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tv   Campaign 2024 President Biden Campaigns in Tampa FL Part 2  CSPAN  April 23, 2024 11:53pm-12:10am EDT

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love you. let's get it done. thank you, thank you, thank you. get it done. ♪ >> following president biden's remarks at a campaign event in tampa, he spoke to members of the community were working for his reelection bid, thanking the
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workers for their time and dedication. he also expressed his optimism for the country and his reelection. over here, making a sacrifice, you know what we are going to do, right?
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ok. i look out at these beautiful children and i think to myself, they are having to stand here and listen to some guy they have no idea what the heck he is talking about. and they think when you are elected office, your children have a great opportunity, it's a pain in the neck for them. my kids had to stand for so many meetings. anyway. look, first of all. thank you, thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for all you are doing and it means a great deal. i think florida is in play, nationally.
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[applause] and she's doing a hell of a job as your state chairman. [applause] and i made her promise she will run again. look, a couple of things i want to say. one of the things earlier today i spoke about up in washington and also last week, talking about this election is basically an old-fashioned election, it's about getting out the votes, it's about putting together campaigns the old-fashioned way. not that we don't use all the technology available, everything from knocking on doors and putting up roadsigns to making sure we get people to the polls and all those things.
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choices one of the biggest ones. but it's not the only one. there is a great concern, and i have been doing this for a couple of years. and, i've spent an awful lot of my time dealing with foreign policy because i was chairman of the elect committee and that's why barack asked me to handle portions of that. in one of the things that people don't understand, i don't think, fully, is we are the essential nation, not a joke, it's not hyperbole, it's not bragging. think of it this way, if the united states stepped off the world stage like trump wants us to do, who would lead the world? who would lead the world?
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in one of the things that is happening now, and i say this in front of the press and i've heard them saying before. every international meeting with heads of state, whether g20, all these national meetings. before i leave, literally, almost everyone would walk up to me, grabbed my arm and say, you've got to win. not because of me, but because of the alternative. and they say, because my democracy depends upon it, meaning there democracy. so the whole world is looking and they are looking to see how we handle our self this election. not just to see whether we win or not, but how we handle ourselves. for me, i got involved when i was a kid during the civil rights movement. it all got down to one person at a time. i mean, sincerely. my state was segregated by law, that's why got involved when i
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got out of high school into the college, and it's about just doing the basic things, talking to people, literally talking to people. for example, i'm really excited, we have raised on most a half $1 billion so far. it really excites me. so far we have 1.6 million contributors, 1.6 million contributors. 550,000 more than we had last time. but here's the deal, of those 1.6 million contributors, 97% contribute less than $200. we are in a situation where we are in a situation where we raised almost toward half $1 billion. that is how we are able to do the things we have to do in our campaign, especially one that is as hard-fought as this and one
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that is so full of lies, so full of misrepresentations being made. i think the press acknowledges it. you would not know it from what you read in here, but we are in pretty good shape in the polls. i know you are all activists. the polls do not wen yu -- do not win you an election. [applause] the last 23 national polls, i have been ahead in 11. we have been tied in five. we moved eight points in the latest marquette bubble. the marist poll has us up by three nationwide. people are beginning to listen. this is a time people begin to focus and listen. they have generic impressions up until now, but they are listening.
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how many offices to be open up -- did we open up total? we opened up over 100. [applause] 133 offices. here you are. that is the note i have, yeah. here in florida, we are recruiting volunteers as well. i know we can do this. i have never been more optimistic. i have been saying this for a long time. i have never been more optimistic about america than i am today. i was not going to run in 2020, because i had lost my son because of iraq in 2015. what happened was, remember down in virginia, those folks came out of the woods carrying torches with nazi banners and singing.
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for real. it is hard to make it up. it just was astounding to me. a young woman was killed. i spoke to her mom, a bystander. they asked then-president trump and he said i think there are fine people on both sides. that is when i decided i had to run for real, because our democracy is also at stake, literally. democracy is at stake. the way to make sure people understand that is to find out what is on their minds, see what they need, what is it they are most concerned about. we have had enormous success when we actually asked people, when we do it the old-fashioned way. we are just kicking it up now. we are getting toward the end here. last timeout we ran and we raised the vast majority of money we made in the last three months. that is when people begin to focus.
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we have to be really organized in a big way. it is basic organization, not rocket science. it is just knocking on doors, sending out postcards, getting on the telephone, making sure people have rides to the polls, all those things. by the way, when i ran this time i made it real clear, i said i'm going to change the way our economy works. instead of trickle-down economics where the very wealthy get all the tax breaks and all that will trickle down grow the economy -- i am a capitalist. i don't care if you make a billion bucks, just pay your taxes. [applause] pres. biden: i really mean it. you know the average taxpayer -- we have 1000 billionaires. you know what their average tax rate is? 8.3%. it is not a joke. anybody want to trade? but look, everything we have done is because of the help you
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provided over the last three and a half years. he wants to undo. he has made no bones about it, all of it. just like he wants to get rid of social security. these guys are for real. but look what we have done. we have a lot more work to do, but we built the strongest economy in the world. we have to get inflation even further down. by the way, i know a lot of people got frustrated with me when i signed the most prounion president in american history. [applause] i asked the treasury department to do a study with all the union help we are getting and all the union support, what is the impact? everybody does better. everybody does better. even the people who are paying the union dues. paying the union wage. because they get the best workers in the world. my point is there is a lot we
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have going. there is no reason we cannot reclaim our heritage and who we are as the most generous leading nation in the world, and still grow. there is a lot more to say but i'm already saying too much. >> no, you're not. [applause] pres. biden: teamsters in the house. i tell you what. they better damn well be in the house, man. [laughter] i tell you what. is that right? >> the only reason i have a pension is because of you. [applause] pres. biden: we will get that back up. anyway, besides, i used to drive an 18 wheeler. >> [indiscernible] ups, you stood strong with us and we will stand strong with you, sir. [applause]
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pres. biden: i mean, look, i'm getting a little off course here but the bottom line is this. [laughter] it matters to ordinary people. when i got elected i said i would build an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, because that way the poor have a chance and the middle class grow and the wealthy can still do very well. and it is working. we have 60 million new employees. we still have to deal with inflation. there is a lot of cost out there for ordinary people. we will be getting a lot of information to the folks. you are in a situation now where you have a circumstance where there are a lot of junk fees. for example, you have a bank overdraft that charges $37. now they can only charge you eight dollars. [applause] i don't want to cost them money, but they are exorbitant prices they are charging, same thing with credit cards.
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a whole range of things affect people. i will end with my dad. my dad was a really well read man and never got a chance to go to college because of world war ii. he would always say, joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck, it is about your dignity, it is about respect, it is about being able to look your kid in the eye and say it's going to be ok, and mean it. the only thing we are about as democrats in my view is giving everyone a shot. everyone gets a fair shot. i will be damned if we are not going to do that this timeout. [applause] thank you. [cheers and applause] pres. biden: thank you. >> [chanting "four more years"] pres. biden: okay.
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kids, remember what i told you now. [laughter] anyway, thank you, everybody. [applause] >> the senate approved the $95.3 billio house past aid package for israel, ukraine and taiwan. the measure also includes humanitarian a for gaza, new sections on russia and iran, and requires tiktok to divest from its china owned parent compan bytedance within a year or
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a potential ban in the u.s. the bill now goes to president den for his signature. >> a consolidated case on whether a federal law tha allows for emergency important health care -- for emergency watch live coverage beginning at 10:00 a.m. easte c-span, c-span now, free mobile video app, or online at next, the acting labor secretary and others speaking at the 2024 north america's building trade unions conference in washington dc. they talk about the biden administration's prolabor stance and how trade jobs impact the economy. this is just under two hours. >> esteemed leaders and delegates from building trades across our great nation, thank you. for gathering here today. brothers and sisters -- thank
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you for gathering here today. brothers and sisters, standing with these phenomenal leaders beside me that represent over 300 men and women from every background and walk of life, i get a little emotional. the members of north america's building trade unions, the men and women we are also proud to represent, you are the foundations of the future. today we get to share a story of progress, collaboration and hope. our journey fueled by dedication and resilience has led us to remarkable opportunities that are paving the way for a brighter future for all. the biden administration has proven to be an ally in our pursuit of progress. president joe biden in every facet of his ministrations is crafting pathways to build america's foundations for the future. the a compass men see has delivered the working -- the accomplishments he has delivered the working people of america and


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