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tv   House GOP Leadership Holds Press Conference  CSPAN  March 15, 2024 5:33am-5:52am EDT

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>> good morning, everyone. welcome today two of the house republican annual issues political landscape and growing our house republican majority are today we are focused on covering the key issues facing communities across the country. the american people understand that joe biden continues to turn his back on we the people. joe biden's failed state of the union address exposed an unfit leader -- his policies are leaving americanscrisis. a cas in point, joe biden apologized for using the term illegal to describe the immigrant that murdered a young nursing student. joe biden could not pronounce her name correctly. as a mother and as a conservative leader myself, this leaves me speechless. joe biden clearly could care
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less about how his policies are destroying american families and creating a crisis across our country. under just three years of joe biden's leadership our nation has faced crisis after crisis, american families are forced to make hard decisions between putting food on the table or gas in the tank due to the highest inflation in my generation's lifetime. violent crime is destroying our cities and opening -- open illegal immigrants to invade our country bringing fentanyl and crime to our streets. because of the unified -- messagingthe members of our conference, we have held joe biden's administration accountable for his failed policies and we ve driven joe biden's poll numbers on the key issues facing hard-working americans whether it is immigration, the economy, crime and national security, those poll numbers have plummeted. unlike joe biden, the house of public and conferences
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committed to delivery solutions that bring results to the american people. we are the final line of defense to protect the american people's freedom and secure our borders and restore the american dream and with that i turn it over to tom emmer. >> the american people elected a republican house majority at the first chance they were given to put a stop to joe biden and the democrats' failing agenda. and thanks to the hard work of our members, we were able to beat the odds and deliver on some of our conservative, common sense priorities in 2023. we passed core pieces of legislation addressing americans top concerns -- such as the lower energy costs act and the parental bill of rights. we passed the historic border security bill that does five things, finishes the wall, performs parole authoritends cad restores remain in mexico. when joe biden and chuck schumer were too busying fingers,
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our majority has governed bypassing a transformational debt ceiling bill that rains in washington's reckless spending without letting us default on our debt. we also made history by passing first republican only ndaa, fighting against a "woke" defense department agenda while investing in our troops and our strategic capabilities. house republicans improving -- are proving that we can and will continue to govern on behalf of the american people. joe biden and democrats, however, have proven that their only priority is appeasing the far left members of their party. with note -- look no further the last week enmerica witnessed the most divisive state of the union address in modern history. what was supposed to be unifying, unifying outline of the president's vision for our country was nothing more than a partisan campaign speech used to further splinter america and
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americans. americans are sick of joe biden's blame games and refusal to take responsibility for the crises he has created to the next months will be spent to remind our constituents why they elected us in the first plac teamwork, commune occasion and respect, we deliver common sense wins that we promised. with our slim majority, we will continue to work with every corner of our conference to advance our conservative agenda. i look forward to the challenge. with that, i turn it over to our leader, steve scalise. >> thank you. good to see all of you out here in west virginia and as republicans and the come together to talk about our agenda for the rest of this year. it has been a very busy congress. and if you■c look at with a slim majority the things we have already been able to achieve, and my colleagues have touched on it -- major major policy
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initiatives that we have come together to pass, whether it was with a five seat majority or a two-seat majority or now maybe a one seatbeen able to find a wayt for those hard-working families who are -- are sick and tire of the far left agenda of joe biden and s allies in congress that have risen costs for so many things. we focused on energy, passing h.r. 1 to lower energy costs for family, whether it is pumping gas at the gas station or when your payer household electricity bill p people know they are paying too much because of the far left agenda here in washington. to pursue a radical agenda that makes no sense for america, shutting down american energy all president biden's begs saudi arabia to produce more energy while president biden lowers penalties against countries like iran so they can sell their oil on world markets making tens of billions of dollars that they never would have made before. to fund terrorism. iran is the
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sponsor of -- terrorist organizations like thomas that attacked our allies like israel. why would you want to allow them to make more money producing energy when we should be the world's dominant energy producer. yet gone in the opposite direction. in fact, next week on the house floor, we are to what we're bringing bills to the house floor for energy. russia. when joe biden does a ban on lng exports, as in essence he did, it hurts lng production in america, but it emboldens countries like russia. why would you want to help putin fund his war machine by giving him more leverage over europe when we were providing lng in america to our friends in europe?
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these are the decisions that joe biden has been making unilaterally that are hurting american families here at home and hurting our allies abroad. then, of course, with border security. we have test -- passed h.r.2, the strongest measure congress has seen in decades. we democrats to join with us. they chose not to. every single democrat voted against the bill in the house that would secure america's borders because they want in open border. but american families don't want an open so than border. they want to get this underconte crime and decimation, the murders, like lincoln riley. that should not be happening, except joe biden, using his own executive power, took action on his own to open that southern border. and we're going to continue to fight for those families, the rest of this congress. however slim our majority may be because we have shown that we can come together. sometimes in ways where democrats won't join us but days
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like yesterday where we are out -- all able to come together to pass a bill dealing with tiktok and confronting the threat that china poses to the data, the privacy of over 150 million americans. over 85% of for that bill yesterday. republicans and democrats. and hopefully the senate will take it up quickly as well. we are not going to let china have access to the personal data of over 150 million americans. i thought it was another great day, where this house republican the fight for those families who are struggling. and leading our efforts in the house is our speaker, who has been, again, a slim majority may be, finding a way to get it done. speaker mike johnson. >> thanks, steve. good morning to everybody. thank you again for being with us. a little cooler than it was yesterday. a few weeks ago, exactly a week
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ago, it seems like an eternity -- we were preparing for the state of the union and sadly the president just try to spin his record of failure. that is what was so frustrating about it. ultimately what we heard as his priorities -- thursday night stood in sharp contrast to what house republicans are fighting for every day and what the american people demand and deserve. we are passing legislation to secure the border, that's hr a2 and deport criminal aliens, including those who commitand . there are more lincoln rileys now. violent crimes being committed by illegals who are here and have been distribute it by the biden administration around the country in every state. we're breaking the omnibus tradition and working to get congress back to regular order. the budget and spending process is a big part of that. we passed a bipartisan tax package that help american families and small businesses that ends wasteful era
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program of spending taxpayer billings and cuts redtape for small businesses and pands the success of the trump era tax cuts we passed american energy independence and produce production of critical minerals we're standing up to commonest china and of course we passed a big bipartisan legislation that will make tiktok's sever ties with the ccp. we have taken the first step to begin addressing our unsustainable spending. as i say to my conference, this isn't a time of divided comfort and a time of the slimmest margin in u.s. history, it is not the time for long hail mary passes ond of dust. this is an incremental thing we have to do change washington and how it works. public is control now one half of one the federal government to read major -- so major wins are notcome by p l
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continue to fight for economies-- cut spending some unleash american energ production and help hard-working families and counter our adversaries like china. president biden can continue to try to spin his record but it is a direct-- it is directed at failure, not success. americans know that. the matter what you do for living, what zip code you are in, you know,ou aot than you wee three years ago. they know house republicans are fighting for them. and that message is resonating and we will continue to share that message and every venue and in every place around the country as our candidates and our incumbents are out sharing the good news about what we are doing. ■-we will you to a couple questions. front row -- we will yield to couple questions. front row. [inaudible] >> yeah, we talked about the impeachment articles a little bit yesterday. the investigation has been slow and deliberate and methodical as it must be on the constitution.
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i thing about this all the time, what the heavy power that the house is given on the constitution. to be very careful and deliberate. we did pass the article of impeachment on mayorkas. e not -- in a very simple answer for that is, and the reason for it is we are in the middle of the appropriations process and the way the procedure works is once the articles of impeachment are transmitted to the senate they have a short window within which to process them. so we did not want to interrupt thenate in their floor time in their deliberation of appropriations because we would risk shutting the government down. it will be done in due course as soon up and i think the appropriations process is very close to being wound down. yes, ma'am. >> [inaudible]
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>> it is not my belief that congress needs to play a role here. i think this is being handled by the states. look, we support access to ivf. we believe, i believe personally, this is my personal belief on the sanctity of life. we know, kelly and i know many families, beautiful families that were createwi technology it is. we need to do it ethically and well anything the states are handling that well, buto. i think everybody republican is committed to that idea. life is a people think of the estimate is about 8 million babies have been bored because -- born because of iv,f since his creation in the late 70's. our ptyt.
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back row. >> [inaudible] ■(>> we have not addressed it aa leadership team but we will look at it carefully. obviously, i mean the government has a responsibility take care of those who have been harmed by the government's action. as a general premise but we have -- we have not released to the details of that legislation and we will process it in time. we are going to wrap this up because we are going into session and i'm making the big team speech to everybody in just a few moments. i got to get ready for o stand together. look,, i'llay everyone says, the election
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cycle is the most important one of our lifetime. we say it every election cycle. everybody knows this one truly is for all the marbles. we have entire industries, sectors and the economy facing existential threats to their existence. we have the world is a tinderbox right now because our stature on the world stage has been diminished by this administration and democrats have the power -- rising throughout the country and inflation is through the roof because -- the cost of living is not sustainable for the american family. there are so many problems, and so the job of the people in that room and there, the house republicans, the majority, is a heavy responsibility but one that we take seriously and we are going to carry well. to stand together, stick together, get the job done, deliver for the american people and i am committed to do that. they will expand our house majority, give us the senate and republicans will take the white house as well, and then we will all be in a much-- a much better mood nexgen or because the agenda will change 180
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