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tv   Senate Democrats Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 9:51pm-10:04pm EDT

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served on the communications committee. >> healthy democracy doesn't just look like thi it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work, when citizens are truly informed. get informed straight from the source on c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word, from the nation's capital to wherever you are because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is wspan, powered by cable. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer was joined by democratic leaders to discuss this week's funding deadline for the remaining fiscal year. he talks about president biden's announce ooduction with intel ad continued to defend his recent floor speech calling for new elections in israel.
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>> hello,y >> hello, everybody. 've had a productive lunch in the midst of a very busy week. right now as together in good faith to fund the government, i'm hopeful we can avert a shut down.
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we are not quite there yet, but as you know, we are close. earlier this week i joined the other congressional leaders in the white house to announce an agreement on the final funding bills. these bills will make significant investments for the well-being of our service members, keeping the u.s. against the chinese communist government and more. more importantly, the speedy passage would avo s and damaging shut down. though we are still waiting for text and then house passage, we are making good progress and as soon as the bill passes the house, i will put it on the senate floor. it's no secret that it's going to be a tight squeeze funding bd before the weekend deadline, so i ask all of my colleagues, democrat and republican, house and senate, to be can finish the appropriations process. i want to thank my senate
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colleagues,ticular leader mcconnell come the speaker and all those working in good faith to finish the job. president biden made a massive announcement in arizona to roll out a doing dollar grant for intel to expand chip production here in the u.s., thanks to the chips and science act. ething as you know i cared a lot about and then pushed it hard for four years. w this bill, i feel vindicated because we are seeing manufacturing, chip manufacturing, chip america. this investment alone means 10,000 jobs, 20,000 construction jobs, andndirect jobs with over 100 billion dollars in private investment.
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today's announcement comes about a month aer york received a $1.5 billion award to expand their legacy chip production and further make new a global hub for chip manufacturing. one announcement at a time, chips and science, and delivering to the american called it in me frontiers when we started out. people thought it was about covered wagons or something. so■r but it is bringing a promise of manufacturing back to america, making the u.s. once again the leader in microchip production which will be great for both our economics and our national security. now senator murray, hard on the appropriations bill. >> it has beena bipartisan,
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bicameral funding agreement and we are finally nearly ready to close the book on fy 24. they are the result of very tough negotiations. we had to stick to some very difficult hotlines and fight off literally hundreds of points, not to mention some hars by house republicans. but now we have a good bipartisan bill that protects absolutely essential investments in american people. as you all know, we have been working overtime now to finalize that package and release the text as soon as possible.i wille -- to say soon, but these reflect priorities from nearly line, we are talking about six bills that help determine how we invest in america's future, funding
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everything from chare, pre-kpr'd workforce training programs. they determine how much we invest in publicealth,infrastrut addiction, stop the flow of fennel, how much we areinvestin- cutting-edge research, and in defense and diplomatic programs that are to american security and global leadership. and that's just scratching the surface. with so much on the line, there is no pointless and costly shut down. let me be absolutely clear get this done before our deadline. no one should want a shut down, no one should cause a shut down. let's pull together and get this done. emmett kratz understand that and we been ready every time to move quickly and responsibly fund
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the government. her'everyone learns, when we lin to each other and to the american people, instead of the loudest voice on the far togethn actually pass meaningful bills that help people that calm. thank you. thank you to senator schumer, literally working 24/7 to get this done. the american people sent us to washington to this is about. democrats are always willing to work with republicans to be able to get things done for people, to be able to do the right thing for people. the important work of finding the priorities of the american people is what we haveto get do.
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these bipartisan appropriations make significant investment in people's quality of life, international defense, and supporting our service members, ensuring that we can compete with communist■9 china, and heah care above and below the neck, and other critical services as well. we must pass these bills quickly to avoid an unnecessary andthest the continuation of a promise democrats made to the american people when the affordable care act was passed 14 years ago. since that time, 46 million americans now have affordable health care. 46 million people. 100 million americans6u■rexistie
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protected because of the work that we did as democrats.
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better than that type of health care agenda and that is why we continue to put americans fst. >> thank, leader schumer, chair stabenow. iqnobody wins a shut down. we have seen this before. it weakens the country and our national security, which is big right now with two wars and a humanitarian crisis. it hurts families that rely on essential support, whether by delaying medicare enrollment or preventing kids from getting an education through headstart. we can avoid a shut down by working together on a bipartisan basis. i know all of us are working as hard as we can to get these bills passed before the friday night deadline.
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we need to do our jobs, recognize what is at stake and get it done. that means not voting for any amendment, even the ones i like. this is not a political or policy question for me,keeping. amending this bill will take up time we do not have, all but guaranteeing a shut down. down and everyone knows what we need to do. we are almost there. we can do this. >> they said on the floor they have an anti-israel problem. equating what you said about netanyahu with interference. sen. schumer:■f deeply about israel and its long-term future. when you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause ofu
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addressed the democratic caucus? sen. schumer: you make these issues partisan, you hurt the cause of israel. >> the accusation is that yo any distance between the u.s. and the top route -- ally. ths i gave this speech out of a real love for israel. we called only for there to be after hostilities had declined, after hamas was defeated. >> why haven't you menendez, considering how a orange you consider his conduct -- abhorrent you consider his conduct? sen. schumer: we are deeply disappointed in him. >> [indiscernible] sen. schumer:


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