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tv   President Biden Meets With Irish Prime Minister  CSPAN  March 15, 2024 9:05pm-9:12pm EDT

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eaheir creative journeys. congratulations to all our winners. don't went out -- don't miss ben c-span starting april 1. you could catch each of the 150 award-winning studentcam films online anytime at join us in celebrating the civically engaged in inspiring young minds as they share their opinions on the issues that are important to them and affect our rl >> irish officialsk'day. yahoo! news writes that during the visit, theredent and the irish prime minister plan to lkbout rlier this year to restore power-sharing betweeth u.k. and northern ireland, which will vi the northern ireland executive and assembly. also, vice president kamala harris and secd ntleman doug emhoff are hosting the prime minist and his partner for
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breakfast at the naval observatory. the traditional shamrock handover with president biden will take place in the oval office on sunday. the president met withffice to discuss relations between the two nations and other foreign policy issues. minister for the annual friends of ireland luncheon ahead of st. patrick's day on sunday. live coverage starts shortlyernn c-span. ahead of the lunch, president biden met with the arched premise or to discuss relations between the two nations. pres. biden: welcome back to the oval office. it is good to have you back. i want t thank you again for the reception i had when i was last in ireland. as a matter fact, i am not sure my family wanted to come home with me it was so nice. look, great to see you, great
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chance to return some of the hospitality you provided me when i was an ireland last -- in ireland last. i know there are all kinds of irish thingso say made the hingf our friendship never go rusty, you know, the irish irish -- [indiscernible] -- good friends. in today's celebrates 100 years, 100 years of diplomatic relations between ireland and america. and as far as that friendship goes, it keeps increasing, not diminishing. together we will deeou partners0 jobs across both our nations helping to create a to increase humanitarian assistance in gaza where we know more has to be done. we are standing together to
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support ukraine in the face of putin's onslaught, savagery with which he is attacking the ukrainians, and i want to thank you for the assistance to ukraine, including millions and fido humanitarian aid you provide,ils of dollars, and urging our congress to do its part to get back in the game and in dollars, but we need to get our $16 package, $60 billion package -- [indiscernible] pm varadkarvote: [indiscernible] pres. biden: ok. that was a joke. i am urging congress tpass bipartisan legislation now that includes a significant amount of humanitarian aid, including two ukraine and gaza -- to ukraine and gaza. we remain committed to protecting the ease and northern
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fighting -- friday agreement and i'm glad to see the north ireland executive assembly up and running in fromve that is a very positive step forward, so thank you for being here as we begin the next never been more optimistic, because you know, united by history here -- not a damn thing we cannot do together, so welcome. pm varadkarvote: thank you. thank you so much. thank you, mr. president and thank you for giving us so much time over these next few days. and, very keen to talk about four main things while we are together. since we last met back in new york briefly in september at the u.n. and censure visit tired and last year, it's good to see the institutions in northern ireland
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up and running. it makes such a difference to have the good friday agreement properly functioning. as you know, the first minister here, the executive assembly are operating. we will have our ministerial council meeting next month, the british-irish counsel in june so good, to see the promise of that good friday agreement being fulfilled again, which is such a positive change since the last time we met. as you mentioned, we are celebrating 100 years of diplomatic relations with the u.s., one of the first countries to recognize irish independence, and it has become such a strong relationship since then. i am keen to talk about that more and strengthening our economic relationship which increasingly goes both ways. there are now 100,000 americans working in irish firms owned in the u.s. in one of the top 10 investors in the u.s., a great to be able to repay some of that interest. i want to talk about the
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situation and gaza as well. you won't know my view we need to cease fire as soon as possible to get food and medicine in. pres. biden: [indiscernible] pm varadkarvote: and we need to talk about how we can make that happen and move towards a two -stateolutiohiand security. and then on ukraine, i just really want to thank you and america for your leadership on ukraine. we are worried about the situation. and, we do think if putin is successful in ukraine that he will stop there, and we need your continued leadership in supporting ukraine, and i'm looking forwto later on. we will have a european council meeting next week with the prime ministers that they will be keen to know what i did in washington. that is a fight we have to win. pm varadkarvote: you tell them the president of the united
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states is strongly comthat. thank you very much. we will bring in our delegations. thank you, for being here, folks. reporter: any comments on -- [indiscernible] senator schumer. pres. biden: senator schumer contacted my senior staff that he was going to make that he, it elaborate on the speech. he made a good speech. i think he expressed a serious shared not only by him but by many members. [indiscernible] ■k[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> mr. president? >> mr. president? >> [indiscernible] >> this way. thank you. >> [indiscernible] >>


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