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tv   Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks Following N.Y. Criminal Case Hearing  CSPAN  March 26, 2024 6:36am-7:00am EDT

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issues "election interference." this is about 20 minutes. mr. trump: ok. thank you very much. it is a great honor to be with you and we appreciate you have a lot of press outside and i think we are going to start before a lot of them come in, which frankly always makes me happy. so a lot of things happened today. this is all about election interference. this is all bright and run things, meaning -- biden and his biden -- this is all biden-run
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things. they are doing things that have never been done in this country before. have never had anything like it, certainly not at this level. we have had nothing like it that i have been able to find. it does happen a lot in third world countries, banana republics. if you look at what we just left, you had -- you have a case which they are dying to get this thing started. the judge cannot go faster. he wants to get it started so badly and there is tremendous corruption. you have marked pomerantz, -- mark pomerantz, democratic national committee's lawyer. he walked in and he took over the district attorney's office. nobody has ever seen things like that to prosecute trump and then they would not do what he wanted to do and he goes out and rights of book, long before any
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decisions were made, he writes a book about it in the book gets published and everybody is reading his book and the judge said, there's nothing wrong with that. if you look, he had a fit over that. we can't do it. that was one of the problems and the judge should have allowed happen and you had other instances. he is a radical leftist from the doj who was put into the state, working with letitia james and then was put into the district attorney's office to run the trial against trump. that was done by biden and his thugs also. they can't run an election because of the borders, because of inflation, because of afghanistan, the worst and most embarrassing day in the history of our country. he cannot win becauserussia, rul the problems. because of ukraine being attacked by russia, and he can't
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win because of the october 7 attack over israel which he should have never allowed to happen. it would have never happened if i were president. ukraine would have never been attacked if i were president and you would not have inflation if i was president. did not have inflation. so all of these things -- what they do is election interference court cases and let's try and tie them up and take as much money as possible. i respect the appellate division for reducing that ridiculous amount of money that was put on by a corrupt judge. he ought to be seriously looked ate did. he is a fraudulent evaluator. he values mar-a-lago -- it is worth 50 to 100 times that much, the biggest experts in the business. he ought to be looked at and james ought to be looked at because she is like the pp judgu know, this state is losing
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tremendous prestige. is losing its companies. it's losing its people. they are fleeing and violent crime is flourishing and we can't have that, can't have that. no city should have that. and it's happening in other cities, but not with what they are doing which is incredible. they could have done this in the case of the trial that we just left, one of the many. every one of them is run by biden and his thugs. so far, it is backfiring because the people of this country understand it. it is backfiring but they are being run and they are running all of these different cases. so ridiculous, the cases. every one of them is ridiculous. you take aook at any one of them and you say any one of them, it would not make any difference. this is all weaponization of doj and fbi. they rated my house in violation of this thing called the fourth amendment. you are not allowed to do that.
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in florida, mar-a-lago. raided . i can't believe it. nobody can believe it. we will see how that all works out in the end but it is illegal, what they are doing. it's criminal, what they are doing, and it has never been done before in this country. you n't have an elec!tion in the middle of a political season. we just had super tuesday. we had a tuesday after tuesday already and we had louisiana the ot day, a couple of days ago, and we won in a record number, the highest number ever recorded, and -- but we are in the middle of an election right now and we are fighting joe biden who is the worst president in the history of our country by far, who has let this country go tol. the borders, millions and millions of people coming in from prisons, from mental institutions. theyfrom prisons and mental institutions, think of it, and terrorists are coming into our country.
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i think we have 15 million people already. people don't say that. i say it. i am right, too. so we are going through this weaponization of our governmentw to try and knock out somebody's political opponent and so far, based on the polls, is not working at all. the people understand it. we have a man who just ruled -- i don't know how you can have a trial that is going on right in the minot fair. it's not fair at all. he knows that, too. mccright judge. he wants to do that because they are all trying to damage trump as much as possible. it's having the reverse effect but maybe, someday, it won't. it precedent, a terrible thing to do. he could have started this when i left office. you could have gone back three years, more than that. when i left office, all of these things could have been started so we would not be quibbling over starting this week or that week or two days or three days.
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matted. they should have never started because there is no case. if you read andy peace, jonathan turley's peace, legal scholars all over the world, they say this case is a hoax and it is something that -- it's not even a crime. they said there is no crime and there is no crime. i just say it is a sad day for this country when you have something like this and remember the words, it should have started three years ago if they were going to start it at all and then you would not be quibbling over days and hours. they would not be quibbling at all. they never started it. you know why they didn't start it? they did not know i would be running and they did not know how well i would do and if i were not running or if i were doing poorly like everyone else has done because they are all knocked out except for crooked joe biden. if i were doing poorly, this would not be happening and none of these trials would be happening.
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if i wasn't running, they would not be happening so it is a sad day in our country in many respects but the good day is that the appellate division was fair. it's a lot of money still, but the judge is corrupt, in my opinion, the most overturned judge. he has been overturned five times in this case alone. he ruled against me before he even knew anything about the case. the whole case was all about damages and there were no damages. perhaps you will get him to tell you about what took place in terms of a settlement negotiation. those were not the numbers he was discussing. those were not the numbers. it is a disgrace what is happening in our country and we have to get our country back and we are going to get our country back. that is what is going to happen. november 5, i believe, will be the most important day in the history of our country. we will get these people out of there. we will seal up the borders and we will -- drill, baby, drill. we will get rid of the ridiculous electric car mandate
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so nobody has ever heard of anything so foolish and so stupid. and we will bringk to law and order. we are going to get those words, law and order, back, because our cities are a disaster. he respects the opinion of the appellate division and we will abide by that. we will put up cash or a bond, securities, cash, or bond, whatever it is. we will put it up very quickly. we will win the case. maybe i will have todd say a couple of words and then if you have any questions or anything you want to ask, ok. wherever you may be, please. >> thank you, president trump. as you said in court today, we very much believe that starting this trial in april or even starting this trial at any point before the election is completely unfair to president trump. it is completely unfair to the american people who are
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evaluating who they want to be the next president and we are going to continue to fight. we are going to continue to do everything we can to defend president trump in that courtroom and likely said today, we believe that we have a tremendous amount of information now in our hands to help us do that. and in any event, we certainly feel as if the date that the judge held today, april 15, is not a day we should go to trial and we will continue to fight. quite if you read the article, for many -- i think almost every single one of them, that is not even a crime. they tried -- we are being tried for something that is not even a crime. there no misdemeanor, either. so we have violent criminals that are murdering people, killing people. we have drug dealers all over the place and they go free and they can do whatever they want but they go after trump when
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it's not even a crime and you see the number of people over there. and behind him -- remember this, he■p was a doj guy. a biden doj guy. why is he in a manhattan da's office trying the case? that itself is the complex. he is in the manhattan da's office trying the case. marc pomerantz, when he heard about it, he was openly hostile. he said that is one of the worst things i have heard and you all covered that and all of a sudden, time goes by. time goes by and all of a sudden, they forget that. but that is a terrible thing. terrible thing, and the judge did not want to rule on that. he said everything was fine and what they did was fine. i don't think it's fine when they take a hillary clinton lawyer and put him in to prosecute me and he does it on the house.
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i don't want any fee. i don't want any fee. our country has gone down a long way. would you like to say something? >> we are gratified by the decision today which shows that still is a rule of law in new york and the appellate division is following it. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: there shall be a trial. this is not an act of criminality. we are going to be appealing. we did nothing wrong just like i did nothing wrong in the other case. my statements -- my financial statements were conservative. they were low, not high. he valued mar-a-lago at a tiny fraction of what it is. he is to help his narrative and her narrative because he does whatever she wants. and the judge, what he has done is fraudulent. -- you know it very well. he made mar-a-lago into $18 million. i had many offers. they said i will give you $19 million, ok?
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you can take half of the living room is worth more than that. it's worth anywhere from 50 to 100 times that amount and he stays with it. so he is either whacked out or dishonest. one or the other or both. probably both. but he is a disgrace to the system and i think that new york state was helped a lot today by the decision. i will give you an example. true social is doing very well, hot as a pistol and doing great, and it's going public and the new york stock exchange wants to have it badly and i told them, we can't do the new york stock exchange. you treat it too badly in new york. we don't want to do the new the stock exchange are very upset about it. the top person is mortified, cannot believe it. he said, i'm losing business because of new york, because people don't want to be in new york and they don't want to go in the new york stock exchange. you can ask them about it, but you know, how can you do that?
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i would love to go in the new york stock exchange. it would be a big thing. that would be nice, but people are not going to the new york stock exchange now because of whening in new york, because they don't want to be attacked by a thug like this horrible attorney general we vet in the whole country. we will decide about true social and what we do with it, but this is just an example of how this is hurting new york and new york state. >> can you give a little bit more detail about the timing of when you plan -- and how exactly you are planning that? ■mr. trump: as they say, i havea lot of cash. you have been examining my statements for a long time. and i have much more than that in cash, but i would also like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected. they don't want me to use my cash to get elected. they don't want me taking cash out to use it for the campaign. and they looked at it and this judge looked at it. he is such a disgrace for this
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city. again, the most overturned judge. there has never been a case where judges have been overturned five times. it was four times and now it is five times that he has been overturned but i have a lot of cash and a great company. i mean, to thinkafter a companya great company, a company that is doing very well. i have very low debt on ■mp#buildings, very low debt ons holding. most will things, i have no debt. look at my greatest assets. i have no debt. i did not even include brand value and the brand value -- i became president because of the brand, let's say. the brand value -- it's one of the most valuable brand values and i would not swap it for any other brand in the world. trump. i don't even put anything down for it. i have very conservative statements and the way they made it look bad is by valuing mar-a-lago at $18 million instead of what the real value is, which is at least 50 to
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maybe 100 times more. think of that. this is the fraud. they are creating a fraud and they are hurting the state so badly and then i can't go into the new york stock exchange because i can't do business because i don't want to -- i don't want to do business in new york. and the people at the new york stock exchange, i can tell you right now, and they are very fine people -- they are not happy. yes. you are going to say? >> you mentioned the cash you have. those bonds have been introduced. are you going to start putting ? mr. trump: first of all, it is none of your business, frankly. [laughter] mr. trump: i might do that. i have the option but if i have to spend $500 million on a bond, i would not have that option. i would have to start selling things. i don't have to sell anything because it is -- i built a phenomenal company. someday, they will actually report that. i built a phenomenal company
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that is unbelievably low leverage and unbelievable cash flow. why should i let it cook a judge make a decision to■l give $450 million that allows me to spend very little money on my campaign if i so choose? i will be spending money on my campaign. i might spend a lot of money on my campaign. but i should have that option. a crooked judge is saying we should have you post a bond and take all of that money that i could be spending on the campaign or other things if i want to do other things. we were gratified by the professionalism of the opinion today. i think it is a very important opinion for new york but the only thing that is going to really solve that problem is wao win because no company is going to be coming to new york if i don't win that case. that case is a scam, a sham, and a hoax. i don't do tt.i think you would,
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possibly. i don't know. if you borrow from a big bank, many of the banks are outside of this, as you know. the biggest banks are outside of our country. so you could do that but i don't need to borrow money. i have a lot of money. i built a great company, but i don't want to have a crooked judge and a crooked, horrible -- the worst -- the worst -- i would say, without question, attorney general, in the country, the most obnoxious, and the worst attorney general in the whole country, and she did reasons. go back and take a look at her ads. we will stop trump. she knows nothing about me. i never heard her. we will stop trump. we will stop him, stop him. vicious. i said, boy, that is a bad one, and then she got elected but then she tried to do it with the governor and it did not work. she went after the current governor who is much more talented than she is. she went out to the governor.
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she pulled at about 3%, nothing, and after six or seven weeks, she pulled out of the race. she ran for governor on what she was doing to me. she thought that would work. it did not work. i just think that it is very important that, you know, this is a time when businesses have a choice to go to a lot of places including other countries. they don't have to stay in our country to a lot of other states. a lot of people going to texas, florida, tennessee, north carolina. south carolina. and you have a lot of competition. you should not be persecuting people that have done a great job. i pa approximately over the years in taxes here. $300 million. that is a lot of money and you are going to lose those people that pay all that money and you are not even going to have a state anymore. they will not be able to do it. >> are you -- the trial hearing. mr. trump: know that you are going to have the trial.
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i don't know if you can have a trial like this in the middle of the presidential election and this is a biden trial. he works for biden. can you imagine, they take a guy out of doj and they put him into the attorney general's office and then into the manhattan d.a.'s office to go after trump. these are all biden trial so i don't know that you are going to hat. i think we are going to get some court rulings. go ahead. >> testify? mr. trump: i have no problem testifying. i didn't do anything wrong. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: it could also make me more popular because the people. it is a biden trial. this is no normal trial. the man who stood up and had the nerve to stand up and take over -- you know, he's been sitting in the background for the last year. today, he went right up front because they figure he buffalo the public and the -- buffaloed
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the writers and the public. don't have good memories. i do. they don't have good memories. but he, from the doj, he was put there to go after trump. and today, he stood up and he took over the whole office. he has been running the whole thing, sending the letters, doing things for a long time. nobody has ever seen anything like it. this is all done by the democrat party and it's all done by biden and his group. because i don't know if biden knows what's happening if you want to know the truth. he probably does. but this is all done by biden and the thugs that work for biden and it's a very bad thing, it very dangerous thing for our country. thank you all very much. thank you. [applause] [chatter]
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