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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Blocking Oil Natural Gas Fracking...  CSPAN  March 21, 2024 3:39am-4:21am EDT

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the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. stauber: i rise today in support of h.r. 1121, thei prot act. h.r. 1121 introduced by congressman duncan will prevent any president from issuing a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing and establishing a sense of congress that states regulate the practice on private land. the practice combined with recent technological evidence of horizontal drilling has propelled the united states to
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global energy superpower status. this has contributed to lower energy prices for consumers, stimulating economic growth ande for all americans. in truth, a ban on hydraulic fracturing would cripple the american surrendering to russia, iran and china. federal efforts to regulate fracking which states could havy devastating impact. the 2005 energy policyact clarified that congress intended the federal government to regulate fracking under the safe drinking water the bureau of land management attempted to regulate but the courts threw it out. the judge stated, quote, congress has not delegated to the department of interior the
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authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing. the b.l.m.'s effort to do so through the fracking rule is incompetents of statutory authority and quote. states regulate fracking and each has comprehensive laws and operations to protect drinking water sources and trained personnel reg regulating o production. in addition to preventing the president from implementing a unilateral fracking bill would express a sense of congress that states should maintain regulatory authority over fracking authority on state join me in support of h.r. 1121. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized.
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>> welcome everyone■i anticipated endlessly rescheduled energy week. over the next two days with onll shutdown, rather than a transparent discussion on how to fund theent, this chamber will vote on republican it's not hard to see. the u.s. producing more oil and gas than ever before and what do we have to show for it. ev face volatile prices because oil and gas are commodity resources. the communities nearest to this record-breaking production are overburdened with air crisis bee it is real is getting more dire each year.
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the united states should be leading the way to cleaner future not drilling deeper into this catastrophe. rather than addressing these issues head on and building a future that generation can be proud of, republicans are leading us toward me of the same stuffing the pockets of big oil executives who are hoping to make another quick wealth off the backs of hardworking americans. we have seen these wash under last year we passed polluters. this is a boyfriend. this week is no different. we are going to see the same tired handouts to the■r pollutig mega corporations while leaving our vulnerable communities in the toxic dust.
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it is polluters over people 2.0. the first bill is h.r. 1121 which would prevent the president from banning fracking unless authorized by congressevh emergency. poisoned drinking water. for my colleagues a this is jusa messaging bill but folks on the ground, it is extremely dangerous and ignoresftw÷ real consequences for fracking. fracking is a method of extracting oil and gas open roch pressure with a mixture of water, sand and chemicals many of which are undisclosed. where fracking is concentrated and linked to h pregnancies, asthma, fatigue, skin disorders and the list goes
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on. fracking chemicals benzine andeth line glc omp dangerous to human health. and fracking chemicals end up in our soil and groundwater. contad drinking water. but this republican sweetheart legislation wouldtop the president from banning or even pausing fracking on public lands and in federal waters even if it poses a clear and present danger to drinking water and public health. here's something you will hear from oil and big gas don't need any more favors right now. they don't need more tax breaks. they don't need more special loopholes. they don't need more handouts. the president should have a full range of tools to protect the
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american people especially when it comes to our public lands and resources. i urge opposition to the legislation. and i reserve. mr. stauber: they are saying this is tax cuts. that is further from the truth. this president's antienergy agenda driven up prices for all americans. if democrats are really concerned about energy and mirror the policies. doing so would creat down energr all americans. producers with more than $5■<
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million in a year account for 83%. 90% of it is natural gas are sm, mr. chair, offered independently own and they collect $-- 4.5 million jobs. our republican energy bills ensure small businesses continue to operate on federal lands, and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california did ms. kamlager-dove: look at the balance sheet of these big oil exiv no one is waiting in a food line or trying to catch an unemployment check and will be getting more because of these te gentleman from california,
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mr. levin. mr. levin: i rise in opposition. this would limit the president's ability to respond to public health, environmental and climate risks nothing more of a madeup solution in search of a problem. the president has made no indication that he will ban fracking and h.r. 1121 would prohibit the president from banning fracking for any reason despite the risk many of my colleagues aren't in favor of sensible oversight or regulation of fracking. the public lands managers should have tools to protect our environment alic health. we don't have adequate regulations and safeguards in place to ensure that■ is done at the very least it reduces environmental and health risks. there is a growing body of
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evidence that frackingn$ creates waste water and releases toxic pollutants into air. . . . increased adverse cancer incide, hospitalizations, respiratory diseases, mental health problems, and more. additionally throughout the u.s. pregnant women, children, indigenous people, communities of color, and low-income communities disproportionately bear the negative impacf frking. our understanding of fracking's risks continues to grow. we can't get the pollution of our air, climate, and health continue unabated. especially if we remove a tool from the president's toolbox as h.r. 1121 would do. we need some regulations in place to protect the health of our environment and our communities -- environment and our communities.
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otherwise we unleash the fossil fuel's resolution to our environment and health. for these reasons at the appropriate time i'll offer a motion to recommit this bill back to committee. if the house rules permit it i would have offeredhe amendment o this bill. my amendment would require the bureau of land management to testing and publicund disclosure of the chemicals that companies use in their fracking operations before the bans can go into place. at t i'll insert in the record the text of this amendment. i hope my colleagues would join me in voting for the motion to recommit. k yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from california reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. stauber: my colleagues on the other side of the aisle say this bill, h.r. 1121 is unnecessary. as the president has not proposed a hydraulic fracturing moratorium. they say it sets a dangerous precedent for limiting the authority of the president and secretary of the interior to manage energy resources
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federal lands. the fact is this president on the campaign trail said, and i no new fracking, end quote. this was candidate biden. and we know fm what he'do firstn office, you have to -- don't listen to necessarily his words, h■. actions. he's done it on mining. he said we were going to mine domestically for our critical minerals. once he became president he his. now he's following -- want memorandums of understanding with other countries that are adversarial to the united states. after years of disastrous energy policies by this■ cannot take ht his word, which is why exactly this bill i true,
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mr. chair, given the obama administration's bureau of land management tried to regulate fracking. the courtslted this effort in the decision u.s. district court judge said, quote, congress has not deleo the department of the interior the authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing. the b.l.m.'s efforts to do so th statutory authority and contrary to law, end quote. mr. chair, i reserve the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves of the the gentlelady from california is recognized. ms. kamlager-dove: i want to say in 2015 the obama administration published a rule regulating fracking on public lands. i should mention that the rule was not a ban on fracking but at companies disclose what chemicals they are using. it would also have required storage protocols for wastewater, barriers between wells and water zones, and the
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disclosure of the location of existing wells. additional commonsense protections for the public. the rule was wyoming, struck down, and appealed. the district court of wyoming read the safe drinking water acts exclusion of fracking from thatg[o;8■a■ underground injectn program that no federal agency could regulate fracking. this that has not been reviewed on the rule. the case does not mean that the federal government should have no rule or noher, in regulating fracking for oil and gas. this issue is too important for us to lve 100% to a patchwork of state laws. the president must have the full range of tools to protect our health, safety, and c dangers o. with that i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from michigan, congresswoman tlaib. the speaker pro tempore: the gentle is recognized for three minutes.
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ms. tlaib: thank you. as one of the only few who doesn't take corporate p.a.c. money in this institution, i'm here to till the■■ 1121 is a dr communities. the president must have full range of tools to protect our health, safety, anders of frack. we know this bill is nothing more than a waste of time. i'd like to take a step back for a minute and remind people of the truth. why we are here in this situation right nowith fracking being practically unregulated at the federal level. nearly 20 years ago, mr. speaker, then vice president dick cheney, the former c.e.o. of halliburton managed to insert a loophole into the energy act of 2005. specifically e.p.a. regulation under the safe drinking water act. halliburton is one of oil and gn the world and also just happens to be behind most of the major fracking worldwide. so the last 20 years we have been dealing wit
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halliburton loophole, a terrible reminder of the revolving door of oil, money, and polit big oiy into the halls of congress. this bill's another step to enshrine fracking protections and polluter loopholes into l it's wrong. it says to people in our communities across the country, people that elected us, urban, l corporate polluters' profits are more important than their health. the mere fact that fracking is linked to childhood cancer should be enough for us i merely ask for us, please, don't frack with our health. i strongly oppose this legislation. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentlelady from california reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. stauber: thank you very much, m c my good friends and colleagues, again, on the other side of the aisle, they'll make statements that fracking is mostly the prae
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can consume millions of gallons of water. they say this is industry first and that the republicans look to take away and protect public health and combat the climate crisis. couldn't be further from the truth. absolutely couldn't be further from the. according to the interstate oil and can compact commission, member states each have comprehensive laws and regulations to ensure safe operations sources. they have trained personnel to effectively regulate oil and gas exploration mr. chair, even president obama's own e.p.a. found that■ fracki has no widespread systemic effects on water drinking sources in the united states of america. no evidence practice is dangerous. to say anything else is simply fear mongering to the american people. and pampering to the radical left that would rather have us rely on iran, russia, and
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venezuela for our energy needs. and, mr. chair, one last thing.e sanctions off iran. iran is now making $90 billion because of those sanctions taken off. where do you think -- who do you think is funding the war israel? iran. the top sponsor of terrorism. took the sanctions off. we prode united states of america it's a win-win, mr. chair. it's the safest, cleanest, it employs american technology, american resources, american jobs. it helps american families. american communities. we do it bert than anybody else, mr. -- better than anybody else, mr. chair. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman■[■innesota
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reserves. the gentlelady from california is recognized. ms. kamlager-dove: i ask unanimous consent to insert into the record mr. levin's amendment. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. kamlager-dove: thank you. r' statements on the other side of the aisle that fracking is safe, and that it's safe for nearby communities, i would just like to enter into the record this article from the yale school o public health, published in science direct. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. kamlager-dove: thank you, en a mile of a fracked well directly increases the of children developing leukemia. they are not children from the radical left. they are children from across the country. the study warns that millions of people living within wells welle been exposed to these cancer causing chemicals. in response to this study several physicians are quoted as saying, thise smoking in
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the 1950's. there was a lot of suggestive evidence, but the conclusive stuff came l are going to get i. maybe in five or 10 years, but it's a question of how much damage is going to be done in the meantime. we look at the political environment before we look at the evidence. and i don't think that's serving the future. this is just one study looking at a couple dozen pollutants. there is ample evidence out there to be concernedng's impacc health, but there is still too much to learn. yet h.r. 1121ou on fracking befe we know the full realm of impacts on public health. this is unacceptable. andk7 the bill is rooted in many falsehoods as it relates to public health. i am so excited to hearcolleagut that we should be hiring
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american workers. that we should be ensuring we have great union jobs. that w should be invested in green energy infrastructure. i hope that's why my colleagues across the aisle would have, should have, could have, supported the bipartisan infrastructure law. a couple did. as well as the chips and the inflation reduction act. all of those bills are actually really focused on making sure we are investing in working on creating more clean, green energy. that does not include fracking. of my time. reserve the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. stauber: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to yield five minutes to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. graves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. graves: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank the for yieldin.
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$9,600. that's how much the average american household is paying today in the cost of living in e united states as a direct result of policies of the biden $9,600. mr. speaker, compare that to what president biden said on the campaign trail. he said, i will not raise cost, raise taxes on any american that earns less than $400,000. that's the average. $9,600. in fact, for some people it's more. mr. speaker, the result or the cause, the cause of these higher costs is the regulatory agenda of this administration. it's exact we are talking about energy
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prices. we are talking about energy policies out of this administration that are having an advseff we are watching right now as this administration, this bill tries to fix, bans fracking. you can you can look historically at the united states. we have led the world in reducing emissions. how have we done it? you know what the the most impos that we have used to reduce emissions is actually natural gas. natural gas. one of the biggest targets, the biggest victims of this fracking ban. let's take a look. is this fracking ban legal? there was a judge in wyoming whr the obama administration and said, quote, congress has not delegated to the department of the interior the authorityo regulate hydraulic fracturing, the b.l.m.'s effort to do so is in excess of its it's also banning the export of liquefied natural gas.
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banning the export. what happens is my friend from minnesota just said, what happens is that you don't have a decr for energy. it's simply that other countries provide it. countries like iran that are profiting tens of billions of dollars, they love these policies. russia, they love these policies. this administration actually increased importation of energy from russia when they camenergy. you are failing to address america's energy security. you are failing the affordability test. mr. speaker, let's think about emissions. on the emissions side, these policies resulting in lower emissions? well, look at facts of the the facts show between 2005 and 2021 the united states has actually reduced emissions more than any other country in the■2 just more than any other country, more than the six next emissions reducing countries. more than allbined. .
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it is using natural gas. what happens? other countries fill the void, countries like russia, when you take one year of liquified natural gas andupplant it with liquified natural gas coming from the united states, it would reduce 218 million tons. but my colleagues on the other side have taken it off the table. we have higher prices that payir prices for utilities and gasoline. and more dependence on countries like venezuela, russia for energy. we are more dependent upo them. and emissions are going up. which one of these is important? this is baffling to me. higher prices less higher emiss,
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this is what this has achieved. my friend talked about tens of billions going to iran and they are being provided to iranian td killed american troops in syria and iraq. these policies are funding this and coming back to us we are funding a ukraine that is battling russia. we are funding israel that's paid for by bad energy policy that iran is profiting from. it makes no sense. makes absolutely no sense because it reverses the policies of this administration. brings back common sense and science and math can reduce emissions and increase energy security and affordable energy in the united states. i urge adoption and i yield
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back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california is recognized. ms. kamlag colleague across the aisle is right, this makes no sense. if they want to push back against iran venezuela, pass the supplemental because that will world and help countries most in need than whatever is in h.r. 11212. listening to some of the arguments from republicans over the last week and even now today i have to say i am confused. is oil andq; production higher than ever or war on energy? are gas prices high because of biden omics? should the government stop picking winners and losers or continue givings to oil and gas?
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i suspect republican messaging is so if confusing because continuing to rig the system for big oil doesn't make sense. the u.s. is producing oil and er before. i'll say it again. the producing oil and gas and exporting more than ever before. prices are still oil and other big corporations rake in massive profits. over half of u.s. inflation was caused by corporate price gouging as input costs decrease. i ask unanimous consent to enter this report into the record. thea without objection ms. kamlager-dove: and communities living closer to oil and gas production are left
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paying the costs of constant pollution and all paying for the record number of billion dollar climate disasters in 2023 driven by the fossil fuel climate crisis. these bills would walk back important protections for communits a local taxpayers to keep funneling the money into big oil. doesn't make senseble down. big oil doesn't need more favors, don't need more tax breaks and no more handouts or special loopholes. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. stauber: my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have said that oil production on federal lands is at a high. the fact of the matter is the
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production is occurring on lands heyed by the tmp administration and previous administrations. i guess my colleagues support the policies of the trump administration as best they are trying to take credi them. yesterday in the rules committee, ranking member mcgovern made this point justdat america is a top energy producer, he said and i quote, let me very clear these facts be i like them. i find it troubling we are's mud quote. how very sad it is to hear that from our colleagues.hey ashamede produce energy here in america? would he rather us be dependent ona, iran or venezuela for oil and natural gas in the same
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way democrat policies have made us dependent china for critical minerals. we should celebrate american energy independence. do it cleaner, safer than anybody else in the world with the best labor standards. mr. chair, let's celebrate the opportunity. let's be happy the good lord blessed the united states with thesic and this opportunity to become energy independent and mineral dominance. i want my friends and neighbors, the american technology here in the united states. i do not want this country to pe foreign adversarial nices for our livelihood. we have learned so much during covid. we cannot rely on adversaries
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for energy and nor should our allies. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california is recognized. ms. kamlager-dove: you know, i hear republican colleagues say more oil and gas production in the u.s. than helped that prn along and we should celebrate and i did have to think about seeing "killerof the flower moon" and that's not a good thing to celebrate. but the u.s. is already number one oil producer in the world. we are exporting record amounts of fossil fuel across are still not seeing the benefits. because the benefits are going straight to big oil, which is seeing profits sore yet again. we cannot rely on decades hive
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old of drill,]$o lower prices for americans. this bill proposes to give a handout to oil and■ gas in the midst of they will be so thankful. does anyone still believe thisk trickle-down nonsense? we need energy independence and the transition clean energy which is cheaper, safer and generated entirely home instead of being at the mercy of global price shock like oil and gas and i hear my colleagues talk about the things we should have learned from covid. i hope that means they will be willing to discuss universal health care and access affordable high quality health care. i hope that means they are going
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to admit a real thing and vaccinations is important. and with that, i yield-- oh, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. stauber: my colleague did reserve. one of the things that we hear from colleagues oil is price gouging. the fact is a this has created uncertainty for american energy producers and driven up prices for all americans. repeated in-depth investigations shown that changes in gasoline prices are based on market factors and not due to any illegal behavior. it is a red herring made to
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distract from the biden administration's disastrous energy policies. when my friend and colleagues talk about wind and solar, they don't want to produce those mi minnesota has the most mineral wealth in alaska. copper, nickel mind in the world and this administration pulled the leases.ion with the secretary of interior support. banned 225,000 acres of mining in northeastern minnesota. can you believe that? they'll get the minerals from the congo who use child labor from them for their energy production.
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mr. speaker, i would submit we have the opportunity today and now and i ask my colleagues to scwoin us to let the american worker succeed and energy dominance, critical mineral dominance be made here in america. we need country needs it and our allies are asking for it. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the (nntleman from reserves. the gentlelady from california is recogni prepared to close and i reserve. mr. stauber: i have no further requests for the time and i continue to reserve. the speaker pro or recognized to close. ms. kamlager-dove: this bill is yet another shameless give-away to big oil even though they are making earth-shattering profits
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by taking billions in taxpayer funded subsidies, price gouging families and leaving with climate, health, safety and con. this bill would enshine big oil's exploration for the foreseeable doesn't need any. but sometimes you have to say it more thannce. they don't need special loopholes, handouts or tax breaks. i oppose h.r. 1121 and i yield backhe time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back her from. mr. stauber: i would like to cite a study by u.s. chamber of commerce gbal research. they said a ban on fracking would eliminate 19 million
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between 2021 and 2025 while reducing the gross domestic product by 7 the research shows over the samy prices would skyrocket with natural gas prices would rise to quadruple and the cost of living to increase by $5,000rice of gad double and revenues would plummet by almost 2 trillion. sn mind, i urge my colleagues to join me in support o
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