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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  April 15, 2024 11:59am-12:16pm EDT

11:59 am
pun, i do think equal time to trump, he is guilty of the mishandling of classified documents. i take they've got him dead to rights on that. i hope they punish him as severely as they did joe biden and hillary clinton who committed the same offense. in hillary's case, maybe more so. i hope they punish him just like they did joe biden and just like they did hillary clinton. i don't know why you don't get alan dershowitz on their to explain these legal terms. he's probably the greatest legal scholar of our time and i'm sure he would talk to you guys. he's nowhere to be found. instead, you get these people from the liberal media organizations to put the spin on it that this is a viable case. the reason is the weakest case because there's nothing to it. all these trials are out to get
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trump, keeping him from get elected, keep him busy. you guys are just like npr. i wish you would do a little resear live coverage here on c-span.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. pursuant to the order of the
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house of january 9, 2024, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties. and time equally allocated between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continued beyond 1:50 p.m. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. mr. joyce: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, on saturday night the israeli people were deliberately and brutally attacked when the iranian regime launched over 300 missiles and drones meant to terrorize and kill civilians. if 2 were -- it were not for the defensive technologies developed here in the united states, and the heroism of israeli, british,
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french, and jordanian pilots who took to the air to shoot down iranian drones these attacks could have resulted in far gr greater devastation and loss of life. it was president ronald reagan who said that we must secure peace through strength. and that weakness only invites aggression. through his long history of appeasement, joe biden has failed to deter iranian threats and ultimately has jeopardized our safety. it is time to send a clear message to iran and its terrorist proxies that the united states stands firmly with israel, our greatest ally and the only democracy in the middle east. thank you.
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mr. speaker, in march customs and border patrol encounted more than 240,000 illegal immigrants attempted to entered the united states. and more than 50,000 of those were ports of entry and on our northern border. in 2023 the border director in vermont saw a surge in illegal crossings, surpassing the combined total of the past 11 years. the truth, truth is in the data. right now every state is a border state. president biden cannot afford to wait any longer to take action. it is time for president biden to address this crisis that has allowed more than 5,000 illegal immigrants a day to enter these great united states. this surge is a result of
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president biden and secretary mayo kiss open board policies. the fact -- mayorkas open border policies. the fact is the remain in mexico policy and returning to a catch and release program that allows illegal immigrants to wander our country freely, the biden administration has put all americans in danger. it is time to secure our border. and it's time for the president to put american communities ahead of illegal immigrants. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the chair now recognizes the gentleman from connecticut , mr. mr. courtney: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, a couple days ago on saturday in the city of hartford, connecticut, the capital city of state of connecticut, 60,000 people gathered to celebrate the parade that was held in honor of the
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uconn men's college basketball team, which, again, just a mere week ago on monday swept over the university of purdue, a very good team, and secured back-to-back national titles. mr. speaker, that's the first time that's happened since 2007 when florida university was able to do back-to-back titles. college basketball has changed a lot since then. the new rules allow players to transfer from one university to another with no loss of eligibility. the nba continues to recruit even freshmen who play in the ranks of college basketball. the ability of a university to repeat because of all these factors that undermine continuity was really, i think, extraordinary that the uconn men were able to -- after losing three players from last year's team, to the nba, losing other players to the portal was still able to reload and under the amazing leadership -- amazing leadership of coach danny hurley
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was able to dominate both the big east regular season tournament and the final four out in phoenix, arizona. a great collection of players. some of whom, again, will be leaving soon. clingian from bristol, connecticut, 7'2" sophomore. tristan newton, won big east player of the year. an amazing guard l do great things when he moves up to the next level. again, the women at the same time overperformed in their side of ncaa basketball. this is a program that has been to the final four 23 times. this is a program that has won the national title 11 times. and coach gino auriama, who is a genius, was able to cobble together a team when they had six players, some of their top players, who suffered year-ending injuries, and somehow make it to the final four again. they battled a great team from the university of iowa, led by caitlin clark, to the final
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seconds showing, again, what an incredible competitive spirit they have. mr. speaker, there is still some debate that you see with the sports pundits about who is the real blue blood of college basketball and which is the capital of the world for college basketball. there is no question storrs, account k. home of the uconn huskies, which i have the honor to represent, is clearly the college basketball capital of the world. the two programs have been to the final four in the same year five times. the men have won their sixth title combined with 11 from the women that's 17 titles. there is not a single program anywhere close all across the country to achieve that greatness. again, it was a wonderful day on saturday. the players deserved all the cheering and praise they received. i have no doubt when coach hurley got up there and said his goal is to do a three-peat, people bert deep their eye on the uconn huskies. mr. speaker, over the weekend the country of israel was struck
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by iran, again, with missiles that were launched from the territory of iran into israel. an amazing international coalition came together to strike down that drone and missile attack. our u.s. pilots and reconnaissance crews were essential parts of making that happen. the equipment that they used in terms of iron dome, arrow, david sling, which again are defensively missiles that assisted in terms of knocking down almost all of them, was a great achievement. mr. speaker, we have a bill pending that came out of the senate two months ago, a supplemental funding bill to reload for countries like israel. to reload for countries like u crane who are under relentless attack by putin. to help taiwan in terms of the coercion and pressure they are feeling from the people's republic of china. we need to pass that bill. it passed 70-28 in the senate. a huge lopsided majority. we can do the same here in the
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house tonight. and we can make sure that these attacks that are happening to countries' sovereign democracies are going to have the adequate tools to defend themselves. that's the role that u.s. has played in the past. we were the arsenal of democracy in world war ii. today we can help defend our friends. it's time for speaker johnson to bring this measure to the floor. let the house work its will. send this bill to the president who said he will sign it tonight. and make sure that our allies and friends get the help they need. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from missouri, mr. alford, for five minutes. mr. alford: mr. speaker, today i rise to honor our april veteran of the month, craig alderman, a vietnam-era veteran. craig and his family have dedicated their lives to this
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country. they are called to serve america has made an lasting impact and we are so proud of all he does to help fellow veterans thrive in missouri's fourth congressional district. his father and four uncles served in world war ii. and wild both of his sons are currently serving our nation. craig grew up on a farm until he left for college at the university of massachusetts where he enlisted in the air force as a rotc cadet. after completion of ground school he obtained the rank of private pilot through the rotc program and was further commissioned as a lieutenant in the united states air force. he then attended flight school and was pinned the silver wings of an air force pilot. craig diligently worked his way through rankings and has earned positions as an instructor for the new b-1 airport, attained the rank of captain, and build over 2,800 hours of flight time in the b-52. he is qualified in any mu multiengine jet and secretary
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selected for promotion to major. though he continues to earn multiple medals and awards in the air force as a pilot, craig is most proud of the initial silver wings he earned. since retirement, craig has founded quail and upland wildlife federation, the only veteran founded conservation in the united states that works with all aspects of wildlife and allows local chapters to obtain the largest revenue of any conservation organization. he continues to teach, mentoring, and assist all inspiring students and veterans in the great state of missouri. his sacrifice and ongoing commitment to our country's values exemplifies what it means to truly be an american. thank you for all you do, craig. and thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize our april small business of the month. kleinschmidts western store.
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this household name has been family owned and operated since 1969. over 54 years ago the founders, irvin and katherine, established a mission supporting our local community while providing unparalleled inventory and exceptional customer service. this mission is carried out daily by new owner sarah and her family. this 30,000 square foot building holds more than 30,000 boots and 200 named brands. customers are drawn to the extensive stock of inventory that suits any occasion. higginsville, missouri, is proud to be home to this incredible family owned and operated business. their indevelopeddible vin van hollentory, 250-plus mounted animals and unique accessories make it an exceptional western supply stock in mid missouri. we are so excited, mr. speaker, to recognize their hard work and incredible efforts to supply missouri's fourth congressional district and visitors from all over america. congratulations to sarah and
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kleinschmidt's being the small business of the month. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until 2


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