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tv   House Republican Leaders on Govt Funding Deadline  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 6:54pm-7:21pm EDT

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energy costs due that unwanted for a-left ayen
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ka. from the gas station to the grocery store, american families are hurting. gas prices are once again and in my district, in upstate new york which relies heavily on home heating oil sky-high utility and heating families, increasing by over 80% in the last three years. joe biden created this energy crisis and the american people know it. republicans know that we need to unleash american energy, not restrict it. it's vital that we ensure amer america's energy dominance and provide true energy security. that's what we're focused on for energy week in the house. we've seen it firsthand under the pro-americ donald trump we were the world energy leader. our nation thrived because of the pro-national security, pro-american job energy agenda that lowered costs and prioritized domestic production. today we are joined by our colleagues cookman dan newhouse whis leading the resolution denouncing all the anti-american energy policies of joe biden and we also have congresswoman
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diana harshbargewhose energy and commerce committee is fighting back against these anti-american plornlg posals from joe biden. máwith that, i turn it over to diane nasm. mrs. harshbarger: good morning everybody, thank youlise for affording me the opportunity to address this important issue. when it comes to wreaking havoc on our economy while adversaries like iran and russia, nobody mastered the art like joe biden. from tai one of this presidency he waged a relentless assault on this country. first through the chistone x.l. pipeline. through a barrage of policy he's dismantling our energy sector, driving our economy into peril. he's mortally wounded our strategic petroleum reserve intended to be used for national security emergencies. and this is being drained at an uns pre debbed rate to
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compensate for the diminished supply resulting from his myopic policies. weeks ago the administration inflicted another biden flow bloa by halting permit applications for liquefied xports. not content with that, his actions are now jeopardizing our allies, nudging our allies toward energy suppliers who stand in direction such as russia and iran. if there's one takeaway from what i say today, energy security national security and it's time the biden administration prioritized the welfare of hardworking americans over the demands of en to achieve true energy independence we've got to focus on four key priorities and these are harnessing the abundant our own borders, championing energy production on american soil, ensuring the efficiency and environmentally sound transportation of our eney through pipe lines and reclaiming our status as a net exporter of energy. house republicans have taken
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decisive action by passing groundbreaking legislation aimed at boosting domestic energy production implementing permitting reforms and reversing bi the house has done their job. by passing h.r. 1, the lower energy cost act. it's time for the white house and the senate to deir job. and provide american families with the relief they urgently require. so with that, i will turn it over to dan newhouse from the great state of washington. thank you, sir. dan: it's no secret since day one in the white house president biden has consistently made energy decisions based on the agendas of the extreme climate lobby. his administration has consistently proposed and finalized regulations that increase the cost of energy for consumers, punished domestic users, and increased alliance adversaries for our energy needs.
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as a third generation farmer, i hear every day the challenges that just our sector alone is dealing with. this administration has driven fuel prices so high, compromising farmers' ability to operate profitably and at capacity. this is draining the budgets of snowballing into damaging domestic food supply chains. as chairman of the congressional western caucus i hear from people across the country that are literally cutting their grocery spending to help pay for their energy bills. everyone from small businesses to single family households, all family households, are strained by this administration's out of touch policies that seem to have no end. so i'm proud to bring this resolution number 987 forwardfor their unnecessary and unprecedented war on our
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american energy. now's t time for commonsense solutions to the disaster that they've led us to. i want to thank speaker johnson leader scalise whip emmert chairwoman stefanic for championing this issue. now i'm proud to turn the microphone overo our whip mr. tom emmert. tom: as you already heard from our col is energy week in the house. after three years of joe biden's war on american energy, here we are.hocans are once again fighting against the biden administration's radical climate agenda by bringing six commonsense energy bills to the floor. the core tenets of these bills is simple, it's all about restoring american energy dominance, lowering costs for families, and counteracting the biden administration's detrimental green new deal agenda. by canceling the keystone pipeline on his first day in office joe biden made it clear
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he cares more about appeasing the far left members of his part american jobs and american energy. his anti-american energy antics continued with decisions to halt approval of liquefied natural gas exports and to drain our strategic petroleum reserve. what have been the results? americans are paying 45% more for gas and 28% more for electricity, plus our is at its lowest levels in four decades. we must and we will stand for america's energy independence and american workers and their families. the question is, will democrats join us? with that, i turn it over to our majority leader, steve scalise. steve: thank you whip. this is energy week in the house and house republicans continue to bring a number of bills to the house floor that are focused on lowering energy costs for
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america,tandy and standing up against the radical extreme policies of joe biden that threaten to shut off american energy. again interestingly, if you look at joe biden's policies over and over again since he became president as dana talked one attacking the keystone pipeline, killing thousands of jobs in america. then he approved a russian pipeline. you've seen him overnd over again killing permits killing other projects here in america and then getting on air force i and flying to saudi arabia and begging them to produce more energy. empowering vladimir putin. if you just look at the l.n.g. export ban that the place it hurts american energy dramatically, really crushes our ability to supply liquefied natural gas to our allies in places like europe. so what does it mean? europe still needs natural gas and all it means is now they have to get it from countries like+cv> russia. why would joe biden want to
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continue to empower vladimir putin and fund putin's war machine, which ukraine? joe biden is helping vladimir putin fund the war effort against ukraine when he crushes american energy to the floor. the dan newhouse resolution goes through item by item dozens of specific actions taken by joe biden listing the dates. if you want to walk down memory lane and see exactly what joe biden has done since his very first day in office energy, that resolution lists all of those specific things. and look, the people paying the price for this are middle states, paying dramatically higher costs at the pump and paying higher costs for household utilities. we're going to continue standing up for those families. we're also going to continue standing by our ally israel. you saw over theke leadership team spoke very strongly against chuck schumer's comments when he tried to undermine the democratically
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elected leadershi a time of war when israel is fighting for their very existence and working to eviscerate hamas after the october 7 attacks. and you see joe biden standing right there with chuck schumer continuing to work israel's elected leadership, continuing to do things like calling for a cease-fire. well hamas ended the c you hear joe biden talking about a two-state solution. when joe biden talks about a two-state solution, seems like the only thing he's really interested in are michigan and nevada. and i think people are fed up with that. just because his politics are bad at home doesn't mean you undermine one of your strongest allies in the world, especially in a time ofar.s a time we should all be standing by israel. you've seen this leadership team stand strongly with our friends in israel defend themselves, and we will not waiver regardless what chuck
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super or joe biden continue to do. with that, a man leading our charge, our speaker mike johnson. mike: thank you, mr. leader. thank y i'm glad you began with israel. i had a lengthy conversation with prime minister netanyahu and reiterated to him the houseong support for israel and their efforts there and expressed my strong disagreement with leader schumer about what he said last week, and that's been well covered. i won't relitigate it here. but we think it's not only foolhardy but dangerous for him to be trying to suggest how israel should run its domestic affairs in the midst of their conflict. so you'll see the house republicansnd reiterate our support for israel at this very critical time. but this is energy week in the house and we're happy to bring that theme to the house because it's very, very important, as you've heard. i began energy week in a perfect place, in midland texas with
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congressman august pfluger there. that's his district and we were on a great oil rig and got our hands out there and talked with the workers and people who work around the clock to supply america's energy needs, and that's a cri important thing to our country and something the white house seems not to know anything about. the house republicans know the value of american energy but president biden obviouslyoes not. it's such a stark contrast. i think about it all the time. compare the trump administration with the biden administration. i was here as a and we've not begun in congress but maybe a few weeks into it and president trump came to visit the house republican conference and i when he began to talk about american energy which is a main theme for him and his campaign and administration. e don't want to talk about american energy independence but talk about american energy dominance. he introduced the term and we applauded achieved it, we're a net exporter of energy after the first two years of the
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administration and then joe biden came into office and as was noted on the first day in the oval office, he began to wage war on ourwn energy industry and its producers. you heard he killed the keystone x.l. pipeline and producers people providing energy in the national security corps. he sold our strategic energy reserve and placed a ban on l.n.g. export terminals. i'm not sure he understanded implications of the executive orders he's written. but this happened and we see the effects. we expect the administration to turn around the target of gas powered vehicles and force us to rely on communist china for critical minerals to produce these things and make american consumers pay more at a time they l a it. it's a perfect example to this administration's approach to
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energy, more regulations and higher cost is what they're for and they keep proving it. house republicans protect american jobs and unleashing american dominance again, to reducing costs and helping our allies and of course reduceing emissions. this week the house republicans will pass legislation promoting american independence and promoting biden's anti-energy agenda. our bills will prater fracking and expedite permitting processes and decrease fees on oil and gas producers and of continue to denounce president biden's radical policies. this is a continuation of the pro energy agend and will always pursue. we passed h.r.1 our signature piece of legislation right out of the box, the lower energy cost act and that legislat support our l.n.g. producers and protect gas powered vehicles. this is very clear, the white house is more eager to appeasetal activists than the american people. there's no other way to assess this. and house republicans will stand with american energy and producers for lower energy costs
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for democrats simply can't say the same thing. that's the contrast as americans see it. and we will be reiterating that over and over. with that i'll take your questions. second row. reporter: it's a very difficult time and circumstances been your -- [indiscernible] mr. johnson: what we're doing is unprecedented. there's never been a change of a se in the history of congress and we did it at a time when we have the smallest majority in u.s. history. almost literally. there was the 65 ath congress in 1917r i before women had the right to vote when they had a .43% margin. by next week we'll be 1.16%. that'sat and yet we have to govern and we have to demonstrate we can keep this thing together and keep the train on the tracks and we are. and by getting appropriation bills done and by moving key
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pieces of legislation and by keeping the team together, we've how do we stay focused and do that? to me it boils down to adhering and holding fast to our foundational principles. there's a move afoot to change the foundational principles of america, the things that made us the great extraordinary, most benevolent nation and most free history in the world. and you probably heard me say it before, i call it the seven coreinciples of american conservative sis him but it's the seven core principles, individual freedom limited government, the rule of law peace s fiscal responsibility, free markets human dignity. those are the fixed points on the horizon. i grew up in louisiana so everything is explained in either a football or hurricane metaphor. the hurricane metaphor when you're in choppy seas and uncharted waters as we are, dark skies on the horizon, all that you have to know where the fixed points in the horizon are and those are our fixed make sure we're anchored to that and not adrift
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in the sea and will serve us well. ronald reagan said in his the great communicator and i'm paraphrasing, i supply guided our nation with great things and great things don't change. we're the stewards and every citizen and certainly the representatives in congress and what we try to adhere to and advance and w jake? [inaudible question] mr. johnson: we were consistent and adamant we get our government funded and i'm delighted to tell you we should have the bill text hopefully by this afternoon and begin to finish up that process. this is the second batch of bills that includes the bill as you know, labor h. s.g.g. and homeland the lasect he most difficult to negotiate because the two parties have a wide chasm between them. but i think the final product
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was something we were able to achieve a lot of key provisions in and wins and a move in the direction we want even with our historically tiny small majoty. there was some very tough negotiation. but that having come to an end now, the attention as i said all along will turn to the supplemental issues and t hat that is but just want you to know that has been done deliberately along the way but had to get the appropriations done first and having done that now we'll turn our attention tout it and not delay on that. back row. [inaudible question] mr. johnson: i don't speak for president trump but understand the sentiment he's trying to express. if you look at the voting records. look at the israel funding. we talked about the supplemental. i tried on two different the israel funding request through.
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we did it with a pay forward initially out of the blocks after i became. and the president issued a veto threat over that. i was stunned. i actually couldn't believe he did that and killed off i think it was 160-plus democrats voted against funding for israel at a time where they're fighting for their very existence and n desperately. i think people interpret that for what it is. the facts speak republicans and republican party at large and president trump standing strong with israel and you see increasingly, an increasingly large number of democrats and faction of the democratic party who were standing against israel openly. they're saying the quiet parts out loud and to us that's . i think it's shameful. and i think that's what president trump is referring to. and you know his language is his language but i think that's the sentiment most of the amere that's how they interpret it. front row. reporter: you mentioned several possible avenues when it comes to providing additional --
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[indiscernible] one thing by republicans they're pushing an provide it in form of a loan? is that something on the table and something you would support? mr. johnson: i've not mechanism of funding ukraine but talking about the whole supplemental and these pieces and whether they'd go individually or as a package and these discussed. there's a distinction in the minds of people between lethal aid for ukraine and the humanitarian component and then use the seized assets of the support of -- of oligarch to pay for support of ukraine and there's conversation g we understand the role america plays in the world and we understand the importance of sending a strong signal to the world that we stand by our allies and we cannot allow terroristsnd tyrants to march
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through the globe. you unsettled the world order since world war ii not reflecting strength. this white house and president is projecting weakness on the world stage and i believe that's the reason so many of our adversaries are acting so provocatively and that's something that should concern every single american and i don't care what political party you're in. we maintain peacehrough strength and one of our guiding foundational principles and ronald reagan used to talk about it all the time and i still believe it, most of us do. we have to project strength on the world stage that. we'll meet our obligations and turn to that immediately as soon as the appropriations are over. thank you. reporter: question on the c.r., no c.r. at all? mr. johnson: i don't think we'll need a c.r. reporter: will it be done before deadline? mr. johnson: that is my hope. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023]
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