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tv   Campaign 2024 Former President Trump Remarks in Atlanta  CSPAN  April 15, 2024 5:17am-5:37am EDT

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>> thank you, mr. president. >> mr. president, we love you. douglas county loves you.
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>> biden got to go. [indiscernible] president trump: biden has abandoned israel. i don't think he even knows it. doing a great job. thank you. >> mr. president, did arizona go too far? president trump: yes, they d that will be straightened out. it's all about state's rights. it will be straightened out. i'm sure the governor and everybody else will bring it back into reason. that will be taken care of very
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quickly. >> what do you think about florida? president trump: florida is probably going to change also. the will of the people. this is what i have been saying. persist tell. so for 52 years people have wanted to end roe v. wade to get the back to the states. we did that. it was an incredible thing. incredible achievement. we did that. now the states have it. and the states are putting out what they want. it's the will of the people. so florida's probably going to change. arizona's going to definitely change. everybody wants that to happen. and you get the will of the people. it's pwh-pb amazing. >> new inflation numbers this morning showing inflation going up more than what economists are expect sp*ebgting. do you believe there's any chance inflation gets under control between now and november? president trump: biden has lost control of inflation. it's back. raging back. the number today was very high. very bad. it's much higher because they exclude various categories. it's much higher than that.
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the number's out of control. biden has no idea what the hell he's doing. he's the worst president in the history of our country. and i have something -- i have some good news. where's brian? come here. the man i have known for a long time. he's running in georgia 3. it's going -- he's going to be a fantastic congressman. brian jack. very simple name. don't put him -- you can do it either way, jack brian or brian jack. he's a great guy. he's been with me for seven years. and he's always wanted to run for congress. this is where he was born. where he grew up. he knows it well. he loves the people. he will be fantastic. you know who brian is? you do now. there's another brian. >> how do you feel -- [indiscernible] are you confident it will be overturned?
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president trump: i think that case has been totally discredited. it was a money making scheme on behalf of her lover. mr. and mrs. wade. i think the case has been totally discredited i would hope. it seems to be. we'll see how that -- the one in new york is totally discredited. every legal scholar said. it's a harmful thing. it's election interference. it's run by the white house. every one of the cases you mentioned as an example, every single case. civil, criminal. it's election interference. because joe biden can't produce sentences together. he can't find the stairs off the stage. joe biden is using this to try to get elected. it's a shame. so far it's backfiring as you know. we just had polls come out and frankly they are the best moles i ever had. this is a disgraceful thing. this is a third world country, that's what it is. it's all coming out of the d.o.j. a thing like this has
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never happened before. trying to protect a man who is grossly incompetent and the worst president in the history of our country. >> how about campaign money? you talked before. how about money? campaign money? trailing democrats in fundraising. you are here in georgia to raise money are you going to be able to catch up to democrats when it comes to campaign -- president trump: i'm not working very hard. an all time record i do believe. [indiscernible] i didn't need so-called stars. we did it ourselves. the republican party has a lot of money coming into t it's coming in in small donations. $61 average. we did some large donors the other night. we broke the all time record $52 million. we don't need the money. if you remember hillary clinton, hi about one third the money that she had, and who won?
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i'm not exactly sure. who won? so we don't need the same kind of money they need. they need more money because they take care of more politicians. they hand it out like it's gravy. you know when you look what they did with the lock boxes and everything else, it's a disgrace. we don't need nearly the money they need. in florida, as an example, i put up a very small amount of money. they put $300 million into florida. i put peanuts into florida. i won. so we don't need the same money they need. plus i had a great four years and biden has one of the worst presidencies in history. destroying our country. between israel and october 7 that should have never happened. ukraine and russia, should have never, ever happened. that was something russia would have never attacked ukraine if i were president. the inflation is out of control and now it's out of control again. they brought down the rate so fast because he wants to get
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elected. >> have you spoken to prime minister netanyahu? obviously the white house is issuing a stark warning. do you think the u.s. is not doing enough to show support for israel? or are you going to go? president trump: biden has totally lost control of the israel situation. he has abandoned israel. he's totally abandoned israel. frankly, he's a low i.q. individual. he has no idea where he is and who he's supporting. he doesn't know if he's supporting the palestinians, but he knows one thing. he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. and any jewish person that votes for a democrat or votes for biden should have their head examined. i think they are very happy witt was. it was all about state's rights. we brought it there.
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everybody's very happy. with the exception of a few people, individual people that have their own agenda. people are very happy with -- you'll see it work out. everything about abortion, it was all about bringing it back to the states. every legal scholar, everybody from the democrats and republicans, they wanted to bring it back for 53 years, bring it back to the states i did that. now each individual state, they are working it out. this man right here who is running for congress, district 3. he's going to be in georgia. and he's going to be a big-time politician. and he loves our country. and he loves georgia. >> how do you feel about -- [indiscernible] president trump: she's been totally discredited. her lover was thrown off the case. she should be thrown off with him. fani willis did this to get
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vacation. you look at the kind of -- she never paid him back in cash. and if she d. she's got a bigger problem. you can't do that. it's really -- campaign cash paid him back. are you not allowed to do that. by the way, that's a crime. she's a criminal. so fani willis has been totally discredited. that case should end. it's a big insult to georgia that the case is going forward. i don't know if it's going forward. nobody knows that. if it does go forward, it's a big insult to -- she is a corrupt individual. he was corrupt. she was corrupt. nobody's ever seen anything like it. and i suspect that case is going to be terminated. it has absolutely no credibility. >> mr. president, you talk about polling numbers. crushing biden, talk on that. president trump: i'm crushing biden in the polls. that's true. i appreciate that question. thank you. brian, thank you very much. we are doing great in the polls.
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we have a campaign because they have no policies. people are destroying our country. [indiscernible] they have no -- we have afghanistan, high taxes, big inflation. everything they do is bad. they want to quadruple everyone's taxes. there is no way a man like this should be even allowed in government. as far as i'm concerned he's a criminal. and what he's doing with this weaponry of the justice department, everything-e ever -- every single trial you read about and report about generally fairly, every one of these trials is run by the d.o.j. and the white house. every single one. including fani. her lover spent eight hours, her lover wade spent eight hours at least on numerous occasions each day working and coordinating with the white house. how do we hurt trump so maybe biden can eke out a victory? i don't think it's going to happen. i don't think the people are
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going to stand for t i'm sure the people aren't going to stand for. these people have weaponized government. then weaponized the justice department. they have done something that nobody has ever done before in this country. it's done a lot in third world countries and banana republics. never in this country. so far based on the polls that came out today and over the last fairly long period of time, if you look back over the last four or five months, i'm leading every single poll. i'm leading by a lot. we are a nation in decline. biden is the worst president in the history of our country. he's corrupt and he's incompetent. he can't put two sentences together. i think we'll have a tremendous vicktory i predict that -- vicktory i predict november 5 will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. that's election day. it's going to be the most important day and moment in the history of our country. we'll close up our borders and taking all of the criminals out because many of the people that
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came here, they came from jails. they came from insane asylums and mental institutions. many terrorists. many drug dealers at the high estlevel. i predict november 5 it's all going to turn around. we are going to get our country back. this inkpeant man -- incompetent man that's president, he's a terrible person, a terrible president. a manchurian candidate. because he gets money from everybody. he's a manchurian candidate. i predict that biden is going to be gone. in six months, that's all we have. six months is a long time because the damage he can do in six months -- he's done more damage than the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country. there has never been anybody that's damaged our country like crooked joe biden. i predict november 5 the most important day in the history of our country. and it's going to be christian


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