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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 11:59am-12:44pm EDT

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broken for years. i know speaker johnson is trying to get a head on the fy 2025 budget. they've already marked that up in the budget committee on the house side. there are letrying to get this t again. the huge underlying debate is b/■jvkthe national debt and to t extent is the responsible to be deficit spending year after year? that's where you've seen a lot of things grinding to a halt because the freedom caucus has taken a strong stand that we cannot continue this deficit spending. representative matthew has a debt clock on his lapel that he designed himself. it's like $97,000it's blurry ate numbers because it goes up so fast. >> we are leaving this here to keep our commitment to covering congress.e house is coming in tt
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debate on six energy policy bills. including a measure preventing the president from ending the use of hydraulic fracking. and one that would block the bureau of land management from increasing the bonds required for drilling companies on reclamation projects. live coverage of the house here on c-span. r0
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the speaker pro tempore: the house -- the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will beis kibben. chaplain kibben: would you pray with me. eternal and loving god, in boldness and confidence we find only in faith, we approach your court of justice, your throne of power, your■@eat with worries too deep for words and concerns beyond our control. our words are insufficient when we try to express our apprehensions for the fut count. our prayers inadequate in meeting the problems faced by our world. and in this body and by our families. but you in your infinite wisdom know our thoughts before we speak them, our needs before we utterhe is the faith we claim today. that though we cannot see the answers, though we cannot possibly discern the you, o ruler of the universe,
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order our steps and guide us in your abiding and steadfast love. grant us comprehend what is the breadth and length, height and depth of your love which surpasses all knowledge. now to you, by whom the power at work within us is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine, to you be the and always. hear these our prayers and those unspoken as we offer them in the strength of your sovereign name. amen. the speaker: amen. the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the urnal standsjw approved for what purpose does the gentleman from alabama seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, pursuant rule 1a vote on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. the speaker: the question is on agreeing to thepe
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those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the journal stands approved. for what purpose does the k recognition? >> mr. speaker, i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and i make a point of order that a quorum is not present■ñ the speaker: pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this quezstion ae postponed. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentlewoman from the virgin islands, ms. plaskett. ms. plaskett: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of ameamerica ando the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker: the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. fo■ér what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. speaker.
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i rise today to celebrate and acknowledge national agriculture week. this week we take the opportunity t the central role that agriculture plays in the economy across the country and nye home in the state of ohio -- my home in the state of ohio. agriculte is one otries, supplyg one out of every seven jobs. however, our nation is experiencing a mounting agricultural trade deficit which is nearly -- has nearly doubled in the last year, according to the department of agriculture. mr. miller: this has had a large impact on ohio farm economies and american leadership in international agricultural trade. we should be committed to delivering an updated farm bill that ensures long-term growth and addresses the unique needs of america's farmersmers. as we celebrate national agriculture week, let us work together to create new markets for american agricultural products, strengthen domestic energy resources. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back. the speaker proempore: rurpose e gentlewoman from the virgin islands seek recognition? ms. plaskett: i ask unanimous
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consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without minute. ms. plaskett: thank you, mr. speaker. well before equality for women were discussed in the u.s. mainland, the virgin islands have lauded, uplifted and seen women fighters and leaders. all v.i. children know the stories of our queens, but our girls have a wealth of women wh, privacy and professions in elected leadership. most recently, women like my soul sisters,licea diane, jeannette and allison, maurice, donna, genevieve, janel, carle, ,alma. our first women elected in 1954, lue sinneda, ruby -- lucinda, ruby, the first female president in 1977, who won the first territorial-wide race, and of cy predecessor, the first female
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physician to serve in congress. lorraine, carmen, liliana. the list goes on. strong, fervent, resilient women. they shape our past, ignite our they are v.i. strong. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition? without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr.peaker honor ag example of a public servant, a fierce advocate for northeast ohio, my friend and colleague, secretary marcia announced her retirement after more than 50 years of public service. for decades, secretary fudge served our northeast ohio comm dedication and determination and i can say that for a fact because secretary fudge used to be my member of congress when she represented ohio's■ft. i've had the privilege of
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working alongside her as we both serve the akron community, including when i was in the state house where we worked to improve access to affordable housing, protecting our freedoms to vote and advancing racial and gender equality. mrs. sykes: just lastd secretarn ohio's 13th district to highlight the housing and urban development investment in affordable housing and support for first-time homebuyers. secretary fudge truly has transformed h.u.d., leading the agency through an unprecedented housing challenge during the pandemic, fightingou discrimination and make sure no one is left out or left behind. i'm grateful for her and her leadership and i wish her the best in her retirement. thank you for being a dedicated and clear public servant. thank you, madam secretary, marcia fudge. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house an enrolled bill. the speaker pro tempore: senate
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1278. an act to designate the -- the clerk: senate 1278. an act to designate the federal building in detroit, michigan, as the rosa parks federal building, and for other purposes. tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, by direction of the committee on rules, i call k for its immediate consideration. the clerk: the clerk will report the -- the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. 67. clerk: house calendar num house resolution 1085. lved, that un it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill, h.r. 1023, to repeal section 134 of the clean air act, relating to the greenhouse gas reduction fund all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules committee print 118—26 shall be considered as adopted.
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the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill, the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any he intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or the■] ve designees and, two, one motion to recommit. section 2. upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill, h.r. 1121, to prohibit a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing.waived. the bill shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and rority member of the committee on natural resources or their
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respec upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill, h.r. withdraw the proposed rule relating to fluid mineral leaser other purposes. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on natural resources now printed in the bill shall be considered as adopted. the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.ovisions in s amended, are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally member of the committee onthe natural resources or their respective designees
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and, two, one motion to recommit. section 4. it shall be in order to consider in the house the concurrent resolution, h. con. res.6, the s that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the united states economy. all points of order against consideration of the concurrent resolution are waived. the concurrent resolution shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the concurrent reso a the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the concurrent resolution and preamble to adoption without intervening motion or demand for division of the question except one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the co respective designees. section 5. upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order who order to consider in the house the resolution, h. res. 987,
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denouncing the harmful, anti-american energy policies of the biden administration, and for other purposes. the resolution shall be considered as read. the previous question shall be resolution and preamble to adoption without intervening motion or demand for division of the question except one hour ofe controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or their respective designees. at any time after adoption of this resolution the speaker may, pursuant to clause 2-b of rule lved into the committee of the whole house on the state of the union h.r. 7 water pollutionhe bill, control act to codify certain regulatory provisions relating to nationwide permits for dredged or fill material, and
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for other purposes. the first reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. all points of order against consideration of the bilar waived. general debate shall be confined to the bill and amendments specified in this section and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on transportation and infrastructure or their respective designees.;f after general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on transportation and infrastructure now printed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rule—e considered as adopted in the house and in the committee of the whole. the bill, as amended, shall be considered as the original bill for the purpose of furtherundere rule and shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. no further amendment to the bill, as amended, shall be in order except those printed in the report of the committee on
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rules accompanying this resolution. each such further en printed in the report, may be offered only by a member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for e ti specinsed in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand f division of the question in the house or in the committee of the whole. all points of order against such further amendments are waived. at the conclusion of bill for amendment the committee shall rise and report the bill, as amded, to the hoe with adopted. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit. pennsylvania istempore: the recognized for one hour. mr. reschenthaler: thank you, mr. speaker. for the purpose of debate only,
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i yield the customary 30 minutes elf as much time as iom may consume. during consideration of this resolution, all time yielded is for the purpose of debate o unas consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without mr. reschenthaler: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise in support of this rule and in support of the underlying legislation. house resolutionp> 1 for consideration of six measures. h.r. 1023, h.r. 1121,n.res. 86,d h.r. 7023. the rule provides for consideration of: h.r. 1023, the cutting green corruption and taxes act, under a closed rule, with one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the ai minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or their representative designees, and
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provides one motion to recommit. additionally, the rule providesr protecting american energy production act, closed rule, hour of debate between the chair and ranking member and provides one most tow■@e rule provides fr consideration the restoring american energy dominance act under a closed rule wit one hour of debate controlled by the chair and ranking member on the committee of natural resources and provides one motion to recommit. the rule provides for consideration of h. con. res. 86 expressing the sense of congress that a be detriment to the economy of the united states, closed rule with one hour of debate controlled by the chair a ranking member by the committee of ways and means. the rule provides for
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consideration of h. res. 987 denouncing the harmful antiamerican energy policies under a closed rule withne of de of energy and commerce. and timely, the rule provides for consideration h.r. creating confidences in clean water permitting act under a structured rule with one hour of debate equally controlled by the chair and ranking member on the committee of infrastructure and provides for recommit. the rule provides eight amendments. since president joe biden took office, energy costs have 28.6%. on january 20, 201, a gallon w $2.39. during president biden's
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presidency, it has reached a record high of $5.00 and this is the extreme far left agenda, green new deal that enacted costly regular you layings. the underlying legislation will unlock and independents and blok president biden's war on the american worker and energy. h.r. 1023■k eliminate $27 billion green new deal slush funds for coastal elites and th. china has the production of rare earth minerals. solar panels and e.v.'s widens our dependence and the proposed natural gas tax that will burden energy producers in
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southwestern■7 pennsylvania. in addition h.r. 2011 will block the president f a moratorium. the president said and i quote, we will make sure it's■vinated e future of coal and fracking. in march of 2020, he said no more newte. that's why this week house republicans will block his ability to ban fracking. h.r. 23 will build upon the progress in h.r. 1 to help reform our permitting process. this bill will strmline our permitting process and instruct the administration to issue guidance and complies with the supreme court ruling. i urge my colleagues to support this rule and i reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. scanlon: i appreciate the gentleman yielding the customary. the rule provides consideration of partisan of pro polluter, energy and environmental bills. half these bills have been considered by the house last year. and the toothless resolutions declaring a sense of congress, albeit a partisan a package is what we have come to expect from this republican majority in the house. 118th congress republica find agreement with each other let alone negotiate legislation passed by bothhe law. what we get are old bills chalked up and repackaged to
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gi talk about. republicans have run the house for the past 15 months and used that time lead but pick fights and air grievancees as the gentleman from texas keeps reminding us, republicans have nothing to show. they haven't done anything to address the most important issues confronting america. let'ss if he canless house majority. they spent a month to pick a speaker only kick out kevin mccarthy a few months later. house republicans brought the country to the brink fiscal clammity. house republins wald a deal to overhaul the immigration system. house republicans are blocking
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bipartisan legislation t provide military aid to ukraine and our allies. and house republicans are blocking a funding package for d hope to finish the 2024 budget this week, it is six months late. this■l maj nothing. they have scwawnd ired their majority and time and taxpayer it.lars and nothing to show for mr. speaker, this legislation in this rule, if enacted, would be disastrous for the environment and would set back much of the e the climate cyst is. legislation in this rule would make it easier for companies to pollute our these bills roll back provisions that prevent companies from dumping waste andmful chemicals in our waterways and easier for oil and gas companies
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to clean up excavation sites. they need to remediate■ environmental damage. and the rule would not help communities like mine mitigate the harmful effects of air pollution. we have seen the republican energy agenda puts polluters and profits over regular people. bills want you to wonder who do the republicans represent. the vast majorityre in charge of making companies responsible for site cleanup. they want their kids to have healthy future. these partisan republican policies means more pollution in our communities so chevron can boost stock prices. that isn't a fair trade for the american people and need to solve the climate crisi to peops
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and polluters. congressional democrats and president biden are united behind that goal in stark contrast to our republican colleagues. we have combattingmate crisis grow domestic energy production and bring energy production into the century. combined, tax credits and lending programs and invest billions of dollars in renewable production and improvements to the electric grid investment is growing our economy, creating good paying jobs and helping to lay the foundation of the mass■m adoptin of renewable energy resources. already, the inflation reduction act has created 170,000 jobs ann
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jobs over the next 10 years. the inflation reduction act puts america on to cut our carbon emissions by 2030. the■ inflation reduction act cas abandoned oil bells and cleans up superfund sites and mitigate the e pollution. in the long run, the inflation act and the infrastructure bill will save american families up to $38 billion on like that bills, reduce manufacturing emissions, double the share of american like that by anybbles and adoption of electric vehicles. that's what a real energy. it's not granderstanding. the democrats energy initiatives have been wildly successful. right now, the united states isx
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the number one energy producer in the world. we produce more energy from both any other country.sil fuels than this is directly translated into lower energy prices for americans, more jobs, higher on allowed us to provide natural gas to our allies in europe. under president biden'sle the us more energy independent today than at any time in our history. this is an amazing a one celebrs chamber. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman pennsylvania is recognized. mr. reschenthaler: nice to hear my colleagues talk about the wonderfu this gas industry. democrats want to ban fracking. here's kamala h quote, no
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question i'm in favor of banning fracking. bernie sanders, the only way to mo ban fracking nationwide. and he introduced a bill banning fracking and pete he said i look forward to a ban on fracking. and deb holland i'm against drilling and fracking on public lands. those are som most influential democrats in the country. they want to ban fracking. but for more on the rule, i woulde to yield four minutes to my good friend from the great state of new york. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleis recognizehank you to tn from pennsylvania for yielding my me the time.
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mr. langworthy: contrary to what my colleagues on the other side claim, this is about building a cleaner, more secedhe united sts is not dependent on foreign countries for its energy needs. the greatest beneficiary to the biden administration's regulatory onslaught on our communist country of china. and the one who will pay the biggest costs for president biden and policies are the american people. the climate agenda that the left is pushing through the biden administration andn my own state of new york will leave the american people poorer, less secure and with less opportunities fl stop. who benefits the most on new rules for mineral leasing making it more difficult
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produce resources? china. our biggest adverse area who carries cares little about our environmental health. when the democratic colleagues claim that this legislation before us today will loosen protections on our environment and keep our country reaching arbitrary goals, don't be fooled.■■ if t radical left actually cared about our global environment they wouldn't put up$t roadblocs and they are doing with the bureau of land management's newest rules on mineral leasing and wouldn't be banning to produce cleaner reliable naturad communities in my district of incredible economic opportunities and wouldn't be pushing americans towards a
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patrioticking it impossible to produce these very batteries here in our country. here in washington, albany, despite their talk of a cleaner future are leaving us■5 more dependent on china. they have no qualms of pumping buckets of pollution into the air.speaker, energy future supported by my colleagues across the aisle is hypocritical and impossi americans and leaves this country poorer to satisfy our legisl needs. i support this legislation because it will ensure our energy future is about economic opportunities, accessibilirdabiy americans rather than satisfying the radical demands of a woke mob.
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. . the speaker pro tempore: i encourage all members, if you're going to have conversations with staff, please take them off the oo disruptive. i recognize the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. >> thank you. you know, we keep being presented by a false choice here.■. environmentally responsible and having economic opportunity and that's just not true. we can do both.nimous consent to insert into the record a letter from nearly 50 organizations in opposition to h.r. 7023. the speaker prtempore: wit■■/ho objection. ms. scanlon: they write, this bill contains several misguided attacks on clean water and the clean water act, puts polluter profits ahead of public health, and would jeopardize the waters that our families, communities and wildlife depend on. h.r. 7023 is clely not the answer. i would also seek unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter signed by over 50 conservation, climate and public la organizations strongly
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opposing h.r. 6009. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. scanlon: this letter reads in part, and i quote, this circd undermines the administrative process, ignores significant public input across the west, and halts a long overdue update to the federal onshore oil and gas leasing program that protects taxpayers, public lands and the wildlife and communities who rely on them, unquote. i also seek unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the national parkservationn strongly opposing h.r. 6009. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. scanlon: thank you. this letter reads in part, the current leasing system program s antiquated and doesn't offer proper oversight or ensure protections and fair returns to american passing this legislation would leave the bureau of land management unable to properly oversee this program and could caus to our
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special places. and finally, i would seek unanimous consent to enter into the record a forbes article, u.s. energy independence soars to highest level in over 70 years. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. scanlon: thank y reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time is reserved. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. reschenthaler: thank you, mr. speaker. yo thing that the biden administration's extreme far-left positions on energy hurt the american economy and by extension the american worker and the american family. but the extremism also hurts our allies abroad. president biden has clearly weakened o the international stage. shortly africansleing our own -- after canceling our own keystone crusheds tens of -- crushed tens of thousands of union jobs, they greenlit nordinistration
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released roughly 180 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve or roughly 40% of that reserve. that included at least two million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve to, are you ready for it, china. after pausing new approvals, the president then waived sanctions on iran an energy imports into iraq. i'll talk about that momentarily, tho is clear from e administration's actions, these far-left, extreme positions, that president biden favors chairman xi, vladimir putin and the ayatollah over the american worker. now, let's go back and talk out t iraq-iran waiver. after pausing the new l.n.g. exports approval, the biden administration waived sanctions on■. into iraq. this unlocks $10 billion in frozen funds for the iranian government who helped fund the october 7 terrorist attack on
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our number one ally in the world, israel. so it's clear to me, the white house's energy platform is e following. yes to our enemies. no to america. with that, i reserve. the speaker pro tpore: the gentleman from pennsylvania's time is reserved. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. scanlon: thank you. is the gentleman prepared to close?tú mr. reschenthaler: we have no further speakers and i am prepared to close. ms. scanlon: ok. thank you. mr. speaker, it is a little bit di these crocodile tears for our allies when the house republicans are holding up the national security supplemental which passed weeks ago in a 70-30 vote. broadly bipartisan legislation that our allies deserve an up or down on and we should see that on the floor today. mr. speaker, when it comes to energy, house republicans are also presenting us with a false choice. would have us believe tt
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renewable energy and energy independence are at odds. they want us to think that sustainability and a strong economy are ait's simply not tr. and we cannot afford to make this false choice. as we've seen with the inflation investment and jobs act and the inflation reduction act, we can have it both ways. we can lower emissions while creating jobs and growing the economy. we can make to solar and wind without displacing businesses or workers. the inflation reduction act and the infrastructure bill demonstrate that not only does a green transition come hand in hand with economic growth, but also that that growth can be spurred from the middle-out and the bottom-up. all over the country, new manufacturing facilities for batteries, solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles are being built.ries are offerig long-term, good-paying jobs that will drive economic development for years to come. it's an american manufacturing e possible by legislation passed
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by democrats and president biden. it's a testament to what is possible up their sleeves and solve problems, as opposed to playing to their most extreme members. that's what real leadership looks le. mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to oppose the previous question and the rule and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from pennsylvaayiel. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. reschenthaler: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm prepared to close and i yield myself the balance of my time. you know,■9t.p.a. released their tail pipe rule, which is a de facto ban on gas-powered vehicles. president biden is sending performance -- setting performance standards that automakers can only meet by producing e.v.'s. this will do serious damage to thehe american worker. through a series of rules, the biden administration is eliminating gas-powered vehicles in less than 1 years. .p.a. is set to approve california's outright
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ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035. additionally, the department of transportation is proposing swch tods that force fleets to what does this mean? for all the talk about building the middle class, this is an attack, a direct attack on the middle class. your average e.v. driver is making wellures a year. middle class americans will struggle to be able to purchase a family car, a family car that can'tl long distances, has limited access to reliable fuel sources, and has components that are predominantly sourced from china. so there's t' priorities. harming the middle class while benefiting china. and if you think that it's cute to talk about so-called reliable energy sources, do some research and look at the power grid in texas. tell me how well that worked out. but under president donald trump's leadership, as opposed to joe biden's extreme far-left
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leadership and agenda, under president trump's leadership our nation actually became ene independent. this was thanks to the pro-growth, pro-job, pro-american energy policies that facilitated an energy renaissa a for hardworking amern families. just in my home state of pennsylvania, we are second in the nation for natural gas pr of thousands of jobs in the commonwealth, including roughly 130,000 union jobs that the demoat claim to care about. our commonwealth is such an abundance of natural resources that we lead the nation in electricity exports to other states. last year pennsylvania's impact fee revenue reached historic -- an historic level at million, which helps to alleviate tax burdens on our local communities. so when the biden administration bends the knee to the new l.n.g. export approvals, by
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taxing natural gas production, by proposing bans on a de facton gas-powered vehicles, well, what are they doing? these actions are hurting american families and the american workers and local communities are being harmed in states like pennsylvania. that is why we must pass this underlying legislation, which will strengthen position on the international stage. and when the final votes are tallied this week, you are going to see on display the stark difference between democrats and republicans. if you stand with the american worker, the american family and the american job creator, vote yes on the rule and the if you support energy resources from chairman xi, from vladimir putin, the ayatollah, then vote no on the rule legislation. the choice couldn't be any clearer and you will see the stark difference between the democrats and the rep■ublicans n this vote. i urge my colleagues to vote yes on the previous question and yes
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on the rule. i yield back the balance of my time and i move the previous question on thethe gentleman from pennsylvania yields back. the question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. for what purpose does the young laid >> from -- young lady flon: i rs and nays, thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of tang votes will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, furthergs on this question are postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declare theess subf the chair.
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