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tv   Campaign 2024 Pres. Biden Campaigns in Philadelphia  CSPAN  April 19, 2024 12:19am-12:48am EDT

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would take care of the older generation. hopefully, my children will watch us take care of our parents, and that cycle will continue. >> but this cycle would be impossible to continue with out more support from our government. we hope for nothing more than for our essential caregivers to get more support and recognition for all the hard work they do. >> to watch this and all winning entries, visit our website at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no, it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wi-fi so low income communities can have theools to get ready for anything.
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>> comca supports c-span as a public service. >> president biden campaigned in philadelphia, where he compared his vision for the country of that of former president donald trump. president biden credited the principles of robert of canada and dr. martin luther king jr. for guiding his political judgments. prior to the president's remarks , a kennedy's book on his behalf. it is 25 minutes. ♪ >> thank you come on john, for those inspiring words. my name is cary kennedy and i am the seventh child of robert and ethel kennedy. [cheers and applause] i am joined here today with my
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sisters kathleen and rory, with joe and chris and max. [cheers and applause] and with my hero, president joe biden. [cheers and applause] president biden has said very movingly that his long career in public service was prompted by a speech my father, robert kennedy, gave in indianapolis on april 4, 19 68, the night martin luther king was murdered. two days later, along with my parents and siblings, i sat in the den of our home in northern virginia and watched in horror as washington burned. daddy left the room and he got in his car. maybe 15 minutes later, we were all still glued to the tv.
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and suddenly, daddy was on the news. in the midst of the mayhem, trying to put out the flames of pain, fear, and rage in the wake of dr. king's death, that was an incredible lesson to me as an eight-year-old child. he showed us that when everyone else is running away from the flames of the anguish and despair, leaders run towards them. and that is who joe biden is. [applause] he is the first sitting president in our history who has traveled to an active war zone not under u.s. control, not once, but twice, to show support for our allies. he was always running into the flames so we don't have to. [applause]
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in every imaginable way, president biden has spent his presidency and his career running into the flames for working people, for moms, dads, families. he supports unions, a passion of my father's. he marched with the united auto workers during their righteous strike, which helped bring that strike to a swift end. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] he looks out for teachers, nurses, truck drivers, gig workers. he has been tireless in relieving the debt incurred by middle and working-class kids trying to get ahead by getting an education. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] he passed the infrastructure bill. he builds bridges. he has made the working american
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the hero of every story. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] he got inflation under control, and violent crime is down in america under joe biden's leadership. he has us thriving again come up believing again, behaving like good neighbors again. he stepped into the flames of chaos and turned it into community. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] we want to make crystal clear our feelings that the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris to four more years. [cheers and applause] four more years. [crowd chanting "four more
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years"] president biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncle stood for. not is why nearly every single grandchild of joe and rose kennedy supports joe biden. [applause] that's right. that's right, the kennedy family endorses joe biden for president. [cheers and applause] when daddy announced his bid for the presidency in 1968, he talked about the perilous course our country would take under the wrong leadership. and he said, i feel obliged to do all that i can. i cannot stand aside.
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we are here because we feel obliged to do all that we can. we cannot stand aside. in this election, no american can stand aside. we must vote. [applause] in 2024, there are only two candidates with any chance of winning the presidency. we know them well. four years ago, our country was crippled by covid -- excuse me -- chaos and unprincipled leadership. four years later, thanks to joe biden, we are enjoying an unprecedented economic expansion with more people working than at any time in our history. over 15 million new jobs have been created, almost 800,000 manufacturing jobs. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause]
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wages are up. inflation caused by once in a generation pandemic is coming down. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] he has made vast investments in historically black colleges and universities to create more access to opportunity. he has appointed more black women to circuit court than every other president combined. [cheers and applause] and put ketanji brown jackson on the supreme court. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] he rebuilt the refugee program that was decimated by his predecessor and brought together a coalition of world leaders to stop russian aggression in ukraine. thank you, joe biden.
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[cheers and applause] we are standing here in the martin luther king recreation center for children. as family members who lost our father, let us not forget that president biden has always advocated for the rights of people to live, to play, and to go to school in communities free of gun violence. he signed the most significant bipartisan gun safety legislation in 30 years. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause] as donald trump proudly bragged about overturning roe v. wade, rolling back the clock 50 years to when women could not make our own health care decisions, president biden is fighting to get our freedoms back. thank you, joe biden. [cheers and applause]
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this is only part of the very long list of freedoms and rights that president biden is protecting during a period of constant assault. make no mistake, all these rights and freedoms are on the ballot in november. donald trump is running to take us backwards, attacking the most basic rights and freedoms that are at the core of who we are as americans. he said he will be a dictator on day one. even saying he wants to suspend the constitution so he can go after his enemies, after his critics, after the press. he is running to use his power to punish his enemies, silence his opponents, and insight more chaos, division, and political violence with his extreme agenda. he is the most anti-democratic in american history.
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[applause] president trump's dangerous conspiracy theories on climate change, vaccines, windmills, and voter fraud. he is pledging to repeal the affordable care act and cut social security and medicare, ripping away health care and earned benefits for millions of americans who rely on them in their retirement. i can only imagine how donald trump's outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, senator robert f. kennedy, jr., who proudly served as the attorney general of the united states and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country. for human rights and freedom from want and fear. just as president biden does
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today. donald trump mocks these values, he predicted a bloodbath if he loses the election. we cannot afford to ignore his warnings. can say today with no less a urgency that our rights and freedoms are once again in peril. this is why we all need to come together in a campaign that unites not only democrats but all americans, including republicans and the independents who believe in what lincoln called the better angels of our nature. a vote for joe biden is a vote for our democracy and our decency. it is a vote for what my father
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called in his own presidential announcement in 1968 our right to the moral leadership of this planet. as president biden remembers, when dr. king died, daddy addressed a crowd organized by john lewis in the largest black community in indianapolis. on that terrible night, he said what we need in the united states is not hatred. what we need in the united states is not violence, but love and wisdom and compassion toward one another and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer in this country whether they be black or they be white. joe biden's every decision is informed by his love, his
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wisdom, and his compassion towards those who suffer. that is why we are so happy today to pledge our unwavering support to president joe biden and president kamala harris. god bless all of you, god bless america, and please welcome president joe biden. [cheers and applause] pres. biden: please have a seat. mom and dad, hope you are listening. what an incredible honor.
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i don't want to become emotional, but what an incredible honor to have the support of the kennedy family. thanks for those kind words and for carrying on your families legacy. your son is doing a helluva job on our campaign. he's helping us win pennsylvania. kerry, that was the most meaningful introduction of ever gotten in my life, other than my sister. i want to thank you for your friendship well beyond the introduction. it's an incredible honor to receive the endorsement of your family and it means so much to me. your mom ethel, who i spoke with on the phone a couple of weeks ago, i guess last week, to wish
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her happy birthday. she has always been so gracious to my family during the most difficult time in my life. she has done so much for the country and the world, and of course your dad, who i never got to meet. he was a senator from new york, he came up to syracuse university and spoke, and i waited in line but i didn't get a chance to physically meet him. but he inspired me with his passion and courage, he inspired my generation. night wounds of americans, i remember that night, april 4, 1968. i was finishing law school at syracuse university and we heard dr. king had been assassinated. the pain and outrage sparked riots and despair all across the country, including in my home state of delaware. then we heard a voice i had listened to many times, your
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dad, bobby kennedy, standing in the back of a truck in indianapolis, asking for peace and quoting one of his favorite greek poets. he said, even in our sleep, our pain, falls drop by drop upon the heart until our own despair against our will comes wisdom with the grace of god. i had a hard time to believe that as we tried to work up from despair. even harder to believe, two months later on june 5. i learned that an incredible man that night had been assassinated. a gigantic tragedy for the country. two heroes i had growing up were gone within a month of each
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other. we faced a real inflection point as a nation. when i returned home to my city of wilmington, one of the only city since reconstruction to be occupied by the military, the national guard with drawn bayonets on every street corner for nine straight months following dr. king's murder. when i graduated that summer, i went home to take a job in one of the oldest law firms in the state. after only a matter of months, i left that law firm and took a job as a public defender because i wanted to be more engaged in the effort. i went on to run in the state senate and his vice president of the united states. i've done so in large part because i thought it is something your dad would've done. i'm not exaggerating, it has always been on my mind, one of my heroes.
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today sit behind the resolute desk where president john f. kennedy once that. if you've ever taken a tour of the white house, i sit at that desk in front of the fireplace, to the left is a bust of martin luther king, to the right is a bust of your dad. and i keep looking and remind myself what they would do in tough calls. [applause] the principles bobby kennedy involved, my dad said everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity, no matter what their station, no matter what. i mean this from the bottom of my heart. the worst thing of all was the abuse of power, physical power, economic power.
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that was the worst sin of all, abusing power. and we have an obligation to each other to leave no one behind. to give hate no safe harbor. it's up to all of us to preserve and protect the very idea of america. we are unique in america, we are the only nation founded on an idea. every other nation is founded on geography, ethnicity, race, except us. the idea was we hold these truths to be self-evident, we have never fully lived up to it but we have never walked away from it. and we are not going to walk away from it now.
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today we face another inflection point in history. the 2024 election is about two fundamentally different visions for america. donald trump's vision is one of anger, hate, revenge, and retribution. he embraces the insurrectionists of january 6. he is running on it. as mentioned already, he promised to be a dictator on day one. his own words. you know he means it. any calls for another bloodbath when he loses again. look, your family, the kennedy family has endured such violence . i have a very different view of america. one of hope and optimism, like i hope all of you do. optimism that bobby kennedy embodied. i see america where you defend
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democracy and not diminish it. where you protect our freedoms, not take them away. and i see in america where the economy grows from the middle out and the bottom up. that way the middle class does well and the poor have a shot. and where health care is a right, not a privilege. [applause] we have cut the budget by a lot of money, one hundred $72 billion so far. so don't tell me it can't be done. i see a future of a planet, we save the planet is this guy busted his neck doing, the climate crisis in america, we got to do something.
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the idea that we send our kids to school and teach them to duck and cover. think about that. more kids being killed by gun violence than almost anything else. folks, the america we are building, we are going to get it done. now it is time to keep going and not slow down because there is so much at stake. that me close with this. i know bobby kennedy liked greek poets. i prefer irish poets. that is not a joke, unfortunately. my colleague used to always kid me for quoting ours poets on the floor of the senate. they said it's because i'm irish. that's not the reason, they are the best poets in the world. shamus haney wrote upon them that reminds me of the courage of bobby kennedy, and i mean
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this from the bottom of my heart. it says history teaches us, do not hope on this side of the grave, but then once in a lifetime, along for tidal wave of justice will rise up and hope and history rhyme. 2024, we have a chance to make hope and history rhyme again. are you ready to do that with me? are you ready to go forward, not back? are you ready to choose unity over division? dignity over demolition? choose truth over lies? are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?
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i have never been more optimistic about our future. i mean it. just a member who we are. we are the united states of america. we are the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went in. there is nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. [cheers and applause] ♪
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