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tv   President Biden Meets With Japanese Prime Minister Philippine President  CSPAN  April 14, 2024 4:05pm-4:16pm EDT

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the u.s. commitment to the two nations. pres. biden: mr. president, mr. prime minister, today we mark an historic moment, the first ever leader summit between the united states, japan, and the philippines. and it is truly an honor to have you both here as we begin this
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new era of partnership. as you heard me say before, a great deal of history in our world will be written in the indo pacific over the coming years. and as the three allies and steadfast partners of proud democracies representing half a billion people, today we commit to writing that story of the future together. to build an indo pacific that is free, open, prosperous, and secure for all. this afternoon, we will discuss a few key areas where our nations are deepening ties. first, technology and clean energy. we are securing our semiconductor supply chain, to expanding trusted telecommunications in the philippines, to building a clean
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energy workforce, to expanding our cooperation across the entire board. second, we are deepening our maritime and security ties. this is something i know you discussed with vice president harris during her travel to the indo pacific. i want to be clear, the united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines are ironclad. they are ironclad. as i have said before, any attack on philippine aircraft, vessels, or armed forces in the south china sea will invoke our mutual defense treaty. finally, i am proud to announce we are launching an economic charter in the philippines as part of the g7's partnership for global infrastructure and investment. this is the first in the indo -- first corridor in the indo pacific. it means more jobs for people across the region.
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it means more investment in sectors critical to our future, clean energy, ports, railways, agriculture, and much more. i am looking forward to discussing all of this with all of you. but first, mr. president, i am going to hand it over to you, president marcos. pres. marcos: thank you very much, mr. president. once again, allow me to thank you for hosting us, prime minister kishida and myself, in the white house for this very important agreement which we are going to formalize today. we meet today as friends and partners bound by a shared pursuit of a peaceful, stable, and prosperous indo pacific. it is a partnership born not out of convenience nor of expediency, but of a natural progression of a deepening relation and robust corporation amongst our three countries.
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linked by a profound respect for democracy, good governance, and the rule of law. today's historic summit is a culmination of several engagements between our foreign ministries, or national security advisor's, and our vice minister's, as well as a conduct of trilateral maritime exercises and joint develop men operation. but this meeting can be just a beginning. facing the complex challenges of our time requires concerted efforts on everyone's part. an indication for a common purpose and an unwavering commitment to the international order. this is a meeting that looks ahead as we deepen our ties and enhance our coordination. we seek to identify ways of growing our economies and making them more resilient, climate proofing our cities and our
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societies, sustaining our development progress, and forging a peaceful world for the next generation. today's summit is an opportunity to define the future that we want and how we intend to achieve it together. thank you, and i wish us all a successful meeting. pres. biden: mr. prime minister, the floor is yours. >> i very much appreciate that we are having the first ever japan-u.s.-philippines summit, and i would like to extend my deep gratitude to president biden for your leadership, and president marcos , we met last year in december, and what a pleasure it is to see you once again. in the midst of compound crises faced by the global community, cooperation between allies and like-minded countries is essential if we are to maintain
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a free and open international order based on the rule of law. today's meeting will make history as an occasion that significantly pushes forward such initiatives. japan, the u.s., and the philippines are maritime nations connected by the pacific ocean and our natural partners. we share fundamental values and principles and have supported regional economic development. in order to secure peace and prosperity in the indo pacific, i hope to reaffirm our intention to further strengthen trilateral cooperation and present the specific way forward through today's meeting. thank you. pres. biden: thank you very much, mr. prime minister. when we stand as one, we are able to forge a better future for all.
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and that is what this new trilateral is all about, in my view, building a better future for people across the indo pacific, and quite frankly, beyond around the world. so, thank you both for being here and i look forward to this first summit and many more in the years ahead. and as we say goodbye to the press, we will wait a minute here. >> [press shouting] >> thank you. >> a.i. and play a
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