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tv   Secretary of State Delivers Remarks in Ukraine  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm EDT

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>> they want to come here and collect our welfare instead. so no asylum cases. >> most people come here to make a better life. if not for them, for their kids. my italian grandparents never spoke english. i never had a conversation with them. and yet they made america great. >> this friday, author ann coulter and columnist amare debate over the question should the u.s. shut its borders. the debate is moderated by journalist barry white. -- mary weiss. watch it live on c-span and online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that.
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>> comcast is partnering with 1,000 community centers to create wi-fi enabled live zones so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comcast supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> during a trip to ukraine, secretary of state antony blinken met with the company's -- the country's president zelenskyy. after that he spoke about u.s. continued support for ukraine. >> thank you for the introduction. thank you for your decades-long contributions to science and education and for the polytech nick institute. i am so grateful to be here with each and every one of you.
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today, it's been 611 days since poulin launched his war. i spoke about helsinki about how putin's invasion of youcrine has been a strategic failure and what it would take to ensure their effort. today i'm here in kyiv to speak about ukraine's strategic success. and to talk about how with our support the ukrainian people can and will achieve their vision for the future of a free, prosperous country fully integrated in the european community and fully in control of its own destiny. it is ramping up another offensive against ukraine.
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sending wave after wave of russian soldiers, drones, north korean artillery, and tanks, missiles, and fighter jets built from machines and parts supplied by china. these weeks and months have demanded a great deal of ukrainians who have already sacrificed so much. but i did come to you crane with a message. you are not alone. the united states is with you today and we will stay by your side until you have security, sovereignty, and stability. dozens of countries around the world are not just rooting for you, they're helping you. now after putin's latest attacks in ukraine some ukrainians may
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be wondering if you can count on america. the $60 billion aid package approved by congress is very important. i think this demonstrates that you can count on us. and the majority of americans believe we should continue to provide assistance to the ukraine. the american people support ukraine has been consistent. it has never wavered. our support of ukraine strengthens the united states and our allies. they understand that if putin achieves his goals here in ukraine he won't stop in ukraine. he'll keep going. for when has an autocrat been satisfied with taking over just part or even all of a country?
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when has that satisfied vladimir putin? at the same time the american people want to know that we have a plan for getting to the day when ukraine stands firm with its own military and economic independence. the you crepian people want the exact same thing. they want their own security and their own prosperity. and we do have a plan, we're working together with ukraine to realize that plan. what i want to speak to you about this evening is what that plan looks like and how to achieve it. first, we're hoping to ensure that ukraine has the military it needs. anyone doubts their ability to
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obtain this goal should look at what you've already accomplished in two year two months and 21 days you have denied putin his goal to erase ukraine from the map. you've taken more than half of the territory russia seized, you've pushed russia navy out of the black sea without a navy of your own. any gains made by russia have come at great cost to the kremlin. you fought with courage. you've developed new weapons and new tactics to deploy them. people from every region, every community, has stepped forward to serve. including at this university.
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students, alumni, teachers and other employees at kyiv polytech nick have answered the call to defend their country. they've set aside their study, careers and dreams and leaving loved ones behind. those men and women gave their lives for ukraine's freedom. many of them names are on a memorial on campus. they include a cancer researcher, a marathon runner, a musician, a veteran who lost both of his legs fighting against putin's previous invasion, and volunteered to serve again. these citizens never asked others to fight for them.
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indeed, all the ukrainians ask is give what you need to defend yourselves and your right to survive as a nation. your recent mobilization has been difficult but necessary. you've held the line for more than two years, but your soldiers need rest. this allows transitional troops to take on invading forces. it allows them to build more units and to take the fight to russian aggressors. now our task is to secure the ukrainian state and a permanent strategic advantage so ukraine cannot only deliver on the battlefield today but defend against future attacks. as president biden said, we want ukraine to win. and we're committed to helping you do it. in the immediate term, the
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united states and dozens of other countries will get ukraine the assistance you need and get it to you quickly. we want to make it harder for them to strike you so you can recover your economy and keep helping to feed the world. we know time is of thess sense. that's why just one minute after congress passed the aid package, president biden sent ammunition, armored vehicles and more. much more will be delivered to the battlefield in the coming days. poland continues to facilitate the transfer of nearly all aid flowing into ukraine. there's a europe-wide effort to purchase half a million artillery shells.
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the u.k. announced a robust, multiyear military advantage. australia has pledged support. a truly global coalition is behind you. we are determined to help you defend your territorial sovereignty and independence. japan's prime minister said when addressing the u.s. congress, ukraine today, others tomorrow. more than 50 countries are working hand in hand with ukraine's military to identify and fill urgent needs. we developed capability
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coalitions, developed partners who are addressing needs crucial to ukrainian defense. denmark. the netherlands. the u.s. leading the coalition on air force. norway and the u.k. on security. these coalitions are pumping more support into ukraine right now. we're also working together to help ukraine build a future force. our goal is to lay a foundation so strong that there is no doubt you can defend yourself. as president zelenskyy said, we are building an infrastructure that ukraine has never had but always needed. we're bringing ukraine closer to and then into nato. we'll make sure that ukraine is strong and well-lit.
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ukraine won't have to complete the plan before they're invited to join. we elevated our cooperation in nato to the most intensive level nato has to offer. ukraine is more than the recipient of advice and assistance. your warriors have as much experience as anyone since the end of the cold war. nato will have improved security with you by our side. in july we'll take steps to build a resilient, capable ukrainian force to better integrate ukraine into the alliance.
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ukraine's bridge to nato has been bolstered by security needs. we now have 32 countries who are negotiating to be in. this is a clear indication ukraine can count on its partners for sustainable, long-term support. that's not a matter being debated from one year to the next. nor is it a decision by any one country. it's guaranteed by a broad network of nations for the next decade. the united states will support ukraine across a range of capabilities. we will provide help for their defense. if anyone else were to tai atack ukraine we would work with ukraine at the highest levels to
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fight back against that threat. we have seen efforts to build and build up ukraine's industrial base so you can produce artillery, ammunition, and everything you need here in ukraine. ukraine's innovation and resourcefulness has led to success on the battlefield. figuring out how to use old soviet launchers to fire u.s. ammunition, manufacturing new kinds of air and naval drones that can be effective. that same spirit has driven the growth of ukraine's burgeoning defense city which has produced many weapons. the key is to ramp up production without losing that spirit of experimentation and adaptation that's fostered so many amazing breakthroughs. that will attract more private
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investment, scale up and become a defense exporter. in weapons and others. we can help you build that industry. we created a team with our representatives of our department of state and others to help navigate regulatory rules that affect ukraine. american companies have reached out to produce munitions in and to support ukraine. all of this will ensure the
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moment conditions are met, ukraine's acceptance into the alliance will be swift and smooth. and if russia is ever serious about truly reaches peace with ukraine, your hand will be strong with the help of nato security. second, we will ensure that ukraine not only survives but thrives. ever since putin invaded ukraine, he's shown what he can't have he wants to destroy. ukrainian entrepreneurs and business owners have kept the economy running. from farmers to workers who keep power stations going to keep the
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lights and heat on. ukrainian grit and ingenuity are helping the economy and are the root of ukraine's extraordinary success. in 2023, despite nearly a fifth of the country occupied by russian forces, and with industries urn relenless bombardment, ukraine's g.d.p. grew by 5%. private investment increased 17%. state revenue rose 25%. in 2023, 37,000 new businesses registered in ukraine. more than any other year leading up to the russian invasion. over the last six months, ukraine's steel factory have doubled their output. ukraine exported 13 billion tons of goods, by road, by rail, and by sea. exceeding prewar output.
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yet as ukrainians know so well this economic dynamism hangs on our ability to vied security. they do more than protect soldiers. they create conditions under which ukrainian workers can adapt and grow and attract foreign investment. just as security helps prosperity, prosperity helps security. more robust economy means ukraine can build more defenses. ukraine's economic success also means refugees and internally displaced people, the vast majority want to go home. bringing with them skills and resources that will help ukraine's economy. together ukraine's partners
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contributed $85 million in economic development. first responders have been going through the rubble of russian strikes. doctors and nurses can care for wounded civilians and soldiers. even teachers can educate ukraine's younger generations. now for every $1 the united states gives in economic development to ukraine, other donors have invested $3 more. japan has been helping to rebuild ukraine's infrastructure. others are helping address humanitarian and environmental cost of russia's attacks.
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norway is helping rebuild schools. i can go on. we talk a lot about burden sharing. this is exactly what it is like. at the same time, we're again laying the foundation for ukraine's success through its full economic inspiration in europe. international financial institutions, private sector, the scale and speed are transformative. not after the war effort but right now. these prompts will bolster growth and increase revenue for ukraine more than military loss.
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and yet for all the reasons our government and others invest in ukraine's infrastructure, innovation and people, ukraine will ult montanaly be led by the private sector. so we need a way to track more priefs investment. especially in fields like technology and energy, agriculture and defense. as more countries stop doing business with russia, ukraine is uniquely positioned to seize the opportunities putin has squandered. thanks to the provision, more grain is being exported to the black sea today than before the war. ukraine's president is once again helping the world.
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that's the strongest signal we can send for companies to do business safely and productively in ukraine. nine out of 10 american businesses in ukraine are running at the same or highest than they were before. the most powerful people to draw more to you crepe, more investment to ukraine, lies in your hands. as people look from the united states an asia, they're looking for a strong, predictable regulatory environment. open and fair competition.
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trandz parentcy. rule of law. in fact, the list includes many changes ukraine will need to make to get into the european union. the ukrainian people are also demanding these changes. 90% of ukrainians want fast track economic reforms so that the country can move forward. the ukrainian government has taken some steps to strengthen the market, but more needs to be done. e.u. membership will affect ukraine and the e.u., enabling the free movement of goods, capital, services, and workers, to mutual benefit. ukraine gets access to one of the most dynamic single markets in the world. hundreds of millions of consumers.
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for grain, steel and eventually energy. and greater effort to rebuild and power innovation. the european union will benefit from one of the region's most dynamic economies. and your stronger footing will show fields where ukraine has already emerged as a leader. now there's one more step we can take. making russia pay for ukraine's recovery and recondition instruction. russia should and must pay to rebuild. it's what international law demands. it's what the ukrainian people deserve. our government has given us the power to seize russian assets in the united states. we're working to see that russia
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mobilized assets are used to remedy the costs. finally, we will help the ukrainian people fully realize their democratic aspirations. for more than three decades, the ukrainian people have been defending their right to democracy. to europe, to the west. that's something the country voted for in 1991. and in 2004. and then again in 2014. p your determination to write the future of your nation is why so many people around the world have been inspired by your flight. including so many americans.
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many of whom now fly the ukrainian flag next to the stars and stripes. this will help strengthen and elevate your democracy. the choiceus make they are kind of democracy you build, will determine the strength and the staying power of the coalition by ukraine's side. that means not just passing reforms but making sure they're implemented. it means moving out once and for all. winning on the battlefield will prevent ukraine from becoming part of russia. winning the war against corruption will keep ukraine from becoming like russia. ukraine's security, the resources for its military, are set. you crane's economic potential
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is important for investors to count on a level playing field. if citizens stop believing they can hold their government accountable and fix the flaws in their system from within. undermining faith in government, after all -- in no small part thanks to anti-corruption activist, n.g.o.'s and independent media. but more work remains to be done.
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there's one set of laws for elites and another for everyone else. they're doing their best to stymy every reform. ukraine's defense against corruption have to be just as strong as its military defenses. and we know what those defenses are. independent judiciary. free press. a vibrant civil society. free and fair elections. independent power and corruption investigations of prosecutors and judges. for decades, the yates and europe has been helping build these. we'll keep supporting you as you accelerate these reforms. that's part of the work of government and civil society. >> we're going to leave this, you can find the secretary's speech at as the house gavels in for votes. end td


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