its aggression against ukraine. as i said when we were in beijing, the overwhelming majority of machine toolshat russia is getting from abroad
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are coming from china. the overwhelming majority of electronics are coming omchinang directly to strengthening that industrial base. over the last year has been able to turn out more tanks, more missiles, all used in the aggression against ukraine. what i sha counterparts and what i said here as well is not only are we looking and watching this lly, but we have and we will continue to take action, including sanctioning entities involved, companies involved. we worry we need something more like a hundred sanctions against enterprises that are involved in this kind ofrt. ands will continue to do that. as i've sai i think you're seeing this play out, is
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to the extent china is looking to have stronger relations with countries in europe, it can't on the one hand seek to do that while the other hand remain responsible for fueling biggest threat to your securities since the end of the cold war. the threat p b russia has posed an immediate threat here in ukraine as a result for aggression. but also, as it works to try to get around sanctions, export controls, etc. in rebuilding defenseba, in ongoing and potentially growing threat to many other countries here. this is an acute importance to many europeans that i've talked to and i imagine they are making that known to beijing. with regard to gaza. one of the deep concerns that we have is the impactf of the limited operation we have seen
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inafah on the ability to provide humanitarian assistance. the 2 million points of access in the south, profit itself have been affected by the resulting conflict in the south. and we've seen at theery me when israel was taking important the position of humanitarian assistance to palestinians in impact on the fact that we have this very active conflict in the rough area. so seen hamas firing off at the cssings themselves, making it more difficult. in it of we have this problem of restoring the fulopen the loan to make sure it'innow,s
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in the n more is coming through. but what we don't want to see is a situation where we basically reversed what's happened in recent months was working its way through thes getting to the north to have that reversed and have improvements in the north that need to continue, but then to see steps backward in the south. more broadly, we have been very clear that when it comes to the future of gaza, we do nd will nn israeli occupation. we also do not support hamas governance in gaza. we have seen where that sled all too many times to the people of gaza and for israel, and we also cannot have in a vacuum that is likely to be filled by chaos. that only underscores the
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imperative of having a clear, concrete plan for the day after the conflict in gaza. it wld be important for israel to focus on that. we have been doing a lot of work on t as i mentioned the other day, with partners in the arab world and beyond over several months. but it's imperative that israel do this and focus on what the future can and must be because, again, it cannot and says it does not want responsibility for gaza. we cannot haveolli gaza. we cannot have chaos and anarchy in gaza. thered a clear, concrete plan and we look to israel to come forward with its ideas. >> first, secretary blinken always keeps his word, and i know that if heannot promise something, it doesn't mean that he isn't working on it,
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gives his promises when he is confident that he ca deliver. and i sincerely appreciate it. that ukraine it will be signed not on behalf of department or the biden administration, it will be signed on behalf of the unesf a. and it will cover a long range and wide range of security issues. we all know there is a very fundamental role in diplomacy. agreements must be implemented.
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this wille the promise that no future administration the respectivetcome of this or any future elections in the united ste w be ignored until this agreement will be enforced. >> [speaking native language] >> 20 signed by leaders on the country. very soon that this president is
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going to use and there are events on president biden. >> with regard to the peace summit, we strongly supported. we want to make sure there is success and we will be robustly represented. i don't have any announcements on that except to say we are working on it to makee we support this very important and that it produces real results. presidents meeting, i fully anticipate that they will have the opportunity to do that in weeks ahead. among other things. we want to sign the bilateral security agreement. >> information on the dates of the visits coming to ukraine are
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going for ukraine president biden in the landscape have got structural relations. that thewill be able to look in detail about all of things in the agreement.


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