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tv   President Biden Meets With Czech Republic Prime Minister  CSPAN  April 15, 2024 6:17pm-6:30pm EDT

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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] >> the u.s. house in recess now, they're working on several iran measures and they'll vote soon to send fisa legislation to the senate after it passed the how the last week. when members return, live coverage here on c-span. if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it any time on, videos of key hearings, debates and other events feature markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit "play" on select videos. this time line tool makes it
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easy to get an idea what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest. >> president biden met with the prime minister of the czech republic at the white house amid ongoing security issues in the middle east and europe. president biden: mr. prime minister, welcome, welcome, welcome. i was reminiscing with the prime minister very briefly before you walked in the door. 25 years ago, almost the day i was standing on the senate floor arguing for the admission of czech -- czech slovakia at the time, and that was pretty good. and we've only grown stronger as
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the united states and czech republic. together we're deep in defense cooperation and to ensure the safety of our people as well as including the modernization of your military force to purchase an f-35 aircraft and hilos. it's amazing what you're doing. and together we're going to bolster our energy security and expand our clean power. we're going to get to talk about that in some detail a little bit. and together, i can't tell you how much we appreciate your outspokenness and the support of people of the czech republic with defending the people of ukraine as defined by what you've done and just continue to speak out. i want to thank you for helping, prime minister, to help secure nearly one million rounds of ammunition for ukraine, and we're committed to doing our part. but congress has to pass the
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continued funding which is significant from the united states and pass our bipartisan national security bill and do it now. now. there's overwhelming support in the house and senate, if they'd just let a vote take place. and you know, because as the chum republic remembers -- the czech republic remembers, russia won't stop in ukraine, and the impact on nato will be significant. putin is going to keep going, including europe, the united states and the entire world at risk if we don't stop him in ukraine. so, mr. prime minister, thank you again for being here today. i look forward to our discussion and really delighted you're here. really delighted you're here. the floor is yours. >> mr. president, thank you very much for your invitation to come. it's nice to be here. relations between our country are now very strong. and they have had a long
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tradition, the united states has had a main role in founding a independent czech and our first president had an american vibe and the czech community in the u.s. is large as well as abroad. i can mention madeleine albright is an excellent example. she was the u.s. secretary of state but also from prague. president biden: we know it all the time. mr. fiala: and most importantly, we share the same values, human rights, freedom, democracy, and we need to deal with challenges like russian aggression in ukraine, terrorism, difficult situation in the middle east.
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and in such a situation, the security cooperation between democratic country is a must. mr. president, i appreciate your leadership in support of ukraine. we are also doing our best to help you and stop putin's aggressi in 1968, i was a little boy. in 1968, i saw russian tanks in the streets of my town, and i don't want to see this again. so we must continue to help ukraine as long as possible and why we started the czech ammunition initiative to provide ukraine with hundreds of thousands of artillery shells very soon. it will happen in the next few
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weeks or months. and also with most ukrainian refugees per capita in europe may be in the world. the international situation is very difficult globally and our cooperation is very important for the stability in central and eastern europe. and you mentioned, i am glad that my government made some important decisions in security. we agreed on the different corporation agreement and decided to get 35 fighter jets for czech army. this is very important. it will make our cooperation and security much stronger. also, business relations are developing very well. our trade exchange is bigger
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every year. and we have now some czech companies investing millions of dollars in the u.s. and employing thousands of americans. i am very proud of that. mr. president, i believe my visit will make our relations stronger and will bring more benefits for our countries. i look forward to our meeting and i will be happy to discuss these things in detail. thank you once again, mr. president, for your invitation and kind welcoming. president biden: you're a great ally. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024]
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>> if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it any time online at videos of key hearings, debates, and other events feature markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit "play" on select videos. this time line tool makes it easy to get an idea what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest. >> former president trump spoke to reporte after leaving the courtroom today in the new york hush moneyrail against him. he was inourt as jury selection gan. more than 50 potential jurors were dismissed after saying they acould not be fair and impartial. potential jurors will continue to be vetted tomorrow.
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[inaudible] mr. trump: thank you very much. we had some amazing things happen today. as you know, my son graduated from high school and looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son who has worked very, very hard. he's a great student. and very proud of the fact he did so well and was looking forward for years to have graduation with his mother and father there. looks like the judge isn't going to allow me to escape this scam, this scam trial. if you read what the legal scholars say, not one said this is a case that should be brought to trial. it's a scam, a political witch-hunt. it continues. it continues forever. and we're not going to be given
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a fair trial. it's a very sad thing. in addition, as you know, next thursday we're before the united states supreme court on a very big hearing on immunity. and this is something that we've been waiting for a long time. and the judge of course is not going to allow us. it's a very conflicted judge and not going to allow us to go to that. he won't allow me to leave here for half a day and go to d.c. and go before the united states supreme court because he thinks he's superior, i guess, to the supreme court. we've got a real problem with this judge. we've got a real problem with a lot of things having to do with this trial, including the d.a. because you go right outside and people are being killed all day long and he's sitting here all day with 10 or 12 prosecutors over nothing, over nothing. over what people say shouldn't be a trial. so i just want to thank you very much. but i can't go to my son's graduation and i can't go to the
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united states supreme court, that i'm not in georgia or florida or north carolina campaigning like i should be. it's perfect for the radical left democrats. it's exactly what they want. it's about election interference is all it's about. thank you very much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] >> this month the u.s. supreme cot ars oral argument in a case whether former president donald trump has presidential immunitygast criminal prosecution for his alleged role in attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. we'll have live coverage of the oral argument, thursday, april 25th, beginning at 10:00 m. eastern on c-span, c-span n, our free mobile video app and online at
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>> if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it any time online at videos of key hearings, debates, and other events feature markers that guide to you interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit "play" on select videos. this time line tool makes it easy to quickly get an idea on what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span'points of interest. ♪ >> c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here's a highlight from a key moment. >> racial profiling has to stop, mr. speaker. just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum.
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the bible teaches us, mr. speaker -- >> the member will suspend. >> these words, he has shown your man what is good -- >> will the member have order. >> as you love mercy and walk humbly with your god. and in the new testament, luke 4: 18-20 teaches us these words, the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. >> the gentleman will suspend. >> c-span, powered by cable. >> we'll take you live now to the house for votes. today the house working on several iran-related measures after


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