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tv   WWII Ghost Army Receives Congressional Gold Medal  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 12:42am-2:02am EDT

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included notesnson. this is one hour 15 minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our honored guests. seymour nissen. [applae]
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accompanied by speaker mike johnson leader mitch mcconnell, jeffries, senator susan collins, senator edward markey, representative koster, former representative stuart, deputy secretary of veterans affairs tonya, secretary of the army christine marman, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general charles junior, chief of aff to the army general randy george and president of the ghost army legacy project, mr. rick buyer. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mike johnson, speaker of the united states house of representatives.
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>> thank you all so much. we are proud to welcome you here to the capital. it's a good to see you all this morning and i want to just thank you so much of the many gathering.folks that are here my colleagues and congress and of course the secretary and general brown and general george and mr. rick buyer who you will hear in a littlehi friends and f course the veterans of the ghost army we are so delighted to have you gentlemen here. the congressional gold medal is the highest honor that this body can bestow upon any group or individual and today pursuant to s1404 we are here a word that metal to the headquarters special troops and 3,133rd signal services company ghost army. a round of applause for that. [applause]á1
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to give you a little historicalf the members in the audience already know this the previously classified units were instrumental in helping american italy and germany during world war ii. they included technicians and artists around the country and used■g their talent to deceive d deliver to the nazis and used inflatable tanks, artillery and flames to confuse our enemy and. some of them landed on d-day and some of them paid the ultimate price. but because of the work ogroup o
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30,000 lives were saved. thanks for that. [applaus i want to share one quick example of that. march, 1945, under the direction of general eisenhower, 1100 members of the special groups using sound■%, fake radio transmissions and even phony airfields made to the forces think there was a group of 30 times their size planningh along the river. at the illusion successfully diverted the germans and allowed of the 79th divisions of the
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army to cross the river. from there, americans and the british charged into the interior of germany months, thed surrendered. today we have the privilege of honoring three of those men in the 23rd critical historic mission. private bernie bluestein, john chrisman, and private seymour newson bomb are here with us in person. [applause] i brought along a little visual aid i want to show you here. in my hand i hold the declassift detailing the contributions of the ghost army. this is a recommended reading if you can get your hands on it. it leavenworth. it was published 30 years after the end of world war ii. and here's an operative line on
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sort of summarizes what this lays out. rarely, if ever, has there existed a group of such few mene on the outcome of a major military campaign.'s really something, i want to thank you all for your extraordinary work in your advocacy on behalf of these fake great veterans who certainly deserve this honor. thank you so much for being here. [applause] clicks ladies and gentlemen please stand for the
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presentation■ colors by the united states army color guard from the third united sates infantry the old guard and the performance of our national anthem by the united states army band brass quintet and the retiring of the colors.
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[silence] present arms.■# ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we walked
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were so gallantly streaming. and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ oh say, star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave. ♪ march.
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[silence] ladies and gentlemen please remain standing by the for the invocation army ghost veteran fox. >> o here in this historic call. we borrow words from the traditional jewish prayer and d. here we are assembled around the statue ofreedom.
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it is surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. native americans, inventors, ped civil rights. we thank you, god, it demanded the ghost army are being■÷ recognized as soldiers who made a huge contribution in world war ii in europe without hardly ever firing a gun. we thank you for the way these 1100 individuals with their creative courage represent the best in our nation one god, "one nation" under god indivisible. we pause and wonder in humor as we wonder as we remember tolacey fooling, bite tricking their blood brother enemies the we arw
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the soldiers of the ghost armies saved the lives and change lives. one wrote in his memoirs frighten men and women can become heroes and■eroines by the grace of god. there is hope for the world would soldiers leave their storybooks and climb be put out. even dead men treated as human beings. in the name of our paradoxical faith in you, our lord god of hosts.f peace. >> please be seated. ladies and gentlemen the honorable chris stewart represee
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from the second district of utah. [applause] >> what an honor to be with you today. what a beautiful event a beautiful occasion. are saying s this guy? he looks kind of familiar. i left congress several months ago because of the health of my wife. i want you to note mr. speaker and others there has not been a single morning i woke up and thought men i wish i was back in congress. [laughter] but we are grateful for you. for yourneral brown, you will appreciate these are both air force pilots +-plus-minus-sign one second i will not take more than my time today leaders i want you to know from a different perspective now, i understand the american people are praying for you, for ever
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air force leaders and others but they are praying for our nation. and i hope you feel the strength of those prayers because it is sincere. it is a troubled 500 nation's hi now. i'm here to honor these three heroes. these are my father's air fourth wings h was a as well. it is deep in our families dna i served in many and others and my brothers and children now they , as long as other leaders there are eight surviving members of the ghost army. one from uta who passed away recently. he was 103. we were hoping to have this commemoration before he passed away. we were not able to do that but stanley nance is a member in fact it's his granddaughter who got me involved with this. i was watching to the capitol of utah wants and there's this cute 1 year she had done a school project sorry that is my wife i should tell her is right
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now. [laughter] she had done a school project on her grandfather who was one of the ghost army. i got to know her and i got to stanley, her grandfather and we became strong advocate. she, this young girl would come out here more than once or twice. i think she was responsible herself forgetting more than 30 cosponsors of this effort. a good example of young people doing something good that she would be here today except she is serving in a mission and could not. her parents, david ad michelle are here. we welcome them. when you look at the soldiers, and you look in their faces youe that our bodies get old burris versesouls do not harp spirits o not. in our heart they are young there same young men are willing to sacrifice anything to serve their country. and as has already been said they are responsible for saving
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tens of thousands of lives. they're not just blowing up artificial tanks are artificial runways. many operations behind enemy lines as they would plant themselves and have conversations in hotels or cafés to deceive the enemy. it was an incredible psychological operation part one ofelligence operations in human history. to all of those who have been involved thank you. we honor and deserve to be honored into your families who have sacrificed as well we should recognize the spouses who were involved with that sacrifice. it is an honor to honor you. god bless you. thank you for your effort.god bf america. a thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen
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honorable and unites its representative from the second district of new hampshire. [applause] >> hello what an extraordinary morning to celebrate america and freedom and democracy. it is such an honor to be with r veterans. thank you. we are recognizing veterans from the 23rd headquarters special troop and the 31 -- 33rd signal service company as we have come to know them the ghost army. i should start by thanking my college classes who did the extraordinary work to life. worked on the specials with the
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congressional gold medal. took turns out took seven years. 14-year-old from utah, thank to all of the families and advocates who are with us today. we did it. and i really appreciate the effort that it took. this extremely top secret group deceive the germans create for d forces to turn the tide. this required innovation, creativity, artistic talent and a very special kind of courage. using inflatable tanks and sonic
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deception sounds of thousands oy dozens of troops the ghost army made it appearz- at thousands of troops gathered in other parts of t theater. the secret soldiers were innovators they played a decisive role in turning the tide in war. in thank you to their ingenuity and boldness the ghost army as you have heard and will hear over and over save tens of thousands of lives. i cannot help but think of my own fatherar ii fighter pilot similar to chris's
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family. he flew over d-day. he flew 73 missions and was shot down in the battle of the bulge. in the very same theater our veterans here today were fighting for freedom and in figg for their lives. he served for six months at the end of the war in a german pow camp. getting down to came home he dit talk about the war. and i know from the family from the army who are with me today and many of you who are my age at this event today, our father. but with the ghost army they particularly did not talk about the war because it was secret. what of lines was one gentleman who would only tell his family i blew up tanks.
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without saying they were inflatable tanks. as you heard only seven members of the ghost army are still alive. i want to take aent as others have to recognize private, private jon chrisman and she s i members for getting them here today. [applause] seymour and bernie the visuals deception wing. and they were reunited ghost army event after 75 years apart. i wish my father could have met you. he would be 100 this year as jon is 99 years old served the
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406 combat engineers. the security and heavy equipment weighing. and as i just learned before the ceremony, jon can still recall guarding the sonic trucks as they drew enemy fire. thank you for your courage. to these brave and ghost army od ones gathered here today, thank you for your service. thank you for your sacrifice. it is appropriate we should be here with the statue of freedom. and thank you our country and our world would not be without your bravery. god bless you and your families. god bless us incredible country, thank you. ladies and gentlemen the honorable edward market united
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states senator from massachusetts. [applause] >> i am immensely proud to speak today about those inthe u.s. arl headquarters troops. and the 3133rdl service company. too many of these soldiers are better known as the ghost army. and aer a decade of legislative efforts since their contributions were declassified we are here to awardonal gold medal. they earned it. they deserve it. it is a date that will always be remembered in the halls of the partnership live to get the partnership passed. congressman stewart, the leaders
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in both chambers who supported our efforts, leader leader schumer, speaker johnson, hakeem jeffries and congress mike caps on clark thank you for your leadership at rick thank you for all of your great work. i know i join everyone here today to applaud the veterans of the ghost of family for their valiant efforts during world war ii. we can never repay them for their invaluable ctributionn? for the allied victory. thank you for being with us here today.e heard from others today the ghost army tactics were meant to be disciplined but today. their contributions will no longer remain unseen in the shadows. these brave soldiers embodied the bra■tvery, skills, courage found in american years they can
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use their exceptional creativity and resourcefulness on the battlefields of create complex solutions and impersonated other allied units to deceive military leaders of eight nazi/ leadership and other access nations. to achieve this the soldiers used inflatable■a t. bigot radio transmission, sounded trucks and stage intricate and cinematic battlefield situations that misled the army about the composition and disposition of american forces. enemy forces werãi convinced thy were the ones that feel at a tactical disadvantage. the ghost army deceptions lead plans paid without their heroism and estimated 15 -- 30,000 american soldiers made it home from world war ii.
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the soldiers recruited for the ghost army or not only men of muscle, they were also men ofth. they work creative, original thinkers, use engineering, art, architecture and advertising to wage a battle with the enemy. their weapons were unconventional but their unquestionable. and after the war it wasn't one veterans of the ghost army returned home use their undeniable talents to contribute to their communities. and to our country as public servants, authors, and engineers. one of veterans was my friend the late jack of massachusetts. his family is here today and his son. diane, dick, paula, karen, bernadette, kevin and like all the other families are today just so proud of what their
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family members did during world war ii. jack served as a sergeant in the 3132nd signal company and was on innovative, industry changing technology that allowed the battlefield deceptions to be successful. after returning from the war jack served as the mayor of medford as his son would follow hi he also served as a state representative and i got to serve with him and the massachusetts state legislature this great and, although jack passed away 2016 the first year i introduce the ghost army congressional gold medal am happy to report medford's elementary school is now named after jack. he gave us another great local leader as i said, his son. i am proud that he and his family are here today.
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they absolutely are so proud of their father. when his son michael asked his father and 1996 after all this information is declassified dad, why didn't you tell us in his fatherd■k in all of this people i serve said his father a generation. that is who these men were and continue to be. my colleagues and i recognize and collect some both sides of the aisle in the chambers that same bipartisanship is here today. it is no small feat to get all these congressional leaders in this room together. smiling in an agreement. [applause] like a political pal.
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we come together in celebration know about all these extraordinary american soldiers. >> liesnd gentlemen the honorable susan collins united states senator from maine. thank you would extraordinary pn
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this congressional gold medal ceremony. long overdue recognition to ther brave and resourceful service during world war ii. and isn't it wonderful are here with us today. [applause] more than 1000 soldiers in the 23rdea troops and the 3133rd signal a perilous submission to outwit
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the forces of nazi, germany. among these soldiers private first class gardner stone of poland, maine. i am delighted his daughter, her husband and their son are among the families with us for this much deserved and long overdue recognition. i also wan to recognize the main supreme judicial court and his wife, kelly also traveled to washington to join us. i want to give full credit, he was the one who first contacted me and educated me about the ghost army. i am so grateful that he did. his father was a sophomore at
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the university of bain when he enlisted in the army at the recruiting center and bangor, maine. he was a member of the signal service deployed to italy in the early 1995. also with us here today is who honored her father and tg ghost army. william served as the captain of the camouflage engineer unit. he received the bronze for meritorious service for five battle engagements. these veterans among the hand-picked soldiers who volunteered for the ghost army's remarkable assignments on the front line to■) europe. using this deception like
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inflatable tanks, aircraft and d fake radio transmissions. this unit outmaneuvered anded t. at great personal risk, soldiers successfully diverted enemy resources. and as we have heard today, saved tens of thousands of american lives. the courage and ingenuity of pivotal across the european theater in world war ii.6÷ and, like any my father also was a veteran of the battle of the bulge where he was wounded and secured two purple hearts.
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the ingenuity and contributions of the ghost army were classified for decades without his members receiving the recognition that they deserved. it was not until 1996■g heroic actions for declassified began to learn the full scope of their senate to honor the unsung heroes with congresses highest today i finally with honor
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on these deserving veterans. may god bless the united states of america. thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen performing the song american patrol is united states army band brass quintet. ♪ ♪ ♪e■ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪[applause] >> ladies and gentlemen the honorable hakeem jeffries. democratic leader of the united states house of representatives.
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[applause] corrof the 23rd headquarters special troops. mi army and all those assembled. good morning and thank you all for your presence here today. it is a high honor and distinct privilege to offer my heartfelt and dee house of house democrats to the ghost army of world war ii. they are presented with the congressional goldmfedhest hono. during world war ii winston churchill once observed that in
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truth is so precious she should always be attended by a bodyguard of deception. we gather today to pay homage. and toon covid, creative american war heroes. who guarded troops and our precious troops with righteous deception. members of the ghost army were artists, architects, actors, radio broadcasters, fashion designers, engineers, lawyers, and more. above all else they were great patriots. they were daring and devoted. the ghost army duped the nazis. save tens of thousands of lives.
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helped america secure a decisive victory in world war ii to make sure freedom prevailed over fascism. the story was of course the classified secrets. for half a century and many ghost army patriots took that secret to their grave. today's a ceremony and this congressional gold medal reaffirms our commitment toand . as we honor all of these patriots. including bernie bluestein, jon chrisman, and seymour who happens to be from brooklyn. [applause] somehow, someway bly house.
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[laughter] it is an honor to be in your presence. there is no higher responsibility and no greater moral obligation that we have as public servants and to be there at all times for the brave men and women who have been there for us in uniform. we salute the ingenuity of their spirits, creative brilliance, the bravery they display in risking their lives to confuse and the nazis on the battlefield. president eisenhower once reflected when talking about world war ii, every war is going to astonish you in t w occurred and in the way it is carried out.
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honor at the members of the ghost army for their unique service to our nation. as well as for theirmitment to saving lives, defendant democracy in standing up for freedom in the face o tyranny. the ingenuity and valor of the ghost army has astonished a grateful nation. congratulations on this a well-deserved honor. may god bless all of you and may god continue to bless the united [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen the honorable mitch mcconnell republican leader o t senate.
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>> good morning. tough to find a story that better captures the extraordinary breadth of our nations wartime experience. than the legend of the ghost the story of commitment and resolve. bravery and devotion. remarkable talent and ingenuity the crucible of theon demanded a had to offer on every single front but teen the only place in history where you could find a , a
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counterfeit patch designer like bernie bluestein and seymour all working toward the same goal, fooling the enemy. 'sheom her hometown of louisvile could find himself at the center of some of the wars most sensitive, high-tech, breakthroughs. the sonic deception. a mission i am proud to say was forged in kentucky at fort knox. our nation has been slow to recognize these men's incredible achievements. and of course i was partly by design. they weren't helping to just win a world war whether they knew it or not they were developing top-secret ways to help preserve ece of the cold war.
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but today the veil of secrecy is gone. i read incredible stories like jack's, bernie's, or seymour's i think about my own paths across europe in the spring of as a foot soldier in patton's army. i think about how he made it home to my mom and me after two thirds of his company was wiped out. and i think about how these stories are intertwined. how come as one ghost army veteran put it sparing one mother new bride the agony of putting a gold star in their front window was what his unit was all about. [applause]
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comrades not with us today a grateful nation knows how you answer the call and it's time of need. america will never forget your service. and i am so very proud to joino. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen the honorable mike johnson, speaker of the nine states house of representatives. >> what a great event this has been. thank you leader mcconnell all my friends and colleagues here. today we honor those who pas■#■d tale of the ghost army.
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private loose and bomb it is a true privilege to meet you all for the bottom of our hearts all of the applause it is well-earned, well-deserved we thank you for serving our country as you have. taught allfare in the final years of the war at this group apply that principle to forced to release divert resources away from theeal when our troops were near this group made the enemy believe they were far away. we were small they made the enemy believe we are muchi1 as has been noted here a total of 1100 men in the 23rd served in germany and france. 200 men and 3133rd served in italy. they gave their talents and their lives to defeat the nazis the world and for that we are forever grateful. i came i wanted to raise you brooklyn and ray shoot
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louisiana. okay? [laughter] one more story to highlights in don't you all wish we had time every one of the individuals who serve so valiantly. the type but jim was born in 19202. he was the middle child of five children who grew up on a farm in rural louisiana but while he was enrolled in art school gym registered f t army's 23rd special troops. as part of her covid unit he made fake tire marks he punched a prerecorded audio cross enemy lines through camouflage speakers when he's not make inflatable artillery jim made portraits of his fellow and even a russian refugee his unit cared for. art shows in their sadly ma j painted did not live to see the end of the war.
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they serve as reminders of the heavy cost of freedom the devastating effects of tyranny war regularly stole great masterpieces as an attempt to consolidate power and crush but here is the thing. just as the enemies of freedom are stealing and destroying the world's great works of art men like jim reasoner god-given talents creating new works of art to defeat our enemies and uplift the spirit of their fellow sol time in the military jim moved to new orleans he became the city's most influential printmaker. he spent four decadesw teaching and mentored countless louisiana art students. those who knew jim remember him as a problem solver. he uses creative talents for the good of his fellow soldiers and the good of our country for the good of all of his students and fellow man. jim has already pass as here's s
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it's a great privilege to welcome you all here. would you raise youran though they are here we are. thank you. [applause] take that brooklyn i'm just saying, i am just saying. before it closed out■e heard his name many times if you do not know rick you should he be in working on this project 19 years he's working on getting the gold medal for nine years. rick your birthdate your 20 year mark on this project and it should come with a pen time. in 2005 rick was introduced to a woman who was the niece of a member of the ghost army her story sparked his interest and launch them on the journey of tone the story these brave men because of rick the ghost army has been recognizing websites and documentaries and boo museum exhibits of multiple
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monuments in europe. and now, finally with a congressional gold medal. on behalf of everyone here, thank you for all you've done to honor these men and their families. rick we owe you a great debt of gratitude. [applause] [applae]■t [cheering] it is not even age do you must've started when you're 10 years old, amazing. at this point i like to invite, finally, we cannot honor them appropriately of the three veterans to the stage to accept this metal on behalf of all members of the ghost feel free to applaud her so i called her names. first mr. bernie bluestein. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] second. [applause] finally mr. jon. pp
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if i could have join us here to the front mr. rick buyer leader7 mcconnell leader mcconnell, leader jeffries, senator collins as malloy, custer, and stewart secretary warnock general brown and general george could you join us on the stage or in the front yes. maybe on stage so we can get everybody.■l noises] [applause]
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[applause]■ [inaudible]
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[background noises] ladies and gentlemen mr. bernie bluestein veteran 603 camouflage. [applause] [applause]und noises]
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[background noises]■ [background noises]
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[bac noises]■( speaker. i came over not to make a speech nk a few people who deserve my highest regards and8, thanks. one goes to rick byers rick
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started this whole thing. if it was not for rick i would not be up her along with my comrades here. he took the initiative when" information was released from the government. and immediately decided to notarize a little bit and let exist. that was quite an undertaking. he did quite a successful job. it took a lot of hard work with a lot of hard-working people. canvassing congress and getting the proper vote and gting the i. i would also like to personally thank gary for sponsoring might trip here.
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it was very generous of him and his foundation. andan that. i want to thank everyone in my life that i have many of you -- mike you have all contributed to my existence and being who i am. i'm very proud and happy to be here to receive this honor. thank you. [applause]■o [applause] [applause] [applause] buyer president of te
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ghost army legacy project. [applause] [cheering] [applause] >> thank you verucot serve in the ghost army just to be clear on that. i am here for you guys. it has been 80 years since land, years since i came to the story.
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nine years i have been working on the gold medal. this is a day that has been a long time coming. but it has been a well worth the wait, right? i want to thank our sponsors who have all markey, susan collins, representative chris dewar and andy custer. i saved annie for last because she is special. she and her aid who is also here with his dad today. where are you? stand up. [applause] they have been involved from the start. and he was the first introduces legislation and so she srt roll. i also want to thank the 370 representatives and senators who signed onto this bill. mr. speaker, i know that you know how hard it is to get stuff
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done in congress. [laughter] am i right? headnote build money and powerful interest behind it and yet 3 representatives and senators signed on as cosponsors simply because it was a good idea. [applause] yes.[applause] and i want to thank the people who lobbied for this build. many of them are in this room. you fought for this in person, by phone, by e-mail, by zyou woo make this happen and you deserve our deepest gratitude. [applause] and then yes, yes and then there are the veterans bernie, seamen who are here with us today. there are other veterans who are
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watching from home today, thank you. there are all of those who are no longer with us. when the ghost army soldiers were landing at omaere setting p inflatable's in the rain near the front line. when they were freezing i fire n the light in italy, they would have been shocked idea that 80 years later a grateful nation with honor them in this way. because no soldier whothis unita hero. i have talked to many veterans of the ghost army. each told me heroes were the infantrymen and the tankers who bore the brunt of the fighting. it has always struck me the ghost army missions demanded a special kind of courage.
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to project strings when you have none. too purposefully draw enemy enemy fire to keep it from falling on others. a dangerous business, not for the faint of heart. in her audience today of many u.s. army officers for the rank of sergeant although be up to the army chief of staff. particulate welt represent i should also mention chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is here. general brown parcu army forces. ghost army accomplishes not trapped in the important inspiration for the army today. in january , 44 private harold dall of the 603 camouflage and juice wrote home learning for the first time about the deception can't tell you who else is with us or what we will
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do when we start to do it on pry interesting. frankly we are at last going to play a real part in the war efforts. lieutenant himself described it more succinctly we all came to the conclusion this was a suicidew! outfit. but they had a job to do. so they put themselves in harm's way wielding imagination, bravado, creativity their soldiers might be able to fight and live. four men died carrying out these missions. but most of them came home and then kept quiet about it for decades. don't you think that is remarkable? [applause]
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also that they recommended us for presidential citation. we are mighty proud of that little deal. the presidential unit citation never happened likely because of secrecy. yet today 1300 men of the gold star are getting their document on behalf of the veterans bern you bluestine and john, whose families are here today, on behalf of other veterans home, f all their fellow soldiers, i thank congress and the president
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and everyone who helped make thiszing and honoring the laudable time service. thank you so much. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the secretary of the army. [applause] >> good afternoon, it's a privilege to be here today with
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my battle buddy to few words on behalf of the men and women serving in today's army who carry forward the legacy of today.its that we are h as a whole bunch of speakers have said, this recognition is long overdue. the actions of the ghost army ands of american and allied troops and contribute today the liberation of a continent from evil. so we owe the three of you and all of the soldiers of the ghost army great debt of gratitude for your army planners that the cornerstone of what we now call military deception operations is the story and the ghost army were master storytelrs pioneered can still be found on the battlefield today. even though technology has changed quite a bitin techniquen
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what a lot the ghost army did and we are still learning from your legacy. our experience observing the war in ukraine has shown us that even with increasingly transparent battlefield military deception can still have significant impact on military operations. and like so many soldiers serving today, the ghost army that it had for their dedication in fact, to preserving the secrecy of the unit long after the war is a testament to their latey and commitment to the nation and it probably didn't hurt that as mr, came home from the war, general eisenhower sent all of the soldiers from the ghost army a letter thanking them for what he had done but he had a ps, he said if you tell anyone i will see that you hang. [laughter]
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>> so that might have helped. but i know we are pleased that we can recognize the 3 of you and100 members of the ghost army. your story continues to inspire thousands of men and women in the army today and americans all for serving the nation and leading the way as masters of your craft. congratulations. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the benediction. medical brigade, united states army reserve. >> good morning and blessing. i invite you to pray according to faithra deeply held beliefs as i pray in mind.
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our bo god in heaven and book of judges. appointed servant, the judge gideon who with a small physically and meantly rigorous selected elite band of 300 warriors, used the combination of audacity, skill, deception to sow confusion, fear and most importantly defeat into the hearts of the massive median knight army. thousands of years later,='elit, 3,133rd signal service company, the ghost army. again used these attributes of
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audacity, skill, daring and deception to throw the evil that was hitler and his nazi utter d. their efforts saved untold allied lies, help liberate a continent and the unspeakable horror that was the holocaust and brought abo second world war. these soldiers help save the world and humanityed warrior set david wrote. [speaking in native language] >> our american heritage is the ghosar and our freedom, our liberty is their gift and legacy
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to u again and again you remind us oh,■■ god. remember, remember. as we depart from the capitol of our great nation and the secret ceremo let us all remember, remember the men and women who advocated tirelessly for these heros to receive the congressional gold metal, the members of the house of representatives and senate whoee that this recognition would come to pass and finally, most importantly the soldiers themselves of the ghost army may we never forget did for us, may their story be told in this and every succeeding generation, may i cin
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our schools and places of worship, to our friends and neighbors and to our families. may their righteous deeds and heroic memory live with us and grateful nation ever. may god bless the ghost army, the u.s. army and the united concludes today's ceremony. say thank you for attending and enjoy the rest of■ your
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announcer: friday on c-span those returns to csider a bill to repeal the epa greenhouse gas reductnd wch helps finance and energy projects. illion dollars spending 01 package to fund the governm for the remaining fiscal year before midnight deadline. it to clear the house bee go to the senate. while senators way to re the bill they will consider the nomi of nest gonzales to the united states district judge for the western district of app or online at our website ♪ >> do you solemnly swear that in the testimony you are about to give we will see the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. announcer: saturdays watch american series congress
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investigates where we explore major investigations by the u.s. and senate in our country's history. each week authors and historians will tell the stories, we will see historic footage and examine the impact of key congressional hearings. this week the 1870 one investigation during the reconstruction period looking at of toward read like slaves by the ku klux klan. watch congress investigates saturday on c-span 2. announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, buckeye broadband. ♪ announcer: buckeye broadband supports c-span as a public witr
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television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] announcer: testimony know from white house budget director shalonda young, treasury secretary janetlen, and white house economic advisor generated bernstein on president biden's 2025 budget request and the nation's economic outlook. the propos asecurity, invest iny and reduce the deficit by raising taxes for billionaires and corporations. this house committee hearing is just under two hours.


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