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tv   2024 Campaign Trail More Biden Trump Delegate Wins  CSPAN  March 17, 2024 12:23am-12:55am EDT

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♪ announcer: this week 2024 campaign trail takes a look at the latest delegate wins for president biden and rmer president donald trump is about the men became the presumptive candidates for their parties. plus a look from the road at the latest messages to voters. former president trump from georgia and president biden from new hampshire also a preview of alaska's at large house race, but first a look at the senate race in ohio where primary voters had to the polls on tuesday. >> we are in correspondence with spectrum news in ohio. can you tell us about the
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upcoming senate race into is on the ballot? >> the primaries are on march 19, and right now it is a three-way race in the republican primary and actually very close. the latest polling numbers show everyone is within the margin of error. bernie marino is at the top with 29%, matt dolan has 27% and franke has 23%, but it could be anyone's race right now. >> a couple of endorsements in this race on the republican side. >> the biggest endorsement was former president donald trump who came up behind bernie marino. they shut him up from the lowest to the highest, and he has used every opportunity to mentioned that he is endorsed by trump and trump is coming to dayton, ohio to campaign for him. >> how potent is the trump
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endorsement in ohio? it has mixed results in other states, but ohio is solidly behind the former president. >> ohio has shifted were conservative in recent years and i have spoken to voters in ohio. many voters say the trump endorsement does hold a lot of weight with them. we have seen in the past that trump endorses people who go want to lose in the general election. the incumbent democratic senator sherrod brown has a solid standing and does not toe the democratic line, so finding someone who can reach across to independents good to be helpful to republicans. matt dolan is the candidate most likely to appeal to independent or moderate voters, and he just received the endorsement of governor mike dewine. >> there was a lot of money
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pouring into this race. democratic nominee brown as millions and probay millions more coming. what is it looking like on the republican side? >> brown himself raised $5.7 million in the first two months of this race, and all three candidates have raised a total of $56 million, and this doepac's. two of the candidates have invested their own money into their campaigns. frank larose is relying on outside donations. we see a lot of money coming in a lot of money spent on attack ads and that will continue after the primaries. >> they hosted a debate with the gop candidates. how would you describe the gop candidate style. >> all of them are rushing to
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contend that they are the most conservative end to get their candidates are fake conservatives even when there is not stances on various issues. they all have come out forcefully against president biden's order policies, although they have different ideas on how to combat illegal immigration. they also have had mercy stances on abortion, especially because ohio got a referendum in which voters voted to enshrined abortion rights the state constitution. all three have said they would support federal restrictions on abortion rights. the one thing that does unite them all is they are trying to unite biden and brown. every time brenda was mentioned in the debate they always mention to biden and browne's policies because biden has low favorability ratings in ohio. >> of those issues, are there any that will resonate with ohio voters in the general election? >> immigration will be a major
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issue as well as the economy and abortion those issues have all come up and they are relevant to ohio as well. what i think you might see in ohio that would not be in a more national election is the focus on keeping jobs in the region. as a rust belt state they have seen many manufacturing jobs leave in recent decades, and they want to keep expanding programs to bring jobs back into the region. >> thank you so much for your time and insight. announcer: emerson college released a poll showing matt dolan and with 26% among gop voters ahead of bernie moereno and frank larose. nearly one third of ohio republicans remain undecided. president biden and president trump crossed the threshold and dispatch as's primaries. wins by both candidates in
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washington, georgia, mississippi, and hawaii left then named the presumptive already nominees by evening's end. next part of former president trump's message to voters in rural -- rome georgia. >> if you are a disillusioned democrat i extended open and an open invitation and i aske you to join us on the nobletogether we will turn the page forever on the miserable night air of the biden presidency. what a presidency. the most incompetent president we have ever had. [booing] the worst president, at most incompetent, and the most corrupt. her than that i think he is doing quite a good job, and we will make america great again. [cheers and applause]
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the stupidest people running things in their history of our country. i would like to use a more sophisticated word, but there are some words -- these are stupid people. joe biden should not be shutting at america. america should to be shouting angrily at joe biden. [cheers and applause] and we can be saying crooked joe, you were fired. get out of here. you are fired. you are incompetent. get out of here. you were destroying our nation. get the have out of here and by the way i had to tell you this. you know, i have done it twice. we did a great the first time, 2016. we did a much better the second time like not even close, and it was rigged. but there is never been the
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spirit that i have seen this time. 2016 was great 2020 was better, but this blows it away. we came in from the airport we are 15 minutes away. at the lines of people standing althe streets coming up to this building are incredible. [cheers and applause] on november 5 the curtain closes on crooked joe and the sun rises on the brand-new day for georgia and for america. but one of the lives that was taken from us was an incredible 22-year-old nursing student right here in georgia, inc. and o'reilly --incoln riley. look at the signs. she went out for a morning jog. she was in great shape and she
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never came back. they knew something was wrong. an illegal alien criminal who joe biden intentionally released into our country has been -- and because he gets released tens of thousands of people like this tens of thousands, because they come from jails and they come from mental institutions. they release them into our country. biden s implemented a formal policy that illegal aliens to intrude into united states are granted immunity from deportation, for us when this monster showed up at our border she was set freee created. i call it free to kill. they just told me prior to what now that joe biden went on television and apologized for calling lincoln's murder were illegal. he did not want to call them in
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illegal. [booing] she said you should have called him and undocumented, not illegal, and he wanted to apologize. [booing] he wanted to apologize. well, they have a new name too. they have a new name. do you know what the new name is? don't want to call them neighbor. did you ever hear the other one? newcomer, a newcomer to our country. are we going crazy or what? is this country going crazy? the newcomer, he was illegal and i say he was an illegal alien, an illegal immigrant, he was an illegal migrant and you should not have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. announcer: president biden also
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at the campaign trail was tops at a number of states including this one in new hampshire on wednesday. pres. biden: i talked about the budget released today that i think will help in a big heard, many americans paid more for drugs than anywhere in the country. on air force one with meaningful use to toronto berlin london, rome, the same prescription you may have for whatever you need to matter what it is company, you can get it in all of those cities, and it would cost you between 40% and 60% less. that is a fact, not hyperbole. and it is wrong and i've been trying for years and years as a u.s. senator and i am ending it now. ago this week before i came to office our country was hit with the worst pandemic and
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economic crisis in a century. remember the anxiety and the fear? record job losses, raging viruses that would take more than one million american lives and leave to millions of loved ones behind. it was estimated for everyone who died and left behind eight significant people. an empty chair at the table. the mental health crisis that resulted from the isolation and loneliness. my predecessor failed the most basic duty. the duty to care. i came to office determined to uphold the duty to care and get us through one of the toughest periods in history, and we have for building a future of american possibility, building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not just the top down. when the middle grows the bottom as a chance, the poor have an opportunity, and the wealthy still do very well. it investing in all of america and all americans to make sure everyone has a fair shot.
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we leave nobody behind, nobody. our plan is working at america is coming back. the pandemic no longer controls our lives, the vaccines are now being used to help be cancer turning a setback into a comeback. that is the american story and care is a privilege in america. that is why. that is why i have never been more optimistic about our future. we just have to remember who we are, we are the united states of america. there is nothing beyond her capacity when we do it together. nothing, seriously, not a joke. we are the only country that has ever come in of every crisis stronger than when we went in, stronger than when we went in and i will give you one example. you know, i may not get it done but if you give me a congress, i will. i am serious. here's the deal.
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we have 1000 billionaires in america. that is not a bad thing per se. do you know what their average tax rate is? a .2% taxes. anybody want to trade their tax rate? i'm serious. if we do charge them 25%, not the highest rate, 25% do you knowh that would raise in the next 10 years? $400 billion. $40 billion a year. imagine what we could do from cutting the deficit to providing childcare, health care, to continue to continue provider military with all that they need . this is not beyond our capacity. we just have to listen. tell people what we want to do and out that thing up to get out
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-- i hope that they figure it out, because the last guy, if he gets elected he will repeal every single thing we have done so far. 15 million new jobs, 800,000 manufacturing jobs, but people still need help. those folks sitting at the kitchen table still need some help on day-to-day things. we are going to work on those as well, but at any rate, i am taking too much of your time. thank you all very much for being here, and as my mother would say, god bless you all. god protect our troops. announcer: president biden vice president harris were on the road on thursday the commander-in-chief is today with voters in saginaw, michigan. the vice president and had lunch is the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic. in the game after president biden talked aboutstate of the union address and weeks after strategies to highlight the issue on the campaign trail.
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part of her visit to a planned parenthood location. vp harris: when they took us right away they created a health care crisis. so many of these clinics have shut down, so that i sent to the president, get ready for the words i'm about to use. uterus fibroids, pap smear breast cancer exam, that is part of what these clinics provide necessary and vital health in addition to abortion care. the guide to get that they are proposing and passing laws that make it in of exception for rape or incest, so they are saying to a survivor of a crime of violence to body that they have no right to make a decision about what happens to their body next. that is a moral -- immoral and
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on the subject overall i think we all agree -- let us all agree one does not have to abandon their faith were deeply held to agree that government should not be telling her what to do with her body. [cheers and applause] we trust women to know what is in their best interest. and today in some states we just saw extremists are attacking the freedom to use ivf treatment. it can happen anywhere. i talked about this when the dobbs decision it was leaked. let's see where this could end up. think aboutability to fulfill their dream of having a child, and consider the irony. so one the one hand, they are saying you don't have the freedom to end an unwanted
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r hand you do not have a freedom to start a family. consider an irony, and by the way, while these extreme is a they are motivated by the well-being of women and children , they are silent on the crisis of maternal mortality. the top 10 states with the highest rates of maternal mortality all have abortion bans. the hypocrisy abounds. and as we know, there is nothing hypothetical about anything we have just discussed. the crisis is real. since roe was overturned i have memet womiscarriages from twins. i met a woman who but -- who went to the emergency room for care and was turned away repeatedly because the doctors
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were afraid they would go to jail because they provided her care, and it was not until she developed sepsis. and in this health care crisis let us all recognize who is to blame. the former president donald trump handpicked united states supreme court with attention that they would overturn roe. he intyour freedoms, and he brags about it. he said that for years,", they were trying to get rid of roe v. wade. and then he said, i did it, and i am proud to have done it. proud, proud that women across our nation are suffering. proud that doctors and nurses good to be thrn in prison for administering care? proud that young people today have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers? how
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dare he. the former president is the architect of the health care crisis, and the extremists are not done. in the united states congress extremists tried to pass a national abortion ban to outlaw abortion and every single state but they need to know if congress passes a national abortion ban president joe biden will veto it. [cheers and applause] and when we together win majorities in the united states congress and congress passes a bill that reinstates the protections of roe v. wade, joe biden was signed into law. announcer: also this week fresh ads from the biden interim campaigns. next an ad from the biden campaign directly addressing the
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president's age and a add from the trump campaign. pres. biden: i am not a young guy, that is no secret, but i understand how to get things done for the american people. i let the country to the covid crisis. today we have the strongest economy in the world. i passed a law that lowers prescription drug prices. for four years donald trump tried to president law, and he failed. i got it done and now we have rebuilding america. i passed the biggest law industry to combat climate change. donald trump took away the freedom of women to choose. i am determined to make a roe v. wade the law of the land again. donald trump leaves the job of the president is to take care of donald trump. i believe the job of the president is to fight for you, the american people, and that is what i am doing. >> i am very young energetic
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and handsome. what am i doing dysphoric. i am not a young guy, that is no secret. ♪ ♪ anyway. >> the founder of the alaska memo, tell us about the house of representatives election in alaska this year. >> in 2022, the long-term dean
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if the house passed away unexpectedly. we had a special election in alaska, which was the first where our state god rank-choice voting. this term will be her first really as an incumbent with two years under her belt. >> and how is this election different than the 20 election where she first won office? >> i think the most obvious thing is that sarah palin is not in this race right now. sarah palin was in the special election race and the general election 2022. made for a really interesting experience or test case for how rank-choice voting works, which is to say not a lot of people even republicans like sarah
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much, so a lot of people split from her or voted for the third-party candidate for the third republican who looked at rank-choice voting and said i would rather my the good to megan or not anybody get all of us are there was a big dynamic about how the parties were figuring out how rank-choice voting works, and how to navigate that system. there is a lot of republican infighting in 2022. there seem to be more stayed with the quality of their candidates. >> there are two republicans running this year, correct? >> so far, right. we have nick beggich, the grandson of a former u.s. representative, a nephew to senator mark beggich, so he is
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in it again. he was sort of viewed as -- he was running against don young in 2022, and floundered a little bit when it became a more open race, and now we have also the lieutenant governor who was a former state representative, former commissioner for alaska and has been lieutenant governor since 2022, and she is sort of viewed right now as the party favorite i would say. >> is there a lot of money in this race so far? >> yes according to the latest fundraising total she has crossed over $2 million. the reports of the end of the year are relatively low.beggich has
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a decent amount of personal wealth that might be important year, but so far she certainly has the fundraising advantage going into this race. >> is a lot of the money coming out of state or are they mostly in alaska donations? >> i have not dug into where the money is coming from right now but i would assume -- this is a race that has a lot of national interest in it. obviously with how close the u.s. house is, and mary has cast yourself as a sort of centrist problem solver and has reached out, so there are definitely efforts to be bipartisan. >> it was interesting watching alaska primary debates and watching the debates.
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what is motivating alaska >> a huge issue, fisheries. alaska is on the forefront of climate change. there are communities that lose 20 to 30 yards of riverbank every year. people around the forefront of that change, and a lot of it is being felt in fisheries as declining populations of fish, lower returns, so the question is how do we adapt to that is the big question that a lot of people have what that. especially around resource development issues, finding ways to protect fish. almost everybody fishes in a way, and a lot of people rely on it to fill their freezer. the representative focused in on
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that in her election, and i think it really connected. it was one of the issues that probably connected with alaskans. >> what other issues or motivating voters in alaska this year? >> on the ballot this year we have rank-choice voting backup via a voter initiative. there is going to be a minimum wage bill on the ballot this year also, but i think really a lot of issues that are facing us are kind of anyway issues facing the country a little bit. how do we navigate some of the political divides to find common sense, sensible solutions? right now in alaska there is a big debate around how public schools are funded, how they are run. there hasnding issue here, so even though it is largely a state issue, i think that the policies
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that the federal government can affect that can help us out in a tough budget situation energy situation are huge, so in addition to education, energy will always be a big issue. alaska has a ton of resources but the cost of energy in alaska is a wayside, so there are a lot of issues there. end of the structure is another big issue. we love our roads, our infrastructure projects and the more the delegation can bring >> met buxton -- matt buxton,your time and expertise. announcer: a reminder, this program and all of
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