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tv   Sec. of State Blinken Meets With Ukrainian Foreign Minister  CSPAN  May 16, 2024 1:20am-1:53am EDT

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just getting started building 100,000 miles of infrastructure to reach those who need it most. charter communications supports c-span as a public service along with these providers giving you a front row u.s. secretary of se antony lincoln announced the united states would send ukraine $2 billion in military aid. he made those remarks during a news conference in heave. [speaking foreign language] >> spendth days in kyi
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and ukrainian officials have detailed meetings with the president, prime minister. we started negotiations and they wi ctinue today. the issuesha matter. tell m having stood with ukraine since the very beginning we met at the ukrainian border. at the border and since the state secretary hasvi every possible support to ukraine. we discussed almost all issues on the agenda.
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we focused on the challenging andtivad areas. the visit is important to a is standing by a make our resilience standing up to them stronger. termination and agility of ion headed by united states. today key concerned the military efforts including equipment and ammunitionsbut aly
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is a key factor. for the armaments, the equipment and munition should com to prevent aggressive plans against crane and the rest of europe. thankful to thense secretary ft to speed up the delivery of demilitarization. a separate topic was development military and welsare focused on investment in indurial military base that will make u stronger and independent when it comes to defense. i would like to thank the usa for allocating additional funding for congressional
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decisions, adopting this package and another topic that takes attention and time is patriot systems. weke entire inventory that can be brought and the state secretary is working with each country, putting in a lot of effort in doing everything that we need, batteries, two batteries are they were necessary yesterday in reegion. this as the purpose of our attention and efforts, we have to make citizens -- protect our
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positions. from the russian troops and we understand these systems, we are working together to make the delivery. i'm glad that we are approaching the achievement of this goal, but we should speed up the we discussed the topic of practical use of assets. seeing eye to eye on this recovery should be funded, russia should for the destruction and ruination it has caused and it is also takilead m to continue pushing so that
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although members could go as as the u.s. in their concerns. the russian frozen assets. now there can be no -- between the foreign ministers of the usa and ukraine that will not focu'o could to very intenseit i appreciate very much. thiss powerful message to friends and enemies, over to you. >> thank you very much. i remember very well standing with you just inside ukraine to the polish border and i think ck that, i think about the road that has been traveled.
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we've been here five times since n invasion, yesterday i had a chance to speak about the work we are doing, steps to ensure ukraine success. we are ensure ukraine can deliver on the battlefield as it protects the country but also a position where it can dend against future attacks and secure foraine the right to decide their future. have of course the supplemental and the assistance is on its way, some has been delivered. i want to advise announcing we will provide $2 million in financing and we put this
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together in a defense enterprise fund. to provide weapons to assist ukraine, part two is to focus on investing in ukraine. helping to strengthen capacity, produce labor needs and for others.whole ukraine purchase equipment. all of this builds on spirit ie seek and i had a chawitns. i thought it at the facility. it is doing work with
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entrepreneurial vision. ai saw it with the company producing a statics. and the way ukraine adapt and to continue to be a leading exporter of food. of course everyone is focused on the situation in the ethe northn particular. so the newest support that i the $60 billion supplemental is coming at a critical time. ukraine is facing this renewed russian onslaught and we see senselessans and residential buildings. i emphed my conversation with the foreign minister the substance about the
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work we are doing to get the aid it to ukraine. we are air defenses, rushing them to get to the fto protect t civilians ands priority. we focus on our own conversations in detail on the work we are doing to find mor do ukraine. i could say for us it's a measure -- matter of urgency and priority. another major issue that we talked about is the bilateral security between ukraine and the united stathere are now 32 coune negotiations on these bilateral agreements. agreements that will sustain assistance ukraine for the next decade. d enle it to build this future forest tcar aggression and defend against
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us. we have done a good productive work with our teams. we will finalize the text very shortly. but the heavy lifting has been done and we are there and i imagine we could sign that agreement in the matter of weeks. other countries are doing the same thing. demstrates to ukraine, but also to putin that many countries will be supporting ukraine for a lonuren deter aggression and is necessary to defend against it. imptant as the economic progress that ukraine is making. rsthd some of the initiatives that have beend to d economically, even under the mostbl incdifficult circumstances. as a result of pushing the russian navy out of the way. exrts through the black sea were equal to what they were
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russian regression. besides the fact that ukraine has found from many of us to find many exprowhetr it's acf these things are helping ukraine to maximize. i mention the extraordinary integration we have seen in so many other enterprises. y that maybe the best word to describe the ukrainde ukrainians is resilience. it has been truly extraordinary. resilience are here in every corner of society. it's also a commitment on the part of ukrainians to write their own future, even if they are dealing with the right of the president. and we see that from the
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soldiers and we see that from so many citizens. we see it from dynamic civil society. an pushing for the reforms necessary for ukrne entry into the european union, to nato, that remains critical. for anyone who is tempted to bet against ukraine, don't. it would be a big mistake. ave heard the same thing sometimes about bet against us. never a good bet to bet ukraine. we have been through challenging times together. i have every confidence together, we will get through these difficult moments and to help build a country that is ee, prosperous, secure, that writes its own future. >> thank you very much to both
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y. secretary blinken, the biden administration has made clear it doesn't want ukraine using u.s. uipment to strike on to russian territory. tuatn in kharkiv right on the border is pretty dramatic right now and it seems like ursd for the russians to adoes that t now and are you considering relaxing it? presidentskyy asked you yesterday for two patriot batteries for kharkiv what are your plans? is there a chance of ukraine negotiating an end before the end of this year? do you think that something thaf what a seeing in the front line is caused by the delay in usa to ukraine.
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secretary blinken, yesterday, perhaps toy of times talking about corruption in ukraine and pushing y to do more about it. do you agree with him that up mor problem in this and how much should americans be worried about corruption when they send ukraine 80? -- ukraine aid? secretary blinken: let me be clear about onin shouldn't require clarity, which is the united states is committed to helping ensure ukraine winning this war. i think be netzer the extraordinary o've provided and we continue to provide. we have not encourage or enable strikes outside o ukraine, but ultimately ukraine has to make decisis about how it will conduct this war in
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its freedom of itsng sovereignty. and we will continue to back ukraine with equipment that it needs to succeed, that it needs to win. on batteries, as i mentioned, we are focused on rms of air defense and making sure that w can find them, bring them to ukraine, kharkiv ofoue is one priority, all ielyou is something we discussed in detail and that we are activd u. in terms of ti■ are decisions for ukraine to make, not the united states are othecountry. so, if i imagined that putin showed any in seriously engaging in negoton, i'm sure ukrainians would respond to
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that. idemonstrating every single day is exactly the opposite. estions for ukraine to answer. we have been very clear, we support ukraine, we support ukraine in itsecision, and it will never be anything about ukraine without ukraine. >> every supply results are setbacks on the front line. this is the general role. the question is,, weppreciate the sincere commitment of the united states to compensate deliviedelw announcements and deliveries. this is why so much emphasize the issue of timing in both our talks and in my opening remarks. but it doesn't apply only to the united states.
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ragevery country to make new announcements and to deliver on them. in the end, we have sehundreds . when a ukrainian infantrymen or utility man has everything that he or sheeedswe are winning. timehe ration supplies are insufficient supplies, we are not winning. ll but very clear. it allows us to know what and how it needs to be done. on your second question there is petivel vel of corruption. fact and when i read reports and assessments produced by the most prudent watchdogs on corruption
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like the european union for the international monetary fund, we see that they commend ukraine asures and takingrpt anticorruption reforms. if we were as corrupt as theria. perception says, they simply would be giving us any money. ldn't be opening talks with ukraine toxc european union and the united states when it have trust in ukraine. there are issues for which we are addressing together, but i think it would be true to say that since the first day in office, president zelenskyy, and since the of the european ve been consistently tackling
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issues of corruption and achieved serious results. nd or encourage for hate and aggression to a degree. recently the u.k. would not object. the u.k. are meant to hit the russian federation. when will you be ready to follow suit, thank you? quakes we are determined that ukraine will win this war andorr
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its people. we have been clear about our own policy, but these are decisions ukraine has to in ukraine will make for itself and we are committed to making sure ukraine has the commitment it needs to succeed on the battlefield. >> thank you very much, tom bateman from bbc mr. secretary, president putin has announced he is going to chinthis week. we were with you three in beijing where you warned of the consequences if china didn't stop its export to russia in rts that make weapons used here in ukraine. have you been able to tell your ukrainian counterpart that you have the chinese listen to your morning? could ask you about gaza, israel control of the
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palestinian side of the rafah crossing in the last w means thl connection to the outside world for ry pdiestinians in gaza is now occupied by israeli forces, which has the potentials with egypt. how long can israel stay in control crossing, where is the line it aware ait reputation turns into something you oppose an seen nearly half a million people from this place. if i may, we heard from the ary of state yesterday, that the u.s. is with you for theong rm on this. but i just want to ask the question thata u. presidential election later this year. it may be a promise tsectary ite to make but not necessarily one for him to kare you concerned at that may mean for the long-term r ukine?
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>> first with regard to china, and you've me talk about this at some length when i was beijing, the concern that we idin weapons tot's not about russia for use in ukraine. north korea is doing that, iran that. china has held back from that. but, what we are deeply concerned about is the support china is providing to to rebuild its defense industrial base in ways that are contributing to and min a difference in its aggression against ukraine. as i said when we were in beijing, the overwhelming majority of machine tools that russia is getting from abroad are coming from china. the overwhelming majority of electronics are coming from china and these are going
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directly to strengthening thast. over the last year has been able to turn out more tanks, more missiles, all used in the aggression against ukraine. what i shared with chinese counterpid here as well is not only are we looking and watching this carefully, but we have and we will continue to take action, including sanctioning entities involved, companies involved. we worry we need something more like a hundred sanctions against enterprises that are involved in this kind of support. and as necessary we will t. as i've said then and ihink you're seeing this play out, is to the extent chin l to have stronger relations with countries in europe, it can't on
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the one hand seek to do that while the other hand remain responsible for fueling the biggest threat to your securities since the end of the cold war. the threat posed by russia has posed an immediate threat here in ukraine as a result for aggression. but also, as it woro get around sanctions, export controls, etc. in rebuilding defense industrial base, in ongoing and potentially growing threat to many other countries here. this is annce many europeans that i've talked to and i imagine they are making that known to. with regard to gaza. one of the deep concerns that we have is the impact of the limited operation we have seen to date in rafah on the ability to provide humanitarian assistance. lln points of access in the south, profit
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been affected by theconflict in. and we've seen at the very time when israel was taking important and much-needed steps to improve the position of humanitarian assistance to palestinians in gaza, we'vegati impact on the fact that we have tive conflict in the rough area. we have also seenoff at the cro, it re difficult. in it of itself, of restoring tl capaty of rafah in the loan to make sure it's in. now, we also see real progress coming through.ere more is but what we don't want to see is a situation where we basically
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reversed what's happened in recent months where assistance was working its way through the south for verytle was getting to the north to have that reversed and hprements in t need to continue, but then to see steps backward in the south. mo broadly, we have been very clear that when it comes to the future of gaza, we do not support andnot pport an israeli occupation. we alsotdo support hamas governance iga have seen where l too many times to the people of gaza and for israel, and we also cannot have anarchy in a vacuum that is likely to be filled by chaos that only underscores thevef ha, concrete plan for the day afterl
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to focus on that. we have been doing a lot of work on thatmentioned the other day, with partners in the arab world and over several months. but it's imperative that ils ane future can and must be because, cannot and says it does not want responsibility for gaza. we cannot have hamas controlling gaza. weannot have chaos and anarchy in gaza. there needs to be concrete plan and we look to israel to come forward with its ideas. >> first, secretary blinkenps hi know that if he cannot promise't he isn't working on it, he just gives that he can deliver.
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and i sincerely appreciate it. that ukraine it will be signed not on behalf of the state depament or the biden administration, it will be signed on behalf of the united states of america. and it will cover a long range and wide range of security issues. know there is a very fundamental role in diplomacyag. this will be the promise that no
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future administration the respective of the outcome of this or any future elections in nored until this agreement will be enforced. >> [eaking native language] >> 20 signed by leaders on the very soon that this president is going to use and there are events on president
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>> with regard summit, we strongly supported. suess and we will be robustly represented. i don't have any announcements on that except to say we are working on it to make sure we support this very important initiativend that it produces real results. with regard to the two meeting, i fully anticipate that they will have the opportunity to do that in the weeksheamong other things. l security agreement. >> information on the dates of the vs coming to ukraine are going for ukraine president biden in the landscape have got stur that they will detail about alle
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things in the agreement. >> c-span's washington journal, our live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and pubcpo. from washington and across the country, coming up thursday morning christy mcdaniel with george mason university's center talks about tariff increases on certain chinese imports ud vehicle batteries, computer chips and medical products. then california republican congressman tom mcclintock on u.s. military aid tisrael, immigration and other congressional news of the day.
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