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tv   President Biden Remarks on Jobs the Economy  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 6:39am-6:59am EDT

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our workers are highly skilled, productive, and committed, and i'm very proud of the strong partnership that we have with united steelworkers. [applause] we all benefit from the president's actions today.
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coupled with his broader approach to revitalize american manufacturing, which is greatly benefited our operations in kentucky and south carolina. the tariffs on chinese steel and aluminum also advance our efforts and president biden's efforts, to make cleaner metal. now only are chinese products subsidized and dumped on world market, but they emit far more co2 per ton than we do here at home. with the support of a five hundred million dollars grant from the biden administration, we are building not only the first new american smelter in 45 years, but a smelter that will be one of the greenest smelters in the world power by cutting edge technology and renewable energy. from my company, our workers, and others across this country,
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unfair trade is something that is very real. today's announcement creates a climate for businesses to succeed, investments to be made, jobs to be created, and good wages to be paid to our workers. thank you, mr. president for your vision and the work of your administration. >> good afternoon. my name is roxanne brown and i'm international vice president at large for the united steelworkers union. steelworkers is the largest industrial union in north america, so the work of president biden and his administration is especially consequential from mining to metals, from aluminum to zinc, from paper to fiberoptics. international trade has an enormous impact on our members jobs in their lives.
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just about a month ago we hosted president biden at our headquarters in pittsburgh and there our union international president spoke of a decades long partnership we've had with president biden, dating back to when he first ran for senate. and all that time we have never questioned his commitment to working people, he is the most pro-worker, pro union president we have ever had. [applause] the president and his administration truly have implemented a worker center trade policy. he has confronted unfair trade not only using trade tools, but also investments to regain, reignite and renew manufacturing capacity. these trade tools are vital in
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stopping unfair and anti-competitive action of countries like china. but coupling them with investments, procurement policies, and other actions is key. and that's what president biden has delivered. he has stood up for us. from the chip sack, to the inflation reduction act, he is doing what no other president in my lifetime has done. president biden straight policy is about making sure that everyone can participate in everyone can win. it is truly my honor to introduce the president of the united states, joe biden. [applause] pres. biden: thank you, thank
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you, thank you. [applause] i assume you are standing in case you have to run when the rain starts. please, have a seat. thank you very much for all you do to fight for america's seek steelworkers. i mean that sincerely. i want to recognize all the labor unions here today. all the workers, sheet metal workers, fl cl, communication workers, boilermakers, machinists, i'm proud to be labeled the most pro-union president in american history. you heard me say it before, wall street is important, but they did not build america, the middle coutts builds america and union's built the middle class. there are a key initiative americans here including steel, semiconductors automakers, members of my cam debt, janet yellen, the front row is murderers row.
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catherine ty, our nation's representative, and outstanding members of congress as well. debbie is here, debbie, welcome. and harry stevens this year. no, there you are, you made it. you told me you might not be able to make it. i'm sorry. debbie dingell, again, smile, debbie, it's ok. you should be, you are responsible for a lot of this. thank you for joining us as i announce this series of actions to make sure american workers and american businesses and corporations can compete and win in the future, because that's what this is about. the fact is america workers can outwork and outcompete anyone, as long as the competition is fair. for too long it hasn't been fair. the leaders of the chinese government have sport state miners -- money to chinese
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governments and caused a range of issues. semiconductors, electric vehicles, solar panels. even critical health equipment like gloves and math. -- masks. china subsidize these products pushing them to produce more than the rest of the world could observe, then dumping excess products onto the market on unfairly low prices. driving manufacturers around the world out of business. i won't go into it, but we talked today about how many aluminum plants are used to be and how many there are now. price is unfairly low. the chinese government subsidizes them heavily. chinese real artists on the other taxes. forcing the american companies to transfer technologies to do business in china. i spent a lot of time with xi jingping. early on i told him if i was being unfair were china and we would play by the same rules. if you want to do business in
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china you have to have a 51 percent chinese owner and provide access to your properties. you want to do that in america, silence. sometimes it's era espionage and other means. it has been well documented and internationally recognized. when you make tactics like these, you are not competing, it's not competition, it's cheating. and we have seen damage in america. one example, back in 2000 when cheap steel from china began to flood the market, pennsylvania and ohio were hit hard in many of you know well. the 1008 hundred nine steelworkers in pennsylvania and ohio lost their jobs. i'm not going to let that happen again. i'm announcing new tariffs and key sectors of the economy to ensure that workers are not held back by unfair trade practices. they include announcing 25% tariff on chinese steel and aluminum products. and we will counter china's
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overcapacity in these industries and we are making major investments in clean american steel and aluminum. it's a big deal. clean because the way we manufacture here. half as much carbon as still made in china. last month the biden administration announced clean manufacturing and all of history. up to $1.5 billion across america. creating thousands of union jobs. next, 100 percent tariff on electric vehicles made in china. [applause] we are not going to let china flood our market, making it impossible for american auto manufacturers to compete fairly. also implementing a 25% tariff on electric vehicle batteries from china in 25% tariffs on critical minerals and make those batteries. i am determined that electric
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vehicle should be made in america by union makers. and we will do it by following international trade laws to do it. american companies are investing tens of billions of dollars on electric vehicles and batteries. thanks to my bipartisan infrastructure law, we are building a network of 500,000 charging stations all across america. creating thousands of ibew jobs across america. electric charging stations -- [applause] to do this is simple. you are not going to have to worry about taking off and making it all across the country without having to figure something else out. my partners around the world are making similar investments. they also want supply chain electric vehicles dominated by unfair trade practices from china. american -- americans, i want to
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make this clear. kim by any kind of car they want, whether gas, electric or hybrid but we will never allow china to unfairly control the market for these cars. next. we will raise tariffs on chinese solar panels from 25 to 50%. the chinese government is subsidizing excess capacity that is flooding the market. they are driving manufacturing coming out of the business in europe. we will let that happen in america. we put a 50% tariff on semiconductors made in china. for the public, those little tiny computer chips smaller than a fingertip that power everything. smart phones, automobile, satellite. america invented these. but over time we stopped making them. we invested them overseas. now, thanks to my chips in science act, one of the most
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significant -- significant investments ever, we are bringing this back home where it started, in the united states of america. [applause] finally, putting tariffs on health equipment like masks and gloves that the doctors where every single day. if the pandemic taught us everything, you need to have a secure supply of essentials here at home. folks, these key sectors my administration is combining investments in america were tariffs that are strategic and targeted. it's a smart approach. compare that to what the prior administration did. my predecessor promise to increase american exports and boost manufacturing, but he did neither, he failed, he signed a trade deal with china, they were supposed to buy $200 billion more american goods, he sent china imports from america barely budged. now trump and the republicans won a cross tariffs on all
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imports on all countries if reelected. that would drive up costs for families on an average of 1000 $500 per year each year. he simply doesn't get it. for years i've heard many republicans and democratic friends say china is not on the rise, trust me, china is on the rise, america is falling behind. america is rising, we have the best economy in the world. since i've come the office the gdp is up, trade deficit with china is down. lowest level in over a decade and we are standing up to chinese unfair economic practices. we are standing up for peace and stability across the taiwan straits. i revitalized our partnerships to specific allies in india, australia, japan, south korea, the philippines, pacific island nations. i make sure the most advanced american we develop can not be
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used by the chinese government to undermine our national security. before it rains, for all this tough talk on china, it never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that. i want fair competition with china, not conflict. we are in a stronger position to win that 21st century against china than anyone else because we are investing in america again, in american workers. let me close with this. i come from scranton, a town where a lot of working-class and middle-class workers are in america. once a manufacturing boom town until trickle economics came down in the middle class got hollowed out. six years ago my predecessor showed up with a golden shovel promising, thanks to his new $10 billion manufacturing complex -- he said it would be the eighth wonder of the world. big promises that never came true. he used that golden shovel to dig a hole and many fell into it.
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thanks to the investment my administration and microsoft is investing billions to build a new datacenter creating thousands of good paying jobs because the few from scranton in towns like it are a lot different than mar-a-lago. it's if you were money doesn't determine your worth. everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and everyone deserves a fair shot. believe nobody behind. that's the america we are building together. and i am going fast now because of the rain. i have to remember who we are, we are the united states of america and there is nothing, there is nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. god bless you all and i'm going to get out of the rain. thank you all -- god bless you all and let's get out of the rain. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] >> mr. president, trump said today -- [applause]
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mr. president?
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