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tv   House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 7, 2024 5:40am-6:11am EST

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ms. stefanik: thank you for coming this morning. the american people have spoken. they made clear what we have known for months. president donald j. trump is our republican numberree and will be the 47th president of the united states. his america first agenda secure our borders, made america energe needs of the american people first. that is not the state of the union we will hear from joe biden this week. the american pe deeply understand under joe biden's failed presidency, the state of the union is in crisis. and this is a crisis of joe biden's making. as ronald reagan famously asked us, are you better off today
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than you the answer for hard working americans across the country is no. whether the catastrophic border crisis ravaging our nation and leading to tragic loss lf life, bidenflation or our most precious ally■: joe biden has failed america and the american people. and what will be his final state of thend the white house will desperately try to pass the buck, blame congress and shirk responsibility in a desperate attempt to reis set his abysmal presidency. it won't work bus the americanp. there is no reset button and the
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democrats stenographers in the mainstream media have been forced to acknowledge that he has a failed record and falling in freefall. we will host a guest joe biden's state of the union in crisis whether border patrol officers brandon or families lost loved ones due to joe biden's dangerous open border policy. each of will talk about these issues as we prepare to hear from joe biden and one of the members knows is from virginia's 2nd congressional district. >> thank youeing here to listen to our. i represent virginia's 2nd congressional one of the toughet seats. we ran off of kitchen table
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issues. i am a mom and i yield joe biden to answer tomorrow. i worry every day comb debt we are inheriting and buy a new car or new house and pay off their credit card bills and the. joe biden has taken away. and economic crisis instead of taking the american dream away including my own children. i want him to address these issues and other moms and dads care about their financial future. i worry about my kids' safety and i worry when they are not m, when they are out with their friends, in college and alone. he has made our communities less safe. i visited the border twice and
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have to put restrictions. and stark rise in violent crimes just in our own communities. he has jeopardized our children's safety and naon security. we have increase in chinese nationals and people on the terror watch list. i want him to respond to talk about safety of my children and children of all. as a former navy pilot, navy spouse andy mom, i am concerned. it keeps me up at night. he has put my kids at risk but our military men and women by being weak on the world stage. we see what is happening with russia and ukraine and we are seeing increased aggression aggression. we know the world is involved in the chaos and war and that is due to joe biden's weak
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leadership. joe biden needs to respond w■hy country looks weak on the world stage and i need him to respond not just with political rhetoric and empty lies butal fs done and what he is going to do and keep my children safe. i will be watching tomorrow night like so many moms and dads will be. i hope our concerns are answered. i would like to introduce mike from new york. >> thank you for being here this laken riley was released in my home state. why? because states like new york embrace sanctuary. governors like the governor of new york undermine public safety threaten the very lives of our neighbors because of their failure to confront a crisis of
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their making. tomorrow, i will welcome two upstate county sheriffs from the state of new york. last night there were pundits on american families know and understand that the crisis at our border is undermining not on nc safety, communities like those tay i represent and families like i live with and firsthand not only the pain and struggle that has been caused because of open borders and decisions of this president but because every day and every way policies out of this administration and out of states like new york contin to undermine public safety and the ability of law enforcement to provide for it. tomorrow, those county sheriffs will the halls of congress hoping that a president will acknowledge the crisis he
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created. that's at the heart of it. president biden not only has surrendered our southern border to cartels but engaged in an tol immigrants across the country making every state in america a border state but more importantly threatening those very individual lives and lives of country. tomorrow the president could repeal his executive orders that have fueled, emboldened and made worse this crisis. governor hochul could end sanctuary policy. if they cared, they would. we are hopeful that the voice of the american people that chose to laugh at last evening will be period of heard by this and embolden members of the house
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republican conference and public safety and closing in securing our border. i would like to introduce my lleagu from iowa. >> this morning, who served in the military in combat operations that deterred china from sendingea our shores and struck out at cartels inside mexico, we face a very different world. nearly eight million illegals entering in my country and had my district blue district that we turned red, this is not a republican or democrat issue, but a national security issue. and at the state of the union, let me be very clear, my guests
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will be the kidd family and their shore enshrine that everyone is facing, threats facing their children. their son see best tan was on the wrestling team, played golf and loved his friends and adored his parents and dealing with anxiety and a friend offered him a percocet and it was laced with fentanyl. they have tried to lives of other families across america with their heroic work. as i vieted them to join me at the state of the union, that family asked the question that so many americans are asking, if we had just secured our border, would my son be alive today? the reality is we now have three
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years where choices were made in this white house that threaten the lives of families across america, whether it be aia or my tibbets in my hometown of iowa. we have a country under siege. a particular salute for our law enforcement, i-35, where law enforcement seized 30,000 fentanyl pills. let's be very clear, pills produced and made by chinaartelo that showed up on american shores. this is simply a weamed. the number one -- weapons of mass destruction. this thursday as the president comes forward, we need more than rhetoric. we need a plan. we need the type of leadership
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that saving measures to protect our country from the international threat at our own southern border. mr. president, if you address nation think of the kidd family and think of how to save kids across iowand across the country by doing the right thing today. no one is stronger than our own. mr. emmer: according to reports, joe biden allies are billing it as big public reset moment. the american people are going to see whatever through scripted biden ends up reading off the teleprompter. the facts are quite clear. joe biden has failed on every
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single issue. our state of the union has been dwiepped by unprecedented chaos thanks to this administration's failed policies and it's the american people who have been left to suffer as a result. americans elected our house republican majority the first chance they wereiv to counteract joe biden's agenda. on the economy, it was joe biden's spending that led to double-digit inflation, historic interest rates and bang collapses. house republicans lowered■( coss for families and put us on a path towards fiscal responsibility. on the southern has refused to 4 executive actions that created this in the first place. republicans pasted historic legislation reforms asylum
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authority, ends catch and release and restore remain in mexico which our customs and border patrol said it would stop illegal aliens. on foreign policy it is joe biden's weakness and empowered on our adversaries. in stark contrast, house republicans reversed the white house policies emboldening iran, refocus our military on winning4 comb not the democrats' culture wars and unapoll getically supporting israel. than a quote reset moment out of this administration. it is time for new leadership and the people are goings heardt box this november. until then we have to continue to do our part
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failed policies and hold this white house accountable. i turn it over to our leader, steve scalise. mr. scalise: thank you, whip. tomorrow on the and in the same chamber where joe biden will be giving his state of the union address, the house will bt and debating and passing a bill to confront another crisithat joe biden himself created, a crisis that has had devastating impacts on families. i commend representatives collins and loudermilk working with laken's family who are devastated at the loss of their daughter. a tragedy that was c biden opene
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southern border and every community in america is seeing crime, the hands of people coming here illegally and doing harm to our citizens. i have seen it in my own back yard in louisiana, where a 14-year-old girl was raped by someone here illegally because joe bid opened the southern border. how many more families will have to suffer before joe biden admits his mistake and creates what he did. we passed a bill. this house came together and passed h.r. 2 a bill that would secure our border and worked with our border patrol agents and others. everyone knows what needs to happen. joe biden went to the border he had -- he could have ended catch
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and lease worked to restore the remain in mexico policy that was so effective under president trump. a negotiated to call a foreign leader and doing everything to protect your country but that's biden's job and he is failing on every front. he could do it with a pen and he says congress needs to act. he should ask pass h.r. 2, a bill that would actually solve the problem, not make it worse as we have seen in some of the other bills floating around the senate. joe biden could do it on his own because he created this problem with his pen he going to look ie eyes of laken riley's family and say he is going to do everythins invasion. millions of people, people on the terror watch list coming in,
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he opened the border and he can close the border but he refuses to do so. look at the crisis, economic crisis, energy crisis, foreign policy crisis, your allies on fire and enemies are running rough showed over other nations and talkseset, is it more empty rhetoric or is joe biden going to work with republicans to solve these problems. we stand ready just like we will be passing the laken riley act, this house has acted on solutions to fix those problems and the leader at the forefront of that effort is our speaker, mike johnson. mr. johnson: i thank you for being here. the speaker: i thank this cross sectionf republican colleagues
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who are here to highlight a lot of these important things. i want to summarize what has been said and we'll take the american people are going to hear from president biden about the state of the union and i have been asked, if you had to describe inne the stf the union is, you have heard the crisis, you heard catastrophe. i think maybe a summary of decline and i say that with great sadness and because of this president and this administration that we are inomn decline. every day goods are more expensive. people can barely afford the cost of living, grories and gasoline. home ownership is out of reach. and u.s. household debt is at all-time high. american sorchtd in decline. the southern border is a total catastrophe. no other way to describeu that.
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traffickers and cartels have taken control. fentanyl poisoning is killing our children. while he opened the border his reckless executive actions and 64 that he has taken to open that border. we learned last week he never one time spoke to the chief of the border patrol.cionable. innocent americans from laken riley to the 14-year-old rape victim in our home state of louisiana, have all been victimized that the biden administration has released in our country. he is releasing them into your state. every state is a border state. carjackings are up. tea tax against law enforcement are rising. 600,000 known criminal aliens roaming, to re-offend.
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the actual number is much higher and that's the official number that we know about. some of us believe there may be as many 15 million illegals since joe biden walked into the oval office. america's presence is on decline. iran, russia, china, our adversaries are acting and we have unres. the president is turning his back on our greatest ally. and biden's botch withdrawal from afghanistan our stature has been diminished that is difficult to calculate. president biden is going to try to suggest that the state of the union is strong and expect he is going to say this is a time for the state of the union is not strong and everyone knows it. doesn't matter what political party you are in or where you
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lean in. you know this country is not in good shape because of its leadership in the white house. president biden is the least popular president in modern history. america is in decline. and nothing he going to change . house republicans will continue to fight to hold biden and his administration accountable. constitutional duty and responsibility and we will fulfill it and committed to saving this republic and that will happen in november when american people let their voices be heard. [indiscernible]
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what would you say is the state of the republican process? conference is encouraged and strong and we have a weekly gathering of all the republicans and we know that for example on the appropriationsment spendingt going to get everything we want. we want to cut spending and limit the size and scope of the federal government. but we have divided government, we have a two-vote majority, one of the smallest. and we only control one half of one-third of the federal government. but in spite of that, we have an appropriations pacge that is going to cut nondefense, and going to increase defense spending at this time around the globe. those are priorities we have advanced and advanced cuts to some of the agencies that we believe are overreaching and ha b in some ways
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against the american people. cut 3% from d.o.j. 6% from the f.b.i. and 10% from the e.p.a. that is a start. we have a lot more priorities we need to advance. we have to grow the house majority, take back the senate and win the white house and i'm here to tell you the reason we are optimistic and those things are going to happen. [indiscernible]■4■f the speaker: we committed to do 12 separate appropriations bills and the reason it has been difficult is becauses no muscleo
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do that. statutory law requires congress to work in a manner -- 1974 budget control act spells out a timetable that ends by late summer and then you are done with the spending bills well in advance of september 30. congress hasn't done that in a long time. since ■■2 congress last seven years we ruled by omnibus. the road and on the eve of christmas, the senate would send to the house a massive spending bill that spent $2 trillion and 4,000 pages and no one has time to read and we said that's not the wavernment. it takes a long time to turn an aircraft carrier. we are forcing reforms to force congress back into the statutory
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mode and the way in which it is supposed to work. that means appropriation bills. >> i want to remind everybody that all occurred before the speaker -- the speaker: thank you, scott perry. we are working very ha t bend that backwards and can't turn an aircraft carrier. we put into the new invention that scott perry helped to make this work and move that deadline because it takes a long time to get this done. it is a long process and long overdue. we are very happy now we are at the point we can move beyond ou5 to push this back into the mode in the regular order and procedure. i think that is good-bye the
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american taxpayers and look forward to moving that forward. [indiscernible] the speaker: we are very happy results last night. it will be a rematch and we like that rematch. from my perspective, presiden rg because this is not an untested theory. we know what he delivered. the first two years of his administration we delivered the greatest economy in the history of the world and the reason was because we acted upon our core premisesha supported. we limited the size and scope of government. we cut regulation substantially and and tax reform and tax cuts. he was trying to work through the agency to change the way washington works. he got a lot of resistance because he was still feeling it
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out. he just arrived in washington and was trying to figure it out. i think he has big plans to change some of that going forward. the house republicans are going to work hand in 47th president which we are convinced will be president trump and turn the catastrophe, the crisis, the decline that we described this morning completely around because we will have republicans in the to be a good nine for think the safety, security, sovereignty and liberty of our nation and can't happen soon fo. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit
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