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tv   Campaign 2024 Super Tuesday Primary Results  CSPAN  March 5, 2024 9:03pm-11:31pm EST

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motion? ms. scholten: i move that the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the aye have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly the house stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning forbiing tor co utdown night president biden delivers the state of the union. live coverage on c-span. today is super tuesday and we have been following along. we joint live coverage in progress. >> massachusetts voting rules, independent voters can participate, independent parties do not appear on the primary ballot. joining us from the boston globe is a political reporter.
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walk us through the basalts in massachusetts. what are the headlines? >> we got projections that president biden and former president trump are going to win their primaries and that puts them further along in securing their nomination. >> glitter reporter saying? -- what are reporters saying? >> rematch few people are interested in. turnout was expected to be lower than it was in the last primaries. it was a great were not excited about their
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options. you are voting for nikki haley out of opposition to donald trump. and there is a growing movement to vote no to joe biden because of the conflict in gaza. >> how would you characterize massachusetts voters? >> this is a wealthy, educated white state. almost two thirds of voters are not affiliated with a parties so of voters can participate in either primary. on the republican side folks were expecting some people who vote for democrats to cast ballots for nikki haley, one of
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the reasons this is more fertile ground for her. >>he result? >> the margins. headlines will not be a surprise. the gop question is how much support can nikki haley accrue? if you can keep trump below 50% she has a chance of earning delegates, but if he exceeds, it is winner take all. the question for joe biden how many voters turn away from him. there were protests in cambridge where voters were saying cast your ballot for no preference to demonstrate you are unhappy with how president biden has shown support for israel. >> anna, thank you for the update.
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we appreciate it. >> that she said, there are 40 ewide if the candidatere vot delegates nine allocated on statewide results. lisa in minnesota, republican hi, lisa. what are your thoughts on super tuesday? >> thank you for taking my call. i spill to see president trump that in the race. he has my vote again based on energy independence. i'm not surprised. minnesota is voting today. >> good. i did not vote today but i'm
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voting for trump in the national election, so just thrilled. host: stephen in springfield, massachusetts. >> i wanted to make a statement that i voted today. i'm not happy with either kennedy.
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-- either candidate. joe biden is the problem with the border and that is all i have to say. he is not fit to be president again. stephen in massachusetts who voted today. immigration and border security are important. more results from the state tonight. what did you find out? >> let meanhe vot ddonald poles that stay open, they e.joe winne primary to run for s.ts gressmif havoid a runoff and not have
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to wait for that to happen. we will watch that and that will be one race targeted for control of the senate. an1. org and there is a bar at the top of the page where you can find results. host: of 18re you are affiliated by voting in the primary or you sign affidavit of affiliation. registration ends 30 days prior to a primary, as how it works. roger in oklahoma, did you vote? caller: i was the first one at my precinct 7:00 and i voted for nikki haley.
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i am the distinci'm an eisenhower republican and there are not many left. trump will carry this state, all the counties. all states. i think he will be elected president. that scares me, but i think he will win and i will vote for joe biden. i am a lifelong republican, the first candidate i voted for was richard nixon and i voted for hillary clinton and joe biden and i expect to vote for biden again. i am a rare bird. host:caller: i and may never trump
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-- i am a neverroosevelt chose to command the european theater because he n he was president. sometimes he had a democrat majority. he worked with lyndon johnson. his attitude it doesn't matter who gets the credit. ll support that. nikki haley strikes me as being of the same mold. m not saying she will be another eisenhower or be elected. anyway, i voted for her. host: let's hear from josh in texas, a republican. thank you for calling. caller: i voted republican for donald trump. he is the only candidate --
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host: i did not hear the last part. caller: the only political candidate who cannot be bought. host: you are referring to what? caller: his influence is the american people. it is not paid by any organization. host: would you vote for in the senate race? caller: ted cruz. host: you like the way he has represented the state? caller: i do. host: caleb in oklahoma, hello. did you vote in and how did you vote? caller: i voted for chase oliver. >> tell us why. >> these parties do not represent real americans in the streets.
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>> and why do libertarians? >> little terrien's will look out for your actual rights instead of spending money on confat do not have anything to do with us. >> is that one of the most important issues? >> it is. i think gun control immigration, abortion, things like that. >> jonathan in new york, democratic caller. welcome to the super tuesday conversation. go ahead. your turn. one last call for you? all right, tim in virginia. hi, tim. did you vote in the primary? >> yes i did.
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i voted for biden. >> why are you supporting the president? >> he has done really well and i feel sorry that other people do not realize that by not voting, it is a vote for trump. just cannot have that. >> what is your concern? >> really? there's a thousand reasons why would not want to vote for trump, whether it is the 91 charges, his i to buddy up with vladimir putin and oligarchs. i do not understand people's thinking. he has not been a big help to the farm, but we'll have to hope for something better.and i wish he was 20 years younger.
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host: tim saying heishes he was 20 years younger. dan in new jersey. >> hello. >> how are you? what are your thoughts? >> hearing so much about supporting thoughtful people who are ignoring, overwriting considerations for our country's president is a person who knows how to keep the country safe in false impression that trump can do that. i don't think he can be trusted. his first secretary of state said he was an idiot. all the people he worked for national defense, secretary of
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defense john bolton in his last secretary of defense course general kelly who he picked they say the man should not be president. he will not have any country. everyone wants to solve the open border crisis. he allowed his constituency to suffer.
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he's made a deal with vladimir putin, the only president that has ever had secret meetings to keep anyone from knowing what was stated. it was proven with indictments that russia helped trump win. host: dan in new jersey. last call with thoughts on president biden and trump. there are some down ballot races we will talk about.
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california pulled close 11 p.m. eastern, so we will get your reaction states closing from coast to coast results in your thoughts. john is with us tonight as well with more results. >> i have plenty of races in california when the polls close. let me stay on the east and nikkiof and we will see what happens. ic s n you can maine. ciatede.phillips saying congratulations to joe biden.
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that tweet from the official account on super tuesday. if you want to check out results go to or voters not affiliated with a days prior. in 20 n and bernie sanders trailed him. jared in north carolina -- derek in north carolina. how are you? >> i voted for donald trump. i would be surprised if trump does not go all the way.
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i see mass amounts of people. the reason i voted for him i the . host: the magic number for the former president is 1215 delegates. he is likely to reach that in the next primary, march 12. arizona, florida illinois,
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kansas, ohio. jim, alexandria virginia? >> planned an event learned when i went to school. to me, this is toxic. terrible the way it's going. those girls on msnbc are ruthless, so thank you for what you do. i chose not to vote and that was my choice. i cast my ballot for donald trump because i think he is the
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best of what we offer. host: janice in georgia republican. >> thank you for having me on. i you have to have a say love the child lived. that's murder. how many people are in prison today because they accidentally killed a child? but yet the democrats want to dit and they get by with murder. host: janice in georgia. abortion is important for her.
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rolando, texas. did you vote in the primary? >> yes. i was forced torepublican candidate. i had to choose a and i don't like how the republican party is turning to people like donald trump. hopefully someone like rand paul runs. host: hoping that this that -- vivek runs again.
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as john showed you earlier, he is racking up votes tonight. kyiv, anlet's hear from you next. >> inyoung you me -- can you hear me? i listen to collars and i am perplexed because people did not do their research. what did trump do? prices were not skyhigh? everything that i buy has doubled in price, so i feel like people do not use logic.
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you have to vote for people who have policies for you and your family. i don't own a tv, but do your research blame them. i travel a lot. we have homeless people on the street, veterans who cannot eat. we do not take care of our own which is why will be voting for
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donald trump. host: we are taking your calls so keep dialing in. more of your calls coming up, but first john with the results. >> vermont's gop primary is otaliz. closein texas there was never a cruz taking on ted cruz. ll racesee
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. 23rd district was expected to % will see ce drawe more had the advantage. only 10% of the vote totals are in. jall the vote totals are available on host: it is super tuesday and we are getting your thoughts this evening. part of the conversation is a national political reporter with the washington examiner. thank youor being with us. >> the major trend line is trump
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is likely going to win all if not most of the states. he and nikki haley are net in the. reach the threshold tonight. that will be one or two weeks from now. nikki haley tried to preempt. biden steamrolling dean phillips and marion williamson. in the michigan primary the uncommitted vote god 101,000 votes.
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biden will sweep the states tonight. host: no concerns for the incumbent president? >> no, biden and trump are both feeling very good. they knew they would come out as the nominees. trump will give a victory speech. i think the trump are feeling good. host: where was nikki haley hoping to do well and what does that mean for her staying in
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past today? >> we saw her on sunday so she was hoping for a win in virginia. that did not happen. moderate voters could have voted for, that they are not voting for her. nikki haley was barnstorming until today. no public events today. likely reevaluating her career
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after tonight. it was during their primary where one of her surrogates said if they did not win, there was not a path forward and she is now in its neck in vermont's. even if she does win winning one state does not bode well. host: she is with the washington examiner and will spend time with you answering your questions or responding. we have some down valid races and we heard results from john mcardle. what are you watching? >> i'm watching the alabama race.
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one of them will not emerge or have a career after this year. i want to talk about alabama because with the court ruling where embryos are considered children, there is a race going down. bigger races, ca primary. we have katie porter and barbara lee. only two of them will emerge. congressman l read may emerge as
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the democratic challenger to ted cruz. host: we will update you and viewers. let's talk to peyton. caller: thank you for c-span. the worst part is realizing where we are if the gop will nominate trump. he represents the party and that is shocking because you have someone special wealth planning not peaceful transfer of power trying to shake down the president ofit is scary, the gop is
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who we are on the other side and that is shocking. i hear people who voted for trump, did they not pay attention? there were not fine people on both sides. host: what are we seeing from exit polls about republican voters crossed super tuesday? >> there have been exit polls that are worrying for trump. in virginia republican said they would not vote if it were trump in november, so nikki haley
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re were some republicans who to not want trump. exit polling is a warning sign that trump will get the nominees, but he has to convince independents and swing state voters to back him, because those voters cost him 2020. michigan wisconsin pennsyi think his campaign will convincing independent voters how to get them. biden will emphasize trump's chaos to make sure disaffected
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voters do not trump. host: them if he was convicted of the crime. what do you make of that that is stunning. trump's hold over the gop hasbeen unrelenting and with every indictment his popularity kept growing and we have 68% saying they would not vote for him. that is a big deal and i can understand why his team are trying to get prosecutors to delay his trial.
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has not happened, so maybe some republican voters are still going to back him. if he gets convicted with a felony, that could be the end of his reelection campaign. host: it is the biggest hall of the primary contest but there are more contests to come. does the former president try to reach out to those independent voters or is it too early? >> that's a eat question. it would be wise for trump but nikki haley doing a speech is
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the kind of thing that would irk trump. nikki haley gave triumph and speeches and that he noted that in his victory speeches. past speeches suggests that if his team can convince himt we are in the general election, maybe now is the time to reach out. maybe he will say something conciliatory tonight. there a 50-50 chance because nikki haley is not dropping out. host: the former president has not given remarks. we expect him to do so shortly from his estate. david in virginia. caller: thank you for taking my
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call. i voted today for president biden because i feel like trump wants to take us back to the dictatorship. furthermore, he took away the personal exemption which cost me and my family over $3500 and had a chillingffect on federal agencies, so i would never vote for trump. host: david's thoughts in virginia. from frederick in texas. you are next. caller: thank you for having me. i just voted today. i am pretty much independent but eileen moderate. i don't understand why people
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would vote for a person you cannot trust what he says, any policies. they are old for something husband rehashed -- has been rehashed so he took credit for. i don't get what people see in him because it does not seem like he did anything for the country. i feel that someone be indicted could not run for any office, but i guess you have to get convicted. host: what did you hear from those collars? >> there is a lot of opposition
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to understand why republicans support from under indictment in one thing that footers underestimate this how popular he is. i've covered the entire field and the energy in the trump campaign does not compel to nikki haley or ron desantis or tim scott. what people are underestimating is how much people see trump as a part of themselves. they are being attacked. that went through the roof.
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republican voters don't think the 91 indictments, they are wielded to trump. he says they are doing this to you. i don't think there is much that could dislodge the support. maybe if he were convicted, that would change. but now, he is popular. host: thank you for joining us tonight. you can follow her reporting if you go tthank you very much.
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more of your calls are coming up and we are waiting for the former president to mark his victories. c-span'jojohn: let me go through some of the downrimaryr men got redrawn into the same of the ead. it is tighteningthe ri congressman allred stayed lwinning th to texas election rules. back to the republican primary in ms lead but nikk ldni primaryminnes vote. donald trump winning as is expected in the best way to demonstrate that is to show thelast
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nine posts from donald trump instagram's page. saying thank you virginia. donald trump wins virginia. a few minutes later post. donald trump wins tennessee wins texas. massachusetts fallen colorado and that in the most recent one donald trump wins minnesota. a dream set of posts for any candidate. donald trump getting accolades including senator lindsey graham. trump is on track to enjoy the
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choice of republicans to be the standardbearer. that is the post from lindsey graham. ble to sort through at host: let's focus on minnesota while we wait for the former president in florida. minnesota where polls closed that82 point 6% bl are latino. 3.5 milliones forters filiate with the dfl on a dfl ballot and republicans have the option to write in a candidate. geely in arkansas, republican. back to our conversation. your thoughts?
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caller: yescaller:, trump is in office with the war in afghanistan everything would have gone fine. when biden started pulling all the troops out of afghanistan that is when the trouble began.and on the southern , everything going wrong is on biden. that is my opinion. we've got to go to dale next in texas. did you vote in the primary? caller: i did not, but my kids did. they are trump people.
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host: what are the conversations like? with your kids? cabut if you believe in bi don't you go vote? and i said i'm doing. and they said he#6yway. they showed me a bunch of pictures from when president trump was in office and how much more it has cost us since biden has been in office. they won me over so i'm going to vote for trump in november. host: did you vote for biden in 2020? caller: i did and i thought it would be different. he disappointed me. so i am maga.
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host: vincent in staten island. your next. caller: how are you? i voted for dean phillips. i liked his ideas on term limits i'm really more of a jim webb democrat from 2016. i would've voted for him but they didn't give him the chance. just like they are not giving kennedy a chance. i think if it comes to the actual election, i might just go with kennedy as an independent. i don't think biden really has a centerleft representative. but clinton was also centerleft, beau biden was never a good representative for his lifespan as a person apart from his policies which he doesn't represent out all well. especially what he did to justice thomas years ago.
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for those reasons,, i did in 2020 feel pulled towardsagainst him with the fbi. but i did not vote back then. there's no way i could go with a guy like biden. host: vincent in new york democratic collar. in nashville, tennessee, good evening to you. did you take part in the super tuesday primary in your state? >> yes, i did i was not born in the united states, i was born in china. i actually left during the chinese cultural revolution. i saw that the country has been out of the cultural revolution since 2020.
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so people who helped with slavery. just getting better. everything is very similar to cultural revolution. the country is heading towards communism, that direction. this country shouldn't play race card. trump, as a president, this
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country went too far, black lives matter. the people really look like the chinese cultural revolution. host: onur thoughts, we will go on to thomas in stafford, texas. >> hi, how are you? host: doing well. did you vote today in the prim i voted for nikki haley because i believe that if the journalists and the vice president, and cnn and msnbc that think that donald trump is literally hitler's. they will do everything that they can to prevent him from being president. so the only thing you can do is vote for nikki haley as a backup plan.
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other than that, i voted for ted cruz. host: thomated cruz in the past? caller: of course. thank god they don't have beta on the democrat primary. host: what do you like about senator cruz record? how he has represented? caller: my wife says he's a he's a very conservative man, and he believes in family values, and he kind of disagrees with the former senator -- you know, that stepped down a few days ago and said he was not going to pursue his senate leadership? mitch mcconnell. senator mcconnell.
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kwuex yes so i don't think ted cruz is anywhere near being the senate majority leader, but hopefully they vote somebody in. i don't think it should be cornyn. host: why not? caller: [laughter] i don't like him very cruz a lot more than i like cornyn. host: what don't you like about senator john cornyn? thomas ? caller: there's a couple of other things i wanted to say. about donald trump -- so, i just don't understand how the journalists and all of the vice
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president's msnbc, cnn, they hate him so much. why do you hate this guy so much. host: all right, thomas, you already made that point, we will leave it there. >> let me follow up on the john cornyn,, the senior senator from texas running for that leadership post. just came across this a few minutes punch bowl news. senator john cornyn, who's running for that senate republican leaderow that post. republic limits under their own ru the whip because he was term and john thune will reach his limit at the end of this congress. a little bit of news on john cornyn and how hehe republican leadership post if he is elected to that position. let me come back to results tonight and the storyline that we have mostly been following the one republican primary that seems to be close in coming down to the wire continues to we will continue to keep an eye on that race of superthen, let me
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talk about a state that is not on the super tuesday list. it's having its primary on march the 19th, that's the grand canyon state of arizona. the news today out of arizona senator kyrsten sinema is stepping down from her senate seat at the end of this year, deciding that she won't run again. the independent senator from arizona. this is the hill newspaper with their headline on instagram. the hill now moves at the arizonenate race has largely been solidified as a matchup between the democratic congressman rubin and republican lake is expected to be one of the marquee senate matchups this cycle. no longer setting up to be a three-way race, but a straight up race between the democratic nominee and the republican nominee, or at least the expected nominees. let me stay on kyrsten sinema for a second. she made her announcement that
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she won't be running again via a twitter about three minutes long. i will play the first half of it explaining why she has decided not to run again. >> in 2017 i won a section of crossroads. our democracy was weakened and the constant stream by both political parties. to listen others without judging. to focus on what unites us. and to make americans lives better. to listening, understanding and compromise, we build tangible results that make america safer stronger, and more prosperous. yet, despite modernizing our infrastructure, ensuring clean water, good jobs and safer communities, americans still choose to retreat further to bipartisan corners. say consider delegates either
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because they are too much or not enough. it's all or nothing. the outcome is less important than beating the other guy. the only political victories that matter these days are symbolic like smashing your opponent on cable news. compromise is a dirty word. we've arrived at that crossroad and we show anger and aggression. i believe in my approach but it's not what america wants right now. i love arizona, and i'm so proud of what we've delivered. because i choose civility understanding, listening working together to get stuff done i will leave the senate at the end of this year. >> senator kyrsten sinema in her post on instagram and twitter today, setting up what's now expected to be one of the marquee races on the senate map this election 2024. uesday throughout the night and a reminder to our viewers if out that campaign 2024 banner at the top of our webpage at c-span
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.org. host: super tuesday results can be found there. [standby] egates at of the redistricting that harkansas about 1.1 million spent there. tyler in florida, republican. quake thank you for having me on your show. host: what are your thoughts on campaign 2024? caller: definitely think it has to be trump. every trump policy that was reversed from trade to border
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security. it was either blatant ignorance or intention. basically, what it comes down to, you have to ask yourself in the famous lines of ronald reagan, are you better off then you were four years ago. host: what would you say about the governor of f>> i think that everything he has done in our state has been an exemplary great impact to our country. everything that he has done, i have supported, for the most part. host: do you wish she had stayed in no, i don't think he had a chance. the trump presidency is pretty strong and it's pretty hard to compete with. host: tyler in florida. let's hear from stephen from lawrence, kansas. host: -- caller: you are doing a great job. you look beautiful as always,
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you are a beautiful person. i think the 64,000 dollar questi here, it's obvious trump is waiting until vermont is called. nikki is ahead by about 2000 votes and she wmaill woman to ever win the gop primary, but she just needs to take that victory and go home. this is getting ludicrous. i would love to know what the callers think of why she is still in this race. she's not she's not going to get proportional delegates. this race is over, and she is destroying her own career. i'm just fascinated by what is keeping her in this race. ve a very good reason as to what -- and for her not to even make a statement tonight is a terrible miscalculation. i think it is just tone deaf, its inexperience, maybe, she's
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young, she has many more years ahead of is going to be -- people are going to remember this after trump is gone. i guess the rn sheet -- rnc chair quit tonight. nikki haley, please get out right now if you know what's good for you and you are slaughtered out of your political future. host: you say that this is bad for nikki haley's career. why? caller: we lost stephen it looks like the former president has entered the room with his supporters in mar-a-lago. we will bring you there live now. >> ♪ stand up next to you and defend her until today there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa
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in the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from -- down to houston from new york to l.a. we are the pride in every american heart it's time to stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i am free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me i gladly stand up next to and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless and i'm proud to be an american
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where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that fight to me in died gladly stand up next to you and defend her until today there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪ [crowd chanting "usa"] >> thank you very much. they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one.
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they tell me the fund -- the pendants, that there has never been one like this. there has never been anything so conclusive. it has been an amazing night, an amazing day. a has been an incredible time in our country's history. it has been sat in so many ways. i think it's going to be inspiring because we are going to do something that nobody has been able to do for a long time. [applause] we watched our country take a great beating over the last three years and nobody thought a thing like this would be possible. we wouldn't have russia attacking ukraine. we wouldn't have israel being attacked. iran, as you know, is broke when i was running things. they didn't have money for hamas, they did not have money for hezbollah. we had no inflation, eight the inflation is destroying the middle class. it's destroying everything.
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inflation, if you look back over the history, hundreds of years back, inflation is called a country buster. that's what it's doing to our country. what's happened with inflation as been unbelievable. a lot of people say, a lot of experts say the stock market is the only thing doing well and it's doing well because our poll numbers are so much higher than joe biden's. he's the worst president in the history of our country. there has never been anything like what's happening to our country. today it was announced that 320 5000 people were flown in from parts unknown. migrants were flown in. airplanes. not going throughde through the great texas. that i was with the great governor of texas, greg abbott the other day. we were looking out the job
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data. they are pouring in a california they are pouring into arizona because those governors aren't doing anything, they are doing nothing. was just announced, before i came out, it was unbelievable. they flew 320 5000 migrants, flew them in over the borders into our country. that really tells you where they are coming from. they want open borders, and open borders are going to destroy our country. we need borders and we need -- need free and fair elections or we don't have a country. this is a group of people. so many celebrities -- i'm not going to introduce any because i'm just going to get myself in trouble, if i do. i will leave out most of you. this is a room chocked full of incredible talented people like some of the guys standing right in front of me. big, big futures. big fat beautiful futures. i would love to be your age, i would pay you a lot of money to be your age.
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but we have some tremendously talented people in this room including tremendously talented political me right from the beginning. we had the safest border in the history of our country. we built 571 miles of wall. we mexico supply us with 28,000 soldiers because we wanted them and they said, we won't do that and i said, yes you will, you will. in the end, they did. it was an easy negotiation but we had the safest border, the now we have the worst numbers probably in the history of the world. it's sad to see what's happening to our cities. our citire migrant crime. and it's by and migrant crime. but it's a new category of crime and its violent. where they stand in the middle of the street and have fistfights with police officers. if they did that in their countries from where they came, they would be killed instantly, instantly. they wouldn't do that.
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so, the world is laughing at us, the world is taking advantage ofthree years ago we were at a level where we were energy independent. we will be very shortly energy dominant. today we were getting oil from venezuela, can you believe it? and we were doing numbers on that. we are refining our oil. i collect are, it's not oil it's terrible. but we are refining in houston. for all of the environmental's, you ought to look at that. all of that are is goingit's the only planet that can -- plans that can do it. we have the only temp -- plan second take our. we were energy independent, we will be energy dominant. we will supply oil to europe and all over the world. a tragic thing happened during the election. it was a chad city because all of the problems that you have today, i don't think you
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would've had any of them. you would only have success. that's what's ultimately going to unify this country and unify this party. we have a great republican party with tremendous talent and we want to have unity and we are going to have unity and it's going to happen very quickly. i have been saying lately, success will bring unity to our country and it happened before we had the best economy our country has ever had. people were calling me that i would've said, we it will never happen, it will never happen. they wanted to get together african-american, asian american, hispanic american women, men, pe with diplomas from the best schools in the world, and people that did not graduate from high school. every single group was doing better than ever before and it was a beautiful thing. our country was coming together. [applause] our country was coming together. and now we have a very divided
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country. we have a country that person uses weaponization against his political opponent, never happen. it happens in other countries, but they are third world countries. in some are a third world country. we are a third world country at our elections. and we have to stop that. we need a fair and free press. the press has not been fair, nor has it been free. but maybe someday they will be. they have been eaten up pretty badly. people are trusting them, they are not believing them. really it's a very important fact. the press usedman. it used to police our country. now nobody has confidence in them and we have to get that confidence back. it's so important for the success of our country. so important. so, this has been a day that we
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have been waiting for. i want to thank my family fogreat family, i have a great family. they have had a very easy since i decided to run for politics. they say thanks a lot, dad, we appreciate it. but they are strong and very capable people, and they love their country, they really do love the country. we appreciate it. i want to thank staff. susie, chris, incredible job. incredible job you are doing. i read an article yesterday where it said this is one of the finest run campaigns that anybody has ever seen. that's pretty good, right. that's pretty good. and we have no choice because is right around the corner. november 5 is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country.
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[applause] [crowd chanting "usa"] >> we are going to take it and we are going to make it like it should be, respected. right now we are not respected. right now our country is known as a joke. it's a joke. other leaders, who i speak to, other leaders cannot believe what happened to us. three years ago we were the most were -- most respected country anywhere in the world by far. we were doing things that nobody could believe. china was paying us billions and billions of dollars. in 25 years tape paid us nothing. nothing, zero. i was getting billions of dollars and they were happy about it, as happy as you can be. course, there's reasons for things having happens, but they
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were not so happy with certain things, i guess based on things took place. but we were getting along with everybody, we were getting along and we were respected by everybody. we had no wars. remember when i had the debate with hillary clinton and she said look at him look at that personality, he will cause wars. i said, no, my personality will keep us out of wars, and that's what happened. [applause] for 20 years they were fighting isis, i defeated isis in four weeks. i got rid of ice's, 100% of the isis caliphate and we had no wars, and we stop the wars. we were getting along with a lot of countries, all of a sudden north korea, which is a serious
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nuclear power. but north korea came along. kim jong-un, we got along very well. we got along very well with china until covid. that was a little bit too much, as far as i was concerned. i couldn't take that one. but we made a trade deal with china that i don't even talk about. $50 billion in year they bought from our farmers, our manufacturers. these two by 10, i got 50 and it was great, but i don't even talk about that because covid was such a horrible thing. it started in the wuhan labs, just as i said. the will hand labs. -- wuhan labs. it came out, i some people think it wasn't, but i believe it was. it cost $60 trillion worth of damage and death all over the world. all over the world. we did a fantastic job on that. we never got credit for that. unbelievable job on that. we came up with things that nobody thought was possible. don't forget when he came in,
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nobody had an idea what it was. they did notnobody had an idea. we did a fantastic job and we got a lot of credit for the economy, a lot of credit for our foreign policy. credit like -- very few people have gotten. the press was very honest. they gave us very high marks foreign policy, the abraham accords, so many different things we did. but we never got the kind of do that we should have for the covid, or as i call it affectionately the chinese virus, the china virus. which is a much more accurate term. and despite that, the stock market, when we turned it over, the stock market was higher than it was prior to covid coming in it was an amazing thing, we did an amazing job and we have so many people that worked on that. so many of the doctors, so many of the scientist that worked on that it was really, really
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something, but there has never been an administration that had more success in so many different elements. we've got the largest tax cuts and histories, we have the largest tax cuts. we rebuilt our military. and what happens, we rebuild our entire military and beautiful we had jet fighters that were 53 years old. and we had all brand-new jet fighters. and then after this other group of people that did not know what they were doing, they took over and we had that horrible surrender in afghanistan. i call it a surrender. we took the soldiers out first.with the leaders of the taliban in afghanistan. they were causing the trouble. the press was very angry because they said, why are you calling them. i said, that's what the problem is. i say often times ask jesse james.
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jesse, why do you rob banks? he said, that's where the money is. i said, that's where the problem is with the taliban. i spoke with the leader. he's really the leader of afghanistan and the leader of the taliban. a rough group. i said, don't ever shoot our soldiers again. don't ever do it. very interesting what happens, we were having -- during the obama administration previously, they were shooting a lot of our soldiers and i let them know don't ever, ever let that happen. i said in a rather nasty fashion, we don't have to go into it tonight. for 18 months we lost nobody in had that horrible, horrible withdraw where we lost 13 soldiers, 38 horribly wounded, left americans behind. you know we have americans right now still behind. call them hostages if you like. it was a terrible moment. we left $85 billion worth of
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brand-new, beautiful equipment behind. jets and tanks. dog goals, night goggles. they did not use to fight. they are good fighters. they did not used to fight at night but now they do because they have goggles. they have better goggles than we have. i just want to tell you that led to a lot of bad things. now, the worse are happening. the things that are happening now are unthinkable and they are unthinkable at the border. we have millions of people invading our country. this is an invasion, this is the worst invasion probably -- we've never had anything like it. no country has ever had anything like it, the number today could be 15 million people and they are coming from rough places and dangerous places, and we had that shut down. we had everything going so beautifully. when joe biden goes to the beach, becausey on his staff things he looks very good in a bathing suit.
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until he cannot get his feet out of the sand or lift the chairs nine answers. joe biden, if he would've just left everything alone, he could've gone to the beach and had tremendous success at the border and elsewhere. so we are going to take back our country. we are going to make sure we are going to do it right. we are going to have the greatest economy ever in the history of our country. we are going to top what we did. we are going to become an energy center of the world. we are ready to become energy dominant. they stopped that, but we are going to become energy dominant. we will pay off debt. we will do things that nobody thought was possible. we hadn't done our second phase of the tax cuts. where we did the tax cuts the democrats vote is very hard. now they say, i guess that was pretty good because we took in
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much more revenues after we cut taxes, then we did all of those regulation cuts and people were working. everybody was happy and we were all proud of our country. but we arey. this election because we have no choice. if we lose the election, we are not going to have a country left. [applause] and we are going to do something -- thank you very much. we love you too. and we love our country. and we cannot let this magnificent -- some people call it an experiment i don't call it an experiment, i just say this is a magnificent place, a magnificent country, and it's so sad to see how far it's come and gone. when you look at the depths of ere it's gone, we cannot let that happen, we will straighten it out, we will close our borders. we will drill, baby drill.
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we will get the inflation down, and we are going to make our country greater than ever before. and we are going to do it quickly. we are going to do it quickly. it's going to go fast. we have to get the criminals out. we have many, many criminals that have entered our country. we have people coming in from such bad places. we are going to have to get them out. we have murders that are being deposited into ourdrug dealers at the biggest and highest levels coming into our country. we have people coming into our country that just shouldn't be he many large percentages that come in through the caravans, they come in many different ways. now we find out they come in through airplanes. this is crazy, but they, our country, we will stop them. we will close our borders, we will have to support people, a lot of bad people because our countries cannot live like this. our cities are choking to death. our states are dying frankly our country is dying and we are
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going to make america great again. greater than ever before. thank you very much. it's been a big night. thank you very much. thank you. ♪ >> ♪ don't have to worry ♪ ♪
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fmr. pres. trump: former president -- host: formeesident donald trump shaking hands with supporters. fox news with the headlines of the former president. the incumbent m[çapresid sweeping super tuesday. we are getting your reaction to super tuesday results here on c-span. john mcardle is also with us. with>> sweeping super tuesday for donald sweep. let me pe watch the green mountain state. then, let me take you to weigh out to the pacific ocean to american samoa. this is the associated press tweet about what happened there tonight in the democratic primary. was sweeping every democratic contest on super tuesday except for american samoa. he fell short to a previously unnamed -- unknown candidate jason palmore. here's a little bit more on jason palmer, a self-described entrepreneur and investor. this is biden's first loss in
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the 2024 primary. palmer gets a grand total of four delegates. will get to from americantweet from the official count of jason palmer saying he is honored to announce his victory in the presidential primary. thank you to the incredible community. this win is a of our power and voices together we can rebuild the american dream and shape a broader future for all with the democratic presidential candidate jason palmer. you can see click that banner, campaign 2024 at the top of the page. >> 15 states and one territory as you just learned, voting tonight in the super tuesday contest. we are going to talk about minnesota now. joining us from that state is sam woodward. reporter based there. sam woodward, what do you make of the results so far in the republican primary contest in minnesota, and talk about the margins. >>so far results have been slowly
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coming in. although 30 minutes after polls closed at about 8:30 central time, ap called the race for former president donald trump. currently, we have about 65% of the votes in. he is teetering a little bit below we s h 75%, and as things have calmed down, he is down to 68. host: what are suburban voters in minnesota doing tonight, and why is it important to watch those votes? that's a great -- great question, minnesota suburban voters have always been extremely crucial. thoseple county surrounding the metro. you have scott county, dakota county, carver county, you are thinking of these people, but it might be going from side to side. whether or not it's going from a biden vote in 2022 a possible nikki vo in 2024. so far, we cannot tell from that. that the people i have spoken to
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in the suburbs, they are the most both parties at this point. they are very disappointed with the fact that it is looking to be a 2020 rematch between trump and biden. as much as they wanted to see -- maybe not a third-party candidate come forward but a viable alternate candidate from either party to be a strong leader for the united states in 2024. whoever that would've been,as we were looking forward through the suburbs and as those results come in, we are really looking to see whether or not nikki haley was able to garner some of that support because that's where donald trump in 2020, had really suffered to garner that support. host: moving over to the democratic primary contest in minnesota, what role is the uncommitted vote tonight , following michigan's primary? guest: absolutely. here in minnesota, not compared to michigan becau popul a ts number of people that
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are voti u significantly, one couple had said i have been democrat for my entire life, and i have supported joe biden through his presidency. and his lack of calling for a cease-fire in gaza, and his ally ship with israel is my final straw. they have either said they will not vote in november or they will vote for a third-party candidate. but what matters is that today they voted uncommitted. another person that i had spoke to had admitted upfront that, yes, today i voted uncommitted. but i will for sure be voting for biden in november. they had described this vote as a protest, almost as to scare the biting campaign, to really test them and say, i'm a democrat, i support you, i supp done but you need to go further in making sure the u.s. takes some part in stopping this violence. we are seeing a lot of different
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strategy coming forward with this uncommitted vote. whether or not it will garner much more attention in other states, or it will continue to follow through in november is something we have yet to see. host:ta . you about his candidacy going forward? guest: look, it's a great question. i spoke with congressman philpsnd i asked that very question, presuming this was going to be the outcome. he has been very open from the beginning, but he does not see himself as the perfect candidate to fill this position. while we had our conversation, he said from very early on, when we biden would be seeking reelection, he had really tried to get a solid candidate with a name recognition out there to be an alternate to president biden. he admitted that he did not have that option, so he decided to be the one to push that. at one of the main issues that he had expressed was the fact that name recognition was a
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massive issue in these early primary states. so, to a degree, i guess you could credit some of his losses to that, but also the fact that he really failed to distinguish himself from biden early on in his campaign, other than being quite a bit younger than him -- than him. he had a close voting record to the president during his time in congress. and during our conversation he admitted, i did not spend a lot of time in minnesota. not only is he a congressman but he was trying to get name recognition everywhere else. it's really a question of whether that name recognition in minnesota was helpful for him tonight. i have spoken with a lot of his constituents in the third district that are incredibly unhappy with him. whether that be they see him throwing away his seat for this long shop -- longshot at the presidency, or something more granular of missing households while he's on the campaign trail.
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. some spoke to me and said to keim jeffries and him had come to an agreement saying he would come back to d.c. whenever he was needed for floor votes. and when i had spoken with him last week, he was on his way back to d.c. it's very clear that there was a massive miscommunication with phillips and his constituency. and it seemed as though he really failed to differentiate himself between the alternative candidate, who is the incumbent and also making it clear that even to his home state he was the right choice. host: what has it been like on the ground in minnesota? have you seen a lot of activity heading into tonight super tuesday, and what does it mean so far for voter turnout? what do the numbers look like? guest: absolutely. like i said earlier, i have been at the polls since 9:00 a.m. this morning talking to various election officials. every election official i spoke
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to today was absolutely floored by the lack of people in those high school gymnasiums and those recreation centers. those are empty compared to what has been like in past years. a lot of the people that i have spoken to. the first question i ask is how are you feeling. really excited. it was very, this is my civic duty. there is really the nse of not only is there disaffection for the two front runners that we now have called to the state of minnesota, but also the disengagement. there has been a lot of thoughts prior to throughout my reporting i talked with people who have been lifelong voters. it be lifelong republicans are lifelong democrats that say, why should i vote if i know was going to win. polls throughout the paew months have predicted this perfectly. there were very few local polls that had done thesef tabulations about how minnesota
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would fare. but all of them were correct in that donald trump and president joe biden would take on the victory today. talking with voters at the polls, talking with people these past few months, it almost feels like afrom the conversations that i'm having with minnesota constituents. and as we know, minnesota had record voter turnout. these are politically active, vocal people. we have consistently high voter turnout. they have passed sweeping acts in the past 2023 legislative session. making sure vote has access to vote, whether that be rain and franchising -- or having additional language material for people that don't speak english. there have been so many different things that the dsl lead legislator has put on the table to make it as easy as possible to vote. so today, talking to voters,
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seeing those lackty spaces in the gyms it is just not as exciting as i was hoping it would be. i'm sure the election judges are feeling the same way. host: sam woodward, you can follow her reporting at usa today. thank you very much. in minnesota, there the republican primary ctest delegates at stake. we have been telling you about vermont'sl- winner by the associated press 49.7% to 46% for the former president. back to our calls and your thoughts on campaign 2024 and super tuesday. ed in beverly, massachusetts. did you vote in your state today? caller: i did vote. i'm in massachusetts. i voted republican. republican voter in massachusetts is almost useless i votfrankly, i'm a little surprise
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that nationwide, she's not doing better. i just think her message of trying to get away from the chaos 'urprised that she doesn't do better all around, but today was pretty clear. i think the results are pretty clear who the candidates are going to be. host: what wowill you do in november? who will you vote for? caller: i will probably go third party and look at the libertarian. host: and why not the incumbent joe biden? caller: i really don't like joe biden. been. i think biden is -- i just don't see him as a leader. i think he is probably as much a puppet as anything and there are plenty of people in the background pulling all the strings and every now and then they prop him up at the podium. host: how did you vote in 2016
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and 2020? caller: i'm trying to think. in 2020i would'v' whatever the libertarian was, i forget with the name even was. andhost: ed in massachusetts. 40 delegates are at stake. 60 are allocated proportionally -- allocated based on statewide results. and if it candidate receives 60% or more of a vote, they get all the delegates. then for the democratic contest 92 delegates are at stake, 60 are allocated on nine congressional districts, 32 are allocated based on statewide results. mike, san diego, republican. did you vote today? caller: yes. thank you for calling. i kind of feel like -- host: listening team, you dropped off. caller: can you hear me now? host: yep, we can hear you.
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caller: the left coast, as a republican, here in the belly of the beast in california, i was only primarily wanting to call because i want all of the folks that are for biden and the folks for the left to ask -- to ask themselves may be a question. are you better off today then you were three years ago, i would venture to say that most americans probably are not especially due to fifty-year inflation, disaster at the border do these people really want to pay for millions of people? do they really want to go in their wallets and want to have them live in their neighborhoods, go through their cities? now airlifted through past the border security. if you don't have a border, you don't have a country. i guess, is this the america these want? i would venture to say these are questions that people that vote for the left should ask themselves. host: mike, i will leave it there. we have another call from --
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from california. scott in fresno frocalifornia. did you participate in the primary? caller: yes i did. host: who did you vote for? caller: i voted for nikki haley. host: why did you support her? caller: i believe that she represent strong leadership. she has a good record of working with a wide range of people, and i overall she would become a great leader, in terms of the presidency question -- presidency. host: who will you vote for in november if it's between the former president in the current president? caller: i don't know will have to determine. i did not vote for trump in 2020. i did vote for him in 2016. host: why not in 2020? caller: because i thought that
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he was just too divisive i should add, i did not vote for biden in 2020 either but i did not feel that trump was a unifier. host: ok. in california, a lot of delegates atrepublicans, one hundred 69, the candidate receiving 50% plus one of the votes will get all of those delegates. for the democrats, there are 400 24 delegates at stake, 200 77 come from district level and overall state delegates. that is how it is allocated in california. tonight, the polls closing there at 11:00 p.m. eastern time, just a few minutes away. john mcardle. >> just to follow-up on the associated pre call of oshe'wandinhe thatthe washington, d.c. republican primary over the weekend. though, donald trump is continually -- continuing to march towards a nomination,
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racking up the majority of victories tonight. jim pointing out on his twitter page that donald trump had passed 700 of the 100 16 delegates needed to win the nomination. of course, the big hall state of called and donald trump is expected to win handily there. the washington examiner executive editor, follow on twitter if you want to follow. he also had an update on the biden delegate numbers. he is closing in on the thousand out of the 1000 968 required delegates period when california does come in, there were -- there will be plenty of down ballot races to talk about. let me update you on the down ballot races we havet. alabama's fir that's because of redistricting. s racedi are now less than half a percentage point eme moving on to the general election and one member will not be in congress in the next congress. another down ballot race to talk about that we have been
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following tonight, that is in the secondocrati -- the new majority black t it's pitting total in on that race. another race we have been watching and talking about tonight is that texas senate primary on the democratic side. this is to see who goes on to phase ted lred. it has notor abovee go right to texas the e. ou hereat and he's at about political report notes tony gonzalez posted for bipartisan gun safety legislation in the wake of uvalde and the key here is that 50% threshold. so he won't move on to the general election tonight if he doesn't crack 50%. he is below that right now. he's about 46%. so that is when we will continue to keep an ion tonight for all of our results. and you can click on there on the top of the web page. check out the races you are most interested in. host: let's focus on the west
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coast tonight. one of those states is colorado. joining us there is a political reporter with the colorado sun. jesse paul, a lot of folks watching y tonight after the supreme court overturned the colorado supreme court. what do you make of the people in the republican primary turning out and how they voted after that decision? guest: colorado unaffiliated independent voters are able to cast ballots in primaries. overwhelmingly they decided -- in the republican primary is a stans nikki haley is hovering at 34%. donald trump is oushe should win some delegates out of colorado. trump is overwhelmingly the winner but i think it is a oscli'm not sure the supreme court case has much of an impact on the results. i think the unaffiliated voters should showed up to send a
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message that they don't like donald trump. host: how many delegates at stake for the republicans in colorado and explain the allocation. guest: i think it is about 75. a smaller number than there are for democrats, just because republicans have smaller delegate numbers overall across the country. it is a proportional system where you start to get delegates after more than 20% of the vote for republicans. math yet. she should get five, seven delegates out of colorado. given the national picture, bad night for her across the country. not sure it will make much of a difference. republicans are calling this trump country. i think this result shows that is maybe not quite the case. host: how many different ways were there to vote in colorado
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on this super tuesday? guest: in terms could vote on the ballot in terms of the choices on the ballot. colorado we set our primary ballot on january 5. a number of folks on the ballot are no longer in the race, chris christie, vivek ramaswamy, h a hudson -- age of hutchinson are on the ballot. ughout their vote. our turnout overall was very low. itvoters by the time polls closed. folks certainly had weeks to cast their ballots. not a lot of excitement about this race. similar to how it is across the country, a predetermined outcome. host: front runners in both parties for former president trump and president biden?
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guest: for biden's campaign i'm feeling confident. colorado is a liberal state and there was a late push to get people to vote for the noncommitted delegate option, but it's only hovering at about 7%. democrats here don't start allocating delegates unless a ballot choice get 15% or more. that is a disappointing showing for the more progressive groups in colorado that wanted to send a message to president biden about the israel-hamas war. in terms of trump i just was not -- it is a convincing victory, but given nikki haley will not be the party's nominee, it is interesting it was not an overwhelming victory. she will get delegates. i think it weakens the president's position in the state. colorado has been trending blue for two, four election cycles now. everyone fully expects biden to win in november.
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he beat trump by 13% in 2020. all indications are maybe it tightens a bit but it should be a solid victory for biden. host: jesse paul with the colorado sun, political reporter. thanks for your time this evening. guest: thanks for having me. host: back to calls. mike in new york. caller: hi, how you doing? host: good. what are your thoughts on super tuesday? caller: i am a democrat. looking pretty good for the president right now. i think he's going to get reelected with no problem. host: you don't see any issues any weaknesses for the incumbent president? caller: no. i don't see no weakness. it is better than trump. we can't trust trump because trump does not tell the truth all the time. host: mike's thoughts there in new york.
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sharon is in massachusetts. did you vote in the primary today? caller: yes i did. host: how did you vote? caller: i voted for nikki haley. it was a hands-down call for me. host: explain. caller: i'm very concerned. i am very concerned about what is happening to our country and in our country. i don't feel that the people in washington are looking out for those of us who put them inf$ their chairs in washington. and if anyone has any doubts about donald trump, all you have to do is read thenathan carl called "tired of winning." it is a mind blowing book. it took me two days to read the entire book. i voted for trump in '16. i thought he had a business sense. then i read jon carl's first book and found out trump has no business sense. then i read "betrayal" and watched january 6 from beginning to end. i was astounding.
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when i went to the capital as a young child, i went in the front door the first time and the back door the second time. my parents and i did not break a window to get into that capitol. it was sad. it was disgusting. host: how did you vote in 2020? caller: i voted for trump in '16, i voted for biden in 2020. in good conscious i cannot vote -- good conscience i cannot vote for either one of them. i don't know that i will in november. host: toledo, iowa, democratic caller. dennis? trump, he did not protect us. in iowa, molly made national newhen trump was president he did not protect her. he was saying how he is a family man. was he a family man to the first
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wife he cheated on? or maybe he was a family man to the second wife he cheated on? blame democrats for abortions. abortions became legal in 1973 when nixon was president, and it was a republican supreme court that made abortions legal, not the democrats. it is biden who did not four bimbos like trump. host: roger in new york, democratic caller. caller: hi, good evening. you are doing a magnificent job. host: thanks, roger. what are your thoughts on campaign 2024 and what you are learning tonight about the super tuesday well, itening to
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-- one of your callers. it is fascinating to watch this democratic process. great and all that. he has a big war with disney. disney makes $80 billion a year nationally. i'm listening to trump and he makes it like it is a depression, like hoover. my father left austria in the '40's. trump, to me, is like hitler. he does the big lie. we have the best israel is fighting for theiri feel very disgusted about trump.trump, with his crime and the
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documents, i can't -- he has -- i will not vote for trump. host: roger there in new york. more of your calls coming upand results from california. there polls closed at the top of the hour 11:00 p.m. eastern time. ryan is joining us from utah, a political reporter with the salt lake tribune. explain how utah voters participated in super tuesday today. guest: democrats had a regular primary election and in utah are a primarily vote by mail state, so those ballots went out to democratic votersvoter in any party who requested a ballot in the democratic permit every got one about three weeks ago. they could have voted in person today as well. the republicans decided to hold their presidential nominating contest as part of their party
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es which are held every two years in the state. we are getting reports that that is not working out very well for them. reports of chaos all over the place as their online system has crashed. they are having trouble registering people for the caucuses because they can't get internet at the schools where they are holding them. so they are going to be holding the election in these neighborhood meetings, but we have no idea when we are going to get any results because it is just a disaster, it has been described to me, in several places, especially in the most populous areas of the ste salt lake county. host: so at this point, what do we know about the republican primary? guest: nothing. we really don't know anything. they will be calling those start of the caucuses were delayed. t one of the places they had over 2000 people in line,
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and they were unable to get online because there was no internet at the high school wher. they could not register anyone. people were walking away. so i'm sure the results will start to trickle in parts of the state where they did not encounter problems, but at the larger turnout parts, who knows when these will come in? i expect they will be sometime in the next hour or two but it is really not a good look for the gop. host: give us the back story. why did they decide on a caucus? caller: they did the same thing in 2016. and what happened was in 2016 the party decided to have a caucus. that forced the democratic party in the state to have a caucus as well because the legislature decided not to fund a primary election just for the democrats. republicans here outnumber
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democrats almost 5:1. the republican-controlled sides. places ran out of. after that blackeye, the legislature passed a law in 2019 that said there would be a presidential caucus on super tuesday but parties couldwhat happened this year is the republican party opted out of the primary where democrats decided to have a primary.the legislature funded it on the final day of the session, which just wrapped up last week. they decided to give the money to the lieutenant governor's office that they had already spent on the primary. part of the reason is the republican party charged each one of the campaigns $50,000 to appear on the ballot. that was the filing fee. there are six candidates on the ballot, even though donald trump and nikki haley are the only ones left in the race. the party pocketed about $300,000. they have really been struggling with money for the past couple
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years. that helped them claw out of a hole. you have to wonder if the juice is worth the squeeze because of all the problems they are having tonight. it is just a blackeye. host: bryan schott covering this for the salt lake tribune. we will follow your reporting throughout tonight and tomorrow. thank you very much for that update out of utah. guest: thank you. host: back to john mcardle for some more results this evening. guest: we will take you to the west coast. we na 72% of the vote. al norssee chten, lee. the elections in california, the so-called jungle primaries where the top two vote getters will go to the general election regardless of party. on that primaryub fthe top two vote getters in the country go to the general election, so will it be two
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democrats, one of the members of congress and steve garvey? if california's past is prologue tonight, it may be until tomorrow until we know the actual results. are a couple races we are watching in california. those are the ones where it ict of california. range congresswoman katie porter's sewe will see what happens in that seat for this primary is the 20th distric slace hone note on kevin mccarthy, he was doing an interview with fox news tonight and had some comments about nikki haley. former house speaker kevin mccarthy praised the former u.n. ambassador nikki haley on super tuesday night, saying he'd like to see her have a role in a future republican administration if she abandons her presidential kevin mccarthy in an interview with fox news, being reported by the hill. we are showing you the tweet on
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c-span tonight. one more race we have been tracking allnocalifornia members of congress against each other. re men -- ay first district the winner goes on to the general election and the loser leavesgress, so we will see what happens there. host:ll of our results can be found on our website cnn by the way projecting president biden wins 15 states tonight. former president trump at least 12 states tonight.
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